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        군사기지협정(MBA)에서 방문군협정(VFA)으로: 미국‒필리핀 군사관계의 변화(1945‒2014)

        권오신 한국미국사학회 2015 미국사연구 Vol.41 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of the military relationship between USA and the Philippines. This paper especially focuses on the problems of military bases and tries to pursue the historical interpretation of ‘military security’ between the two countries for the period of the end of World War II to the present time. The alliance relationship between the two countries began on the basis of military alliance for national security of the Philippines. The focal point of the relationship is mainly the fact that the Philippines provided America’s pacific defence line with important military bases. During the period of the Cold War, the Philippines could secure her national security under the umbrella of America’s security by providing military bases. In this connection. the necessity and profit of the relationship was embodied in the establishment of ‘Military Bases Agreement(MBA, 1947).’ The agreement was not equal, so the Philippines tried to revise and restructure it. At last, the unequal agreement was ended(1991) and the military bases were shut down(1992). The world order has changed since 1990. In 1999, during the period of post‒Cold War, the two countries recovered the alliance relationship by joining in the new ‘Visiting Forces Agreement(VFA)’ as the result of an alleviation of cold war tensions. This agreement was equally established and allowed for American military forces ‘temporary visit’ to the Philippines instead of ‘permanent stay’ in the Philippines. From the point of practical necessity, the two countries set up a new relationship of security alliance. This was ‘A Reappraisal of the Role of America’ in the domain of national security. In the meantime, the relationship of military alliance between the two countries has been established and kept basically for the national security of the Philippines. The presence of American military forces in the Philippines is thought to play an significant function to her national security. This appreciation and necessity has strongly motivated and strengthened the firm unity of the two countries up to the present time. 이 글에서는 미‒필 양국관계를 중요한 본질이라고 간주되는 ‘군사안보’ 영역에 초점을 맞추었고, 시기적으로는 ‘2차 대전 이후부터 오늘에 이르기까지’를 그 대상으로 하는 역사적 해석을 추구하였다. 미‒필 관계가 기본적으로 안전보장을 위한 군사동맹이라는 사실로 출발한다. 군사관계 중에서도 특히 군사기지 문제를 그 중심축에 위치시켜 필리핀 독립 이후 오늘에 이르기까지의 미‒필 양국의 군사관계의 성격을 살피는 것이 이 글의 목적이다. 미‒필의 군사관계의 핵심 사안은 한마디로 필리핀이 미국의 태평양 방위선상에 중요한 군사기지들을 제공했다는 사실이다. 냉전기 동안에 필리핀은 군사기지들을 제공함으로써 미국의 안보우산 속에서 자국안보를 확립하였던 것이다. 미‒필의 상호 필요와 이익은 ‘군사기지협정’ 체결(1947년)로 구체화된 것이다. 냉전기에 양국의 안보환경은 서로 다른 이익이 복선으로 잠재되어 있었고, 군사기지협정은 그 복선의 중심에 위치해 있었다. 즉 그 협정이 필리핀에게는 태생적으로 쟁점이 되는 불평등 협정이었기에 냉전기 내내 그 협정을 개정하려는 공동노력이 있어왔다. 국제질서에서 냉전의 해체가 진행되자 필리핀인들은 반미감정을 표출했으며, 동맹관계를 원천적으로 개선하려는 집단행동으로 나아갔고, 궁극적으로 양국 군사관계의 핵심으로 운영되고 있던 군사기지협정의 종료를 이끌어냈다(1991년). 결국 미군기지는 1992년 철폐되었다. 세계질서는 1990년 전후로 탈냉전 상황으로 변화되었다. 군사기지협정이 종료되고, 후속적으로 필리핀에서 미군 기지들이 폐쇄된 결과 1990년대 초반 미‒필동맹은 그 관계가 일정정도 약화되었지만, 1999년 방문군협정이 조인되었을 때 동맹관계는 다시 회복되기 시작하였다. 방문군협정은 필리핀에게는 다른 중요한 의미도 부각되었다. 즉 양국 간에 동등한 입장에서 협정을 체결했다고 판단된다. 필리핀이 종속적 관계로 유지시켜온 군사기지협정을 공식적으로 종식시키고, 비로소 동등관계에서 새 협정을 생산해냈다는 의미가 부가되어야 하겠다. 그 성격으로는 미군의 ‘상시 주둔’에서 ‘일시 방문’을 허용한 것이다. 하여튼 탈냉전 상황에서 새로운 미‒필 안보동맹이라는 현실적 필요를 수용하여 양국은 방문군협정 체제를 구축하였다. 한마디로 안보국면에서 ‘미국의 역할에 대한 재평가’였던 것이다. 변화된 국제환경 속에서 현재까지도 필리핀의 대미 군사관계는 필리핀 안보를 우선 축으로 관통되고 있다고 파악된다. 미국의 역내 존재 자체가 자국안보에 중요하게 작동한다고 판단하고 있는 것이다. 결국 그런 인식과 필요가 현재까지도 대미 결속을 지향하는 근본 동인으로 작용되는 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국지배 하에서 필리핀 입법부(의회)의 성립, 변화, 그리고 그 역할

