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      • KCI등재

        기업의 고객관계관리 프로그램이 고객의 추천행동에 미치는 영향: 고객-브랜드 관계의 매개역할을 중심으로

        류강석 ( Gang Seog Ryu ),장정민 ( Jung Min Jang ),이형권 ( Hyung Kwon Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2004 소비자학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        The objectives of this paper are to investigate the effects of CRM programs on customers` word-of-mouth (WOM) behavior, and to examine the mediating role of consumer-brand relationship quality (BRQ) compared to customer satisfaction in this relationship. The survey results of 232 mobile service users confirmed that in general the more respondents participated in the CRM programs, the more they engaged in WOM behavior. However, the effects varied across individual programs, and were partially (e.g., Idea Internship Program) or fully mediated (e.g., Brand Play On and Brand Club) by BRQ. In addition, when BRQ was entered in the model, the effect of customer satisfaction disappeared. This implies that BRQ may be more powerful than customer satisfaction in explaining customers` WOM behavior.

      • KCI등재

        고객만족-구전의도의 관계에 영향을 미치는 상황요인에 관한 연구: 유대강도와 구전계기의 역할을 중심으로

        류강석 ( Gang Seog Ryu ),박종철 ( Jong Chul Park ) 한국소비자학회 2004 소비자학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        Our paper examines the moderating roles that the two situational factors, that is, tie strength and solicitation of WOM, play in determining the relationship between customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth intention. In the experiment, for a weak tie participants were more likely to engage in WOM when satisfied compared to when dissatisfied, whereas they showed little difference in WOM intention when the recipient was a strong tie. The results suggest that the MUM effects were observed in the weak tie condition and the strength of strong ties was replicated in the strong tie condition. In addition, participants also behaved differently depending upon how the WOM incidence was stimulated. When WOM was requested, satisfied customers showed a higher degree of WOM intention than dissatisfied ones, which was consistent with the congruence hypothesis. In contrast, for voluntary WOM, participants indicated a slightly stronger intention to engage in WOM when dissatisfied rather than when satisfied, as the negativity biases predicted.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소비자의 조절초점이 타협대안의 선택에 미치는 영향

        류강석(Gang Seog Ryu),권성우(Seung Woo Kwon),박종철(Jong Chul Park) 한국마케팅학회 2006 마케팅연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구에서는 소비자들의 동기체계인 조절초점이 타협대안과 극단대안에 대한 소비자들의 선택에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 두 개의 실험을 통하여 고찰하였다. 실험 1에 의하면, 방어초점이 활성화된 응답자들의 경우, 두 대안 보다 세 대안 상황에서 타협대안을 훨씬 많이 선택하였으나, 향상초점 응답자의 경우 두 대안 보다 세 대안 상황에서 오히려 타협대안을 약간 적게 선택하였다. 실험 2에서는, 빈약대안 (타협대안의 한 유형)의 선택비율이 향상초점보다는 방어초점이 높은 응답자들에게서 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 방어초점에서는 타협효과가 유지 혹은 강화되지만, 향상초점에서는 약화되는 결과를 보여 주었다. 이러한 결과를 야기하는 심리적 기제로서, 소비자가 선호를 형성하고 선택하는 과정에서 대안의 이상적인 정도와 지각된 위험이라는 두 요인이 차별적인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 것이 제시되어, 실험 2의 결과에 의하면 향상초점 소비자들은 전자에, 방어초점 소비자들은 후자에 더 큰 가중치를 두는 것으로 보고되었다. This paper examines how regulatory focus affects consumers` choice between a compromise option and an extreme option. In Experiment 1, participants in prevention focus chose the compromise option significantly more when a third alternative was added to the two-brands choice set, whereas those in promotion focus selected the extreme alternatives slightly more in the three-brands set. Experiment 2 result was consistent with that of Experiment 1: the choice share of the impoverished option (a type of compromise option) relative to the enriched option (a type of enriched option) was higher among prevention- than promotion-focused participants. It was suggested that the moderating effect of regulatory focus on the choice of the compromise option could be attributed to the different weights assigned to the perceived idealness and to the perceived riskiness of the options by prevention- versus promotion-focused consumers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시간해석과 자아해석이 소비자의 고려상표군 형성에 미치는 영향

