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      • KCI등재

        Connectivity Effects and Questions as Specificational Subjects

        ( Eun Jung Yoo ) 한국언어정보학회 2006 언어와 정보 Vol.10 No.2

        Connectivity effects have been central issues in dealing with specificational pseudoclefts. While syntactic approaches motivate their analysis in order to explain connectivity effects in terms of a connected clause, these accounts have numerous problems including a wide range of anti-connectivity effects that constitutes crucial counterevidence. On the other hand, semantic accounts of connectivity effects treat BV and BT connectivity by independent interpretive mechanisms, providing a more fundamental explanation for connectivity effects. Yet existing semantic accounts have limitations in explaining syntactic properties and syntactic connectivity effects in SPCs, and in accounting for BV anti-connectivity effects in English. Focusing on BV connectivity, this paper explores how the relevant (anti-)connectivity facts can be accounted for by an analysis that provides both an elaborate syntactic analysis of SPCs and a semantic mechanism for bound anaphora. Based on Yoo`s (2005) non-deletion based, question-answer pair analysis of SPCs, this paper shows that a functional question analysis of a specificational subject, when combined with a theory of operator scope and a non-configurational condition on bound anaphora, can explain various BV (anti-)connectivity patterns in SPCs and related constructions. (Seoul National University)

      • KCI등재

        Connectivity Effects and Questions as Specificational Subjects

        Yoo, Eun-Jung Korean Society for Language and Information 2006 언어와 정보 Vol.10 No.2

        Connectivity effects have been central issues in dealing with specificational pseudoclefts. While syntactic approaches motivate their analysis in order to explain connectivity effects in terms of a connected clause, these accounts have numerous problems including a wide range of anti-connectivity effects that constitute crucial counterevidence. On the other hand, semantic accounts of connectivity effects treat BV and BT connectivity by independent interpretive mechanisms providing a more fundamental explanation for connectivity effects. Yet existing semantic accounts have limitations in explaining syntactic properties and syntactic connectivity effects in SPCs, and in accounting for BV anti-connectivity effects in English. Focusing on BV connectivity, this paper explores how the relevant (anti-)connectivity facts can be accounted for by an analysis that provides both an elaborate syntactic analysis of SPCs and a semantic mechanism for bound anaphora. Based on Yoo's (2005) non-deletion based, question-answer pair analysis of SPCs, this paper shows that a functional question analysis of a specificational subject, when combined with a theory of operator scope and a non-configurational condition on bound anaphora, can explain various BV (anti-)connectivity patterns in SPCs and related constructions.

