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      • KCI등재

        토지이용지표를 활용한 도시특성분류와 도시유형별 토지이용계획의 실태분석

        정삼석(Chung, Sam-Seok),하창현(Ha, Chang-Hyoun) 한국주거환경학회 2014 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.12 No.2

        Excessive overlapping zoning due to the Urban general plan Land use planning"s overestimation of the projected population has been pointed out as a problem. The recent urban population drop is shining the spotlight on the overall problems of the existing land use planning. The study, having recognized the overall problems of the existing land use planning, suggests a direction for a land use planning based on urban attributes by analyzing the conditions of the land use planning by urban type. In order to classify the different urban types, factor and cluster analyses were performed on the primary indicators of land use planning which are population, industry, and land use (urban planning, land use category). The factor analysis resulted in 6 factors that are development size, degree of growth, natural environment, development density, development probability, and manufacturing. Using the factors scores, the cluster analysis resulted in 7 different urban types. In addition to the excessive overlapping zoning due to the Urban general plan Land use planning"s overestimation of the projected population, problems such as the inability to adapt to the changing urban environment and the unjustifiable standardizations have been pointed out. As an improvement measure, time zoning should be implemented to induce land use development phases for urban areas with declining population and intercity land use planning links should be strengthened by moving away from singly city focus and utilizing the metropolitan area approach. Also, a systematic device/plan must be prepared which can be used as base data when land use planning is established through a detailed land use survey & analysis.

      • KCI등재

        도시 구시가지 쇠퇴현상에 따른 도시재생방안에 관한 연구- 구 마산 도심지를 중심으로 -

        정삼석(Chung, Sam-Seok),신동훈(Shin, Dong-Hun),정상철(Jeong, Sang-Cheol) 한국부동산학회 2016 不動産學報 Vol.64 No.-

        본 연구는 대표적 공업도시에서 구시가지 노화․쇠퇴현상이 진행된 구마산시가지의 주요지표들을 분석ㆍ연구하여 지역에 특화된 연구를 통해 구시가지 쇠퇴현상을 초래한 원인과 정책적 대안을 시함에 목적이 있다. 본 연구결과는 구시가지 쇠퇴현상이 가장 뚜렷하게 나타나는 지역은 구시가지 단독주택지대로 나타났다. 그리고 구시가지 문제는 물리적 노후화로 인한 시가지환경의 악화문제가 장 핵심이고, 상주인구 감소에 따른 활력저하와 주거기능과 상업업무 기능․용도간 상충문제이다. 그러나 구시가지 쇠퇴양상에서 급속한 경제적 침체와 슬럼의 집중과 같은 극심한 빈곤층 집중현상이 없다는 점 등의 측면은 영․미 도시의 구시가지 쇠퇴문제와는 다른 현상을 보이고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 마산 구시가지의 도시재생을 위해 기존 도시외부지역의 신개발 정책과 물리적 정비 정책 기조를 탈피하여 ‘갱신형’으로의 전환을 요구하고 있다. 본 연구는 도시 구시가지 정비와 도시재생정책의 실효성을 제고함으로써 구시가지 도시재생방안의 토대가 될 수 있을 것이다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This study attempts to explain the causes and propose a solution to the fall of downtown Masan which once was a representative industrial area by analyzing the main indices/indicators of Masan. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This thesis is the study on the analysis of inner city decline and renewal method of the city. The major findings of the study are as this follows : 1. Because of the study on the analysis of inner city decline and renewal method of the city, The substantial solution plan makes an alternative plan strategy by residents participation, self-regulation of communal society, and strategical location selection. 2. The study on the analysis of inner city decline and renewal method of the city are the case focusing on the old downtown in Masan City by instrumental planning of urban planer and natural resources lawyers. 3. Finally, this study suggested that moral principles and political factor are more effective to resolve the study on the analysis of inner city decline and renewal method of the city than scientific method. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS To revitalize Masan's old downtown area, the policy focus must shift away from the ongoing developments of outer-city areas and into the maintenance and renovation of the inner-city. 2. RESULTS The results of this study show that deterioration is prominent in old downtown residential areas. The problems of the old downtown areas of Masan are 1)physical deterioration of downtown structures 2)loss of vibrancy due to the declining number of residents 3)concentration of lower and lower-middle class.

