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      • 檀君與箕子書寫文化溯源——兼談其歷史應用問題

        范永聰(FAN Wing Chung) 서울대학교 동아문화연구소 2017 東亞文化 Vol.55 No.-

        Regarding as two important beliefs of nation founding for the Koreans, although there are key differences between the content of Dangun Myth and the history of Gija Joseon, both ideas were long standing and well established, and to a certain extent showed the cultural consciousness of ancient Korea and the chronic cultural interaction between China and Korea. However, in view of different objects of worship in the texts of Dangun Myth and Gija Joseon, two ideas were apparently incompatible. They accordingly showed their importance or became belief of some Korean intellectuals in different periods of Korean history respectively. In an academic perspective, it is more worthy to pay attention to the historical, cultural consciousness and historical application of the two ideas.

      • KCI등재


        范永聰(Fan, Wing Chung) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2014 동서인문 Vol.0 No.1

        宋代(公元960-1279年) 性理學約於高麗時代(公元918-1392年) 從中國東傳至朝鮮半島, 爲韓國古代文化, 社會與學術思想帶來强烈衝擊, 造成非常深遠的影響。高麗一代, 雖然在施政上以儒家思想爲最重要基礎, 但歷代國王及王室成員大多篤信佛?, 故佛敎影響力甚至較儒家思想爲大。性理學東傳以後, 其排斥佛敎的功能廣受儒家大臣歡迎, 因而漸趨大盛, ?成爲日後朝鮮王朝(公元1392-1910年) 的立國指導思想, 中國傳統儒家思想與意識形態也從此在朝鮮半島落地生根。 在性理學東傳至朝鮮半島?發揚光大的長久過程中, 活躍於高麗末年至朝鮮初年的著名理學家權近(公元1352-1409年), 扮演了非常重要的角色。權近出身頗具權勢的安東權氏家族, 幼承庭訓, 自小對宋學已有深厚認識, 長大後要奉麗末著名學者李穡(公元1328-1396年) 爲師, 深造宋學, 因而打下穩固的學問基礎。朝鮮王朝開國以後, 權近作?開國功臣之一 , 更歷任要職, 致力改革政治, 把他的理學思想付諸實行, 對朝鮮王朝初年的政治發展有甚大貢獻。 本文試以權近的思想爲討論中心, 尤其集中探討其人性論, 理氣論, 心性觀, 以及作爲核心理念的天人合一思想, 希望藉此窺探宋學在朝鮮半島的傳承及發揚歷程, ?進而農見性理學思想對韓國古代社會與文化的深遠影響。 During the late Goryeo Dynasty(918-1392), Sung Neo-Confucianism was eastward disseminated to the Korean Peninsula and with the result that brought out profound significances on traditional Korean culture, society and academia. Traditional Chinese Confucianism was no doubt that the most important political ideology during the Goryeo Dynasty, however, Buddhism was a prominent philosophy and major religion for the Goryeo royal family. Sung Neo-Confucianism had been greatly welcomed by the Korean Confucian scholars and most of these scholars employed Sung Neo-Confucianism as an ideological weapon to attack Buddhism. Sung Neo-Confucianism was then transformed to be administrative and academic guidelines of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), Korean Confucian schools were also firmly established. Kwon Geun(1352-1409) played an important role in the development procedure of Sung Neo-Confucianism on the Korean Peninsula. As a member of the famous Korean traditional Confucian family: Andong Kwon Clan; and also an excellent student of a conspicuous Confucian scholar: Yi Saek(1328-1396), Kwon Geun had excellent understanding in Sung Neo-Confucianism when he was young. Moreover, as a statesman with great achievements on foundation of the Joseon Dynasty, Kwon Geun became the most important official and scholar in the government, he also positively participated in political reforms, aimed to practice his political ideal which was based on Sung Neo-Confucianism. This paper aims to confer the Confucian philosophical thought of Kwon Geun, thereby traces the development of Sung Neo-Confucianism on the Korean Peninsula and gives a brief analysis of the inheritance and significance of Sung Neo-Confucianism on the traditional Korean society and culture.

