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      • KCI등재


        서신(Xu Xin Wei)(徐新偉) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.55 No.-

        通過部分整期錄入及抽樣的方式初步考察南洋第一份中文日報《叻報》中用字、用詞情况。 《叻報》354個非通用單字字形包括1個南方方言字、與大陸异體字關係的49組、新舊字形關係8組、特用字8個, 古今字關係1組和與大陸繁簡關係的287組。合文3個。《叻報》詞匯來源有傳承詞、借用詞及特用詞。關注域外語言生活實態, 相關的數據可以服務于華語監測和華語的歷時發展研究。 We study on the overall situation about Characters and words from south Asian first Chinese daily "Lebao(叻报)" with sampling survey on some whole copies and some part of the newspaper. We conclude the none-general characters is 343, which includes 1 southern dialect character, 49 sets variants, 8 sets old and new Character Patterns, 8 special ones, 1 set ancient and modern Chinese character, 287 traditional-simplified-relation characters. We also find 3 recombination characters. Generation modes of Words from “Lebao(叻报)" are inheriting ,borrowing and special using. The relevant data can serve the Chinese monitoring and the diachronic development study with the help of attention to the foreign language life.

      • KCI등재


        서신(徐新偉)(Xu Xin Wei) 대한중국학회 2017 중국학 Vol.58 No.-

        《商務漢語常用詞語表》是《商務漢語考試大綱》附錄之一,共收詞2457個。經筆者核實實收2455個。詞表共使用字種1038個,與《漢語水平測試與漢字等級大綱》共用字種1016個,《商務漢語常用詞語表》與《漢語水平詞彙與漢字等級大綱》,共用詞彙為1022個。完善《商務漢語常用詞語表》必須精選語料收錄來源;完善現有的分詞算法;利用權重計算方法,提高篩選詞表工作者自身素質,從而提高領域詞選擇的總體質量。 Common Words List in Business Chinese is an appendix of business Chinese test outline, which contains a total of 2457 words. Verified by the author, the number of vocabulary is in fact 2455. 1038 characters species included in Common Words List in Business Chinese. 1016 characters and 1022 words are shared with Chinese Proficiency Test and Chinese character outline. To improve Common Words List in Business Chinese must select appropriate corpus, a better algorithms and excellent expert with intervention ability on choosing words.

      • KCI등재


        徐新偉 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2014 한자연구 Vol.0 No.10

        漢字在中國大陸作爲主要的書寫工具,在日韓及東南亞的華文媒體中也被廣泛地使用。通常認爲東南亞華文媒體使用的漢字即港澳臺地區使用的繁體漢字,其實東南亞華文媒體用字幷沒有經過類似于大陸官方漢字的規範化,因此這些漢字有的和大陸同根同源,有的借自日本和字或者韓國國字。中日韓漢字間存在着借用、自造、同形字等諸多關系,域外借用後其語義還可能傳承演變。據(徐新偉,張述娟:2013)的研究,東南亞主要華文媒體所用字形共計8778個,包括45個日本漢字,22個南方方言用字,與大陸異體關系用字331組,別字153組,新舊字形關系32組,與大陸繁簡關系1038組,餘下爲共用字。《漢語大字典》、《漢語大詞典》及《新華字典》是被最廣泛使用的語文工具書。這些工具書釋字義項條分縷析,其成功要素之一,是在編纂過程中,很好地借鑒、吸收、利用了訓詁學家注疏材料,這些佐證材 料爲字典的立項和釋義增加了可信度、權威性和說服力。但是,任何字典的釋義都難以做到盡善盡美。由于受到語料收集局限性的影響,這些通用型漢語字典部分條目解字還存在一定的問題。 本文以“塭”、“笹”及“俤”爲例,通過考察三字在東南亞華文媒體漢字用法,輔以文獻及相關用法就通用型語文字典中錯謬及義項缺失進行相關補正,供大型語文字典編纂、修訂和查閱者翻檢時參考。

