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      • 한국 재래식 간장에서 분리된 Bacillus속 균이 생성하는 휘발성 향기성분

        양성호 대구산업정보대학 1995 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The volatile components produced by Bacillus species which had been isolated from Korean soy sauce in soybean medium were extracted by using SDE apparatus and identified by GC/MS and Kovat's retention index. The thirty-one components, including 9 alcohols, 5 aldehydes, 5 pyrazines, 3 ketones, 2 phenols, 1 ester, 1 furan, 5 other components, were confirmed. In the identified components, specially ethyl acetate, ethanol, hexanal, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 1-pentanol, methyl-pyrazine, 2, 5-dimethyl-pyrazine, benzaldehyde, 2-furanmethanol, 2-methoxy-phenol and phenol were presented in the Japanese Miso. 8 Components such as hexanal, 3-methyl-1-butanol, trimethyl-pyrazine, benzaldehyde, 2-furanmethanol, 2-methyoxy-phenol, benzeneethanol and 1-tridecyn-4-ol were presented in the traditional Korean soybean paste.

      • 한국 재래식 된장에서 분리된 Bacillus species로 제조한 된장의 풍미

        양성호,손동화,지원대 대구산업정보대학 1995 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        Bacillus species which were known for main strain in the fermentation of traditional Korean soybean paste were incubated in soybean medium for 40 days at 30℃. The volatile components in the fermented material were extracted and identified. The forty-one components, including 9 alcohols, 6 aldehydes, 6 pyrazines, 4 ketones, 3 phenols, 2 furans, 9 other components, were confirmed. Of the identified components, specially 13 components such as ethyl acetate, ethanol, hexanal, 3-methyl-l-butanol, methyl-pyrazine, 2, 5-dimethyl-pyrazine, 2-furancarboxaldehyde, benzaldehyde, 3, 5-diethyl-2-methyl-pyrazine, benzeneacetaldehyde, hexanoic acid, 2-methoxy-phenol, phenol were present in the Japanese Miso. 11 Components such as hexanal, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-pentanol, trimethyl-pyrazine, 2-furancarboxaldehyde, tetramethyl-pyrazine, benzaldehyde, 2-furanmethanol, hexanoic acid, 2-methyoxy-phenol, benzeneethanol were present in the traditional Korean soybean paste.

      • 커뮤니케이션정책의 개념과 연구영역에 관한 고찰

        梁成浩 건국대학교 1991 學術誌 Vol.35 No.1

        Kommunikation ist der durch den Austausch von Information vermittelte Zusammenhang zwischen dynamischen Systemen bzw. ihren Teilsystemen. Kommunikation ist eine notwendige Seite des gesellschaftlien Lebens, des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenwirkens der Menschen. Sie ist nicht nur eine unerla¨ßliche Bedingung der materiellen Produktion, die als gesellsctaftliche Erscheinung immer Zusammenwirken, Kooperation von Menschen ist, sondern anch jedes anderen Zusammenwirkens, Zusammenlebens der Menschen in Gemeinschaften (Klasse, Staat, Nation, Familie, Arbeitskollektiv, Partei usw.) Die Kommunikation hat die Funktion, ein den objektiven Erfordernissen der materiellen Prcduktion und ihrer konkret-historischcn Weise entsprechendes. bewußtes, zielgerichtetes Verhalten der Menschen herbeizufu¨hren. In dieser Hinsicht ist Kommunikationspolitik der umfassende Oberbegriff fu¨r einen Politikbereich, der sich auf das gesamte gesellschaftliche Kommunikationssystem und die einzeln Kommunikationsakte bezieht-also nicht nur auf die (Massen) medien, sondern auch auf die Individual-bzw Prima¨rkommunikation (direkte interpersonale Kommunikation), soweit sie gesellschaftlich relevant ist. das schließt nicht aus, daß sich die kommunikationspolitik wegen der Bedeutung und Regelbedu¨rftigkeit der Massenkommunikation in erster Linie auf diese in der Praxis bezieht. Daraus ist auch zu erkla¨ren, daß sich der verku¨rzte Begriff Medienpolitik weitaus verbreiteter ist, zumeist zu Recht, weil sich das demit bezeichnete Handeln tatsa¨chlich fast ausschließlich auf die Medien richtet. Aufgabe einer wissenschaftlichen Bescha¨ftigung mit dem Praxisbereich Kommunikationspolitik ist -die Analyse der Kommunikationssysteme und der Komraunikationsprozesse einschließlich der Kommunikationstheorien als Voraussetzung fu¨r -die Analyse der Kommunikationspolitik und -die Entwicklung einer Theorie der Kommunikationspolitik Im Allgemeinen ist Wissenschaft ho¨chste Form der theoretischen Ta¨tigkeit der Menschen und zugleich deren Resultat in Gestalt des aus dem gesellschaftlichen Erkennhisprozeß auf der Grundlage der Praxishervorgehenden Systems von Erkenntnissen u¨ber die Gesetze der Natur, der Gesellschaft und des Denkens, welches in Begriffen, Aussagen und Theorien fixiert wird und seiner sozialen Funktion nach als Produktivkraft der Gesellschaft und der Grundlage der Leitung gesellschaftlicher Prozesse eine wachsende Beherrschung der natu¨rlichen und gesellschaftlichen Umwelt ermo¨glicht.

