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      • KCI등재

        The Behaviors of Phosphorus-32 and Ptoassium-42 under the Control of Thermoperiod and Potassium Level

        김용철,Kim, Y.C. 한국토양비료학회 1968 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        영양조건(營養條件)으로서 가리(加里)가 대사과정(代謝過程)의 활성화(活性化) 내지조정자(乃至調整者)라는 견지(見地)에서 가리공급수준과(加里供給水準) 생태적조정조건(生態的調整條件)이라고 볼 수 있는 온도주기성(溫度週期性)이 고구마 생육(生育)과 몇 가지 동위원소(同位元素) 동태(動態)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 살피었다. 역경배양하(礫耕培養下) 저수준가리구(低水準加里區)(3m.e/l)는 생장(生長)을 현저(顯著)히 억제(抑制)할 뿐 아니라 말기(末期)에는 대리(待異)한 생장점(生長點) 위조현상(萎凋現象) 등을 나타나게 하였다. 고수준가리구(高水準加里區)(14m.e/l) 특히 암기저온구(暗期低溫區)는 현저(顯著)한 초장(草丈), 마디수(數), 생체중증대(生體重增大)를 가져오고 질소효과와 비슷한 영양생장촉진생육상(營養生長促進生育相)을 나타냈으나 함유질소(含有窒素)를 분석(分析)한 결과 저수준가리구(低水準加里區)가 평균(平均) 2.86~3.23% 고수준가리구(高水準加里區)가 2.91~3.41%로서 큰 차이(差異)를 나타낸 것으로 볼 수 없다. 따라서 고수준가리구(高水準加里區)의 영양생장촉진형(營養生長促進型) 유도(誘導) 특히 초장촉진(草丈促進)은 가리(加里)가 질소흡수(窒素吸收)를 촉진(促進)한데 연유(然由)한 것이 아니라 가리자체(加里自體)의 효과로 보인다. 저수준가리구(低水準加里區)에서는 괴근형성(塊根形成)이 불능(不能)하였지만 고수준가리구(高水準加里區)에서는 영양생장촉진생육상(營養生長促進生育相)에 수반하며 질소효과와는 달리 후기(後期)에는 괴근형성(塊根形成)도 왕성(旺盛)하였다. 고수준가리구중(高水準加里區中)에서도 암기저온구(暗期低溫區)에서는 더욱 영양생장촉진경향(營養生長促進傾向)이 원저(願著)하고 암기고온구(暗期高溫區)에서는 지상부대지하부비(地上部對地下部比), 또는 괴근비(塊根比)가 월등(越等)하여 원래(元來)의 온도주기성(溫度週期性)의 효과가 고수준가리(高水準加里)에 의(依)하며 변화(變化)된 것으로 보인다. 인(燐)-32 가리(加里)-42의 개체당(個體當) 흡수(吸收) 및 흡수율(吸收率)은 고수준(高水準) 가리구(加里區)에서 현저(顯著)하고 특(特)히 괴근형성기(塊根形成期) 및 괴근생성(塊根生成)이 가장 왕성(旺盛)한 구(區)에서 증대(增大)되고 있나 p-32보다 k-42동태(動態)가 이점(點)에 관하여 더 활발(活潑)한 것을 볼 수 있다. 저수준가리구(低水準加里區)에서는 P-32, K-42의 지상부(地上部)로의 이동(移動)이 억제(抑制)되고 고수준가리구(高水準加里區)에서는 촉진(促進)되고 있다. 즉 가리(加里)가 인(燐)-32와 가리(加里)-42의 지상부전이(地上部轉移) 특(特)히 생장점(生長點)으로의 전이(轉移)에 밀접(密接)한 관계(關係)를 가지고 있다. 가리함량(加里含量)은 고수준가리구(高水準加里區)에서 높고 근신장기(根伸長期)보다 괴근형성기(塊根形成期)에 감에 따라 증가(增加)되고 있지만 인산함량(燐酸含量)은 별차이(別差異)가 없고 나토리움함량(含量)은 가리(加里)와 대조적(對照的)으로 정반대(正反對)의 경향(傾向)을 나타내고 있다. 가리(加里)는 온도주기성(溫度週期性)의 관여하(關與下) 고구마생장(生長)에 지리(持異)한 효과를 나타내고 또 P-32, K-42이동(移動)등 기본적(基本的) 대사과정(代謝過程)에 관여(關與)하기 때문에 공급량(供給量)이나 조건(條件)에 따라서 다양적효과를 가질 수 있는 영양요소(營養要素)라고 본다. 본연구(本硏究)를 지도(指導) 1. The experiment was carried out for investigating the interaction between potassium nutrition and thermoperiod (as an environment regulating factor) in relation to behaviors of several nutrients including phosphorus-32 and Potassium-42 in IPOMOEA BATAS. 2. To obtain same condition to trace the behaviors of phosphorus and potassum-42 they were simultaneously incorporated to roots. The determination of each CPM by counting twice with adequate interval and calculating true CPM of each isotope according to different half-life, was carried out with satisfactory. 3. Some specific symptoms i.e, chlorosis and withering of growing point under the condition of lower potassium level were found and was accelerated by the low night temperature. 4. A manganese shortage in growing point of the lower potassium level was found by activiation analysis and very low distribution ratio of phosphorus-32 and potassium-42 in the growing point of the lower potassium level was manifested, though the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium were not in great difference. 5. In addition to the low water content with appearence of "hard", shorterning internode and lower ratio of roots to shoot as well as the symptoms of potassium deficiency such as brown spot in leaf blade and necrosis of leaf margin were appeared at later stage of experiment at the lower potassium level. 6. Very stimulating vegetative growth, e.g, large plant length, leaf expansion, increasing node number and fresh weight as well as high ratio of roots to shoot, high water content was resulted in the condition of higher potassium level. 7. A specific interaction between higher potassium level and thermoperiod was found, that is, the largest tuber production and the largest ratio of roots to shoot were resulted in the combined condition of higher potassium level and constant temperature while the largest plant length, fresh weight etc. i.e. the most stimulative vegetative growth was resulted in the combined condition of higher potassium level and low night temperature. 8. Comparatively low water content in the former condition of stimulative tuber production was resulted(especially at the tuber thickening stage), while high water content in the latter condition of stimulative vegetation was resulted though the higher potassium level made generally high water contents. 9. The nitrogen contents of soluble and insoluble did not make distinct difference between the lower and higher potassium level. 10. Though the phosphorus contents were not distinctly different by the potassium level, the lower potassium level made the percentage of phosphorus increased at tuber forming stage accumulating more phosphorus in roots, while the higher potassium level decreased percentage of phosphorus at that stage. 11. The higher potassium level made distinctly high potassium contents than the lower potassium level and increased contents at the tuber forming stage through both conditions. 12. The sodium contents were low in the condition of higher potassium level than the lower potassium level and decreased at tuber forming stage in both conditions, on the contary of potassium. 13. Except the noticeable deficeney of manganese in the growing point of the lower potassium level, mangense and magnesium contents in other organs did not make distinct difference according to the potassium level. 14. Generally more uptake and large absorption rate of phosphorus-32 and potassium-42 were resulted at the higher potassium level, and the most uptake, and the largest absorption rate of phosphorus and potassium-42 (especially potassium-42 at tuber forming stage) were resulted in the condition of higher potassium level and constant temperature which made the highest tuber production. 15. The higher potassium level stimulated the translocation of phoshorus-32 and potassium-42 from roots to shoots while the lower potassium level suppressed or blocked the translocation. 16. Therefore, very large distribu