        권오신 동국역사문화연구소 2018 동국사학 Vol.64 No.-

        미국은 1898년부터 1946년까지 필리핀을 식민 지배하였다. 1898년 미국-스페인전쟁(The American-Spanish War)을 통해 미국은 스페인세력을 몰아내고, 식민 지배국으로 등장한 것이다. 약 반세기동안 미국지배 하에서 필리핀은 다양한 유럽적 가치와 제도를 경험하게 되었고, 각종 정치·행정제도와 교육방식은 미국으로부터 직접적으로 영향을 받아온 것이다. 미국은 식민지를 지배하고 관리하기 위해 본국에서 운영되고 있는 여러 가지 제도들을 식민지에서 적용시켜 나갔다. 한편 식민지배 하에서 필리핀국민들은 지속적으로 ‘절대독립’을 지향하는 대의를 실행해 나가게 된다. 필리핀 지도자들의 독립운동은 국내정치의 정당의 발전과정에서 그 역할을 극대화시켜 나가고 있었다. 특징적인 것은 한국의 독립운동 경우와 다르게 민족지도자들이 필리핀 국내에 머물면서 독립운동을 전개했다는 점이다. 즉 미국이 이식시켜 준 정치제도권 내에서 활동해 나갔던 것이다. 즉 식민지 내 정치제도 중에서 입법부(의회)가 성립되었고, 민족지도자들이 의회의원이 될 수 있었기에 의회 내에서 적극적으로 독립활동을 실행해 나갔던 것이다. 이와 관련하여 이 글의 목적은 ‘필리핀입법부(의회)의 성립과 변화’라는 한 측면과 의회 활동의 중요 지향점인 ‘절대독립’ 역할이라는 다른 측면을 중심으로 그 양상과 의미를 추적하는 것이다. 달리 말하면, 미국지배 하에서 독립운동을 주도해 나간 인물들이 활동했던 중요 기구/조직을 이해하는 것이며, 나아가 궁극적인 독립 쟁취를 위한 일련의 독립운동에 대한 성격을 파악해 보려는 것이다. 미국 지배 하에서 필리핀 입법부는 시기에 따라 다양하게 변화되었다. 입법부의 성립과 변화 자체도 의미 있는 것이지만, 필리핀 독립운동의 지도자들이 바로 의회를 중심기구로 하여 국가의 절대독립을 추구해 나갔다는 그 역할에 중요성이 있다는 점을 강조하고자 하는 것이다. The Philippines was under the colonial rule of the United States from 1898 to 1946. With the American-Spanish War of 1898, the US had emerged as the new colonial ruler, driving out Spanish forces. For approximately half a century, the Philippines experienced a variety of European values and institutions under US rule. Their political and administrative systems, as well as education, were directly influenced by the US, who adopted multiple institutions from their homeland to rule and control their colonies. Conversely, the citizens of the Philippines ceaselessly argued for the just cause of “absolute independence.” Independence movements led by the people’s leaders were maximized with the development of political parties in the Philippines. Unlike the independence movements of Korea, they were organized by leaders residing in the Philippines, rather than in foreign countries. In other words, those organizations were active within the political institutions transplanted by the US. The legislative branch (parliament) was established as one of these colonial political institutions and, as they could become members of parliament, the people’s leaders were able to organize independence movements from within parliament actively. The purpose of this study is to explore the patterns and significance behind “the establishment and changes in the Philippines legislative branch (parliament)” and the “role of the cause for absolute independence,” which was one of the main objectives of parliamentary activities in the Philippines. In other words, this study aims to gain an understanding of the major institutions and organizations from which leaders of the independence movement pursued their activities under US rule. Moreover, it seeks to identify the characteristics of a series of movements that aimed for ultimate independence. The Philippines legislative branch was established and modified in many ways during US rule. While the establishment and changes themselves are significant, this study wishes to emphasize the legislative’s role as the key institution around which political movements were organized to pursue absolute independence for the Philippines.

