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      • KCI등재

        한국에서의 중남미 식민지시대문학 연구와 교육

        송상기 ( Sang Kee Song ) 고려대학교 스페인·라틴아메리카연구소 2010 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.3 No.-

        In Korean academic journals on Latin American Literature, the topic varied from Pre-Colombian Literature to Chicano Literature from 1990s. But the articles on colonial period are quite limited in compare with contemporary literature in Latin America because of ambiguity of colonial writings as a genre between literature and history. From 1980s critics in Americas tried to view chronicles in colonial period as a discourse breaking through the confinement of literary history. Thus, all the issues of cultural studies like baroque ethos (Boliar Evhevarria), hybrid culture (Nestor Garcia Canclini), the formation of mestizaje (Serge Grutzinsky) and heterogeneity (Antonio Cornejo Polar) brought into flowers analyzing colonial writings and drawings. Nevertheless the criticism and introduction of Latin American colonial writings in Korean Academy is very limited despite of great interests on cultural studies. Annotated translations of colonial chronicles along with books on Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Carlos Siguenza y Gongora are essential and very much needed to activate discourses on Latin American colonial studies in Korea. With these translated texts we should educate students majoring in Spanish Language & Literature not only in terms of literary history of Latin America but also concrete applications of cultural theories comparing with contemporary issues on glocal themes.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 시대의 피식민지인 행동주의 지식인 예술가-안데스 인디언 와만포마가 스페인 왕에게 보낸 시대기록적 그림필사본편지에 관한 연구-

        고은실 ( Esther Kho ) 한국기초조형학회 2017 기초조형학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        스페인의 식민지 시대를 경험한 안데스 원주민 펠리페 와만포마 아얄라가 1534년부터 30년간 목격한 식민통치를 약 400개 드로잉과 1200페이지의 텍스트로 기록하여 스페인 국왕에게 쓴 시대기록적 그림삽화 필사본편지(chronicle illustration manuscript)를 연구하였다. 와만포마가 피식민지 안데스 지식인이며 통역자이자 예술가로서 선조와 자기 민족의 역사와 식민 통치하의 학대와 착취를 기록하여 자신의 민족을 돕고자 한 활동을 시대기록적 그림편지를 통하여 연구하였다. 국내외 라틴아메리카(잉카 페루)의 식민지 시대 및 와만포마의 <새로운 시대기록과 좋은 정부>의 그림삽화와 텍스트 관련 자료를 수집 분석하였고, 덴마크 왕립도서관의 와만포마의 필사본 복사본을 미술 비평하였다. 와만포마의 자필기록은 유럽의 기독교 신앙과 안데스 잉카 문화의 두 전통을 수용한 지성인이자 예술가의 정체성을 보여준다. 시대기록적 그림삽화 필사본은 식민지 시대의 피식민지 지식인 예술가가 식민지 상황에서 고통 받는 자신의 원주민 동족의 자치권을 찾고 인권과 존엄을 회복하기 위하여 행동주의적으로 텍스트언어와 시각이미지를 독학으로 학습하여 어떻게 사용하고 적용했는지를 알 수 있다. 와만포마는 안데스 원주민의 혼합문화 및 자신의 민족의 역사를 대변하기 위해 유럽의 재현주의적 필사본 제작방식과 시대적 드로잉삽화와 다양한 텍스트언어를 사실을 전달하는 수단 및 강력한 기억의 도구로써 사용하고 있다. This research is to understand the importance and values of an Andean artist Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala`s drawing letters to King Philip III of Spain, "Nueva Coronica i Buen Gobierno", or "New Chronicle and Good Government", the illustrated document with 398 drawings and 1200 pages long texts as statement visual document in Peru during the conquest of Peru. Guaman Poma`s visual and multilingual texts expressed his contempt for the abuses committed by the crown, and recommended a good government that illustrative text manifested an identity that accommodated local and European traditions, and amalgamated dominant Spanish culture with local practices. He eloquently illustrated with drawings, the idea of belonging, his identity as an intellectual and as an activist for the indigenous peoples of Peru as well as an native Andean AmericanIndian artist. Through the coronica manuscript we understand the history of conquest, colonialism and European representational practice and Andean culture. Guaman Poma de Ayala desperately hope the King would grant autonomy to the Indians, so that he did as an activist and writer, as well as an artist chronicled the natives` incredible suffering at the hands of the colonizers. Poma gives an instruction to get back the right of autonomy through chronicle illustration to Korean people to solve the colonial shadow. He used images to tell his truth. Guaman Poma`s bold and powerful line drawings are an example of a native`s learning European artistic systems and adapting them to his own purposes also make points of their own that argued for the dignity of his people and the logic of self-rule. Guaman Poma de Ayala autodidact artist an acculturated Andean living in a hybrid culture articulated and depicted his eye-witnessed history of his people and used representative chronicle drawing as a powerful mnemonic tool.

      • KCI등재

        펠리페 구아만 포마 데 아얄라가 '새로운 연대기와 좋은 정부'을 통해 제안하는 스페인 연방제 속에 담긴 안데스 세계관의 투사

        송상기 한국라틴아메리카학회 2008 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Guaman Poma's great work, the nearly 1,200-page Primer nueva cornica y buen gobierno (The New Chronicle and Good Government), is the longest sustained critique of Spanish colonial rule produced by an indigenous subject in the entire colonial period. This extraordinary chronicle with 1200 pages with 398 drawings outlines the injustices of colonial rule. This is the only surviving text that has actual illustrations of pre-conquest Andean life and even in the depiction of colonial life. Andean icoology is insilled into the scheme of european iconology in these illustrations which demonstrate author's hidden desire that can not be told by literal texts.The Indigenous author argues that the actual Encomienda system has so many negative effects that the whole population of indigenous people will be diminished drastically. His claim for Spanish federal world system with autonomous local ruling system was buried into the stacks of Spanish Royal Library and now Royal Danish Library. But the way how Guaman Poma reinterprets global design with Andean angle and calls for its reformation. reminds us of interaction of local histories can alter the location of global design.

      • KCI등재

        채만식의 해방기 역사소설과 식민지 전사(前史)의 재현

        류동규 ( Dong Gyu Ryu ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2013 어문론총 Vol.59 No.-

        Chae Man-sik wrote Historical Novels in the Liberation Period like「Ongnangsa」 and 「History」 series. These works reconstructed pre-colonial history in many ways, and sought out possibility of establishment of Historical Subject in the Liberation Period. 「Ongnangsa」 is an adventure story that happened in historical time and space by Falktale type character. Jang Seon-yong, the main character is falktale type character with extraordinary ability. He entered into Historical time and space, and started adventures one after another. But he is just an individual in historical time and space, so he can``t change the flow of history. The falktale type hero in historical time and space couldn``t break away from the pressure imposed by history. 「History」 series realign historical stories over the falktale time. The situation that grandmother tell her descendants historical stories in the work is similar to the falktales tradition. And the old tale at the start of the work represents infinitely long time, so it is contrasted with the ensuing historical time. 「History」 series could break away from the pressure imposed by history in this way, but it couldn``t ensure specific time and space that Historical Subject can be established. Chae Man-sik`s Historical Novels tried to recognize realities of the Liberation Period specifically, establish Historical Subject in the Liberation Period by reproduction of the pre-colonial history. But falktales and Chronicle couldn`t be combined organically. And the Subject showed aspect that was split between these two forms.

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