        박종철 ( Jong Chul Park ),류강석 ( Gang Seog Ryu ) 한국소비자학회 2012 소비자학연구 Vol.23 No.1

        기존문헌에서 소비자의 고려상표군 형성과 관련된 다양한 영향요인들이 제시되었지만, 시간해석과 자아해석의 효과에 대해서는 아직 연구가 이루어지지 않았다. 이러한 공백을 채우기 위하여 본 연구는 시간해석과 자아해석이 고려상표군의 크기와 이질성에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 실험을 통하여 탐구하였다. 먼저, 시간해석의 관점에서 보면, 가까운 미래보다 먼 미래에 얼어날 소비상황에서 소비자들은 더욱 많은 수의 대안들을 고려상표군에 포함시키고, 이러한 대안들은 서로 다른 제품범주에 속할 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 상호의존적 자아해석과 비교하여 독립적 자아해석이 강한 소비자들은 특정의 소비목적을 충족하기 위하여 더욱 많은 수의 대안을 고려하고, 고려상표군에 포함된 대안들의 이질성도 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 나아가, 시간해석과 자아해석이 동시에 작용하는 경우, 독립적 자아해석이 강한 소비자들이 먼 미래의 선택을 할 때 고려상표군의 크기와 이질성이 가장 큰 것으로 보고되었다. 반면 나머지 세 조건(상호의존적 자아해석-가까운 미래, 상호의존적 자아해석-먼 미래, 독립적 자아해석-가까운 미래) 간의 차이는 유의하지 않은 것으로 밝혀졌다. 즉, 다른 성향을 지닌 두 조건이 결합될 경우, 한 변수가 다른 변수의 효과를 약화시킨 것이다. 본 연구는 고려상표군 문헌과 시간 및 자아해석 문헌 각각에 대하여 새로운 연구결과를 제공할 뿐만 아니라, 시간해석과 자아해석의 연관성 및 상호작용 효과에 관한 시사점도 제시하고 있다. 마지막으로, 기업의 고려상표군 전략과 관련하여, 브랜드 위상(예, 선도 vs. 후발 브랜드)이나 특성(예, 혁신 vs. 개선제품)에 따라 어떤 마케팅활동이 더욱 적합하고 효과적일지 제안하고자 한다. Despite a long tradition of research on consideration set formation, little is known about the impact of temporal construal and self-construal on the phenomenon. To fill this gap in the literature, the research examines how temporal construal and self-construal, respectively as well as interactively, influence the size and heterogeneity of consumers` consideration sets in an experimental setting. According to the construal level theory and its related research findings, individuals tend to construe consumption occasions or goals in more abstract way, to pursue maximal or desirable outcomes, to avoid ommission errors, and to have broader categories as the temporal distance increases. In contrast, when the temporal distance decreases, people are likely to construe consumption occasions or goals in more concrete way, to pursue minimal or feasible) outcomes, to avoid commission errors, and to have narrower categories. These differences across temporal contrual levels lead us to develop Hypothesis 1-1 and 1-2, stating that consumers will form a larger and more heterogeneous consideration set when they make a decision for a distant future rather than for a near future. The literature on self-construal suggests that independent construals tend to be promotion-focused, to value positive outcomes and benefits, to take risks, to perceive a higher degree of similarity due to decontextualized information processing, and to rely on ``exclusion`` mode of screening, whereas interdependent construals tend to be prevention-focused, to value not making mistakes, to avoid risks, to have a narrow and detailed category structure due to contextualized information processing, and to use ``inclusion`` mode of screening, Thus we can predict that consumers who have independent self-contruals are likely to include a larger number of and more diverse brands in their consideration set than those who have interdependent self-contruals (Hypothesis 2-1 and 2-2). As to the interaction between temporal distance and self-construal, we need to look into each of the four conditions separately. First, when consumers with interdependent self-construal make a decision for a near future, they will formulate a smallest and least heterogenous consideration set (condition 1). Second, when consumers with independent self-construal make a decision for a distant future, they will form a largest and most heterogenous consideration set(condition 4). Third, when consumers with interdependent self-construal make a decision for a distant future(condition 2) or when consumers with independent self-construal make a decision for a near future(condition 3), there are two possibilities. The first is that only one of the two variables has effects with the other one dormant, especially one that