      • 韓國古代石戰探析

        范永聰(Fan Wing Chung),區顯鋒(Au Hin Fung) 서울대학교 동아문화연구소 2012 東亞文化 Vol.50 No.-

        Stone Game was a very popular activity which attracted a wide range of participants in ancient Korea. It had very long history and in fact, it was seemed to be a martial sport or a military training event for the soldiers. Stone Game was then transformed to be a popular game for the masses, and specially played during some important traditional festivals, such as Lantern Festival(Shangyuan Festival or Yuanxiao Festival)and Duanwu Festival. Therefore, it became an important feast activity. Stone Game was not only popular in ancient Korea, it also won acceptance in China and Japan. Therefore, the development of Stone Game didn’t only show an approximate traditional custom between China, Korea and Japan, it also reflected the historical spectrum of close cultural interaction between the three East Asian countries.

      • KCI등재


        범영총 ( Fan Wing Chung ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2014 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.26

        新羅(公元前57-公元935年)大將金庾信(公元595-673年)在韓國史上可說是家喩戶曉的大人物。他十五歲成爲「花郞)」,矢志爲國盡忠,奮力抵抗百濟(公元前18-公元660年)及高句麗(公元前37-公元668年)的侵略。此後戎馬大半生,成爲新羅統一三國大業的最重要功臣。金庾信卽有王族血統,且爲國家立下豊功偉業,更位極人臣,官至史無前例的「太大角干」(太大舒發翰),出將入相,堪稱新羅史上第一人。現今跆拳道二十四套D之中,也有一式「庾信」,足見他在韓國人心目中的崇高地位。金庾信的傳奇一生,成爲他「成仙」的最重要條件。他的事蹟,主要見於高麗朝(公元918-1392年)文臣金軾(公元1075-1151年)所撰《三國史記》及僧人一然(公元1206-1289年)所撰《三國遺事》之內。在這兩部古籍中,金庾信被「仙化」-他的出生、成長、學藝、從軍,以至逝世,都帶著濃厚的神仙色彩。事實上,現今的韓國人都已經把金庾信奉爲神仙,他是韓國著名傳統節日「江陵端午祭」所拜祭的「十二山神」之一。 Remembered by Koreans as one of the greatest generals in history, Kim Yushin (595-673 AD) served in 7th century Silla (57 BC-935 AD). At the young age of 15, he became a Hwarang (Flower Boy) and went on to play an important role in the continuous wars against Baekje (18 BC-660 AD) and Goguryeo (37 BC-668 AD). In 668 AD, the Korean Peninsula came be unified under Silla. Kim Yushin`s outstanding efforts in the unification wars of the Three Kingdoms led to his accreditation as the major driving force in the campaign. Further taking into account that he was already a member of the royal family, King Munmu of Silla eventually bestowed upon him the honor of Taedaegakgan, a title unprecedented in Korean history. Today, Kim Yushin`s status in Korean society remains intact where one of the 24 Patterns in Taekwon-Do ITF (International Taekwon-Do Federation) is named after him (Yoo-Sin). Through the progress of time, Kim Yushin emerged a legend, his stories fabricated to become a myth. The life of Kim can be found in two historical records both of which had been compiled during the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392 AD): Samguk Sagi (History of the Three Kingdoms) written by Goryeo Confucian scholar Kim Busik (1075-1151 AD) and Samguk Yusa (Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms), penned by Goryeo Buddhist monk Iryeon (1206-1289 AD). These records document the birth, upbringing, education and death of Kim Yushin through fictional accounts, allowing the man to re-emerge as a Mountain God and become one of the Twelve Mountain Gods that is worshipped and celebrated during the Gangneung Danoje festival to date. Through a closer examination of the aforementioned records, this article shall demonstrate the myth surrounding Kim Yushin`s life, further highlighting the various developments and re-developments in the process of fabrication and finally analyzing the reasons behind in hopes of shedding light on the implications of this particular historical spectrum.

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