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      • KCI등재

        장애 청소년을 위한 피지컬 리터러시의 개념 탐색

        구교만,김재화,김도윤,변정균,김경진,김춘종,서건우,윤석민,서은철,오아라 한국특수체육학회 2023 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore and present the concept of physical literacy for adolescents with disabilities. Based on the existing concept of physical literacy(Whitehead, 2001), efforts were made to expand it to a concept more suitable for adolescents with disabilities and to derive a more universal and specific level. To this end, content analysis was conducted on the data from literature reviews and in-depth interviews with professionals. The results are as follows. Physical literacy of adolescents with disabilities is the physical, psychological, cognitive, and social competencies/elements necessary for adolescents with disabilities to participate in physical activities throughout their lives. Further it means the overall competency that appears through interaction with the contextual elements of individuals with disabilities. Physical competence includes very basic movements to sophisticated and specialized sport skills, and psychological competence includes confidence, motivation, and self-efficacy that can affect physical activity participation. Cognitive competency includes knowledge, understanding, value recognition, and responsibility for physical activity, and social skills and ethical awareness required for participation in physical activity were derived from social competency. The contextual factor has two sub-elements (personal and environmental factor) in which the physical literacy of adolescents with disabilities can be the result of interaction with these factors. 본 연구는 장애 청소년을 위한 피지컬 리터러시의 개념을 탐색하여 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 기존 피지컬 리터러시의 개념(Whitehead, 2001)을 장애 청소년에게 보다 적합하게 수정하고 구체적이며 유니버셜한 개념으로 도출될 수 있도록 노력하였다. 이를 위해 문헌 검토와 전문가 심층 면접 등을 거쳐 내용 분석을 진행하였으며, 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 장애 청소년의 피지컬 리터러시는 장애 청소년이 평생에 걸쳐 신체활동에 참여하는데 필요한 신체적, 심리적, 인지적, 사회적 역량/요소이며 이는 개인의 맥락적 요소와 상호작용하여 나타나는 총체적인 역량을 의미한다. 신체적 역량에는 아주 기초적인 움직임에서부터 세련되고 전문적인 운동 기술이 포함되며, 심리적 역량에는 신체활동 참여에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 자신감, 동기, 자기 효능감이 있다. 인지적 역량에는 신체활동에 대한 지식, 이해, 가치 인식, 책임감 등이 있으며, 사회적 역량에는 신체활동 참여를 위해서 필요한 사회성 기술과 윤리 의식 등이 도출되었다. 맥락적 요소는 두 가지 하위 요소(개인적 요소, 환경적 요소)를 가지며 장애 청소년의 피지컬 리터러시는 이러한 요소들과 상호작용의 결과라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 도시농민공의 호구전환의지에 관한 실증분석 -베이징시, 상하이시, 광저우시 중심으로-

        박상수 ( Sang Soo Park ),고명걸 ( Ming Jie Gao ),잔차이나 ( Caina Zhan ) 한중사회과학학회 2016 한중사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        In view of the advantages of urban hukou(household registration system), many migrant workers working in the city want to transfer rural hukou to urban hukou to get preferential policy for self-development or their children. Even though the hukou system reform are proceeded, they still have barriers on the road to become citizens, especially in large cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing city. Based on the precious studies, this study attempts to examine the relationship among institutional cognition, social cognition, personal cognition as independent variables, policy concern degree as a mediating variable, and switching intention of urban hukou as dependent variable, and the different cognition about independent variables among three cities. The empirical analysis shows that policy concern degree is positively associated with security, stability of institutional cognition and employment, medical treatment, environment of social cognition and alienation of city life, satisfied degree of city life, future orientation of personal cognition. On the contrary, it is negatively associated with distinctiveness and education. Besides, the correlation between policy concern degree and switching intention of urban hukou is obviously significant. Furthermore, degree of policy concern has a partial mediating effect to independent variables, security and alienation of city life, and dependent variable consisting of switching intention of urban hukou. This paper details some factors is very important for migrant workers to transfer their hukou status and some are not. The findings of the research have implications for policy makers interested in promoting a more balanced development of population and city and for rural areas, in order to keep talented people, it is important to improve benefits and privileges in aspects of educational resources, employment and pension. Besides, it should deepen reforms concerning hukou system, for instance, standardize the turnover of rural collective-owned construction land’s exploitation right, and guide the rural-urban population to mobile reasonably to achieve the balance between supply and demand.

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