is expected to bring about a larger and more heterogenous consideration set. Under this possibility, the consideration set will be significantly larger and more heterogeneous in the condition 2 or 3 than in the condition 1. The other is that one variable suppresses the impact of the other variable, which makes it harder to predict whether the combined effects (condition 2 or 3) will be significantly different from that in the condition 1. Therefore, Hypothesis 3-1 and 3-2 deal with only the two extreme conditions(1 and 4), and posit that the consideration set will be bigger and more diverse when consumers with independent self-construal make a decision for a distant future compared to when consumers with interdependent self-construal make a decision for a near future. A laboratory experiment, with a 2 (self-construal: independent vs. interdependent) x 2 (temporal distance: near vs. distant) full-factorial between-subjects design, was conducted to test the hypotheses. One hundred and eighty-five college students participated in the experiment as part of a course requirement. In the experiment, self-construal was manipulated by asking the participants to write a story using ``I(i.e., independent self)`` or ``we(ie., interdependent self)`` about a travel done by oneself or with a group of friends after seeing a corresponding photo. Then they chose multiple alternatives of performances(e.g., play, movie, concert, etc.) for further consideration, assuming that they are going to watch it tomorrow(i.e., near future) or a month later(i.e., distant future). The manipulations turned out to be successful. Four separate t-tests were performed to test the main effect hypotheses(Hypothesis 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2), and two ANOVAs, followed by planned contrasts, were used to test Hypothesis 3-1 and 3-2. The analysis results confirmed our predictions. First, participants included a larger number of and more heterogeneous alternatives in their consideration sets for the distant rather than near future purchase occasion(size: t=2.820, p<.01; 5.37 vs. 4.62, heterogeneity: t=3.079, p<.01; 2.47 vs. 2.13). Second. the consideration sets comprised of a larger number of and more heterogeneous brands for participants of independent self-construal compared to those of interdependent self-construal(size: t=2.316, p<.05; 5.29 vs. 4.67, heterogeneity: t=1.618. p=.10: 2.39 vs. 2.20). Moreover, when both types of construals were in operation, participants formulated the largest and most heterogeneous consideration sets when making decision for the distant furture with independent self-construal activated(size 5.86; heterogeneity 2.61). On the other hand, there were no significant differences in the size or herogeneity of consideration sets between the rest of the three consditions(i.e., near future-interdependent self-construal〔4.47: 2.07〕. near future-independent self-construal〔4.78: 2.19〕, and distant future-interdependent self-construal〔4.89: 2.34〕). This research add new findings not only to the literature on consideration set formation, but also proposes a possibility that temporal construal and self-construal may be closely related to each other in terms of generating similar effects from consumers. It also provides some insights for the nature of interactions between the two constructs. That is, one variable suppresses the impact of the other variable to a certain extent when the two variables operate simultaneously with opposite effects. Finally, firms should devise different strategies depending on the status of their brands(e.g., leader vs. follower) or nature of their products(e.g., really innovative vs. incremental) to increase the probability for them to be considered by consumers.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 조절초점과 팽창가격 할인광고의 효과

