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        스페인어 절대구문 연구

        유은정 ( Eun Jung You ) 한국스페인어문학회 2004 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.30

        En este trabajo tratamos las propiedades sintacticas de las construcciones llamadas absolutas y sus derivaciones estructurales. Las construcciones absolutas (en adelante, CCAA) no se seleccionan lexicamente por el predicado de la clausula que ellas modifican. Y en estas construcciones, los predicados referidos a un sustantivo que no es elemento de la oracion, forman una predicacion secundaria desligada de la oracion principal, y toman valores significativos variados. Pero estas construcciones tienen algunas caracteristicas diferentes de la clausula reducida que representa tambien una relacion de predicacion sin soporte verbal. A pesar de la ausencia de una forma verbal flexionada, las CCAA presentan cierta independencia estructural, desligada sintactica y melodicamente de la oracion principal. Las CCAA obtienen las interpretaciones adverbiales, es decir, causal, temporal, condicional, concesiva, etc., a pesar de que carecen de nexos expresos que expliciten la naturaleza de su conexion logico-semantica con la oracion a la que modifican. Y se destaca su independencia sintactica en el hecho de que las CCAA poseen un sujeto explicito, pospuesto al predicado, que puede ser correferente o no con algun SN de la oracion principal. Las CCAA pueden ir encabezadas por varias clases de predicados, que, ademas de participios, abarcan gerundios, adjetivos, adverbios y sintagmas preposicionales. Estos predicados no presentan los mismos comportamientos en las CCAA y tienen diversas restricciones sintacticas. En este trabajo, en especial, tratamos las CCAA con participios, adjetivos, gerundios y las CCAA precedidas por la preposicion ‘con’. Asumiendo el concepto del programa minimista de Chomsky(1999, 2000, 2001), intentamos analizar la relacion de predicacion que se entabla entre el sujeto y el predicado en las CCAA y las diferencias presentadas por varios predicados de las CCAA a traves de las propiedades derivacionales.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인어 wh-감탄문과 감탄문 내 보문소 "que"의 분석

        유은정 ( Eun Jung You ) 한국스페인어문학회(구-한국서어서문학회) 2012 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.62

        In this paper I undertake the structural analysis of exclamative clauses with wh-item ``que``. Wh-exclamatives are quite similar to wh-interrogatives. But interrogative clause and exclamative clause are different in clausal type and its function. So I propose that wh-phrases of interrogative clauses occupy the different position from that of exclamative clauses. Within the theoretical perspective of the fine structure proposed by Rizzi(1997), I focus on the relative order of wh-phrases of exclamative clauses and interrogative clauses in left peripheral structure. Based on the Spanish experimental evidences, I intend to verify the structural relation among topic elements, focus elements and wh-constituents of exclamative clauses and interrogative clauses. I will show the landing site that wh-phrases of exclamative sentences target with respect to word order variation. Furthermore, I will investigate the syntactic properties of complementizer ``que`` optionally derived in exclamative construction. I will identify the position of complementizer ``que`` in exclamative clauses as the element that maintains Spec-head configuration with wh-exclamative.

      • KCI등재

        명사구의 문장구조 분석과 스페인어 교육에서의 효율적 적용에 대한 연구

        유은정 ( Eun Jung You ) 한국스페인어문학회(구-한국서어서문학회) 2010 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.56

        Los argumentos seleccionados por el nucleo verbal desempenan su funcion semantica en la oracion. Y estamos acostumbrados a establecer la relacion entre las entradas lexicas en las construcciones oracionales. Pero no hacemos caso a lo que las construcciones nominales tambien pueden tener la estructura argumental y recibir la interpretacion similar a la de las construcciones oracionales. El objetivo de este trabajo es, pues, caracterizar el paralelismo sintactico y semantico entre la oracion y el sintagma nominal. Y trataremos los sintagmas nominales en los que funcionan como nucleo los nombres derivados de bases verbales y los nombres relacionales y de representacion, y analizaremos sus estructuras argumentales. Y la interpretacion eventiva o resultativa de los sintagmas nominales esta estrechamente relacionada con la estructura argumental y la forma activa y pasiva del nominal. Pero proponemos que esta distincion entre activo y pasivo no se identifica con la diferencia aspectual de resultado y proceso. Procuramos demostrar la estructura derivacional de la activa y pasiva nominal y sus propiedades sintacticas y semanticas.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국의 연방주의와 지방자치제도 : 우리나라 지방자치 및 지방분권이행 과정에의 시사점

