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      • KCI등재

        훈민정음 ‘후설위주’와 ‘청탁ㆍ합벽’, 사성 의미에 관한 고찰

        NIE BAOMEI 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.97 No.-

        In this study, we analyze the deep meaning of ‘喉舌爲主', '淸濁' and '闔闢' term, the four tones in Hunminjeongeum Haireibon from I-Ching and phonetical view. As we all known that throat(喉) and tone(舌) are the most important articulator, not only because they are applicable to water(水) and fire(火) of the five elements, but only because they are also important than tooth and lip as phonetics articulator. In Hunminjeongeum the meaning of Chinese character '喉' includes the epiglottis(會厭) deeply. '淸濁' and '闔闢' can be used as I-Ching and phonetical term. Considering the effectiveness and briefness of depiction in Hunminjeongeum, the '闔闢' of hangeul consonants was skipped by Haireibon compiler. To the four tones of Hangeul, phonetics nature and I-Ching nature are two sides of the same coin. The four tones was assigned at the four seasons. It referred to harmony principle of spirit(氣) in Taijitushuo(太極圖說). The examples of four tones, ‘弓, 石, 刀' symbolize the military service examination,(武 科) '筆’ symbolize Civil Service Examination(文科). Hunminjeongeum was made for subjects whoever want take the state examination.

      • KCI등재

        훈민정음 초성의 배열과 음양오행 원리

        NIE BAOMEI 한글학회 2016 한글 Vol.- No.312

        The purpose of this study is to explore the systematic Yin-Yang(陰陽) and the Five Elements(五行) of choseong's assignment and assignment's order in Hunminjeongeum. There is two different assignment of choseong in 『Jejahae』(制字解). The assignment of ‘喉牙舌齒脣’ fits up the very beginning order of the Five Elements. In Hunminjeongeum, choseong was assigned at the five Elements(五行), the Direction(五方), the season(五時), the O-eum(五音) and the O-seong(五聲). It fit up philosophical principle of the Five Elements(五行). Although the philosophical of Yin-Yang(陰陽) didn't appear in Hunminjeongeum. But the every consonant of Hangeul all has the principle of Yin-Yang(陰陽) and the Five Elements(五行). In 「Jejahae」(制字解), won-hyeong-i-jeong(元亨利貞) and the four season start from Jeong(貞) and winter respectively. Jeong(貞) and winter are the beginning of all the creation as well as the end. 본고는 훈민정음 초성자의 배열 순서에 내재된 오행 원리와 초성자의 제자에 내재된 음양오행 원리를 밝히는 데 목적을 둔다. 「제자해」를 보면 초성자는 두 가지 방식으로 배열되어 있다. 초성 기본자의 자형을 설명하는 부분에서는 ‘아설순치후’의 순서로 초성자가 배열되었고, ‘오행, 오방’ 등을 설명하는 부분에서는 ‘후아설치순’의 순서로 배열되었다. 본고에서는 ‘후아설치순’의 배열 순서에 주목하였는데, ‘후아설치순’의 배열이 오행의 처음 생하는 초생의 순서에 부합함을 새롭게 밝혔다. 「제자해」[정음해례3ㄱ]에는 ‘是則初聲之中, 自有陰陽五行方位之數也.’라고 하여 오행의 원리와 더불어 음양의 원리가 적용됨을 강조하였지만, 실제 설명에서 초성의 음양 원리는 문장 액면에 나타나지 않는다. 본고에서는 초성의 음양 원리가 오성, 오행, 오시, 오방 등의 배열 항목에 내재되어 있고, 초성 23자가 전체적으로 하나의 태극을 이루면서 오음마다 작은 차원의 태극을 이룬다는 사실을 밝혔다.

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