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      • 연간 특별기획-제3편 천식

        고진아,Go, Jin-A 한국건강관리협회 2008 건강소식 Vol.32 No.4

        환절기만 되면 발작적 호흡곤란 때문에 고생을 하는 사람이 있다. 이들은 곤히 잠든 새벽녘에 천식발작을 일으켜 숨이 차서 밤을 꼬박 새우기도 한다. 천식은 기관지가 정상인보다 민감해서 작은 자극에도 쉽게 반응을 하기 때문에 생기는 병이다. 숨을 쉴 때 휘파람을 불 듯‘휘휘’소리가 나는 천명, 호흡곤란, 기침이 천식의 3대 증상이다. 발작이 일어나면 숨을 제대로 못 쉬기 때문에 안색이 창백해지고 입술이 파랗게 되는 등 고통이 심하지만 발작이 끝나면 거짓말처럼 깨끗이 낫는 게 특징이다.

      • KCI등재

        「離騷」의 巫俗敍事的 特徵

        고진아 중국학연구회 2009 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.50

        最近关于屈原是否是历史上真实人物议论纷纷. 但是有关屈原不存在的论点还没有明确的论据。 将过去关于屈原的研究综合起来, 可以确认三件事实。 首先,屈原不是儒学者, 屈原的楚辞作品并不是屈原在儒学训导下为表明自己的忠诚而创作的。 其次,屈原为世袭巫者出身, 从事有关巫职的官职。 其三,从屈原的巫职和家世来看, 屈原的楚辞是在巫歌的影响下孕育而成, 是巫歌, 或者至少有巫歌的遗风. 上述三件事实多少消除了一些楚辞研究人员的疑虑。但是将屈原的作品视作口传巫歌也存在一些问题。像 「离骚」这种作品有太多与个人经验有关的叙事。这些特征意味着什么呢? 屈原出身于世袭巫人家庭, 接受代代相传的巫人教育, 可以积累有关古代神话和历史, 还有传统祭祀礼仪等丰富的知识。于是屈原以从口传巫歌里所积累的传统知识为基础, 加上诗人的天赋, 将巫歌和个人的经验相结合创作了巫俗叙事诗。这又意味着中国古代诗歌发展史上专业诗人的出现。因而像屈原的 「离骚」这种作品既有巫歌的特性也有叙事诗的特性。 以 「离骚」作品为实例来考察, 开头部分显示了过分强调自身纯洁性的巫歌情绪, 可以窥见作者凌驾于现实和幻想世界的梦幻般的意识流。因而将现实世界里所产生的问题带到虚幻世界, 欲从舜帝或巫咸等的对话里寻求答案, 可以看见其流连于神话中的空间、即昆仑山等祭祀礼仪里所展现的巫歌演行之遗习。尽管如此,以丰富的个人经验为主流的屈原的 「离骚」叙述中含有叙事诗的成分。首先:叙述和主题存在因果关系。「离骚」中 ‘流放→悲哀→将何去何从的矛盾→对现实的绝望→不妥协意志的确立’这一过程里,始终贯窜着含因果关系的叙述方式。其次:「离骚」有叙述者即叙述主题。以第一人称‘吾’来进行整个作品的叙事, 还通过‘吾’和他人的对话或衬托主题或完成叙事的转折。最后:「离骚」的叙事结构随时间的流逝依次进行。屈原时而通过表示时间的时间词直接表示时间的流逝, 时而借用与日出或日落有关的神话故事来暗示时间的流逝。就这样,屈原的 「离骚」具有巫俗叙事诗的特性,既有叙事特性,也有口传巫歌的特性。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        唐代 樂舞詩의 인문학 텍스트로의 활용 가능성 모색

        고진아 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.57

        Yuewushi is expressed by utilizing the genre characteristics of the Tang Dynasty poets who experienced the special cultural the development of Music and dance. Originally, the Chinese classical poetry contains a stronger ability to narrate the facts of the poet himself. Especially Yuewushi is a record of cultural reflection and self - reflection of contemporary poets who lived in the age of culture mixed culture. One of the cultural aspects that reveals the mixed culture of the Tang Dynasty most clearly is the development of music and dance brought forward from the West. From the royal court to the house of the Noblemen, the big and small music and dance were performed when the banquet was held. Tang poets have formed a unique artistic system of Yuewushi, with their own eyes to understand their world. While enjoying the performances of music and dance, the poet did not simply describe the superficial beauty of music and dance. First, he gained insight into the socio-cultural background of the formation of this fashion. Secondly, he had to experience music and dance to a significant level He showed sympathy to the pain of the artist. The poet 's eyes become a camera lens, which illuminates the suffering of an artist hidden behind a brilliant performance. This shows that the poet has been worried about the nature of man through the Yuewushi. The Tang Dynasty Yuewushi is characterized by a new perspective, a more humanistic point of view, than the previous one. The basic gaze of the poets of Tang dynasty was centered on human beings and tended to be interested in human inner problems. The poet was able to express a warm humanistic view of the life of the artist and to express the result of speculation and reflection from the humanistic perspective. The most important thing in a humanistic approach will always be human life. Therefore, it seems to be enough to use it as a humanistic text. If we consider human life as the center of thought and to be interested in the problems of human life is the basis of humanistic reflection, Tang Dynasty Yuewushi has many humanistic characteristics unlike previous times.

      • KCI등재후보

        唐代離別詩의 典型的 特徵 연구

        고진아 한국중국언어문화연구회 2017 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.45

        Ancient Chinese people like to learn to walk around, so farewell was common. So the start of parting poem is very fast and can be found in the ‘ShiJing’. In the Tang Dynasty, parting poem has been specially developed. There are three reasons, first. in the Tang Dynasty, especially there was a lot of traveling. From the emperor to the commoner, they emphasized consciousness of farewell. When they parted, must share poetry. Second, a new function has occurred in parting poem. Beyond the function to convey emotion and meaning, it was noted as a means of social intercourse. So the Tang Dynasty had a large number of parting poem, it's got a new feature. The parting poem like a recommendation letter or introduction. Third, The combination of music and poetry was rife. Many famous poems were made into songs. Like this the prevalence of parting is not accidental, it is closely related to the age conditions. Tang parting poems not write about the pain of parting, write about scenery around, a big farewell party, their deep friendship. So Parting poem in Tang dynasty is different from previous one. Before the Tang dynasty, the main idea of the parting poem is the sorrow of parting. but After the Tang dynasty, Poets form a complex structure. It made of parting time, parting place, heartbreak. They enjoyed using typical expressions in parting poem. Because it is easy to feel same emotion. So South port·Willow·sunset·alcohol·Moon are constant use. They allowed poets and readers to sympathize. Parting poem in Tang dynasty achieved universailty of parting sorrow and artistic value.

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