      • 초기변형을 갖고 있는 회전축의 동특성에 관한 연구

        김용철(Y.C.Kim),김봉균(B.K.Kim),김병옥(B.O.Kim) 한국자동차공학회 1997 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.6_2

        In this study, the effects of residual shaft bow and flexble bearings of a single disk rotor are investigated. The stiffness coefficients of a shaft with initial deflection are different from those of a straight shaft. The stiffness coefficients are calculated using Castigliano theorem considering initial deflection. The stiffness coefficients, Which are obtained in this study, are in good agreement with FEM results. The speed which causes zero amplitude is shown to be the square root of the ratio of residual bow amplitude to unbalance eccentricity in the case of rigid bearings and isotropic flexible bearings, but not in anisotropic bearings.<br/>

      • KCI등재

        비균질 지반위에 놓여있는 보의 고유진동수

        김용철(Y. C. Kim) 한국해양공학회 1992 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        The natural frequencies of a beam on elastic foundation are investigated in the present paper.<br/> The inhomogeneous elastic foundation can be modelled as a combination of distributed translational spring, rotational spring, intermediate supports and dampers. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system are obtained by using the Galerkin's method, and also compared with the results in the literature. Furthermore, the natural frequencies of the beam with elastically mounted masses, which can be used as vibration absorbers, are obtained by an efficient numerical scheme suggested in the present paper.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        석유 시추보호관의 운동특성에 관한 실험적 고찰

        김용철(Yong C. Kim),이판묵(Pan M. Lee),홍사영(Sa Y. Hong) 한국해양공학회 1988 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        The experimental investigations on the motion characteristics of a marine riser both in air and water were performed. The static deflections and natural frequencies of the riser in air including the effect of static offset, were obtained from the experiment. These results were compared with those of theoretical prediction by using a simple asymptotic formula. In order to investigate the nonlinear motion characteristics of the riser subject to nonlinear viscous drag and large displacement, the forced oscillation tests both in air and water were performed. In the forced oscillation tests in air, it was found that the transverse motion due to geometrical nonlinearity grows when the amplitude of in-line oscillation exceeds a certain critical value, say, order of 1-2 diameters. The planar motions of the riser in water due to vortex shedding and the geometrical nonlinearity were described. Some of these results were also compared with those of theoretical analysis, which uses a numerical perturbation technique based on the derived linear asymptotic solutions, and found to be generally in good agreement.

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