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      • KCI등재

        戦後の在日コリアン政策を通して見る 日本の「多文化共生」イデオロギー -教育政策と市民運動を中心に-

        나카무라히로시 한국일본언어문화학회 2014 일본언어문화 Vol.27 No.-

        The concept of "multiple cultures" did not exist in postwar Japan, but the "international understanding" which gives priority to its race had substituted for the ideology. Those days most foreigners were Koreans in Japan, and the policy to them was an "assimilation policy." and assimilation was "kyosei" ideology containing the meaning of "parasitism." The 90s in Japan, although newcomers increased in number, but the governmental plan was "Japanesization" of them. It was only extension of the "assimilation policy" to a Korean in Japan. The Japanese government began to use the word "tabunka-kyosei" under such circumstances. However, even if it used the word "tabunka-kyosei", it is extension of an "assimilation policy" and there was no change in the meaning of "parasitism" being contained. Furthermore, the civic movement in connection with a newcomer advanced activity which assists with a governmental policy, without considering "tabunka-kyosei" ideology deeply. The 1980s, only the Korean educational movement in Japan put the ideology "mutualism", and promoted the movement. However, now it can concluded that the movement will also be controlled by the "tabunka-kyosei" ideology containing the meaning of "parasitism" .

      • KCI등재

        逸脱抑止機能が期待される 学校の規則のあり方についての考察 -日本の学校文化といじめ問題を中心に-

        나카무라히로시 한국일본언어문화학회 2011 일본언어문화 Vol.18 No.-

        「いじめ」は主に子どもたちが多くの時間を過ごし、ルールが機能しているはずの「学校」という場で起きる。その学校を取り巻く社会や、内にいる教員や子ども自身が変化してきている一方、学校制度のほうは基本的なところで延々と変化がない。その中でもほとんど変化しないものが学校の規則である。学校ではこの規則が逸脱行動の抑止力になるべきものと期待されているはずであった。しかし、いじめ問題がなくならないという現実から、学校の規則がいじめ行為の抑止力になっていなかったと見ることができる。いじめ行為は学校における逸脱行為、つまり、いじめ加害者が学校の規則や規範観念を乗り越えて起こす加害行為であるから、加害者によって乗り越えられる「規則の機能」(制度的側面)を検討することはいじめ問題の解決のために必要なことである。つまり、学校のようにサンクションのない場所でのいじめ問題においては、加害者がどのように社会規範に同調するかということの究明が重要である。 規範観念へ同調し自己規制できる子どもを育てるためには人や状況との出会い、接触の中で行為を「対比」ではなしに「自己判断」できる「メジャー」となる規範が必要であり、それは判断の基準となる「原則」を示すことによって可能となる。そこで本稿ではT・ハーシが提唱した「ボンド理論」と竹川郁夫の「状況適合性ルール」を「いじめ」という逸脱行動に当てはめて検討し、逸脱行動を抑止する機能が期待される学校の規則のあり方を探る。ボンド理論における「コントロール」は「個人を基軸とした概念であり個人が社会と結びついている状態を指しているのであり、個人が自らに対して行う抑制行動ないしは内面化された抑止機制を意味している」ものであり、学校の規則を機能させるときに重要な鍵となる。また、学校で規則が機能するためには、その規則に自分たちが同意できるものだというアタッチメントとビリーフを形成させるように作られることが必要であり、そのためには教員が規則を一方的に布告せず、規則の成立に関してはは状況適合性ルールの成立過程が応用できる。ここでいう規則は必ずしも明文化されるものでなくてもよいが、この規則の成立には必ず「原則」との矛盾がないかの検討が必要である。

      • KCI등재

        일본의 "다문화공생"개념의 비판적 고찰

        나카무라히로시 ( Nakamura,Hiroshi ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.91 No.2

        일반적으로 일본에서 사용되고 있는 다문화라는 말은 구미의 다문화주의의영향을 받은 것으로 생각할 수 있으나, 일본의 경우, 다문화주의와는 동떨어진``동화(同化)`` 정책을 취해 왔다. 다문화주의는 유엔(UN) 등에서 마이너리티(minority)에 영향을 미치는 국제적 합의로 받아들여"반차별, 인권 옹호, 아이덴티티"를 기반으로 추진해 가는 정책임에도 불구하고, 일본은 그러한 방법을취하지 않고 동화 정책을 선택해 왔다. 그러한 가운데 1990년대 전후부터 일본에서는 노동자로서 일본계의 뉴커머(newcomer)가 증가했다. 그리고 그들과 일본인의 이문화 접촉을 다문화 상황으로서 인식하고, 그과정에서"다문화공생(多文化共生)"이라는 말이 생겨났다. 그러나 "공생"에는 원래"기생(寄生)"의 의미가 포함되고 있다. 전후 일본정부의 동화 정책은 일본에 이익이 되고 외국인에게는 불이익이 되는 ``기생``이라고 할 수 있다. 이런 일본의 ``공생``개념을 비판하고 지적하는 논조가 적었으며,이 때문에 일본 정부가"공생"이라는 말을 미화해서 쉽게 사용하게 됐다. 본고는"공생"의 의미를 일본 정부가 재일코리안의 동화 정책의 일환으로계속 사용하는것에대한 문제를 제기하고,"공생"을 부정적인 의미로 평가하고 비판한다. 그리고 그러한 의미를 대신하는 것으로"상생(相生)"이라는 말을 제시하고자 한다. It is thought that the word "tabunka" is the language affected to European andAmerican multiculturalism. However, Japan has advanced the assimilation policyunrelated to multiculturalism. The multiculturalism must be a policy which acceptsthe international agreement in connection with the minority in the United Nationsetc., and it advances based on "anti-discrimination, the protection of human rights,and an identity." But, the Japanese government did not take such a method but haschosen the assimilation policy. In such a process, newcomers increase in number from around 1990 as workersinto Japan, and the cultural contact of Japanese and them came to be regarded asa multicultural situation. The word "tabunka-kyosei" was produced under suchcircumstances. However, there was little indication of the meaning "parasitism" which the word"kyosei" has, and there was no argument which criticizes the usage that makes"kyosei" coexist with "assimilation." This made it easy that the Japanese governmentused the word "kyosei."The word "kyosei" was used while the Japanese government is making theassimilation policy of the Korean in Japan, it is still continnued. Also from that,this paper evaluates "kyosei" in the negative, and proposes the words "sosei" in it.

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