        김경미(Kyoung Mi Kim),류강석(Gang Seog Ryu) 한국마케팅학회 2008 마케팅연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 조절초점이 다른 소비자들이 최대가격 및 최소가격 할인광고에 대하여 어떻게 반응하는지 고찰하였다. 실험결과, 먼저 기존연구에서 보고된 바와 같이, 최소가격 할인광고보다는 최대가격 할인광고를 실시한 소매점에 대하여 소비자들은 전반적으로 절약을 더 많이 할 수 있을 것이라 지각하였고, 거래의 가치를 더 크게 평가하였으며, 보다 우호적인 거래태도를 보였고, 구매하려는 의향을 더 지닌 것으로 밝혀졌다. 하지만, 동일한 가격할인 광고에 대한 반응은 소비자의 조절초점에 따라서 다르게 나타났다. 즉, 이상을 추구하고 모험적인 특성을 가진 향상초점 소비자들은 보수적이고 위험에 민감하며 안전을 중시하는 방어초점 소비자들보다 최대가격 할인광고에 더욱 긍정적으로 반응하였다. 반면, 최소가격 할인광고의 경우 방어초점 소비자들이 더욱 우호적으로 평가하였다. 이러한 조절초점의 차별적 효과는 가격할인의 준거로서 경쟁자가격이 사용되었을 때에는 명확하게 나타났지만, 과거가격이 준거로 사용된 광고에서는 나타나지 않았다. 이러한 효과가 발생하는 심리적 기제로서는, 가격할인의 목표가 달성되었을 때 예상되는 기쁨과 이와 연관된 위험에 대하여 향상초점과 방어초점 소비자들이 다르게 지각하기 때문인 것으로 제시되었다. 즉, 최대가격 할인광고의 목표가 달성되었을 경우에는 방어초점보다 향상초점 소비자들이 더욱 큰 기쁨을 느끼고, 최소가격 할인광고에 대해서는 향상초점보다 방어초점 소비자들이 더욱 큰 기쁨을 느낄 것으로 예상하였다. 반면, 지각된 위험과 관련하여서는 최대가격 할인광고에 대하여 향상초점보다 방어초점 소비자들이 더욱 큰 위험을 지각하였고, 최소가격 할인광고에 대해서는 오히려 방어초점보다 향상초점 소비자들이 더욱 큰 위험을 지각하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 본 연구결과가 가격할인 및 할인광고 전략수립에 어떤 이론적·실무적 시사점을 제공하는지 논의되었다. Considering the effectiveness and prevalence of price discount to attract customers to visit a retail store and/or make a purchase, numerous studies have been conducted on the topic from a diversity of perspectives. However, little is known about the role of motivational factors in the effects of price discount. The purpose of this research is to investigate how consumers` regulatory focus will affect their responses toward price discount advertisements in the retail setting. Specifically, we focus on tensile price claims, which use ambiguous semantic cues in presenting price discount information (Mobley, Bearden, and Teel 1988; Biswas and Burton 1994). Previous research reports the superior effects of maximal price claims (e.g., "Save up to 40 %") over minimal price claims (e.g., "Save 10% or more") on consumers` perceived savings, perceived value of the deal, attitude toward the deal, and purchase intention. This research proposes that these effects will be moderated by consumers` regulatory focus. That is, promotion-focused consumers will respond more positively to the maximal tensile price claims than prevention-focused consumers, whereas prevention-focused consumers will show more positive responses toward the minimal tensile price claims than promotion-focused consumer. This is likely because consumers with promotion focus tend to focus more on ideals and aspirations, whereas consumers with prevention focus tend to focus more on safety and potential risk. Furthermore, the reference used in the ad is expected to play an important role (Kahneman and Tversky 1979). If the price of a competitor is used as reference (competitive reference; e.g., 20% discount more than competitor), consumers will find it easier and more useful to make a store decision because both pieces of price information are contemporary and self-sufficient. In contrast, for past price of the store as reference, its truthfulness need to be verified. In addition, if consumers want to make more accurate decision, it still requires them to check on competitors` prices. Thus we predict the following: Hypothesis 1: For the maximal price claims, consumers with promotion focus will show more positive responses than those with prevention focus, whereas for the minimal price claims consumers with prevention focus will show more positive responses than those with promotion focus. However, the interaction effect will be more prominent when the competitor`s price is used as reference compared to when the past price of the retailer is used as reference. We propose that the predicted effects will be attributable to the different perceptions of prevention- and promotion-focused consumers about tensile price claims on the two dimensions of hedonic values and perceived risks. To test this underlying mechanism, we posit the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 2-1: When the goal of the maximal price claims is accomplished, consumers with promotion focus will perceive a higher degree of hedonic value than those with prevention focus. On the other hand, when the goal of the minimal price claims is accomplished, consumers with prevention focus will feel happier than those with promotion focus. However, this interaction effect will be more pronounced when the competitor`s price is used as reference compared to when the past price of the retailer is used as reference. Hypothesis 2-2: For the maximal price claims, consumers with prevention focus will perceive higher risks than those with promotion focus, whereas for the minimal price claims, consumers with promotion focus will perceive higher risks than those with prevention focus. However, this interaction effect will be more pronounced when the competitor`s price is used as reference compared to when the past price of the retailer is used as reference. To test the hypotheses, a 2 (tensile price claims: maximal vs. minimal) x reference (past vs. competitor) x regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention) between-subjects full-factoria

