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      • KCI등재

        Korean Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practice and the Embedded Liberalism Compromise

        송세련 경희대학교 법학연구소 2014 경희법학 Vol.49 No.4

        Korea has experienced a fast economic rise, joining the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1996, and achieved peaceful transitions of power for the past 21 years, indicating that democracy has taken a solid root. However, this twin-success is tempered by the highest suicide rate in OECD countries and rising tensions among constituents of the society on social issues. The Korean economic and corporate system, exemplified by the conglomerates working closely with the government and including a tacit understanding of providing jobs and opportunities to small-to-midsize enterprises (SMEs), was restructured through the external shock of the Asian financial crisis and the IMF bail-out conditions, causing jobless growth and growing resentment towards big companies and the government. With a thriving civil society, Korea has entered a stage very similar to the embedded liberalism era that western countries have gone through after World War II, seeking to balance liberal economic forces with the social and domestic agenda. The dynamics of the embedded liberalism, combined with Korea's tumultuous historical background, present a set of particular challenges to big businesses and the government. In an export driven country dominated by big companies, the Korean Conglomerates throughout history have been viewed both as the champions of the Korean miracle and also as villains that block further progress. Now, the corporate sector has to present its case as a responsible member of society through heightened Corpotate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, conscious of the historical role it is well advised to play. Likewise, the government should focus on establishing and maintaining a balanced society that is more respectful of the social agenda and provides ample opportunities to SMEs and to the service sector as well, while managing the global challenges that affect its ability to manage the balance.

      • KCI등재후보

        明治期 落語의 1인칭대명사 - 位相의 관점에서 わし와 おれ를 중심으로 -

        송세련 글로벌지식융합학회 2022 지식융합연구 Vol.5 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 메이지기 및 다이쇼기의 1인칭대명사 わし와 おれ의 位相 조건에 따른 사용실태를 파악하고, 현대 일본어의 わし와 おれ가 정착하기 전의 그위치에 관하여 파악하는 데에 있다. 연구 대상은 메이지기 및 다이쇼기의 落語를 묶어 발행한『 口演速記 明治大正落語集成』이며, 여기에서 관찰되는 わし와 おれ를 각 화자의 상위별로 구분하여 분석한다. 연구 결과는 성별로는 わし와 おれ 모두 대부분 남성이 사용하고 있으며, 연령별로는 おれ에 비해 わし가 비교적 노년층에서 사용되고 있다. 또한 상황별로는 おれ는 어느 정도 친분이 있는 대등한 관계에서 화자의 분노나 격앙된 감정을 표출할 때 자주 사용되고 있다. 여성의 경우, 매우 드물게 관찰되기는 하지만, おれ는 화자의 용맹성을 나타낼 때 사용되고 있는 것을 알았다.『 口演速記 明治大正落語集成』은 메이지기 및 다이쇼기 사람들의 실제 언어생활을 관찰할 수 있는 적합한 자료로, 이러한 자료를 바탕으로 하여 얻은 결과라는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있겠다. 앞으로는『 口演速記 明治大正落語集成』에서 관찰되는 인칭대명사에 관하여 대우표현 및 사회언어학적 면에서 연구해 나갈 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        인권경영 정착을 위한 정책적 제언

