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      • KCI등재

        이라크 부족주의 연구 - 사담 시대 정치 엘리트와 신부족주의 관계를 중심으로 : 이라크 부족주의 연구

        정상률(Jung Sang-Ryul) 한국중동학회 2006 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.27 No.1

        Tribes and tribalism of Middle East are becoming new research area and issue area because of role enlargement of major tribes in the Middle Eastern States. Tribe and tribalism in the Middle East has been an historical entity and core of political, economic, and cultural action norm for a long time. But the role of tribe and tribalism was being declining in the process of nation-state building. As soon as it came to power in July 1968, the Bath Party announced in its Communique No.1 its rejection of "tribalism." ""We are against religious sectarianism, racism, and tribalism."" In later years, too, in official party ideology tribal shaikhs and tribalism have been regarded as the epitome of backwardness and social reaction. This policy to the tribalism has been continued in Saddam era since 1987. But anti-tribalism policy was changed in the late 1980s or in the early 1990s. The reason was that because Saddam"s regime faced in crisis of legitimacy not only in Arab society but also from outside world. Especially there was shii Intifada, anti-Saddam regime movement in the south Iraq in 1991. Saddam"s tribalism policy was centered on his tribe, the Albu Nasir tribe and some major tribes, the Dulaym tribal confederation, the Shammar tribal confederation, the al-Juburi tribal confederation, the Ubaydis tribal confederation, the Azza tribal confederation, the Takrit tribal confederation. Albu Nasir tribe is composed of core of power and other major tribes the first one of several circles of power. What is the meaning of study of tribalism? First, we have to consider tribe as the political actor in the Middle East, especially in Iraq because tribe is the entity in political process of Iraq. Second, We can ask following; what"s the status of tribe in state-society relations in Iraq? Is the tribe a part of state or a part of society in historical changing era? In Saddam era after 1990, there is the trend of statization of tribe or tribalization of state in Iraq. Third, there is dispute about "the character of state" of Iraq. Is the state of Iraq tribal state, or capitalist state(or state in capitalist society), or bureaucratic authoritative state, or Islamic state, rentier state? These dispute is very important issue in social science, especially political science. Fourth, we have to consider about the trend of political, social, economic change after 2003 Iraq war as social scientist. The study of every social scientist of Middle East, therefore, will be centered on the tribe or tribalism.

      • KCI등재

        이라크 군부엘리트와 부족주의 관계 연구 : 사담시대의 군부엘리트의 부족 기반을 중심으로

        정상률 ( Sang Ryul Jung ) 韓國中東學會 2009 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.29 No.3

        Tribes and tribalism of Middle East are becoming new research area and issue area because of role enlargement of major tribes in the Middle Eastern States. Tribe and tribalism in the Middle East has been an historical entity and core of political, economic, and cultural action norm for a long time. Before Saddam regime, Iraqi military elite has become an axis of power elite because of frequent military coup and war. In fact, as soon as it came to power in July 1968, the Bath Party announced its rejection of `tribalism` in its Communique No.1. "We are against religious sectarianism, racism, and tribalism." In later years, tribal shaikhs and tribalism have been regarded as the epitome of backwardness and social reaction in official party ideology. This policy to the tribalism has been continued in Saddam era since 1987. But anti-tribalism policy was changed in the late 1980s or in the early 1990s. The reason was that because Saddam`s regime faced in crisis of legitimacy not only in Arab society but also from outside world. Saddam has recruited members of his tribal and clan, Albu Nasir tribal and Beijat clan, as major member of military and information services. He has made Iraq tribal state through the `state-ization` of the tribe and the tribalization of the state, and through the militarization of his tribe and tribalization of military. In post-Saddam era, too, tribalism will be the major factor and variable in Iraqi political, social change.

      • KCI등재

        아랍에미리트의 부족주의 연구 - 정치엘리트와 부족주의 관계 : 아랍에미리트의 부족주의 연구

        장세원(Chang Se-Won) 한국중동학회 2006 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.27 No.1

        The UAE is one of the representative tribal societies in the Middle East.The traditions of tribalism are deeply rooted in various fields of the UAE society. Among many fields, the tradition of tribalism has made significant influence on the maintenance of authority and power of the ruling family and their political mechanism. Even though the UAE has followed such western political systems of democracy as the presidential system and check and balance through separation of power since its establishment in the 1971, the tradition of tribalism still remains strongly in the political system of the UAE. In this respect, the aim of this article is to explore the major political elites in the UAE who govern and make the political decisions, and their relations to the tribalism in the UAE. For this purpose, the paper will examine the current situation of tribes who are residing in the UAE and their distributions. The paper will also highlight the current ruling tribes and the way they use tribalism in the process of seizing, relinquishing, and distributing of the political power. Even though most Arabs were nomads based on tribalism, the study has been ignored so far in Korea. The result will evokes further study on tribalism.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아의 부족주의 연구 - 정치엘리트와 부족주의 관계

