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      • KCI등재

        무뇌아의 2예

        정규석(KS Chung),동형근(HJ Dong),송석규(SK Song),노희중(HJ No) 대한산부인과학회 1966 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.9 No.7

        One case of anencephalus with hydramnios at the 28 weeks of pregnancy of 32 year`s old is presented and another case of anencephalus is presented with hydramnios and equinovarus at the 36 weeks of pregnancy of 27 year`s old. And a brief review on anencephalus is presented.

      • KCI등재

        질 Candida의 간이신속검진법

        정규석(KS Chung) 대한산부인과학회 1965 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.8 No.2

        "Candida vaginitis has appeared with increased frequency with the advent of the `broad-spectrum` antibiotics. The diagnosis is usually not too difficult to make clinically but, occasionally the charac teristic lesions are not seen. The physician must then rely on smears and / or cultures or else prescribe `shotgun`madications with limited efficacy. Cultures are expensive and during the incubation period the disease continues untreated. Most severe cases can be diagnosed from the wet smear with use of saline but this involves in most cases a tedious and oftentimes fruitless search through the vaginal debris in order to spot the characteristic pseudomycelia. The use of potassium hydroxide instead of saline will dissolve much of this debris but a sharp search for pseudomycelia will still take up valuable time. Cohen, a dermatologist, suggested the addition of Parker ink to potassium hydroxide to facilitate the rapid diagnosis of fungus infections of skin and nails by staining the mycelia. It was felt that the gynecologist might benefit from this technique in the easier diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis. The solution is made by adding 10 cc of Parker 51 Superchrome blue-black ink to 20cc of 20% potassium hydroxide. One or two drops of the special stains are added to the original smear which is allowed to stand for 5 minutes and then is examined under low and high power. The outlines of pseudomycelia are quite easily seen against a pale blue background. The gynecologist should be exposed to this rapid and accurate method for office diagnosis of a most common condition.

      • KCI등재

        중복자궁의 분만 2례

        정규석(KS Chung),곽태노(TR Kwaik),김용경(YK Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.1

        저자는 최근 중복자궁의 만기임신분만 2예를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이며, 1예는 초산부라서 분만전에 진단되어 아두골반불균형으로 선택적 제왕절개술을 시행하였으며, 타 1예는 경산부라서 자궁경관분만장해로 제왕절개술시에 발견하였고, 동시에 자궁기형에 대한 문헌적 고찰을 하였다. Embryologically, the uterus and vagina are formed by the fusion of the two paramesonephric ducts. The union takes place from below upward. The most common uterine anomaly is the line fusion of the two ducts. Because fusion of the mullerian ducts to form a single reprodcutive tract in the human female takes place at three different levels and three different times, a variety of malformations may result. When the two mullerian ducts develop side by side without communicating with each other, the so-called double uterus is produced. Each duct forms one cervix and one uterine body, with one fallopian tube attached to each.The duplication may continue down into the vagina in that part of the vagina formed by the mullerian ducts. Such complete duplication may be referred to as the uterus didelphys. However, most reduplicated uteri are not so complete and the fusion may be only in the upper portion so that there will be a double uterus with a single cervix and a single vagina. lf the two horns of such a partially fused uterus are recognizable, the uterus is designated as a bicornuate uterus. The term “double uterus” is reserved for, in the broadest sense, a uterine abnormality resulting from incomplete fusion of the mullerian ducts. The defect may present as uterus arcuatus, septate uterus, or uterus didelphys. Developmental anomalies of the female genital tract are rare in obstetric practice, occurring in approximately 0.5 to 2 percent of deliveries. Since some of these anomalies contribute to serious fetal and maternal hazards, and since there has been a recent revival of interest in plastic operations to correct these deformities, knowledge of the embryology of these defects and their obstetric significance is relevant. lf these patients presented a sufficient increase of obstetric complications, then certainly any aid in diagnosis, that would separate them as a group from the regular obstetric population would benefit both the physician and the patient. Recently we have had 2 cases of full term pregnancy and delivery with double uteri at the Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, of which one was uterus didelphys and the other uterus bicornis unicollis. Their deliveries were accomplished via the abdominal route due to cephalopelvic disproportion in the uterus didelphys and cervical dystocia in the uterus bicornis unicollis.

      • KCI등재

        완전유착태반의 1예

        정규석(KS Chung),심재순(JS Shim),유명열(MY Yu) 대한산부인과학회 1964 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.7 No.9

        과거 1회의 자궁내막소파를 받았던 한 경산부의 정상분만예에 있어서 분만 제 3기에 유착태반이란 진단하에 자궁척출술을 시행한 1증예를 보고하여 아울러 문헌적 고찰을 하였다. The authors present a very rare case of total placenta accreta experienced at St. Mary`s Hospital Maternity with brief review of literature on the entity.

      • KCI등재

        치골결합 단열의 1례

        송영록(YL Song),박덕수(DS Park),정규석(KS Chung) 대한산부인과학회 1972 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.15 No.12

        저자등은 3회의 정상분만을한 33세의 부인의 치골결합의 단열의 1예를 보고한다. A case of symphsis pubis rupture is presented and its review of literatural was made briefly.

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