      • KCI등재

        인구감소에 대비한 도심재개발의 활성화를 위한 공공용지 확보방안에 관한 연구

        정삼석(Chung Sam Seok),정상철(Jeong Sang Cheol) 한국부동산학회 2015 不動産學報 Vol.61 No.-

        본 연구는 앞으로 인구감소에 대비한 도심재개발 활성화를 위해 공공용지 부담계획에 대한 통계분석기법을 통해 문제점을 분석하고 도심재개발 공공용지 확보 방안의 개선점을 논해 보았다. 기존 공공용지 확보는 원칙없이 무분별하게 도심재개발 행정이 이루어지고 있음을 분석을 통해 검증하였고, 공공용지부담률이 일정비율로 확보되거나 적용되지 않음을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 도심재개발 공공용지 확보에 따른 문제점을 분석하여 제도적 방안과 공개공지 확대 방안, 입지규제최소구역의 시행, 공공용지부담률 방안 등의 개선방안을 제시하였다. 그리고 공공용지부담률 방안은 공공용지계획에 영향을 미치는 요인변수들의 함수관계에 의해 가장 중요한 요소인지를 계량적으로 추적하여 공공용지부담률 모형을 제시하였다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objective of the study is to promote CBD redevelopment in preparation of a declining population by proposing a practical land-for-public-use securement measure. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This paper proposes an improvement measure using a forecast model resulting from land-for-public-use and allocation plan variable analyses. The land-for-public-use for CBD redevelopment's forecast model was defined using regression analysis. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS 1. For areas with smaller land-for-public-use allocation ratio, a legal provision that considers restitution of development gain is necessary. 2. The land-for-public-use allocation ratios need to be adjusted differentially depending on the expected return of each project. 3. The benefit principle should be applied to the land-for-public-use plan of all CBD redevelopments. 4. Securement of land-for-public-use, expansion of public open space and the implementation of minimal site-regulation area need to be considered for the vitalization of CBD redevelopment. 2. RESULTS This study addressed the problems of CBD redevelopment's land-for-public-use allocation plan and proposed improvements using statistical analyses. It has been proven through analysis that the existing land-for-public-use policy has been administered without a strict set of principles and ratios. This study attempts to propose a forecast model for land-for-public-use allocation ratio by quantitatively assessing if the securement of land-for-public-use is the most critical variable in land-for-public-use plan. Additionally, systematic measure, allocation measure, expansion measure of public open space and the implementation of minimal site-regulation area have been proposed.