        유은정(Yoo Eun-Jung) 한국비교공법학회 2010 공법학연구 Vol.11 No.3

        미국연방제에 대한 연구는 미국의 민주주의가 개인의 자치와 국민주권의 이념과 원칙 위에 근거하고 세워졌음을 시사한다. 이러한 자치와 국민주권의 이념은 특히 다른 중요한 헌법원칙들과 함께 연방제도를 통하여 구체화되고 공고히 보장되어 왔다. 미국 연방제는 연방정부 즉 중앙정부뿐 아니라 각 주정부가 국민에게서 이양 받은 주권을 보유한다. 연방정부는 연방헌법에 의해 수권한 제한된 권한만을 행사할 수 있게 함으로써 중앙으로 권력이 집중하여 독재정부가 탄생, 국민의 자유와 권리를 침해할 가능성을 방지하도록 하고 있고, 주정부들은 연방정부의 제한된 권한과는 달리 일반적이고 광범위한 영역에서 법을 제정, 집행, 하고 적용할 권한을 가진다. 지방자치에 대하여는 연방헌법에서 언급하는 바가 없으며, 각 주에 따라 차이는 있지만 대부분의 지방정부들이 어떤 형태로든 자치를 누리고 있다. 물론, 현대 행정 국가화 추세에 따라 또한 규모의 이익 등을 추구하기 위하여 연방으로 권한이 집중되고, 전통적으로 주와 지방정부의 관할이던 많은 영역에 연방정부의 권한과 영향력이 커져 왔고, 또 깊숙이 침투하였지만 연방제와 그 안에서의 지방자치의 의의는 점점 더 중요해 지고 있다. 특히 현대의 환경, 이민, 테러, 빈부 격차의 증가에 따른 복잡하고 어려운 지역적, 국가적, 국제적인 문제들을 해결하기 위해 협조적인 정부 간 관계의 중요성은 더욱 증대하여 왔고, 이의 해결을 위한 각 단계의 정부들의 협력적이고, 서로 통제하며, 경쟁하게 하는 연방제도와 지방자치제도는 점점 더 중요한 해결방안으로 두각을 나타내고 있다. 이러한 점에서 미국 연방제도와 연방주의의 다양한 이론들 그리고 지방정부의 역할 등은 현재 우리나라가 추진하는 지방분권과 지방자치와 또한 통일 후의 국가구조를 설계하는데 주는 시사점은 크다고 할 것이다. The study of American federalism shows that American democracy has been founded and built on the idea of personal autonomy and popular sovereignty which is embodied and ensured by federal system with other constitutional principles. In American federal system, each state as well as federal government has sovereignty which is delegated by the people. By guaranteeing that federal government has only limited power authorized by U.S. Constitution while states have plenary power, founders of America built a mechanism which prevents a danger of federal government to become a tyranny so that it would undermine and infringe individual autonomy, freedom and rights. On the other hand, autonomy of local government is not guaranteed in U.S. Constitution. The Constitution is simply silent regarding local government. Nevertheless, the practice of local autonomy, or autonomy of people exercised through and in local governments, has a long tradition in America from the New England town meetings. Also it is obvious in that most of local governments have some sort of - varied across state - autonomy guaranteed by their states and there exists the area of law which local governments are responsible to implement independently or together with a state government. The importance of cooperation of federal, state and local governments is ever more increasing to resolve contemporary problems such as environment, immigration, terror, growing disparity between rich and poor, and so on, which are also shared universally by many countries in the world. Federal system is valuable not only for preventing tyranny and guaranteeing individual rights but also encouraging different experiments and customized solutions by and for local and state governments. Moreover, it enables for different levels of governments to explore their cooperative, checking, and competing intergovernmental relationship. Korea is now in the process of implementing local autonomy and decentralization system, and preparing for the nation's structure of the future unified country. Accordingly, American federal system, and discussion of various federalism theories and of intergovernmental relations including localism, in particular, would give some useful cues for the current discussion of how to enforce decentralization and local autonomy system in accordance with Korea situation.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 의외성(mirativity) 구문의 통사적 분석

        유은정(Eun jung You) 현대문법학회 2013 현대문법연구 Vol.75 No.-

        This study aims to analyze Spanish mirativity construction. Mirativity refers to the linguistic marking of an utterance that represents an information which is new or unexpected to the speaker. Therefore, mirative constructions show the speaker s emotional state, that is to say, surprise. There are many means that could express speaker s surprise, such as exclamatory expressions, admirative tone, etc. However, in this paper I attempt to investigate the existence in Spanish of a mirative form that could be recognized as a grammatical category. In Korean, there is a modal suffix, for example, ‘-ne’, ‘-gun(a)’, which expresses surprise and new information. In Spanish, the verbal past tense and perfect aspect, such as imperfect, present perfect, pluperfect, could be used to represent mirativity in the present. I argue that Spanish tense and aspect should be recognized as a grammatical category that express mirativity. Furthermore, I attempt to analyze a derivational process of the mirative constructions comparing with the exclamative constructions.

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