        금상문(Kum Sang-Moon) 한국중동학회 2006 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.27 No.1

          The word "tribalism" refer to two related but distinct concepts. The first concept is a social system. The other concept to which the word "tribalism" refers is the possession of a strong ethnic identity that separates oneself as a member of one group from the members of another. In this context, this study illuminates tribalism in the Saudi Arabia especially the relationship between political elites and tribalism.<BR>  So, characters and stands of tribes in saudi arabia are overall studied. And after establishment of saudi arabian state in arabia peninsula, general political power which carries out political functions is examined. In this result, the political power is appeared through the saud family, and this political power controls the tribe powers.<BR>  And power elites are studied. Namely, limited families and tribes are filled up as power elites specially as political elites. and they control the saudi arabian state and society.<BR>  In general, saudi arabian political elites from the royal family encourage saudi arabian national to saudi arabian nationalism in order to establish the legitimacy. And Saudi Arabia Government uses the tribalism as a governmental means. And saudi arabian royal political elites hold the regional election within not disturb the scope of the political order, but the resurrectional Islamists participate the regional election. So political elites in Saudi Arabia were frustrated to use tribalism. In this result, a dilemma is occurred to establish democracy. And political elites of none royal family encourage the state sprits and nationalism.<BR>  While political elites like provincial members feel the dilemma between the tribalism and statism. But provincial members follow the statism seeking the identity of tribalism.

      • KCI등재

        ‘반일 종족주의 사태’와 한국사 연구의 탈식민 과제

        김헌주(Kim Hunjoo) 백산학회 2020 白山學報 Vol.0 No.116

        본 연구는 반일 종족주의 출간으로 인한 사회적 파장, 즉 ‘반일 종족주의 사태’를 분석하고, 그 식민주의적 역사인식을 비판하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 나아가 대중적으로 확대 재생산된반일 민족주의 신화를 극복하기 위해 한국사 연구의 탈식민 과제를 제언하고자 했다. 2019년 7월에 출간된 반일 종족주의 는 비슷한 시점에 불거진 한일 무역갈등과 맞물려 큰화제를 몰고 왔다. 각계각층에서 거센 비판이 쏟아져 나왔지만, 한국에서 10만 부 이상, 일본(일어판)에서 30만 부 이상이 판매되어 베스트셀러 반열에 올랐다. 이 현상을 ‘반일 종족주의 사태’라고명명하였다. 이 책은 학술서와 대중서, 정치적 선전물 사이에서 줄타기했다. 특히 정치적 선전물의 성격이 강한데, 이는 책의 핵심개념인 ‘종족주의’가 레토릭으로 기능한다는 점에서도 증명된다. 아울러 한국사 연구 전반을 비판의 대상으로 삼았지만, 연구 성과를 자의적으로 전유했고누락했다. 자가당착적인 서술도 많았다. 그런데 한편으로 한국 사회에는 아직도 조선총독부 고서분서설, 만주 고토회복론에 입각한 대고조선론 등이 대중적으로 유포 소비되고 있다. 반일종족주의 와 같은 역사인식이 확산된 배경의 하나였다. 이제 일국사적 시각의 확장은 물론이고, 마이너리티 문제나 생태환경사와 같은 대안적 역사서술이 요청된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the social impact caused by the publication of the book Anti-Japanese Tribalism , that is, the ‘Anti-Japanese Tribalism syndrome’, and to criticize the colonial historical awareness of this book. At the same time, I would like to propose the postcolonial task of Korean history research to overcome the popularly reproduced anti-Japanese nationalist myth. Chapter 1 deals with the development and influence of the Anti-Japanese Tribalism syndrome. Anti-Japanese Tribalism , published in July 2019, has caused a sensation in line with the trade conflict between Korea and Japan that erupted at a similar time. Although criticism has been poured out from all walks of life, more than 100,000 copies have been sold in Korea and more than 300,000 copies have been sold in Japan. This study names this phenomenon the ‘Anti-Japanese Tribalism syndrome’. Chapter 2 analyzes and criticizes the narrative strategy and political intention of the book. Specifically, this study analyzed that this book is walking a tightrope between academic books, popular books, and political propaganda, In particular, it is more of a political propaganda, which is also proven in that tribalism, the core concept of this book, functions as a rhetoric. In addition, while the overall study of Korean history of this book was criticized, this chapter also pointed out that there were many self-contradictory descriptions such as arbitrary exclusive use and omission of research results. Chapter 3 suggests overcoming anti-Japanese nationalist myth that is inherent in the narration of Korean history. It is necessary to realize that there are widely believed mythes regarding Korean history such as the belief that Japanese governor-general had burnt out Korean ancient books and the theory that Gochosun, the ancient Korea, used to be wide up to Manchuria and we have to recover the territory. This situation should not be ignored in understanding the spread of historical perception of Anti-Japanese Tribalism . This chapter suggests that alternative historical narrations such as expansion of the historical view of Korea as ‘one country’, research of minority issues, and ecological environment history are needed in order to overcome these problems.

