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      • KCI등재

        한국교회의 분리 및 단절 극복을 위한 코이노니아 교육목회

        이규민 한국종교교육학회 2020 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        2020년의 한국사회는 사상 초유의 코로나-19 위기와 함께 새로운 전환기를 맞고 있다. 향후 한국사회는 근대를 지나탈근대적 특성이 점차 전 영역에 걸쳐 확산되어 갈 것이 예상된다. 과거처럼 집단성과 획일성을 추구하면 그것은 과거지향적 전근대주의로의 회귀가 될 것이다. 그렇다고 개별성과 다원성만을 추구한다면 그것은 일종의 개인주의, 상대주의라는 또 다른 극단에 빠지고 말 것이다. 전근대적 획일주의나 탈근대적 상대주의라는 양 극단은 결코 한국사회의 대안이 될 수 없다. 21세기 한국사회는 개인과 함께 공동체, 공동체와 함께 개인의 중요성을 존중하는 보다 포괄적인 제 3 의 대안을 필요로 한다. 본 연구는 이러한 제 3의 대안을 향한 신학적, 기독교교육학적 탐구를 시도한다. 이러한 제 3의대안적 방향설정을 위해 본 연구는 다음과 같은 성찰을 시도하였다. 첫째, 한국교회의 폭발적 성장을 가능케 했던 한국교회 특유의 유산에 대한 성찰; 둘째, 일반 전문인과 구별되는 목회자만의 전문성 및 정체성에 대한 성찰; 셋째, 세속문화와 기독교의 관계성에 대한 유형론적 고찰; 넷째, 교육목회의 이론적 토대가 되는 기독교교육의 특성 및 방법론에 대한 성찰; 다섯째, 올바른 목회와 교육에 장애가 되는 주요 문제들에 대한 분석적 성찰; 여섯째, 한국교회에 나타나는 분리와 단절의 문제 해결을 위한 대안으로서의 '코이노니아 교육목회'를 제시함으로써 논의를 마무리하였다.

      • 레티 러셀과 마리아 해리스의 기독교교육론에서의 복지적 관점 비교

        장순애(Soon-Ae Chang) 영남신학대학교 2013 신학과 목회 Vol.39 No.-

        In the 21st century, I believe the mission of the church and Chirstian education will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the welfare perspective. To do that, we need to ask “What is the relationship between Christian education and Christian welfare?” This study is to find out how to merge Christian education and Christian welfare. With this purpose this paper sought welfare perspective from both Letty Russell’s Christian Education theory and Maria Harris’s theory. And I evaluated the strengths and weakness of their welfare perspective. Letty M. Russell designed a educational ministry of the church in the perspective of christian welfare. It appears from her proposal to call the church ‘Witnessing Community" of pluralistic system in order to stress ‘church toward the world and the other people" and emphasizing that Salvation is humanization encompassing not only the redemption of the soul but also the liberation from the socially oppressing systems. On the other hand, Maria Harris considers five patterns of life demonstrated in the primitive Christian community described in Acts 2:42-47 -kerygma, didache, koinonia, leiturgia, diakonia- as a prototype of curriculum for church education. And she insists that a complete church curriculum can be established only when integrating these five forms of interrelated curricula. Thus she develops a church curriculum theory to integrate Diakonia with educational ministry of the church. In conclusion, Contemporary Church should be both ‘educational ministry of the church toward christian welfare" and ‘Diakonia from a standpoint educational ministry of the church". That’s exactly what it is called Holistic Educational Ministry in this age of Welfare.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회 평신도의 교회와 목회자의 선교실천에 대한 평가

        손동신 한국선교신학회 2006 선교신학 Vol.12 No.-

        This study as analysed the congregation's understanding of concept of mission a evaluation of their churches' practices for mission, It is anticipated from the process of feedback that this ""jll provide primary information towards a clear understanding of the current situation of the Korean church, specifically KEHc, in relation to the concept and practice of mission, This study employed the method of questionnaire, The questionnaire was designed in three parts, The first part contained instructions, The second part contained knowledge of the KEHC congregations' view of mission, The third part dealt with their view of their pastor's ministry in relation to mission, The questionnaire included twenty-nine questions, The sample included 461 congregations of the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church, The responses of participants were analysed according to several independent variables: age, sex, position in the church, years since becoming a Christian, location and size of the church etc, Initially, we conducted analyses of frequency, The results of frequency were examined in analyses of chi-square and t-test to compare in variables if those are applicable, The majority of congregations have a wide understanding of mission, and males, 20-30s and the Laity have a broader concept of mission, More than half of congregation indicate 'change in the congregation's understanding or consciousness of mission as the most important factor in undertaking mission, Significant differences were found in the view related to position in the Church, Elders indicated congregation's 'consciousness of mission' and 'church's finance situation' while the Laity considered 'congregation's participation' as the important element, Half of the congregations indicated that undertaking mission of the Church will contribute to church growth but mission is not the condition of church growth, Regarding the relationship between mission and Church, the Elders indicated the highest percent, Congregations reported that their pastors put emphasis on mission by mentioning it in preaching, and the content was mainly about 'raising funds for the support of missionaries.' A missionary committee normally undertakes mission practices but mission is carried out without systematic, consistent, and long-term strategy ani policy, Mission education for congregation run in one third of churches focuses on ways of support to denominational strategy for sending missionaries and mission education in the dimension of wider mission practice is hardly undertaken, A phenomenon of imbalance in undertaking mission practice is found, As a result, congregations indicate pastors leadership in a negative way in relation to undertaking mission practice, A tendency towards imbalance in undertaking mission practice also appeared in congregations' evaluation on social services of the churches, Most of them indicated the church should carry out both evangelism and social services at the same time, but there are many who understand social services as a means of evangelism, It was reported that, although half of the churches involve themselves in social services, their activities are mainly aimed at financial support for social agencies, They evaluated both pastors practice for social responsibility and churches' activities for mission low and strongly indicated that 'church leans to mission.'

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