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        1951~1954년 중학교 입학 국가고사의 실시와 중단

        김상훈 한국민족운동사학회 2020 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.102

        해방 후 대부분의 한국인들에게 학력은 지위상승의 거의 유일한 통로였다. 따라서 학력 상승의 첫 관문이라 할 수 있는 중학교 입시는 한국인들에게 주요 관심사가 될 수밖에 없었다. 그러나 상급학교의 수용인원보다 지원자가 많을 경우 입학자 선발 과정은 불가피하다. 이 때 선발 방식과 관련하여서는 일반적으로 시험제도가 사용되었다. 일제강점기 때부터 해방 후 한국전쟁이 발발하기 이전인 1950학년도 중학교 입학과 관련된 선발 시험은 각 학교별로 학교장의 책임 하에 관리되었다. 그런데 이 과정에서 입시부정이 만연했고, 국가가 입시부정을 막을 수 있는 입시제도를 운영해야 한다는 요구가 계속되었다. 그런 상황 속에서 한국전쟁 중이던 1951년 국가가 주관하는 전국단위 중학교 입학 국가고사가 실시되었다. 하지만 국가고사의 성적을 바탕으로 한 중학교 입시제도는 1953학년도까지 3년간만 실시되었고, 1954학년도 입학지원 마감을 하루 앞두고 이승만 대통령의 특별유시를 통해 중단되었다. 본고에서는 중학교 입학 국가고사가 도입되고 매년 수정되며 운영되던 모습과, 대통령의 지시로 이미 치러진 학력고사마저 무용지물이 되었던 과정과 그 원인에 대해서 살펴보았다. 초등학교 측에서는 내신을 중심으로 한 입시제도를 요구하였고, 중학교 측에서는 「교육법시행령」을 근거로 학교장의 선발권을 보장할 수 있는 학교별 시험을 강력히 주장하였다. 경제적 능력과 권력을 가진 학부모들은 중학교 입학의 자유경쟁을 요구하였고, 국가고사에 따른 선발 과정에서도 지원횟수의 확대를 요구하였다. 반면 일반 학부모들은 공정한 평가와 입시부정을 막을 수 있다고 생각했던 국가고사를 반기며 유지될 것을 기대하였다. 국가고사 실시로 전시 상황을 극복하고 공정한 입시제도를 운영하고자 했던 문교 당국은 학교 운영에 필요한 재정적 지원을 전혀 해주지 못하는 상황에서 중학교 입시는 자유경쟁으로 실시하라는 대통령의 지시에 따라 이를 중단하였다. 학력주의가 여전히 강력하게 작동하고 있는 한국에서 입시제도의 변화를 둘러싼 양상을 살펴봄으로서 한국 현대사를 좀 더 폭넓게 이해할 수 있을 것이다. For most Koreans after liberation, academic ability was almost the only channel of status increase. Therefore, entrance examination for middle school, which is the first gateway to the advancement of educational background, had to be a major concern for Koreans. But, If there are more applicants than the upper school's capacity, the selection process is inevitable. At this time, a written examination was generally used in relation to the selection method. From the Japanese colonial period until the Korean War broke out, the selection examinations related to middle school admissions were managed by the principal of each middle school. In the process, however, admission fraud was widespread, and there was a continuing demand for the government to operate the entrance examination system to prevent it. Under these circumstances, the national examination for admission to middle schools was conducted in 1951 during the Korean War. However, the entrance examination system based on the results of the national exams was held for only three years until the 1953, and was stopped by President Syngman Rhee just one day before the deadline for admission in 1954. This paper looked at the introduction of the national examination for middle school, how it was operated with little modification each year, the process of testing already taken under the direction of the president was useless, and its cause. The elementary school demanded the entrance examination system centered on school records, and the middle school strongly insisted on a school-specific exam that can guarantee the right to select the principal based on the law. Parents with economic abilities and power demanded free competition for admission to middle school, and the number of applications was also increased in the selection process following the national examination. On the other hand, the general parents welcomed the national exam and expected it to be maintained. The Ministry of Education wanted to overcome the wartime situation and operate a fair entrance examination system through national examination. The Ministry of Education, however, did not provide any financial support to run the school, and the middle school entrance examination was suspended under the president's instructions to conduct free competition. Credentialism is still working strongly in Korea. Therefore, by looking at the aspects surrounding the changes in the entrance examination system, Korean modern history can be understood more broadly.