      • KCI등재

        주거지역 현황과 주거예측모형 면적의 비교, 분석을 통한 토지이용 입안계획에 관한 연구 : 주거지역사례를 중심으로

        정삼석(Chung, Sam-Seok),정상철(Jeong, Sang-Cheol) 韓國不動産學會 2014 不動産學報 Vol.57 No.-

        본 연구는 주거지역의 현황과 수요예측모형 면적의 비교·분석을 통해 토지이용 입안계획을 개선하기 위함이다. 전국 도시는 도시특성을 고려하지 않고 토지이용계획을 입안하고 있어 실제 주거현황이 수요예측모형 면적보다 많게 지정되었음을 알 수 있다. 특히 농업형도시는 예측모형 면적보다 과다지정되어 주거지역이 미분양, 비건폐지, 나대지로 방치되는 부작용을 초래할 수 있고, 일부 공업형도시 주거면적도 마찬가지이다. 따라서 토지이용 입안계획은 첫째, 도시 목표인구에 의해 지자체, 용역회사의 일률적 원단 위 적용 단순산정방식을 지양해야 한다. 둘째, 기 수립된 면적과 현황이 맞지 않는 도시는 도시 특성과 유형을 고려한 토지 이용계획이 모색되어야 한다. 셋째, 앞으로 인구증가율, 밀도, 세대수 등을 반영하여 토지이용 입안계획을 한다. 넷째, 토지이용 입안계획은 인구지표와 산업지표를 분석하고 반영하여 합리적 수요예측모형 개발을 강구하여야 한다. 앞으로 도시는 유형별 요인인자를 파악하고 용도지역별 면적을 산정하는 것이 효율적인 토지이용계획의 첫걸음이며, 용도지역 면적과 비율을 결정하기 위한 기초자료로 제공될 수 있다고 판단된다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to propose practical and effective improvement methods for new city construction/city redevelopments as well as for urban planning based on the drawbacks resulting from the local entities' residential area status and comparison analysis. (2) RESEARCH METHOD The study utilized factor analysis and cluster analysis on special classifications of categories in order to improve the residential area computation method based on city characteristics. Also, regression analysis was performed to propose a residential area computation model. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The Major findings of the study are as follows: First, The method of computing land-usage areas based on a local entity or service's uniform basic unit must be rejected. Second, The existing urban planning process' simple and arithmetical computation method of land-usage areas must consider factors such as city characteristic and city type. 2. RESULTS The study proposes improvement methods for urban planning through a comparison analysis of the current residential area status and the demand forecast model. First, Population growth rate, population density and family size must also be considered in urban planning. Second, A land-usage area demand forecast model which reflects a population and industrial index analysis must be developed and applied. Lastly, Urban planning must not simply revolve around a target population number, but must be implemented with a correct and accurate demand forecast model which reflects the city characteristic and various other factors.

      • KCI등재

        연담도시 행정통합에 따른 통합시 장기발전모델에 관한 연구

        정삼석(Chung, Sam Seok) 한국부동산학회 2013 不動産學報 Vol.53 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to suggest the priority and the direction of City Development Plan by District(including City-center Reproduction, Redevelopment, and Reconstruction) of Uniκd This also tries to show some role-model of unified local government, not to speak of Unified Changwon City. (2) RESEARCH METHOD To carry out the study, the study is required to use the Living Environmental Index and City Competitiveness Index and to reveal the upbringing ideas of City Development and Specialized Projects by District. It will make the Long-Term Development Plan Model of Neighboring United City, focused on the Circle Area of Former Changwon, Masan, and Jinhae City for the local economy development of the United Changwon City, which was inaugrated on June 1, 2010. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The major findings of the study are as follows: First, the residents-participation type district unit plan and the three-dimensional verification system are requested to construct. Second, the city-center activation plan should direct the future plan and vision of redevelopment and reconstruction projects, establishing the basic city and residence environment maintenance plan. Third, the city-extension replan should include the establishment of City Plan on the basis of Green Space secure. The recent Buk-myeon New Town Development and Samjin District Development plan should be reprogrammed. Fourth, the plan of balanced district integrity and development should be made through the TDC(Transfer of Development Credits) 2. RESULTS The results of this study show that the basic concepts are suggested: 'Smart' for the districtof Euichang-gu and Seongsan-gu, 'Renaissance' for Masan Whoewon-gu and Happo-gu, and 'Blueocean' for Jinhae District. The Unified Changwon City also focuses on its development project considering complex, single, and agricultural housing styles. Especially, preparing for the population decrease and aging, the authority should avoid the city extension policy and instead activate the city reproduction program. In conclusion, the united city development model should be made with the major development idea of city diffusion policy in mind.