        송세련 경희대학교 법학연구소 2019 경희법학 Vol.54 No.3

        다국적기업에의한인권침해가능성에대해효과적인대응방법이미흡하다는문제의식으 로인해본격적으로논의되기시작한기업과인권이슈는유엔의‘기업과인권에관한이행 원칙 ’이라는 국제적 규범으로 귀결되어 폭넓은 지지를 받는 표준을 갖추게 되었다 . 이행원 칙은한국에도초기부터소개되어국가인권위원회와시민사회및학계를통한다양한연구 와 정책제안으로 이어졌고 , 그 결과 국가기본계획에 포함되는가 하면 2018년부터는 공공기 관의 경영평가 항목에 포함되어 이제 1,000여 개의 공공기관 대부분에 인권경영 방침이 수 립되고 인권 실사가 실행되고 있다 . 민간기업에 대한 확산도 진행 중이어서 법무부는 인권 경영 표준지침에 대한 의견을 수렴 중이다 . 그러므로 이미 국내에는 공공기관을 위한 인권 경영매뉴얼과민간기업을위한표준지침안이마련되어공공기관의경우이미실행중이다 . 그런데 기업의 활동과 속한 산업 , 그리고 관련된 이해관계자가 각자 다르므로 설사 방법론 에대한지침은표준화할수있더라도기업에맞는인권경영체제를수립하는것은기업과 인권방법론에대한정확한이해와함께해당기업에어떻게적용될것인가에대한고민이 선행되어야 한다 . 본 논문은 기업과 인권의 국제기준이 한국에 적용되는 과정에서 야기되 고 있는 주요이슈를 국가인권위원회에서 배포한 공공기관 인권경영 매뉴얼과 법무부에서 민간기업용으로 초안을 마련한 인권경영 표준지침안을 통해 분석하고 그에 따른 정책적인 제언을 제시한다 . 즉 , 기업과 인권에 관한 국내 주요이슈의 재구성을 통해 , 비록 기업과 인 권 이행원칙의 국내도입은 국가의 역할과 책임이 필수 불가결하지만 , 궁극적으로는 공공 및 민간에서 이미 존재하는 거버넌스의 조화를 위한 활동이어야 하고 , 과도한 규제는 기업 의 자발적인 노력 요소를 훼손하여 인권존중과 보호를 위한 일련의 장치와 문화형성에 효 과가 없거나 역효과를 낼 수도 있으며 , 아울러 구체적으로 거버넌스의 정립과 이해관계자 의참여가없이는인권경영취지에심각한결손을초래할수있음을환기하고 , 평가의복잡 성에 대한 해결책으로 공시기준에 주목해야 함을 권고한다 . Ever since the Business and Human Rights Guiding Principle was introduced at the United Nations, the reception of the new regime for business and human rights have been positive from the International Organizations and governmental bodies, if not from corporations themselves. Although the UNGP has been in operation for a relatively short period of time, the alignment of standards on the issue has been robust and far-reaching. Capital markets and procurement qualifications also have jumped on the bandwagon to push for the adoption of the standard. Korea has been no exception. Korean national human rights bodies have adopted the UNGP rather quickly and also incorporated the business and human rights elements into the Human Rights National Action Plan for 2018-2022. For state owned companies and institutions, the business and human rights standard manual has been published and strongly encouraged for implementation since 2018. Now, some 860 public institutions are evaluated on their performance which now includes the human rights management category. Department of Justice has been working on the draft of business and human rights obligation for private sector companies for a possible legislation to mandate the human rights due diligence. On this momentous and quite historic changes happening in Korea, however, there is a dearth of practical and interpretive guides that can help the practitioners, overseers, and decision-makers. This article surveys the key elements of the Business and Human Rights efforts in Korea and points out that convergence of disparate governance from public, corporate and civil society sectors, which is the main theme of John Ruggie’s approach for Business and Human Rights, is overlooked in the active regulatory guidance of the government, and that the voluntary nature and activities of the CSR should be a key focus of governmental ‘Protect’ activities. Also, corporate governance apparatus related to the human rights need to be carefully designed, to preserve the cooperation of private and public sector actors, and to strike a healthy balance between government regulations and voluntary CSR.

      • KCI등재

        명치기(明治期) 락어(落語)의 남성 1인칭대명사 -위상(位相)의 관점에서-

        송세련 한국일본어교육학회 2013 日本語敎育 Vol.64 No.-

        本硏究は明治中期から後期にかけて書かれた落語の速記資料『口演速記 明治大正落語集成』を對象に、男性によって使われた一人?代名詞について考察を行ったものである。話者の年?話者と相手との?係及び、話者自身の感情などの??な要件によって一人?代名詞を使い分けることについて位相という?念に着目して考察した。その結果は次の通りである。男性は?況によって多?な一人?代名詞を使っている。まず、社會階層間の?点からは上位者が下位社に對しては「おれ」と「わし」が多く使われており、下位者が上位者に對しては「わたし」「わし」「てまい」などが使われている。また、話者の心理?態によっては、感謝願い依?など相手に對して丁寧な言葉遣いをする必要がある場合には「わたし」「わし」「てまい」などが使われている。これに對してい怒り立腹などの感情を表す場合は「おれ」「おら」「おいら」「てめへ」などの人?詞が使われている。漢字の用字に?しては、各?の一人?代名詞が使われている?況や話者の身分などによって、それに合う漢字が使い分けられている部分が多少見られた。その他に、特定の漢字がある時期に集中的に使われていることも見られた。

      • KCI등재

        Pending Issues and Challenges on Legal Education in Korea after the Introduction of New Law School

        송세련 경희대학교 법학연구소 2009 경희법학 Vol.44 No.3

        Newly launched law school system in Korea takes on a responsibility that it had not faced before. Despite being the only formal higher learning educational institution in the legal education area, Korean universities have not been regarded as a professional school, as they have concentrated on more of a liberal arts legal education catering to the majority of its student population, while attending to a small number of students who actually stood a chance to pass the NJE. Now, graduate level law school education regime demands that Korean law schools reinvent itself. In doing so, they must establish core curriculum focused on systematically inculcating critical legal minds in the law students and transforming the students into professionals, well rounded in key traits and skills. They also have to work with private sector and regulators to bridge the gap and short falls that advancing Korean legal market requires, namely practical training opportunities and capitalizing on globalization opportunities. To successfully establish the law school as the driving force as it is intended, law schools, private sector firms and regulators have to work together to coherently build legal training regime, catering to Korean market and legal consumers, as well as global needs.