      • KCI등재

        2007-2009 고입검정고시 음악 과목의 문항 타당성 분석

        윤성원 한국음악교육공학회 2011 음악교육공학 Vol.- No.12

        This study set out to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the music subject in qualification examinations for high school entrance for content validity by analyzing “implementation results” and “whether the items were developed truthfully according to the middle school curriculum,” as well as to make a contribution to better qualification examinations for high school entrance. Thus the study focused its research interest on the implementation of the music subject in qualification examinations for high school entrance and the content of the items. The research findings led to the two following points for discussion: First, it was examined whether the content of the exams was valid in implementation. As for the 150 items in the music subject in qualification examinations for high school entrance from 2007 to 2009, the examiners developed items whose predicted correct answer rate was close to the actual correct answer rate. Second, it was examined whether the content of the exam items was valid. According to the analysis results of the content based on the curriculum, 111 of total 150 items, which account for 74%, were in the level of the elementary curriculum, and 39(26%) in the level of the middle school curriculum. Those results show that the content validity and reliability of the music subject items in qualification examinations for high school entrance were considerably low. Based on the findings, the following fundamental alternatives were proposed: First, the musical knowledge provided in the curriculum should be systemized anew. Second, the content area of a curriculum should be newly organized as a task-oriented one around unit activities. 이 연구는 고입검정고시 음악 과목의 ‘시행 결과의 분석’과 ‘출제에서 문항이 중학교 교육과정에 따라 충실히 제작되고 있는지에 대한 분석’을 통해 이 시험의 문항 타당성을 종합적으로 분석하여 이후의 시험을 개선할 수 있도록 하는 데 목적이 있다. 따라서 이 연구의 주요 관심은 고입검정고시 음악 과목의 시행 결과와 출제 문항의 내용에 있었으며, 연구결과에 따른 다음과 같은 두 가지 논의점을 가진다. 첫째, 출제의도와 시행에 따른 결과는 타당성을 갖는가? 연구대상인 2007-2009 고입검정고시 음악 과목 150문항을 기준할 때 이 시험은 수험생들에게는 다소 어렵게 출제되었으나, 20% 문항만이 변별도가 낮은 것으로 분석되어 변별도가 있다. 출제자들은 예상 정답률이 실제 정답률에 접근하는 문항들을 출제한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 출제 문항은 내용 타당성이 있는가? 교육과정을 근거해서 내용을 분석해 볼 때, 전체 150문항의 74%인 111문항이 초등학교 교육과정 수준에서 출제되었고, 중학교 교육과정 수준에서는 26%인 39문항만이 출제되었다. 따라서 고입검정고시 음악 과목 문항의 내용 타당성은 현저히 떨어진다.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 중·고등학교 평준화 정책의 시행과 `교육격차`

        정무용 ( Jeong Moo Yong ) 역사문제연구소 2013 역사문제연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This article examines progress of the middle-high school equalization policy in 1970s and analyzes the purpose of the policy, above the reform of entrance examination system. In 1968, the middle school equalization policy was embarked on in Seoul, and in 1973, the high school equalization policy was implemented in Seoul and Busan. The main point of the policy was the equalization of quality of school facilities and teachers. The Department of Education expanded and improved facilities of schools by not permitting to recruit freshmen if the certain school could not be satisfy the requirements, and equalized and improved the quality of teachers by clearing the unqualified, reorienting teachers, and transferring from top class schools to lower class schools and reverse. A great deal of fund is required to implement the policy effectively, but Financing of the Department could not meet the necessity. Therefore, on the principle of user charging, the cost of the equalization policy was transferred to a school parent, and school fees continued to increase above the rate of inflation. The equalization policy was seemed to achieve the goal, which was bridging the gaps of schools between the center and outskirts within the major cities such as Seoul. However, while the policy was implementing, majority of the educational fund were invested to schools in major cities. As a result, the gap between urban and rural areas came to be revealed. On the other hand, on starting the policy, the other educational gap was magnified as problem. That is the heterogeneous ability among students within the same class. Therefore high school education was aimed to equalize the quality of students. That was training student to make them standardized industrial manpower.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 입시에 응시한 자녀를 둔 어머니의 진로지도 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구