      • 독일에서의 공영방송에 관한 연구 : 독일 통일 이후를 중심으로

        梁成浩 건국대학교 사회정책연구소 1999 사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        1990년 7월 1일 경제, 통화 및 사회 연합이 독일연방공화국(Bundesrepublik Dentschland)과 새로운 연방 주들 사이에 법률적 효력을 갖게 됨에 따라 과거 동독시절의 국가재정부문에 있어서의 권한이 서독 정부로 이양되었고, 동독은 1990년 10월 3일, 1990년 8월 23일의 동독 인민의회(Volkskammer)의 결정에 따라, 독일연방공화국에 편입되었다. 그로써 독일연방공화국은 16개의 연방 주로 구성되는 공화국이 되었다. 독일통일 이후의 첫해는 방송발전에 있어서 새로운 연방 주에 두 개의 새로운 공영(?ffentlich-rechtlich) 방송1)의 설립이라는 점과 NDR의 송신지역의 확대와 당해 국가조약의 개정이라는 사실로 특징 지워진다. 나아가 또 다른 핵심문제로서는 통일로 말미암아 본래의 의미에서 그 프로그램 위임권을 잃게된 RIAS, DS-Kunltur와 Deutschlandfunk의 미래에 관한 문제이다. 본고에서는 독일통일 이후에 있어온 독일의 공영방송영역에서의 일반적 변화를 중심으로 이러한 변화의 기본축이 무엇이며 이러한 기본축을 이루는 요소로서의 법률은 어떠한 목표를 갖는가의 문제를 논술하고자한다.

      • 夏節期中의 琴湖江 本流에 對한 水質現況調査

        梁成鎬,孫東和 대구산업정보대학 1991 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        In order to investigate the water quality of the Kumho river, 7 sampling stations were chosen as the sampling site along the main stream. The result of the experiment are as follow; 1. In spite of the increasing flow by the rainfall, the concentration of DO showed lower than that of saturated DO except for downstream of Yeungchun dam, and showed DO sag at Gangchang bridge, particularly. 2. The concentration of BOD at Gangchang bridge showed 13.3㎎/ℓ, which exceeded the fifth grade of environmental criteria(BOD 8㎎/ℓ), in spite of the increasing flow by the rainfall. 3. The concentration of NH₃-N, NO₃-N did not showed adversely, which was the highest at Gangchang bridge and Paldal bridge, respectively. Also, the concentration of PO₄-P The highest at Gangchang bridge. 4. The concentration of heavy metals contained river water at Gangchang bridge was higher than that of other sites as(expressed in ㎎/ℓ)Cu:0.27, Cd:0.034, Mn:0.081, Fe:1.742, Zn:0.684, Cr:1.018, respectively. 5. The total bacterial counts were enumerated the highest as 3.0× 10^(7)cfu/ml at Ayang bridge and decreased when the sampling sites are changed from upstream to downstream. MPN appeared the maximum(24,000) at downstream of Yeungchun dam and the minimum(4,500) at Gangchang bridge.

      • 韓國在來式 간장의 맛에 영향에 미치는 因子分析

        梁成鎬,金鍾奎 대구산업정보대학 1989 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        Ordinary Korean soy sauce has a characteristic teste on account of the harmony between the various taste of the taste components. In order to investigate the principal tastes of ordinary Korean soy sauce, the relationship between taste component contents and the sensory score of ordinary Korean soy sauce were analyzed by principal component analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The principal components of the characteristic taste of ordinary Korean soy sauce are saline, sour, sweet, bitter and palatable taste.

      • A note on the Quotient Structure of a K - semiring

        양성호 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        This paper considers the quotient structure of a k-semiring modulo a Q-ideal. We prove that if I is a Q-ideal in the k-semiring R, then R/I is a ring and R/I is isomorphic to R ̄/I ̄.

      • 水銀耐性菌을 利用한 含水銀廢水處理에 關한 硏究 : Ⅰ. 土壤中의 水銀耐性菌의 分離 Ⅰ. Isolation of Mercury Resistant Bacteria from the Soils

        梁成鎬,孫東和,尹水弘 대구산업정보대학 1988 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was carry out to examine the treatment methods of waste water contaminated with mercury by mercury resistant bacteria Pseudomonas spp Isolated from the soils. The results obtained from this study were as follows 1. The mercury contents was respectivelly 2.4ppm, 0.8ppm and 0.3ppm at A, B, and C site from the soils polluted with mercury. 2. 12 strains of bacteria which showed a remarkable tolerance against Thimerosal was isolated from soils contaminted with Mercury. 3. Isolated bacteria from 40ppm of Thimerosal concentration was identified as Pseudomonas spp. by morphological and biochemical test.

      • 자연수 체계의 지도법에 관한 연구

        梁成豪 제주대학교 1986 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        In this study, we investigate the concept and the theoretical backgrounds about the system of natural numbers which is important and fundamental in mathematics education, and then describe the effective teaching methods by systemazing the teaching contents about the system of natural numbers. Furthermore, using these results in the teacher trainings, mathematics teachers would be helped themselves to make firm the theoretical backgrounds about the system of numbers Finally, we summarize the teaching methods of the system of natural numbers as follows 1. To understand the concept of natural numbers with distingushing between numbers and numerals definitely. 2. To understand the meaning and the properties for the addition and the multiplication of natural numbers. 3. To understand the meaning and the properties for the exponentiation of natural numbers 4 To understand the concept and the properties for the order of natural numbers. 5. To understand the uniqueness of the system of natural numbers up to isomorphic.

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