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      • 박종화 역사소설 『금삼의 피』의 연산군 형상 연구

        박은숙 ( Piao Yinshu ),박용애 ( Piao Yongai ) 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2021 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.17 No.0

        This essay studies Park Jong-Hwa and the image of Yeonsan Gun in his historical novel, Keunmsam-Eue-pee, through analyzing the differences between the historical and the fictional images. Keunmsam-Eue-pee is the first work which depicts Yeonsan Gun different from the historical records. After the Keunmsam-Eue-pee, in the complicated progress of Korean Modern History, Yeonsan Gun frequently appears in various medias such as novels, movies and plays ect., which testifies that the interests in the image of Yeonsan Gun as a common man with psychological complexity and worries are aroused. The novel Keunmsam-Eue-pee describes Yeonsan Gun from three pespectives: the son revenging for his mother, the king abusing power and violence, as well as the man with loneliness, unease and absence of emotion. That is to say, unlike the historically recorded Yeonsan Gun, in Keunmsam-Eue-pee, he is portrayed as a living man true to life. As the novel is composed when the Korea is under the rule of Japanese Imperialism, during that period, the destructive and rebellious image of Yeonsan Gun indirectly reflects the dissatisfactory and resistance against the Japanese Imperialism. In modern society, the reinterpreted image of Yeonsan Gun has renewed meaning that people should value the emotion and communication with others around.

      • 한국 개화기 신소설에 나타난 중국 이미지 연구

        박은숙 ( Yinshu Piao ) 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2016 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Entering the Modern ear, both China and Korea experienced serious despoliation by armed aggression of Western power. Under such a situation, many Koreans began to doubt about their long-timed Chinese oriented civilization and showed denial or even criticism on it. Through a review on these Korean New style novels at that time, this study showed a general aspect of image and perspective of China for Koreans at that time, such as took Chinese culture and classics as valve evaluation criteria or as subject for criticize, looked China as mysterious and chaos etc.In the study, the image of China is contemplated via some representative new style novels at that time. It shows that the Chinese civilization was declining while the western civilization was booming in Korea at that time, the new style novels, which quite differentiated with the medieval time literature, took an objective perspective on Chinese civilization, rather than just took an simple for or against standpoint. And in the same time, Chinese culture was still taking a heavy influence on Korean society, while Koreans took an extreme perspective on Western civilization in the enlightenment period. In that process, Korean literature took serious transformation while inheriting their traditional works.

      • KCI등재

        이념의 대립과 동족상잔의 비극 : 하근찬의 <야호>와 古華의 <芙蓉鎭>의 비교연구

        朴銀淑 한중인문학회 2007 한중인문학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        韓中 양국은 근현대에 들어와서 사상과 이념으로 인한 시련과 비극을 심히 겪게 된다. 자본주의와 사회주의·공산주의로 대별되는 이념은 두 나라에서 격렬하게 충돌하면서 깊은 상흔을 남겼다. 한국에서는 그것이 전쟁으로 나타났고 중국에서는 장기간에 걸치는 사상투쟁으로 나타났는데, 이것은 민족구성원 사이에서, 또는 인민내부에서 진행된 동족상잔의 투쟁이자 전쟁이었다는 점에서 맥을 같이 한다. 하근찬과 古華는 〈야호〉와 〈芙蓉鎭〉을 통해 이 비극적 역사의 직접적인 경험자이자 피해자로서 이념으로 인한 동족상잔의 국난을 다루었다. 이 역사적 비극의 사회역사적 원인과 그것이 우리의 힘없는 서민들에게 끼친 재난에 대해 고발하면서 이념투쟁이 우리 근현대사에 미친 부정적 영향과 그것의 역사적 의미를 규명하고 있다. 그것은 다름 아닌 외래적인 이념에 대한 어설픈 이해와 기계적 적용이 한중 양국에 돌이킬 수 없는 민족적 비극을 초래했으며 우리 사회의 발전을 지연시켰다는 것이다. China and Korea had both suffered not only from war but also post-war chaos and ideological confrontation last century. After war, the two opposite ideologies, capitalism and socialism, conflicted violently in both countries respectively, and both countries suffered heavily from these tragedies, both experienced civil war and the post war separation and confrontation for decades, and both experienced serious revolutions. Ha gen-can andGu Hua, separately tried to reveal the reasons or factors of these historical tragedies they experienced, and try to show people the hurt and pain they got from the conflict via their own novels 〈Night kettle〉 and 〈Furong Town〉. The authors also try to illustrate the horrible effects and historical significances of these conflicts to the people today. After reading these works, we can find that both the writers induce the reason of these national tragedies in their own country to be the dogmatic adoption of foreign ideology without any screening or modification. As the result itgreatly affected the social development in both of the countries.

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