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      • KCI등재


        이계란 ( Li Guilan ),김현태 ( Kim Hyuntae ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.69 No.-

        Public diplomacy is an important part of China`s diplomatic necessary strategy.After the founding of new China, China`s public diplomacy had experienced three different stages of development, individually pursuit what is the goal of international recognition, international cooperation, advocating peace and development. Recently years, China`s public diplomacy instantly got through the exploration and practice which was showing a good momentum of development. China`s public diplomacy has changed the traditional purely strategy of the fundamental key for propaganda china,now focus on the more rational and objective illustrating china to the world ,and participating Organizations increasingly. The public diplomacy is rich contents, various forms, and efficiency becomes more obvious. Although has obtained certain achievements by observation the public diplomacy after the found of china, there are some problems and deficiencies. In conception, not enough attention to public diplomacy, insufficient capital and professional talents are not the same time; On the main body, the government role is overweight and political color is strong; On the object,lack of pertinent questions. Therefore, for achieving maximum efficacy in public diplomacy,we should take effective measures to construct the system of public diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. First, to improving the strategic position of public diplomacy and fully integrated public diplomacy resources; Second, to strength their ability for guiding the international public opinion; Third, to strengthening the construction of subject of public diplomacy and conducting multiple actors in public diplomacy; Fourth, to paying attention to the object of studying the public diplomacy and strengthening the pertinence of public diplomacy. This article is divided into three parts. The first part, mainly introduced the development process of public diplomacy in China. The second part, this paper expounds the characteristics and some problems of China`s public diplomacy. The third part is that how to effectively carry out china public diplomacy which put forward some policy suggestions.

      • KCI등재

        인구이동이 연변조선족 아동교육에 미친 영향

        이계란(Li, Guilan) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2010 디아스포라 연구 Vol.4 No.2

        중국의 개혁 · 개방정책과 한 · 중수교 이후 조선족 집거지인 연변조선족자치주는 산업화 · 도시화 · 국제화가 가속화되면서 급속하게 발전하고 있다. 이러한 배경 속에서 조선족들은 새로운 삶의 터전을 찾아 외국으로 이주하거나 중국내 발달된 도시로의 진출을 시도하였다. 이로 인해 조선족의 인구 대이동이 시작되었으며, 인구 이동이 점점 증가하고 있다. 이러한 현상은 비가족화된 연변조선족 사회의 별거가족 아동 교육문제를 야기하는 주요 원인이 되었다. 현재 연변조선족 사회에서 아동에 대한 사회적 관심과 배려가 시급하며, 학교 · 가정 · 정부 · 사회 등 다차원적 네트워크를 통해 현실화할 필요성이 있다. As the reform and opening-up and socialist market economy continue to develop, China began to go into rapid social transformation and urbanization process, and significant changes have taken place in the society of Yanbian Korean-Chinese. Many families seek the way to shake off poverty and become prosperous through going abroad or going out for work, and the unprecedented phenomenon of population flowing appears. Growing trend of population flowing and population migration flowing mode of non-family make the number of separated families of the society of Korean-Chinese nationality rise sharply, and such cause the educational problem of left-behind children. The educational problem of left-behind children has become a serious social problem. We need to give more attention and help for left-behind children of Yanbian Korean-Chinese, and construct an integrated supporting network of the school, family and society and so on.

      • KCI등재

        후진타오 정부의 대북정책: 북 핵 문제를 중심으로

        이계란 ( Gui Lan Li ) 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2010 한국과 국제정치 Vol.26 No.4

        2003년에 등장한 후진타오(胡錦濤) 정부는 ``중화민족의 부흥``이라는 국가전략을 제시함과 동시에 장쩌민(江澤民) 체제 후기에 제시되었던 ``책임대국``으로서의 국가 이미지 수립을 지속적으로 이어가고자 한다. 이런 맥락에서 ``책임 있는 강대국``으로서 중국은 북핵문제로 인해 영향받게 된 한반도의 평화와 안정을 최우선시하면서 대북정책을 수정해왔다. 중국의 대북정책은 자국 국익으로부터 출발하여, 북중 양자협력을 강화해 나가겠다는 의도가 뚜렷하게 나타나고 있다. 중국은 북 중 간 특수관계를 ``새로운 형식의 우의(新型友誼)``라고 규정하고, 양국 간 협력을 ``새로운 방식, 새로운 사고, 새로운 경로``를 통해 진행되어야 한다고 주장했다. 중국은 한반도의 안정과 평화유지라는 기본원칙을 바탕으로, 북핵문제를 북한문제로부터 분리시켜 고려하고 있다. 또한 북한의 변화를 도출하기 위해 경제적 관여정책을 주요 수단으로 하면서 무역과 투자 등 경제영역에서의 북 중 협력을 더욱 강화시켜 나가고 있다. Under Hu Jin Tao, who came to power in 2003, China adopted a strategy of ``China`s revival`` and cultivated an image as a ``responsible superpower``, a core value in its foreign policy. After North Korea`s nuclear tests, China as a responsible nation which is under the leadership of Hu Jin Tao, has adjusted its policy toward North Korea, aiming to maintain peace and stability on Korean Peninsula. China`s government gives more attention to its national interests, and manages to further deepen bilateral economic cooperation with North Korea. From the special relationship, Sino-North Korea`s relationship has developed into a new relationship, with China`s leaders having new thoughts in their minds. In order to change the situation in North Korea, China is currently making great efforts to stabilize the situation on Korean Peninsula. China`s government separates the nuclear issue from other issues, and is devoted to strengthening the communication and cooperation in trade, investment, and other economic fields as well.

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