      • KCI등재


        徐新偉 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2020 한자연구 Vol.0 No.27

        Based on statistics of 7,629,399 characters from South Korea’s three largest newspapers in simplified Chinese corpus from the year of 2017 to 2019, we, with the help of a webzip of Chinese research helper and word segmentation software, found that the total number of font shapes was 5582 and that of None Universal Standardized Chinese Characters was 997, the latter of which contained traditional ones, variant and old glyphs, characters of dialects, wrong uses, names of people, places and objects, terminology and swearing, characters with overseas origin, and so on. A systematic and comprehensive survey of None Universal Standardized Chinese Characters helps to solve the problems of information switching and language communication between home and abroad. The comparative study can explore the feasibility, method and scope of cooperation between home and abroad in characters, which has a strong reference value not just for the standardization of Korean educational characters including machine-used Chinese characters and those for examination but for making language policy.

      • KCI등재후보


        徐新偉 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2015 한자연구 Vol.0 No.13

        The research was completed on quantitative analysis to 92 rare Characters in a new-edition full medical dictionary. It shows there are two reasons which make a lot of rare Character come out from the appendix of the dictionary. One is not handling well the relations (simplified vs. traditional,variants,homophony) among characters. The other is insufficient corporation between computer science and related branch of learning, which makes the rare characters can’t be displayed and inputted. Good foundations of Philology will help distinct on relations among rare Characters. Fontlab software and MoveFileEx Windows API function etc can make characters display and unified update in the network environments.

      • KCI등재


        徐新偉 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2017 한자연구 Vol.0 No.18

        With the help of literature analysis, the development and evolution of “ping (垪)”,“di (俤)”,“zhen (鋴)” and “ba (紦)” were sorted out ,which makes up and corrects errors in universal language dictionaries. Character research follows the principle of “practical and realistic”. Basing on literature, we can study changes and developments of Chinese characters and avoid circulating erroneous reports in deciding originality.

      • KCI등재


        徐新偉 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2022 한자연구 Vol.- No.33

        Two stage-corpora of the newspaper LianHe ZaoBao from 2005-2008 (6678,6564 characters) and from 2018-2020 (3308,2690 characters) were collected and were used for Chinese characters statistics by the Huayu Research Center at Jinan University. Chinese character Species used in the two stage-corpora are 7004 and 6166 respectively. Chinese characters beyond the General Standard Chinese Character List in the mainland are 952 and 621 respectively, and the proportions of off-list characters are 13.59% and 10.07% respectively. The proportion of non-universal standardized Chinese characters decreased by 3.52 percentage points, indicating that Chinese characters used in the rear stage of LianHe ZaoBao are more consistent with those in mainland China. The Statistics, recording and sorting of the Chinese characters used in LianHe ZaoBao will help us understand the current Chinese characters ecology in Singapore and understand the commonalities and differences of Chinese characters between China mainland and Singapore. Based on the survey, we can explore the feasibility, methods and scope of the Chinese characters differences between Singapore and the mainland, as well as the strategies of compiling global Chinese dictionaries and further thinking about cross-border Chinese characters coordination.

      • KCI등재후보


        徐新偉 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2015 한자연구 Vol.0 No.12

        Four Characters in popular form which are dan(疍), gou, liu and yi(㕥), are centrally focused in Business advertisement in Singapore Lat Pau(《叻報》). We sort out the grapheme in literature diachronically and compar with standard characters so as to know the inheritance and variation through some Chinese characters cases.

      • KCI등재


        徐新偉 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.55 No.-

        We study on the overall situation about Characters and words from south Asian first Chinese daily "Lebao(叻报)" with sampling survey on some whole copies and some part of the newspaper. We conclude the none-general characters is 343,which includes 1 southern dialect character, 49 sets variants,8 sets old and new Character Patterns,8 special ones,1 set ancient and modern Chinese character, 287 traditional-simplified-relation characters. We also find 3 recombination characters. Generation modes of Words from “Lebao(叻报)" are inheriting ,borrowing and special using. The relevant data can serve the Chinese monitoring and the diachronic development study with the help of attention to the foreign language life.

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