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        묘제(墓制)와 목관(木棺)을 통해 본 익산 쌍릉(益山 雙陵)의 의미

        김낙중,Kim, Nak-jung 국립문화재연구원 2014 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.47 No.4

        이 글에서는 익산 쌍릉의 묘제 및 목관의 특징과 그 역사적 의미를 살펴보았다. 쌍릉은 묘제와 장제 뿐만 아니라 옥장신구와 같은 부장유물 그리고 익산과 무왕의 관계를 통해서도 무왕과 그 비의 능임을 확인할 수 있다. 익산에 백제 왕릉, 즉 무왕릉이 조영된 이유는 여러 측면에서 살펴볼 수 있다. 우선 사비가 아니라 익산을 기반으로 왕이 된 무왕이 익산을 중요시한 것은 당연하다. 또한 신라와의 관계에서 익산의 지정학적 중요성도 익산 경영의 요인이 되었다. 익산에 도성의 경관을 이루는 주요시설을 세운 것은 천도 혹은 그에 준하는 행위의 준비와 일부 실행을 보여준다. 다만 귀족과 사서인(士庶人)의 거주구역 등 도시로 완성된 모습을 보이지 않은 것은 그것이 완전하지 못하였음을 시사한다. 그렇지만 무왕 사후에도 익산의 중요성은 의자왕에 의해 유지되었다. 그것은 무왕 재위 후반기에 창건된 제석사 및 미륵사와 같은 대사찰이 백제 멸망 때까지 계속 운영된 점이나 사찰로 전용되었지만 왕궁 일원이 여전히 존속된 점을 통해서 알 수 있다. 이러한 계승의식이 무왕과 그 비의 능을 익산지역에 조성하는 행위로 구체화되었다고 할 수 있다. This article examined the burial type, wooden coffin and its historical significance of Iksan Ssangneung, the royal tombs of Baekje. Ssangneung was found to be the royal tombs of King Mu(武王) and queen through the burial type, wooden coffin, articles such as chinese jade ornaments and the deep relationship between King Mu and Iksan region. The reason of constructing Baekje royal tombs in Iksan region can be examined at many aspects. First, Iksan was a very important place for King Mu. Because Iksan was the basis of his political growth. Also, Iksan was a important geopolitical location in relation with Silla(新羅). For this reason, Iksan was developed in earnest. The construction of major facilities such as royal palace and temples in Iksan suggest the transfer of the capital from Sabi(泗?) or the preparation and partial execution at least. However, the transfer of the capital was not completed. It can be seen as the incomplete city. However, even after King Mu Iksan was maintained as the important region by King Euja(義慈王). It can be seen through the maintenance of great temples such as Jeseoksa(帝釋寺) and Mireuksa(彌勒寺) built at later period of King Mu and royal palace area, even though royal palace had turned into the temple. These inherited consciousness may have been embodied in the act of building royal tombs of King Mu and queen.

      • 영산강류역(榮山江流域) 옹관고분(甕棺古墳) 발생(發生) 배경(背景)

        김낙중,Kim, Nak-Jung 국립문화재연구원 2004 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.37 No.-

        2세기 후반 이후 범마한적(凡馬韓的)으로 사용되던 대형 옹형토기는 백제가 우월적 정치체로서 성장함에 따라 점차적으로 범위가 좁아지며 용도가 바뀌는데, 3세기 후반 이후 영산강유역에서 저분구묘의 중심 매장시설로 기능을 전용하면서 옹관고분이 등장하게 된다. 옹관의 형태와 양식이 통일되면서 백제와 구별되는 상징적 스타일로 강화, 사용된 것으로 추정된다. 즉 마한을 구성한 대등한 정치체들의 공통적 상징이 백제와 구별되는 영산강유역이라는 광역적인 집단의 상징으로 바뀐 것으로 추정된다. 이러한 과정은 백제와 정치적으로 구별하고 맞서야 하는 대내외적 요구를 충족시키는데 필요한 영산강유역 집단의 결집을 위한 통합 이데올로기의 반영이라고 판단된다. Large Jar had been manufactured and used broadly in Mahan area from late second century. At first, it was used for various purposes, for example storing utensils at household and religious service at tombs. But it's usage was shifted with the political expansion of Baekje. In late third century, large jar coffin appeared in tombs as an important burial unit at Yeongsangang river valley. It has specific traits such as saw blade-shaped design etc. That style is distinguished from Baekje's. Unification of form and style of large jar coffin signify the socio-political distinction between Yeongsangang river valley and Baekje. Large jar coffin was used emblemic style for this purposes by the political elites of the Yeongsangang river valley. This process was caused by political reason, that is, need for integration of the Yeongsangang river valley communities against the territorial expansion of Baekje state.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        흑연과 알루미나 표면 위에서의 o-크실렌의 물리흡착

        김낙중,장세헌,Kim Nak Joong,Jang Sei Hun 대한화학회 1978 대한화학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        진공미량저울을 사용하여 Spheron 6 위에서 o-크실렌의 여러 온도에서의 흡착등온곡선을 얻고 이들로 부터 BET 방법을 써서 흡착분자 단면적을 구하였다. 이 단면적의 값은 $-15^{\circ}C$까지에서는 변화가 없었고 -15와 $-14^{\circ}C$ 사이에서 갑자기 변하여 $-14^{\circ}C$ 이상의 온도에서는 다시 일정한 값을 유지하였다. 이 결과는 $-15^{\circ}C$ 보다 낮은 온도에서는 촘촘히 쌓인 편재흡착이 일어나고 $-14^{\circ}C$ 이상의 온도에서는 벤젠고리를 중심으로한 하나의 회전자유도를 얻는 것으로 생각된다. Adsorption isotherms of o-xylene on Spheron 6, a graphitized carbon black, are obtained at various temperatures using a quartz beam microbalance. BET plots are made to estimate the molecular area of o-xylene from these isotherms. On Spheron 6, the molecular area of o-xylene (m.p $-25^{\circ}C$) remains constant until the temperature is increased up to $-15^{\circ}C$, but increases abruptly between $-15^{\circ}C$ and $-14^{\circ}C$, and then again remains constant thereafter. These results are interpreted as implying that the adsorbed o-xylene molecules are flatly localized on Spheron 6 with compact packing below $-15^{\circ}C$ while they gain a rotational degree of freedom around the benzene ring at the higher temperature.

      • KCI등재

        루이스 칸 건축에 있어서 테크놀로지의 의미에 관한 연구

        김낙중(Kim, Nak-Jung),정태용(Chung, Tae-Yong) 한국실내디자인학회 2012 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.21 No.6

        The aim of this study is to review the meaning of technologies in the works of Louis I. Kahn. Kahn"s main architectural thoughts of "what it wants to be" and "how it was done" are important in this research because these statements represent the ontology of his architecture and tectonic characteristics. These divisions also can be effective in studying relationship between technology and his architecture. "What it wants to be" means the essence and existence of architecture and "how it was done" shows the tectonic of architecture and construction process to enhance its presence. Kahn used technology as solutions for partial problems in his early years but later he changed its role as media to realize his concept ideally. He considered technology as enhancing building’s existence rather than its functional and economical efficiency. Kahn also visualize the usage of technology through detail and construction process. He developed his technology in ‘application?modification-complement’ process as he executed projects over again. As a result, technology itself cannot drive Kahn"s architectural thoughts in a certain way but Kahn emphasized technology as media to enhance the presence of his architecture and to present visualization and realization of his concepts.

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