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        사회복지교육과정 개편방향의 논의와 과제: 사회복지사업법 시행령 및 시행규칙 개정안(案)을 중심으로

        정종화,최은라,김제선 한국사회복지교육협의회 2014 한국사회복지교육 Vol.27 No.-

        Through the National Assembly’s public hearing, this study based on discussion foryears to suggest the direction of revising the social welfare education curriculum, hasproposed“the Revised Bill of Enforcement Decree and Rule of the Social Welfare ServicesAct”outlining, for example, the reorganization of new curriculum subjects which reflectthe actual condition survey of social welfare education, the current status of socialwelfare education in advanced countries and the timely situation of social welfaresettings. To gather opinions and mediate arguments, the contents of discussion in thepublic hearing passed through the representatives’ conference of the related agencies ororganizations about social welfare education and finally the next following results of thestudy have been recommended. First, the standard of social welfare’s subject completion should be fortified bystrengthening the regulation of finishing the required courses for social welfare education. That is the standard of the social worker’s qualification should be changed from thepresent ‘14 subjects 42 credits’ to 17 subjects 51 credits. To the court required subjects, ‘3subjects 9 credits’which are“Social Work Values and Ethics, and Program DevelopmentAnd Evaluation, and Case Management”are newly added. To the court elective subjects,‘4 subjects 12 credits’which are“Care Work, Cultural Diversity and Social Welfare, andSocial Welfare Management, and Welfare State”are also freshly added. Second, due to the boosting of the regulation of practice completion, the present ‘3credits 120 hours over’ are increased to ‘3 credits 160 hours over’, and main contents such as the improvement of the supervisor criterion in practice agencies, thereinforcement of trainee criterion, having practice agencies become certified agencies, theenhancement of the practice academic advisor by institutions of social welfare educationare stipulated in the revised rule. Third, toughening up the requirement of graduate course completion of social welfare,the present required 6 subjects 18 credits are finally changed to 7 subjects 21 credits. Upcoming problems are the integration of the present social worker’s qualificationsystem classified into 1 to 3 grade, and the plan preparation for the high-level practiceinstruction. Of course, multilateral discussion is needed, for example, 6 subjects 18 creditswhich are the examination subjects for social welfare officials and social workers shouldbe expanded due to the addition of new required subjects written above. In case ofspecial graduate school, the present standard of social welfare major’s taking credits isneed to be discussed. 지난 수년 동안의 논의를 바탕으로 사회복지교육과정의 개편방향을 제시하기 위하여 사회복지교육 실태조사, 선진국의 사회복지교육현황, 사회복지현장의 시대적 상황을 반영한 신규교과목의 개편 등을 골자로“사회복지사업법 시행령 및 시행규칙 개정안”을 국회공청회를통하여 제안하였다. 공청회에서 논의된 내용에 대하여 사회복지교육관련 기관의 대표자 회의를 통하여 의견수렴 및 논의과정을 거쳤으며, 최종적으로 본 연구에서는 다음과 같이 연구결과를 제안하고자 한다. 첫째, 사회복지교육을 위한 필수교과목 이수규정을 강화하여 현행 사회복지사 자격취득최소기준인 14과목 42학점 이수에서 17과목 51학점 이수로 사회복지교과과정 이수 기준의강화를 제안하였다. 법정 필수교과목 확대에서는 3과목 9학점, “사회복지윤리와 철학, 프로그램개발과 평가, 사례관리론”이 추가되었고, 신규 법정 선택교과목으로 4과목 12학점, “복지국가론, 사회복지와 문화적 다양성, 사회복지경영론, 케어사회복지론”이 추가되었다. 둘째, 실습이수규정이 강화되어, 현행 3학점 120시간 이상에서 3학점 160시간 이상으로확대하였으며, 실습기관의 슈퍼바이저 자격기준, 실습생 수의 1인당 지도인원, 실습기관의인증제 도입, 사회복지교육기관의 실습지도 교수기준강화, 실습지도 교수 1인당 수강생 수를 제한하는 내용을 시행규칙에 명문화하였다. 셋째, 대학원 사회복지교과목 이수요건을 강화하여 현행 사회복지 필수이수 요건을 6과목 18학점이었는데 7과목 21학점 필수이수 규정으로 최종 제안하였다. 향후 과제로는 사회복지사 자격이 1~3급으로 구분되어 있는 현행제도의 통합화, 수준 높은 실습 지도를 위한 방안 마련, 사회복지공무원 시험과목 개선, 사회복지사 국가시험과목을현행 6과목 18학점에서 신규 필수과목이 확대됨에 따른 시험과목의 확대 등, 다각적인 논의가 필요하고, 사회복지전공 특수대학원의 경우, 현행 사회복지학 학점이수 수준의 강화에 대한 논의가 추가적으로 필요할 것이다.

      • 중국적십자운동 발전과정과 진화적 맥락 (현대까지 이르는 계보) - 회고와 전망(1904-2023) -

        문야오리,최은라,정종화 한국사회복지역사학회 2024 사회복지역사연구 Vol.6 No.-

        In the wake of the Sino-Japanese War, the enlightenment movement of the Chinese Red Cross began to emerge. Educated people used newspapers and magazines such as Xinbo as a means of promoting the Red Cross. Sun Zhongshan, Sun Gan, Lu Shufan, Shen Dunhe, and others introduced the Red Cross rescue knowledge system to China, and on March 10, 1904, the Chinese Red Cross Society was born. During the Republic of China era, the Chinese Red Cross movement entered a period of modernization and development, during which field ambulance services, organizing public medical and health services, developing social aid and welfare services, and participating in international rescue were the main tasks of the Red Cross. In the early years of the founding of the new China, the Chinese Red Cross was successfully reorganized during the period of socialist construction. During the planned economy, the Chinese Red Cross returned to its legitimate place, participating in battlefield ambulance services to the United States and North Korea, actively conducting patriotic health campaigns in China, and engaging in civilian diplomacy. While domestic Red Cross activities stagnated during the Cultural Revolution, overseas Red Cross operations continued to operate normally. The promulgation of the Chinese Red Cross Society Law in 1993, during the market economy, was a landmark event. During this period, the idea of building a Red Cross cause with Chinese characteristics was put forward, emergency rescue work was carried out in an orderly manner, and humanitarian assistance and services were continuously expanded. In addition, the ability to mobilize humanitarian resources has been greatly strengthened, humanitarian cultural dissemination has been carried out in depth, exchanges between the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Red Crosses have been deepened, and the role of members of the international Red Cross movement and civil diplomacy has been effectively played. Members of the international Red Cross movement and civilian diplomacy have effectively played their roles. At the same time, the organizational system and governance structure of the Red Cross have also been gradually improved. Entering a new era, the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Work of Party Organizations issued by the CPC Central Committee in 2015 and the Reform Program of the Chinese Red Cross Society issued by the General Secretary of the State Council in 2018 emphasized that the Chinese Red Cross cause is an important part of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and that the Chinese Red Cross Society is a bridge and link for the Party and government to reach out to the public in the humanitarian field. The Red Cross work with Chinese characteristics has been developing for nearly 120 years and has made remarkable achievements, but now faces many opportunities and challenges.

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