      • KCI등재

        대공황 , 미국의 필리핀 식민통치 변형

        권오신 한국미국사학회 1999 미국사연구 Vol.9 No.-

        Partial free trade was established when the United States Congress approved the Payne-Aldrich Act. in August 1909 By this law, American goods of all kinds and in unlimited quantities could enter the Philippines free of duty. Philippine exports, however, were allowed to enter the United States under specific quota limitations. In 1913, Congress passed the Underwood-Simmons Act which abolished the quota limitations on Philippine exports to the United States. The free trade relations established in 1913 remained practically unchanged until the passage of the Tydings-McDuffie Act in 1934. The Philippine Assembly protested the establishment of free trade on the ground that it would have a prejudicial effect on the revenues of the country and would make it difficult to protect the native industries. But they could not change the situation. Philippine trade with the United States increased considerably with the establishment of sovereignty in the Philippines, and even more so with the adoption of free trade. The adoption of free trade was responsible for the economic prosperity achieved during the American regime. The prosperity brought about by free trade, however, was not only artificial and illusory but was also dependent upon the continuation of free trade relations between the United States and the Philippines. As the Philippine economy had become utterly dependent on the American market and the Filipinos had become more accustomed to American goods, the struggle against free trade had become so increasingly hopeless that it had to be abondoned altogether. In the 1930's, the United States was suffering from a most serious depression and certain American vested interests became the PIS(Philippine Independence Mission)'s aggressive allies in its agitation for independence. The strongest force working for the settlement of the Philippine problem consisted of farmers and dairymen. Believing that the free entry of Philippine agricultural products, particularly sugar and coconut oil, had made grave inroads upon the income of the American farmers, representatives of American agricultural interests agitated for Philipiine independence. To summarize their repetitious arguments, the commodities produced by American agriculture were subjected to downward price pressure by the free entry of Philippine products into the United States. The latter was regarded as a serious menace to their very existence. The farmers' demand for Philippine independence was supported by various labor groups in the United States on moral, social, and economic grounds. The influx of cheap Filipino labor to the United States, particularly to the Pacific Coast, had increased considerably in the 1920's. American labor organization sought the restriction of Filipino immigration. They laid stress on the competition of cheap Filipino labor with American labor. When all efforts at exclusion failed, these groups also demanded strongly Philippine independence. Under this situation, American political leaders could not find alternatives. In view of the all too-engrossing implementation of the New Deal program to solve the depression problem, Congress and President Roosevelt were ill-disposed to revive the Philippine question. After some debates, both chambers approved the bill and on March 24, 1934, President Roosevelt signed it into law. It was the Philippine Commonwealth and Independence Law(or the Tydings-McDuffie Law). Through the guidance of the above act, the Filipino peoples could get their absolute independence after 10 years from then.

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