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        Tyrosine 결핍이 뇌 성장 및 Brain Catecholamine 수준에 미치는 영향

        송은승,최혜미,임경숙 ( Eun Seung Song,Hay Mie Choi,Kyeong Sook Yim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1982 BMB Reports Vol.15 No.3

        Virgin female Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 200∼230 g, were mated with healthy males. And pregnant rats were seperated and fed a tyrosine deficient diet (tyr. 0.00 %) during various stages of gestation and lactation period, and the offsprings were compared with the rats fed a tyrosine control diet (tyr. 0. 36%). Brain and serum protein, brain and serum tyrosine and brain catecholamines; norepinephrine and dopamine were measured. Body weight and brain weight were also measured. DEF. I group received the deficient diet from delivery; DEF. II group, from the 15th day of gestation; DEF. III group, from the 8th day of gestation and continued until 35th day of postnatal period. Control group was fed a control diet (tyr. 0.36%) throughout the experimental period. Body and brain weight were significantly lower in deficient groups than those of the control group, but the brain weight was not so severely affected by the tyrosine deficient diet as the body weight. And tyrosine deficiency to have an adverse effect on brain protein synthesis and the adverse effect appeared more severe in preweaning than in postweaning period. In deficient groups, serum tyrosine showed severely decreasing tendency, but brain tyrosine did show such a sharp decrease. Brain norepinephrine and dopamine contents a decreasing tendency in deficient groups compared with the control group. But only at 7th day, both norepinephrine and dopamine contents were significantly depressed in all three DEF. groups. This shows that tyrosine restriction in maternal diet is not so critical to brain catecholamine content of offsprings except the neonatal rats. It seems that norepinephrine level was more affected by dietary tyrosine restriction than the dopamine level.

      • Effect of Tyrosine Deficiency on the Catecholamine Level of Developing Brain

        송은승,최혜미,임경숙,Song, Eun-Seung,Choi, Hay-Mie,Yim, Kyeong-Sook 생화학분자생물학회 1982 한국생화학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        임신한 Sprague-Dawley계 랫드(무게 200~230g) 40마리를 10마리씩 4그룹으로 나누어, 대조군은 임신시부터 분만후 5주까지 계속적으로 tyrosine 0.36%의 표준식이를 주었으며, DEF I group은 분만시부터, DEF II group은 임신 15일째부터, DEF III group은 임신 8일째부터 tyrosine이 포함안된 제한식이로 바꾸어 주었다. 이들 group으로부터 분만된 어린 랫드를 각각 일정간격으로 임의 추출하여 희생시켰다. 이들의 체중과 뇌의 무게를 측청하였으며, 뇌와 혈액내의 protein과 tyrosine 함량을 측청하였고, 또한 뇌에서 tyrosine으로 부터 합성되는 신경전달물질로 알려진 dopamine과 norepinephrine을 측정하여, 모체의 식이중의 tyrosine 결핍과 어린 랫드의 뇌성장 및 brain catecholamine 합성과의 관련성을 알아보았다. 그 결과 체중과 뇌의 무게는 모체에 제한식이를 오래 시행할수록 현저하게 감소됨을 볼 수 있었다. tyrosine이 결핍될 경우 혈액과 뇌의 protein양이 적어졌으며, serum protein은 젖뗀 이후 group간의 차이가 거의 사라졌으나 brain protein의 경우 계속적으로 차이가 있었다. 혈청내의 tyrosine의 경우에도 tyrosine 제한 식이를 오래 시행한 group일수록 전기간에 걸쳐 심한 저하를 보였다. 뇌의 tyrosine, dopamine, norepinephrine은 모두 출생 후 7~21일 사이에 최고 농도를 나타냈으며 group간의 차이도 이 시기에 가장 크게 나타났다. 그러나 이들이 모두 유의적인 차이를 나타낸 것은 생후7일 뿐인 것으로 보아 모체의 tyrosine 제한식이 는 출생초기의 어린 랫드에만 뇌 catecholamine의 심한 지장을 초래함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 tyrosine으로 부터 합성되는 catecholamine중에서 dopamine 다음 단계에 생성되는 norepinephrine이 tyrosine 결핍식이에 의해 더욱 영향을 받음은 특이할 만한 사실이다. Virgin female Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 200~230 g, were mated with healthy males. And pregnant rats were seperated and fed a tyrosine deficient diet (tyr. 0.00%) during various stages of gestation and lactation period, and the offsprings were compared with the rats fed a tyrosine control diet (tyr. 0.36%). Brain and serum protein, brain and serum tyrosine and brain catecholamines; norepinephrine and dopamine were measured. Body weight and brain weight were also measured. DEF. I group received the deficient diet from delivery; DEF. II group, from the 15th day of gestation; DEF. III group, from the 8th day of gestation and continued until 35th day of postnatal period. Control group was fed a control diet (tyr. 0.36%) throughout the experimental period. Body and brain weight were significantly lower in deficient groups than those of the control group, but the brain weight was not so severely affected by the tyrosine deficient diet as the body weight. And tyrosine deficiency to have an adverse effect on brain protein synthesis and the adverse effect appeared more severe in preweaning than in postweaning period. In deficient groups, serum tyrosine showed severely decreasing tendency, but brain tyrosine did show such a sharp decrease. Brain norepinephrine and dopamine contents a decreasing tendency in deficient groups compared with the control group. But only at 7th day, both norepinephrine and dopamine contents were significantly depressed in all three DEF. groups. This shows that tyrosine restriction in maternal diet is not so critical to brain catecholamine content of offsprings except the neonatal rats. It seems that norepinephrine level was more affected by dietary tyrosine restriction than the dopamine level.

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