      • KCI등재

        국가면제의 예외로서 국가의 비상무적 불법행위에 관한 연구: 미국의 사례를 중심으로

        양희철 경희대학교 법학연구소 2012 경희법학 Vol.47 No.4

        전통 국제법에 의하면 외국이 불법행위를 행하여 사인에게 피해를 가한 경우, 피해자 소속국은 외교적 보호권을 행사하여 보상을 요구하게 된다. 그러나 외교 보호권의 행사는 주로 피해자 본국 정부의 결정에 기초하므로, 행정부는 종종 외교관계를 고려하여 외교적 보호권의 행사를 주저하게 되며, 결국에는 사인 권익의 손해를 야기하게 되는 경우가 있다. 만일 불법행위가 국가가 지원하는 암살 혹은 테러활동에 관련된 경우, 그리고 그 피해자가 바로 가해국의 국민인 경우에는 이러한 외교적 보호권의 사용은 더더욱 불가능하게 된다. 이때 법정지 국가(state of the forum)가 관할권을 행사하여 사법적으로 해결하는 것만이 피해자인 사인으로 하여금 비교적 좋은 보상의 기회를 제공할 수 있게 할 것임은 의심의 여지 없다. 따라서 미국 외국주권면제법(Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act)의 “非상업적 불법행위(noncommercial torts)” 조항이 외국의 불법행위로 인하여 권리를 침해받은 사인에게 권리의 보장을 제공하는 데에 있어서는 분명히 강력한 보호책이 될 수 있다. 미국 외국주권면제법의 ‘비상무불법행위’ 조항은 법원이 관할권을 행사하는 요건중의 하나로서 반드시 손해가 미국영역내에서 발생할 것을 요구하고 있다. 미국의 판례는 대부분 ‘손해발생지’가 미국이어야 한다는 조건 외에, 불법행위의 주요 부분 역시 반드시 미국영토 내에서 발생하여야 관할권이 있다고 인정하고 있다. 그러나 미국 외국주권면제법(제1605조 (a)항 (5)호)은 외국의 불법행위가 자유재량권의 직능에 기초하여 발생한 경우에는 관할권 면제를 주장할 수 있다고 규정하고 있다. 통상 ‘자유재량권 행위’라 함은 “정책판단과 결정에 대한 여지가 있는 행위”를 말하며, 여기에는 그러한 계획과 집행을 행하는 하급기관의 행위를 포함한다. 단, 미국 판례에 의하면 외국이 만일 암살사건으로 인하여 미국에서 피소되는 경우에 법원은 분명하게 이것이 외국 관리 혹은 그 고용인이 재량권을 행사한 것이라는 주장을 받아들이지 않는다는 것을 알 수 있다. 미국의 국내법은 그 역내에서 발생한 외국정부의 불법행위에 대하여 관할권 있음을 주장하는 것은 이론상 국가평등과 주권의 상호존중이라는 원칙에는 위반하는 것은 틀림없는 사실이다. 그러나 각국의 사례나 국가실행으로 볼 때, 국가가 “불법행위”에 대하여 관할권을 행사할 수 있다는 것은 이미 하나의 추세가 되고 있으며 각국이 인용할 수 있는 현상에 이르렀다고 보여진다. 결국 미국에서 외국이 불법행위에 종사하는 경우에는 국가관할권면제를 주장할 수 없게 된다. 영토 관련성이라는 측면에서, 비록 미국의 외국주권면제법이 단지 “손해발생지”만을 제시하고 있지만, 법원의 견해는 모두 관할권을 행사하기 위한 요건으로 불법행위가 반드시 미국 역내에서 발생하여야 한다는 입장을 보이고 있다. 그러나 불법행위의 경우에 요구되는 이 영토 관련성 요건은 객관적 속지주의의 변형인 효과이론의 적용을 통하여 완화될 수 있는 여지를 안고 있다. ILC초안 제12조는 “법정지 국가가 외국의 불법행위에 대해 재판권을 행사하려면 침해를 야기하는 작위 또는 부작위가 피고국가에게로 귀속되는 것으로 주장되는 경우일 것, 그리고 그러한 작위 또는 부작위가 법정지 국가의 영토에서 일부 또는 전부 발생했을 것을 요구하는 외에, 작위 또는 부작위의 장본인이 ... According to traditional international law, the state to which the victim belongs requests for compensation for the damage through the exercise of diplomatic protectorate in case a private person was damaged due to torts of a foreign country. As the exercise of diplomatic protectorate is, however, mainly based on the decision of the government of victim’s state, the administration may ofter hesitate for the exercise of diplomatic protectorate in consideration of diplomatic relationship and thus there are cases where the loss of private person’s right and benefit is caused eventually. If the torts are related to assassination or terrorist action which a state supports and the victim therefrom is a citizen of inflictor state, the use of such diplomatic protectorate becomes even more impossible. In such cases, there is no doubt that the exercise of jurisdiction by the state of the forum to seek judicial solution will be the only way to provide good opportunity for the compensation to the private person who is a victim for the case. Accordingly, the provision of “non-commercial torts” in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of the U.S. clearly can be strong protective measure in providing the guarantee of the rights to the private persons whose rights were infringed by the torts of foreign country. The provision of ‘non-commercial torts’ in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of the U.S. is one of the factors based on which a court can exercise its jurisdiction and it requires that the damage must be incurred within the territory of the U.S. Most of the U.S. precedents acknowledge that jurisdiction is constituted only when major part of the torts is incurred within the territory of the U.S. in addition to the condition that ‘the place of the majority of damage incurrence’ should be the U.S. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of the U.S. (the Item (a)-(5) of the Article 1605) stipulates that jurisdictional immunities may be claimed in case torts were incurred based on the discretionary Function. The discretionary act customarily means “the act which leaves a room for political judgment and decision”, which includes the act of lower level institution which plans and implements such political judgment and decision. Provided, however, according to the U.S. precedents, we know that the U.S. court clearly does not accept the claim that an official of a foreign country or its employee exercised its discretion in case the official or its employee was accused in the U.S. for an assassination case. It is surely true that the fact that domestic law of the U.S. claims the jurisdiction for the torts of foreign government which were incurred within the territory of the U.S. theoretically violates the principles of national equality and mutual respect of sovereignty. However, in view of the cases of each country or national practices, that a state may exercise its jurisdiction for the “torts” already became a trend, and it seems that it has come to the phenomena where each country may refer to it. After all, in case a foreign country is engaged with a tort in the U.S., the country cannot claim the jurisdictional immunities of the state. Although the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of the U.S. presents “the place of loss incurrence” only from the aspect of territorial connection, court sustains the position that tort should be incurred within the territory of the U.S. as a requirement for the party concerned to be able to exercise its jurisdiction. However, this territorial connection requirement required in the case of torts has a room to be mitigated through the application of effect doctrine which is a variation of objective territoriality principle. The Article 12 of ILC draft requires that the eligibility for the exercise of the jurisdiction for the torts of foreign country is granted to the case when the claim is for the fact that act or omission which brings about infringement belongs to the accused stat...

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