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      • KCI등재

        Energy Evolution and Transfer Characteristics in Spatial Particle–Spring–Beam Model

        Weipeng Hu,Yabo He,Fan Zhang,Qiang Zhou 한국항공우주학회 2024 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sc Vol.25 No.2

        Reproducing the orbit–attitude–vibration coupling dynamic behaviors of the complex flexible spatial structure provides the basis on the orbit design, the attitude adjustment and the vibration control of the structure. In this paper, the tug–tether–debris system is simplified as a spatial particle–spring–beam physical model, in which, the non-smooth stiffness coefficient of the spring is assumed to describe the tension/loose state switching of the tether. Based on the variational principle, the coupling dynamic equations are deduced for the spatial particle–spring–beam model. To investigate the energy evolution and the energy transfer characteristics of the model, the structure-preserving iteration method is developed focusing on the non-smooth stiffness coefficient of the spring. In the structure-preserving iteration method, the symplectic Runge–Kutta method is employed to solve the ordinary differential equations mainly controlling the plane motion of the system and the multi-symplectic method is employed to solve the transverse vibration of the beam in the model. The structure-preserving characteristics of the iteration method result from the symplectic structure contained in the symplectic Runge–Kutta method and the multi-symplectic structure contained in the multi-symplectic method. In the stages when the spring is in a complete loose or a complete tension state, the total energy of system is a conservative quantity that is preserved by the structure- preserving iteration method in the simulation. In addition, the energy transfer laws of the system in the tension process of the spring are revealed numerically, which gives some guidance on the active flexible space debris removal strategy design directly.

      • KCI등재

        『홍루몽(紅樓夢)』에 나타난 소상관(瀟湘館)의 의경(意境) 분석

        윈쟈옌 ( Jia Yan Yun ),김태경 ( Tae Kyung Kim ) 한국전통조경학회 2014 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 문헌고찰을 통해 중국 청나라 소설『홍루몽』에 등장하는 가상 정원인 소상관의 의경을 분석하는 것이다. 결론을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 『홍루몽』에 묘사된 가상 정원은 실제로 재현이 가능한 것을 확인할 수 있다. 둘째, 소상관의 의경 분석을 통해『홍루몽』은 정원 식물들의 의미를 많이 활용하여 의경을 연출한다는 것을 이해할 수 있다. 셋째, 소상관의 주요 조성 이념은 사법자연(師法自然)이며, 대표적인 공간 구성 원리는 곡경통유(曲徑通幽)와 차경이라고 할 수 있다. 넷째, 『홍루몽』과『원야』에 나타난 전통정원의 조성 이념이 기본적으로 일치하는 것을 발견할 수 있다. 본 연구는 중국 청나라 소설『홍루몽』에 나오는 소상관의 의경 분석을 통해 정원 의경 분석의 틀을 제시하였고 향후 정원 의경을 분석하는 데 유용한 정보를 마련하였다. 연구 결과를 통해『홍루몽』은 중국전통정원 연구에 매우 유효한 자료임이 확인되었다. This study aims to analyze the Spatial Imagery(Yijing) of the Weeping Bamboo Lodge(Xiaoxiangguan) which is from Chinese Qing dynasty novel “Dream of Red Mansions”. The conclusions are as follows. First, the fantasy garden what is described in the novel “Dream of Red Mansions” can be recreated in reality. Second, through the analysis of the spatial imagery, the plants of the Weeping Bamboo Lodge contains a lot of meaning, and mainly through the plants to express meaning. Third, the main garden concept of the Weeping Bamboo Lodge is “Inspired by Nature”, the representative space constitution principle is “the art of circuitous” and “view borrowing”. Fourth, the concept of traditional garden in the novel “Dream of Red Mansions” and the landscape architecture theory book “Yuan Ye(Art of garden building)” is essentially in agreement. The generation process of garden spatial imagery was showed in this study, and on the basis of this, the garden spatial imagery of the Weeping Bamboo Lodge was analyzed. It is provided the useful information for the future research, and the novel “Dream of Red Mansions” as a important book was determined in the research of traditional garden.

      • KCI등재

        초등 사회 교과서 ‘탐구과제’의 문제점과 대안의 모색

        이간용 한국사회과교육연구학회 2005 사회과교육 Vol.44 No.3

        This study aims to analyze 'inquiry tasks' in the social studies textbooks for the elementary school students (3-6 grades). The analysis of the study focused on three aspects: the overall organizational principle, task types and the objective. The findings are as follows. In terms of organizing principle, no principle was found to sequence inquiry tasks. As for task types, most of them are open-ended tasks and these tasks were provided with plenty of useful visual-spatial data. With regard to the objective, the tasks are intended to make students simply review what they learned rather than to develop students' thinking skill systematically. In order to solve these problems, an alternative model is suggested. This new model is a modified model based on the SOLO taxonomy, Mahood's graphs learning model and the spatial intelligence learning model. The major characteristic of this new model is to reshape open-ended task types into structural or semi-structural testlets which have 3 or 4 sub-items. These testlets will help students understand a learning theme in a relevant lesson unit and improve higher order thinking skills. Practical examples are provided at the end of this paper. 본 연구에서는 제7차 교육과정 초등「사회」교과서의 ‘탐구과제’가 어떤 특성과 문제점이 있는지를 분석하고 그 대안을 제시하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 전체적인 체제면에서 선택학습 및 단원정리학습 등 다양한 영역으로 분화되어 있고, 학습자에게 선택권이 주어진 장점이 있지만, 과제들을 영역별로 범주화하고 배열한 조직 원리가 약하다고 판단되었다. 형태면에서는 문제해결의 절차나 단계가 생략된 개방식 자유기술형이 많아 확산적 사고에는 유리하나 체계적인 이해나 사고 전개에는 불리한 측면이 있었으며, 시각․공간 자료가 많이 등장하여 심상적 이해에는 유리하겠지만 자칫 피상적 학습도 우려되었다. 그리고 내용면에서는 복습완성형 과제가 많은 반면, 사고유도형은 적어 고등사고력 배양에는 아쉬운 점도 발견되었다. 이에 그 대안으로서 본문 주제를 이해시킬 수 있으면서도 체계적인 사고가 행해질 수 있도록 설계된 ‘구조화된 형식의 세트형 탐구과제 구성방안’을 제시하였다. 그 재구성의 방법적 원리는 SOLO 분류 모형, Mahood의 도표 학습 모형, 공간지능 3단계 작동 모형 등을 종합하여 찾을 수 있었다. 그리고 이 원리를 시각․공간자료를 활용한 교과서 과제들에 실제 적용하여 재구성한 사례들을 제시하였다.

      • 우주는 과연 균일할까?

        박찬경 ( Chan-gyung Park ) 전북대학교 과학교육연구소 2016 과학과 과학교육 논문지 Vol.41 No.2

        The homogeneity of matter distribution at large scales is the fundamental assumption of the standard cosmological model. This paper introduces the current status of research on homogeneity test of the matter distribution in the Universe. We describe the galaxy-counting method that is widely used in testing spatial homogeneity of large-scale structures, and criticize the previous studies that claim the homogeneity of matter distribution at scales larger than about 70 h<sup>-1</sup> Mpc by applying this method. Comparing the galaxy-counting results with the expectation of homogeneous distribution shows that the Universe is not spatially homogeneous even at 300 h<sup>-1</sup> Mpc scale and that Einstein's cosmological principle does not hold in the observed sky. Inhomogeneities in the matter distribution may explain the cosmic acceleration without dark energy and opens new field of research in theoretical cosmology.

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