        양지희(Yang, Ji Hee),양지웅(Yang, Ji Woong) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2020 한국사회과학연구 Vol.39 No.3

        본 연구는 중학교 입시에 응시한 초등학생 자녀를 둔 어머니의 진로지도 경험을 깊이 있게 탐색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 중학교 입시를 치르는 자녀와 함께 고사장을 찾은 어머니들 중에 자발적으로 연구 참여의사를 밝힌 5명을 심층 면담하여 자녀의 진로지도 경험에 대한 내용을 수집하였다. 수집한 자료의 분석은 Giorgi의 현상학적 방법을 사용하였는데 이 과정에서 의미단위를 추출해 내어 구성요소를 도출하였고 어머니의 진로지도 경험에 대한 본질과 의미를 찾기 위해 변형된 의미단위들을 구조로 통합하였다. 연구결과 25개의 의미단위와 12개의 하위범주, 6개의 상위범주가 도출되었다. 6개의 상위범주는 ‘자녀의 선택을 지지해 주고 싶지만 자녀가 아직 어리다고 생각함’, ‘더 나은 진로를 위해서 진로지도가 필요함’, ‘아이가 진로와 관련된 경험을 통해 성장해 가기를 기대함’, ‘결국엔 진로를 위해서 공부를 잘해야 한다고 생각함’, ‘진로에 있어서 자녀가 어머니의 뜻을 따라주기를 원함’, ‘진로에 있어서 자녀를 통제할 수 있을 때 통제함’으로 나타났다. 논의에서는 본 연구의 결과의 시사점과 제한점 및 후속 연구를 위한 제언을 하였다. This study was This study aimed at examining in detail the career guidance experiences of mothers of children who took an entrance examination for middle school. To achieve this aim, in-depth interviews were conducted targeting 5 mothers who had voluntarily participated in the study among mothers waiting for their children who were going to take an entrance examination for middle school. The collected data were analyzed by using Giorgi’ phenomenological research method. As a result of analysis, a total of 25 meaning units, 12 corresponding subfactors, and 6 factors were finally derived. These 6 factors were ‘Mothers think that their children are not mature enough, though they want to support children’s decisions,’ ‘Children need career guidance for better career,’ ‘Mothers want their children to grow through experiences related to career,’ ‘Mothers think that better academic performance is, after all, needed for career,’ ‘Mothers want children to respect their decision on their career,’ and ‘Mothers control their children, if possible, with regard to their career.’ Based on the results of this study, the implications of career counseling and guidance and suggestions for follow-up study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        고입 체육특기자 입시전형 개선방안

        이창현,이용식 한국체육정책학회 2021 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        The Sports Innovation Committee in 2019 recommended a fair and clean high school entrance admission for middle school student athletes because there were too many problems in this admission. This study examined improvements for the high school entrance admission for middle school student athletes to solve these problems. We collected and analyzed data such as requirements of entrance examinations for middle school student athletes, related documents for the entrance examinations for student athletes of Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education, etc in Korea. There were three findings as follows. First, we set up a basic direction of the standard of the high school entrance admission for middle school student athletes. Second, we suggested each solution for middle school student athletes selection in two models. Finally, we recommended specific plans for subjects achievements, sports game results and practical examinations in the high school entrance admission. Other improvements would be suggested in relation to this study inteviewing student athletes, parents and instructors because this study examined mainly documents.

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