      • KCI등재

        기업 능력 및 사회적 책임 연상이 고객 태도에 미치는 영향

        박종철(Jong Chul Park),류강석(Gang Seog Ryu) 한국마케팅학회 2012 마케팅연구 Vol.27 No.1

        주로 단일 차원으로 간주되어 온 기업 이미지 개념에 대하여, 최근에는 기업 능력과 사회적 책임에 관한 연상으로 구분하여 접근하려는 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 두 가지 유형의 기업 연상이 두 차원의 신뢰를 거쳐 소비자의 기업 및 제품에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 연구모형이 설정되었다. 먼저, Doney and Cannon(1997)이 정리한 신뢰형성 과정과 호혜성의 원리 등을 바탕으로 기업 연상이 기업에 대한 신뢰로 연결되는 관계를 설명하였고, 신뢰는 신뢰 전이와 불확실성 및 위험감소 메커니즘을 통하여 소비자의 태도에 영향을 미칠 것으로 제시되었다. 또한, 신뢰의 차원에 따라 영향경로가 다를 것으로 예측하였다. 설문조사 결과는 본 연구모형을 지지하는 것으로 나타났다. 먼저, 기업 능력 연상은 신용 차원의 신뢰, 사회적 책임 연상은 호의성 차원의 신뢰와 정의 관계를 가지는 것으로 보고되었다. 나아가 신용 차원의 신뢰와 호의성 차원의 신뢰는 각각 기업에 대한 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 끼쳤으며, 이는 궁극적으로 제품에 대한 태도로 연결되었다. 특히, 신용 차원의 신뢰는 제품태도에 직접적으로 영향을 행사하는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 본 연구모형은 단일차원의 신뢰가 매개하는 대안모형이나 직접 효과를 설정한 대안모형, 혹은 기업 연상이 두 차원의 신뢰에 모두 영향을 미치는 대안모형보다 설명력이 우월하다는 결과도 제시되었다. 마지막으로, 기존 연구와의 차별점을 포함하여 본 연구가 마케팅문헌에 기여하는 바를 논의하였고, 기업의 마케팅활동에 시사하는 점을 제시하였으며, 본 연구가 지닌 한계점과 향후 연구에 대한 몇 가지 제안을 제공하였다. The theory of customer-based brand equity emphasizes the importance of brand awareness and brand image or associations in building a strong brand. Marketing scholars have recently begun to identify the two types of corporate associations, that is, corporate ability(CA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) associations, which had long been conceptualized as a unidimensional construct of corporate image in the literature. In line with the new research stream, we develop a research model concerning how CA and CSR associations are related to credibility-based and benevolence-based trust, which in turn will affect consumer attitudes toward company and product. Our model differs from the previous ones in that both CA and CSR associations are included in a single model, two dimensions of trust are used as a key mediator as apposed to the traditional one-dimensional trust, trust is conceptualized at a corporate level rather than at a product level, and trust has both a direct and indirect effect on product evaluations. In addition to testing the hypothesized paths in the model, we pit it against three alternative models, that is, one that has a complete set of paths from CA and CSR associations to credibility- and benevolence- based trust, the other with both associations and trusts as antecedents and with no mediator, and a third with the overall trust as a mediator. First of all, we argue that corporate associations are rather specific and superficial, largely formulated by consumers` past and present experiences with a firm, whereas trust is abstract and deep, and incorporates vulnerability for uncertainty and expectations about future behaviors. Then we try to predict the relationship between associations and trust, based on Doney and Cannon(1997)`s trust development processes. First, firms tend to make huge investments in building favorable associations about themselves among consumers. Since opportunistic behaviors endanger the valuables assets accumulated, consumers would perceive firms unlikely to engage in those behaviors and trust those with positive associations. Second, consumers tend to feel thankful for and appreciate firms` efforts to provide more values for them, and perceive certain reciprocity toward the firms. These positive feelings will lead to consumers` trust to the firms. Third, a well-established set of associations are an outcome of long and enriched interactions between a firm and its consumers, which implies that consumers would be experienced and knowledgeable about the firm. This can be instrumental to building trust toward the firm. Finally, credibility-based trust is likely formed when consumers believe a firm to have an ability and capability of fulfilling its promises, mostly about providing high quality products with good prices. Corporate capability associations contain relevant information for this. On the other hand, benevolence- based trust has to do with intentions and motives, which can be inferred by firms` CSR activities and associations. All together, these suggest a positive relationship between CA associations and credibility- based trust, and between CSR associations and benevolence-based trust. In conclusion, our model proposes that consumers are likely to build trust in the company which has favorable and strong corporate associations. It also proposes that trust will have a positive impact on consumer attitudes because it is able to reduce consumers` perceptions of risk or uncertainty in the purchase process, and can be directly transferred to the attitudes as a cue or heuristics. Moreover, the two dimension of trust are expected to follow different routes of influence. A survey was conducted with three-hundred and ten respondents. They were randomly assigned to one of the ten actual companies operating in the Korean marketplace, varying by origin, size, and industry. The structural equation modeling is used to examine the validity of the proposed model and test individual paths.

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