      • KCI등재

        혼돈상태의 리비아 국가 재건과정 속 외세의 개입과 부족주의

        서정민 ( Seo Jeong-min ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2020 지중해지역연구 Vol.22 No.3

        Currently, Libya is facing a situation near a low intensity civil war due to intense confrontation between the internationally recognized government in the West and the Libyan National Army in the East. Furthermore, policies and attitudes toward the current situation of Libya of various countries are divided according to their strategic, political, economic and ideological interests in dealing with the crisis. Therefore, this study attempted to identify which of the independent variables of foreign intervention and tribalism has a greater correlation with the chaotic state rebuilding process of Libya. To this end, this study analyzed articles related to the civil wars of Libya in order to demonstrate the relative importance of the two independent variables. In particular, co-occurrence of words analysis in KH Coder program was utilized to understand the interrelationship between the chaotic situation of Libya and foreign intervention and tribalism. Unfortunately, however, the results of the study have not been able to draw a definite conclusion. In the quantitative analysis of the frequency of articles by The New York Times, ‘foreign intervention’ was identified as a more important variable, but the internal variable based on ‘tribalism’ was more prominent in the co-occurrence of words analysis that understood the interrelationships of the main key words of the article contents. While analyzing the situation in Libya from a third- party perspective, The New York Times as an American newspaper may have been more interested in foreign intervention, which further reflects the concerns of the international community in the number of articles. As a result, according to the results of this study, we need to consider both foreign intervention’ and ‘internal tribalism’ in the analysis of the chaotic situation in Libya and its outlook. Libya’s socio-cultural context, in which not only the formation of a nation-state but also the state reconstruction process was affected, must be considered at the same time due to the unique geopolitical position of Libya where the regime change occurred due to external intervention and the existing remnants of traditional tribalism. In the end, the Korean government and businesses circle should establish a more elaborate and detailed cooperation and exchange strategy with Libya considering the future of the Libya crisis which will be intermingled with both foreign intervention and internal tribalism at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아의 종교엘리트와 부족주의 연구

        금상문(Kum Sang-Moon) 한국중동학회 2007 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.28 No.1

          This study illuminates the relationship between religious elites and tribalism in the Saudi Arabia. So, this study illuminates the structure of religious elites and identities religious elite both establishment religious elites and non establishment elites in saudi arabia are overall studied. Namely after establishment of Saudi Arabian state in arabia peninsula, general religious elite"s roles which carrie out religious doctrine so called Wahhabism with Saudi Arabia kingdom, are examined. In this result, establishment religious elites in Saudi Arabia combine with the political power, while non establishment religious elites oppose with royal government.<BR>  In general, concerning establishment and non establishment religious elites thinking about the tribalism, establishment religious elites follow the Rashid Rida"s doctrine namely harmony between Islam and tribalism, while non establishment religious elite ignore between Islam and tribalism.<BR>  And concerning power about relationship between religious elite and tribal elite, after establishment saudi arabia state, religious elite replace from Hijaz region to Najd region. this phenomenon is maintained until nowadays.<BR>  And concerning, what is religious elite"s main issues, this paper deals with issues about relationship between religious elite and tribalism especially legitimacy establishment of the royal families and ethic formation, conciliation of conflicts.