      • KCI등재후보

        직주근접공간을 고려한 도심재생지구 활성화방안

        정삼석(Chung, Sam-Seok),정상철(Jeong, Sang-Cheol) 한국부동산학회 2014 不動産學報 Vol.56 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The City Centre Regeneration Area Projects have been shown limited results despite the continuous monetary support by the Government. The purpose of this study is to propose a plan for the Activation Methods of the City Centre Regeneration Area that result in increased urban competitiveness and recovery. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study was carried out by focusing on improving the weak points of the above-mentioned projects to improve the activation methods. First, it described the study's background, purpose and method in the foreword. Second, it analyzed the current conditions and issues of the 244 total residential districts of City Centre Regeneration Area projects in Korea. Third, the City Centre Regeneration activation method was summarized and laid out the regulatory improvements to the problems that have been found and defined. Finally, Consideration of the urban district landscape, City Centre Regeneration Administration, and the local residents have been deemed as the priorities in the City Centre Regeneration Area projects. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The Major findings of the study are as follows: The construction admission and management departments for all 244 categorized districts are different, and thus some consistent policy cannot be made. Besides, to increase urban activity as well as to improve the activation methods standards such as specific design manuals should be made. An example of a specific design manual is one that needs to be followed for its individual construction layouts. 2. RESULTS The results of this study show that City Centre Regeneration Area must be pursued to 1.the Jobs IIousing Accessibility, 2.the Methods of Administration and System, 3. the Technical methods. Also, in order to establish symbolic and representative City Centre Regeneration Areas which will increase urban activity, local government Central Residential Districts should pushed ahead with core landscape projects building symbolic streets. Central Residential Districts must include: 1. Central Residential Districts establish activity method guidelines, 2.Residential Mixed Use constructions. 3.and Site Setback Plan for its open space security and land use in the future. There is also a requirement for the local government to connect Central Residential Districts to the open spaces of nearby public areas which should lead to expanded public rest areas and propose Residential Mixed Use methods by mixed use district.

      • KCI등재

        산입법 적용에 따른 도시발전 저해요인과 향후 대응전략에 관한 연구 - 창원산업단지 모델을 중심으로 -

        정삼석 ( Chung Sam Seok ) 한국부동산학회 2008 不動産學報 Vol.35 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study, focused on the Model of Changwon Industrial Complex, is to study on the obstacle factors of urban development and the corresponding strategies by the Application of Industrial Complex Law. (2) RESEARCH METHOD To carry out the study, Changwon Industrial Complex is chosen for its model and, for its research basis, the Land Use Plan Control Strategy for the background city and new city development of Changwon City is applied. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The major findings of the study are as follows: First, the application of Industrial Complex law should be removed immediately for Changwon urban development. Second, hereafter, it should be followed by establishing City Infra-Structure for its corresponding strategies of the Urban Land Using Plan. Third, the effective urban administrative management policies should be followed systematically for its local self-government. 2. RESULTS The results of this study shows three corresponding strategies that Changwon City should follow by the Control Strategy for Urban development for its Urban development, not by the application of the Industrial Complex law that the city has been followed for the last thirty years: First, two classified residential areas should be designed on the basis of the Plan. Second, Changwon city Land Use Plan and urban space should be presented by three areas like the residential area, the commercial area, and the industrial area. Third, Control Strategy of newtown development should be shown by the residential and technopolis type in BUKMYEON and DONGYEOM subcounties, and the industrial type in DAESANMYEON subcounty.

      • KCI등재

        부동산종합서비스 인증제 연계 적용을 통한 중개서비스 품질 개선방안 - 통합창원시를 중심으로 -

        정삼석(Chung, Sam Seok),김민정(Kim, Min Jueng) 한국주거환경학회 2020 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the quality of real estate brokerage services in the integrated Changwon city by using the structural equation model and to apply the most influential factors to the brokerage business to provide a realistic solution satisfying both customer satisfaction and brokerage office profitability enhancement. The results of this study are as follows. Among the factors of real estate brokerage service (Changwon area), the significant factors influencing the quality of real estate brokerage service were formed by tangibility, firmness, professionalism, responsiveness, ethics, and communication. Assurance, and professionalism. The quality of real estate brokerage services affects future use and affects the recommendation of others even among variables related to the quality of real estate brokerage services.