      • KCI등재후보

        기업지배구조와 M&A에 관한 정책과 법률의 한국적 적용

        송세련 경희대학교 법학연구소 2007 경희법학 Vol.42 No.3

        Corporate Governance and the Market for Corporate Control -Law and Policy Considerations in Korea- Song, Ryan S.* Current discussions on corporate governance are distinctly rooted in the historical and social environments of the United States and Great Britain. As such, the measures and key issues developed may or may not be applicable to other markets and environments. Korea, subjected to the exigencies of the Asian Economic Crisis of the late 1990s, has for the most part accommodated the U.S. model of corporate governance, applying it first to banks and then to the industrial sector, through a series of legislative initiatives. This paper identifies and discusses issues related to the theoretical underpinnings of the current corporate governance model in order to discover what may be lacking in the discussion in regard to the unique circumstances of corporate governance in Korea. The U.S. and U.K. systems have placed much emphasis on the agency problem and the moral hazards it tends to spawn (as exemplified by the seemingly excessive executive pay trend in the U.S. and the size-oriented M&A waves of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s). However, although the agency issue is certainly a factor in Korea, as it is in all economies with a cadre of professional managers, it is not the most urgent matter. Rather, discussions on corporate governance in Korea should be focused on determining whether current corporate governance practice is sufficiently geared toward the innovations necessary for company success. This article argues that current policy governing Korean conglomerates may be misguided if the policy merely aims to remove corporate control from the founding family. This is so because the founding families' productive contribution to the economy, a factor common to all family-held firms worldwide, may be stripped away without an adequate replacement for its legitimate function in the market, a function played (or at least expected) by institutional investors in the U.S. The framework for corporate governance and the market for corporate control from both a legal and a policy-oriented view need to be better suited to Korean circumstances in order to foster company innovation and the raising of professional managers. Discussions on corporate governance in Korea should be aimed at coming up with a governance philosophy that can accomplish both.

      • KCI등재

        라쿠고(落語) 자료로 본 메이지기(明治期)의 「僕」와 「君」

        송세련 한국일본어교육학회 2023 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.104

        This paper analyzes the users and usage of 〈Boku〉 and 〈Kimi〉 targeting Rakugo, a spoken language material of the Meiji period. 〈Boku〉 and 〈Kimi〉 used by ordinary people in 『Syusei』 were often used when they pretended not to know their’s place(status) or wanted to make themselves look exaggerated. In addition, there is no case of using only 〈Boku〉 or 〈Kimi〉 throughout the conversation, and it is used with other personal pronouns. It is described as feeling a sense of incongruity or uncomfortable about the use of 〈Boku〉 or 〈Kimi〉 among these common people, and if you look at 〈Makura〉 of 〈Rakugo〉, it can be assumed that the use of 〈Boku〉 or 〈Kimi〉 was a social issue at that time In addition, the use of ゙〈Boku〉 or 〈Kimi〉 by ordinary people is described as a language behavior to increase psychological status by imitating the language of the upper class, or on the contrary, a language behavior that can be ridiculed by people around them. 본고는 메이지기의 구어 자료인 『集成』을 대상으로 그 시기 ボク와 キミ의 사용자 속성 및 사용실태를 분석한 것이다. 『集成』에서는 일반 서민 화자의 경우, 젠체하거나 과장되게 보이고 싶어 할 때 ぼく나 きみ를 사용하는 용례가 다수 관찰되었다. 이 경우 おれ나 わし, おまへ나 おまい 등의 각각의 상황에 맞는 다른 인칭대명사와 함께 사용하는 경우가 대부분이었다. 이러한 서민들 사이에서 ぼく나 きみ의 사용에 대해 위화감이나 불편함을 느끼는 것으로 묘사되어 있다. まくら 부분을 살펴보면 ぼく나 きみ의 사용은 그 당시 사회적 이슈가 되었던 것으로 짐작할 수 있으며, 시기적으로는 메이지 20년대 무렵에 일반 서민들 사이에서도 사용되기 시작된 것으로 보인다. 또한 ぼく나 きみ를 일반 서민이 사용하는 것은 상류층의 언어를 모방하여 심리적 지위를 높이기 위한 언어 행동, 혹은 주변 사람들에게 조롱당할 수 있는 언어 행동으로 묘사되어 있다.

      • KCI등재

        명치기(明治期) 1,2인칭대명사의 대우가치

        송세련 한국일본어교육학회 2011 日本語敎育 Vol.58 No.-

        本硏究は明治中期に書かれた落語の速記資料『口演速記 明治大正落語集成』を對象に、一·二人稱 代名詞について性差及び社會階層との關わりを中心に、その對應關係や文末表現などの待遇表現の觀點から考察を行ったものである。考察の結果は次の通りである。一人稱代名詞に關しては、「わたし」と「わたくし」は下位者が上位者に對して使う典型的な人稱詞である。また女性において「わたし」は、話者の身分や相手との關係などの要素とは關わりなく使われており、中立的な性格を持つと考えられる。男性が使う「おれ」と「わし」は、「わし」の方が「おれ」より丁寧で、その使用者も高年層に限られる。二人稱代名詞については、「あなた」と「おまえさん」は下位者が上位者に對して使うものであるが、その待遇度は「あなた」の方が「おまえさん」より若幹高い。「おまえ」と「おまい」の使い方は重なる部分が多いが、「おまえ」に比べて「おまい」は相手への丁寧な感情がこもっている。これに對して「おまえ」は、喧화の場面での話し手の罵りの感情などが反映されている場合が多い。また性別からみると男性の方が女性に比べてバラエティ-に富んでいる。

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