      • KCI등재

        이라크 종교엘리트와 부족주의 관계 연구 - 사담시대 정치시아주의를 중심으로

        정상률(Jung Sang-Ryul) 한국중동학회 2007 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.28 No.1

          Tribes and tribalism of Middle East are becoming new research area and issue area because of role enlargement of major tribes in the Middle Eastern States. Tribe and tribalism in the Middle East has been an historical entity and core of political, economic, and cultural action norm for a long time.<BR>  Political Shi"ism in Iraq was a movement group to resist Baath regime but not anti-Arab nationalist. Because Arab political Shi"ists were alienated from Baath regime in political, economic, social area. Arab political Shi"ists have double identity, Arabs-Iraqi-Shi"ists. The leaders of political Shi"ism were not born in a specific family and tribe, but grown in religious environment of specific family. They have not given emphasis tribal value, but religious value and democratic participation in decision making process.<BR>  After Iraq nation-state building, especially in the Saddam regime era, al-Sadr family and al-Hakim family have been the leader"s families in political Shi"ism. So I think that there is some relation between religious elite and tribe. But these Shi"a religious elites didn"t emphasize tribal value. I think, therefore, that there is Iraqi Shi"a religious elite family or tribe, but there is no meaning relation between religious elite and tribalism.

      • KCI등재

        성격특질, 브랜드 트라이벌리즘, 브랜드 몰입의 관계: 브랜드 신뢰성과 지각된 전환비용의 매개효과

        최건,양병화 한국융합학회 2020 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        본 연구는 소비자의 성격특질과 브랜드 트라이벌리즘의 기본적 관계를 탐색하고, 브랜드 트라이벌리즘과 브랜드 몰입의 관계에 작용하는 브랜드 신뢰성과 지각된 전환비용의 매개효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 젊은 소비자가 선호하는 중저가 의류 브랜드를 대상으로 대학생 표본에게 설문조사를 실시하고 총 394명의 데이터(여자 213명, 남자 181명)를 타당한 자료로 분석하였다. 연구결과, 소비자의 성격특질 가운데 외향성, 성실성, 정서안정성은 브랜드 트라이벌리즘의 형성과 유의미하게 관련된 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 브랜드 트라이벌리즘은 브랜드 몰입에 직접적으로 영향을 주었고, 브랜드 신뢰와 전환비용도 브랜드 몰입에 직접 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 브랜드 신뢰성은 브랜드 트라이벌리즘과 브랜드 몰입의 관계를 매개하는 것으로 나타난 반면, 지각된 전환비용은 유의미한 매개효과를 보이지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 브랜드 트라이브의 강한 정서적 유대감이 전환장벽과 비용을 높여 브랜드 이탈을 막고 브랜드 관계에 대한 몰입을 향상시키는 역할을 할 수 있음을 시사한다. The present study aimed to investigate the relationships among consumers’ personality trait, brand tribalism, and brand commitment through brand trust and perceived switching cost. Data were collected from a convenience sample of three-hundred and ninety-four undergraduate students at a large Korean university. The participants consisted of 54.1% female (N = 213) and 45.9% male (N = 181). The results indicated that extraversion, conscientiousness, and emotional stability traits are directly related to brand tribalism. Also, brand commitment was directly associated with brand tribalism, brand trust, and perceived switching cost. In particular, our results showed the relationship between brand tribalism and brand commitment was mediated by brand trust, but not perceived switching cost. Therefore, our findings suggest that strong emotional connection of brand tribes may increase perceived switching costs and, consequently, affect brand commitment.

      • KCI등재

        아랍에미리트의 종교엘리트와 부족주의 관계 연구

        장세원(Chang Se-Won) 한국중동학회 2007 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.28 No.1

          It seems that United Arab Emirates seeks for westernization and modernization on the surface. However, it is easily found that the country relies on traditional tribalism and Islam in a great deal.<BR>  The purpose of this article, as the second part of the project that explores "the relationship between power elites and tribalism in the Middle East", is to examine the relationship between religious elites and tribalism in the UAE. In order to meet the purpose of the study, this article explores the following points. First, it investigates the current religious distribution in the UAE and analyses the current situation and its characteristics. Second, it explores religious elite groups and its members as well as their social roles in the UAE. Third, it distinguishes the characteristics of the religious elites in the UAE after examining the relationship between religious elites and their affiliations with a specific tribe or their relationship with traditional tribalism.<BR>  The results of the study are as follow. The religious elites in the UAE is not originated from a specific tribes or family. However, it is obvious that each tribe has a link with a specific religious sect and these includes Sunni, Shia, other minor Islamic sect, Christianity, and Orthodox Christianity. It is also found that religious elites in the UAE is politically, economically as well as legally subordinate to the political elites. The position of religious elites has been limited, especially after the emergence of economic elites in the UAE as a result of influx of oil money and open-door policy of the country.<BR>  The religious elites is less influential in the UAE, comparing to other political, economic, and military elites. In the end, religious elites in the UAE is passive to educate and guide moral as well as religious codes to their people.

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