      • KCI등재

        행정통합에 따른 아파트가격 분석과 지역간 인과관계에 관한 연구

        정삼석(Chung, Sam-Seok),정상철(Jeong, Sang-Cheol) 한국부동산학회 2014 不動産學報 Vol.58 No.-

        본 연구는 행정통합에 따른 통합창원시의 통합전ㆍ후의 아파트가격분석과 지역간 인과관계를 파악하는 데 있다. 기존 창원ㆍ마산ㆍ진해시의 아파트가격은 통합발표 후 기존 마산과 진해시는 창원시 수준으로 집값이 상향평준화되었고, 통합이후 아파트가격은 행정통합의 효과가 있은 것으로 분석되었다. 통합이후 세계적 금융위기 여파로 서울ㆍ수도권 등 전국 주택가격이 하락세임에도 불구하고 통합창원시의 아파트가격은 계속 상승세를 보인 점도 특이하였다. 통합창원권의 아파트가격의 변화는 다른 지역 아파트가격 변화에 유의적인 인과관계를 보이는 것으로 나타나아파트시장의 지역성과 국지성에 따른 시장분화현상 여부를 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과는 창원권의 가격 변화는 다른 지역에 유의적인 인과관계를 보이는 것으로 나타나 아파트시장의 지역성과 국지성에 따른 시장분화현상을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 향후 지방행정체제 개편을 위한 통합효과, 영향 등에 대한 시사점이 크다고 판단되며 향후 행정통합에 대한 정책입안자에게 신호(Signal)로 보낼 수 있을 것이다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The belief that after the administrative integration, united Changwon's rise in apartment prices led to neighboring regions' rise in prices has been analyzed. The research is also a study on Apartment prices and Regional Causality following an administrative integration. (2) RESEARCH METHOD The study having utilized the Granger Causality Test and Stationary time series showed that Changwon's apartment prices had affected the prices of its neighboring regions after administration integration. The Granger Causality Test and Impulse Response Analysis is a statistical test for determining whether one time series is useful in forecasting another. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS There was expectation that the newly integrated three regions' apartment prices would rise to the level of Changwon's apartment prices before the integration which was highest among the three. Integrated Changwon's apartment prices led by small units rose even while the Whole Country and its neighboring region apartment prices were trending downward. 2. RESULTS After having studied the causality of the integrated Changwon's apartment prices, it has been determined that causality indeed exists between Changwon and its neighboring regions' apartment prices. The relationship between united Changwon city and its neighboring regions' apartment prices confirms the real estate market division by region phenomenon. This result supports the causality structure of the integrated Changwon's apartment prices.

      • KCI등재후보

        도시통합의 인구증감과 부동산시장과의 관련성 연구

        성주한(Sung Joo Han),정삼석(Chung Sam Seok),정상철(Jeong Sang Cheol) 한국부동산학회 2017 不動産學報 Vol.70 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 본 연구의 목적은 통합창원시의 창원시 공단의 발전과 일자리창출을 통한 노동력을 증가시켜 인구전입을 높이는 것도 중요하지만, 현재 주택시장에 대한 정밀한 분석을 통해 근본적으로 인구전출을 막을 수 있는 방법을 찾아 인구감소를 줄이는 것에 있다고 하겠다. 분석 결과, 창원시 인구변화율에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 변수는 금리 측면의 창원 전월세전환율과 주변지역 인구 측면의 김해 인구변화율인 것으로 나타났다. 창원 인구감소에는 창원 전월세전환이 대출금리보다 높게 형성되어 있는 경우 임대인은 그 만큼의 차액을 임대수익으로 얻기를 원하므로 월세화 할 것이다. 이러한 월세는 임차인들에게 부담으로 작용하여 결국 창원에서 김해로 주거이동하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 창원통합시의 인구증감 요인을 살펴보기 위해서는 창원 전월세전환율과 주변지역 인구이동에 대해 관심을 가져야 한다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this research is to improve the labor force through the development of the Changwon City Industrial Complex and to increase the labor force through job creation. However, it is necessary to precisely analyze the current housing market, Find ways to reduce the population. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study employed the Vector Error Correction Model and Regression Analysis to achieve the major objectives of this study. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The implication of this study is that the increase in the Monthly Rent Conversion Rate of Changwon increases the supply of rent to the landlord, which is a burden on the lessee. This means that the population can be reduced by moving to other areas. This can be regarded as reflecting the local special circumstances of Changwon city. 2. RESULTS As a result, it was found that the variables that have the greatest influence on the population change rate of Changwon City are the Monthly Rent Conversion Rate of Changwon and the change rate of the Gimhae population in the surrounding area. If the Monthly Rent Conversion Rate of Changwon is higher than the loan interest rate, the landlord will make a monthly rent because he wants to get the difference as much as the rental income. These rents are a burden on the tenants, and they eventually moved from Changwon to Gimhae. Therefore, in order to examine the population increase factors of Changwon Unified City, it should pay attention to the Monthly Rent Conversion Rate of Changwon and the population movements in the surrounding area.

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