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        日本の新しい安全保障·防衛戦略 : 拒否戦略を通じた競争戦略の体系

        神保謙 ( Jimbo Ken ) 현대일본학회 2023 日本硏究論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        日本政府は2022年12月に国家安全保障戦略、国家防衛戦略、防衛力整備計画の3 つの安全保障関連戦略文書(戦略3文書)を閣議決定した。岸田文雄首相が2023年1 月の通常国会での施政方針演説で 「日本の安全保障政策の大転換」と述べたように、今 回の戦略3文書は日本の防衛力を5年以内に抜本的に強化し、防衛関係費を国内総生 産(GDP)の2パーセントに達する予算措置を講じ、長射程の 「反撃能力」の導入を決定 したことなど、日本の戦後史に類例を見ない分水嶺となった。日本政府の見解では、戦略3文書に示された考え方は 「憲法及び国際法の範囲内 で、専守防衛の考え方を変更するものではない」ことが強調され、戦後の防衛政策の基本理念の延長線上にあるとする。しかし、戦略3文書発表後の日本の安全保障政策 は、以下に論じるいくつかの点において、こうした基本的な構図からの脱却の試みと捉 えることができる。 第一に、日本の防衛力が作用する地理的な空間の拡大である。第二に、相手の領域において反撃を加える 「反撃能力」を導入したことである。第三は、日米同盟における、所謂 「盾と矛」の関係を変化させたことである。本稿では日本の戦後の安全保障·防衛政策を振り返り、分水嶺としての転換点の変遷を辿りながら、戦略3文書の位置付けを明らかにする。次 いで、戦略3文書に通底する戦略が 「拒否戦略」を通じた 「競争戦略」にあることを論 じ、現代の日本の安全保障·防衛戦略の構想を分析する。 Japan’s National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Defense Buildup Program (hereafter called the Three Strategic Documents) released in December 2022, represented a significant turning point in the history of Japan’s post-war security policy. The Three Documents emphasized that all policies should adhere to “the basic precepts of maintaining an exclusively defense-oriented policy and not becoming a military power.” On the other hand, this essay clarified that a major shift in Japan’s security strategy has occurred in 1) The geographical scope covered by its defense policy, 2) The introduction of a “counterstrike capability,” and 3) The change in the “shield and spearhead” relationship in the Japan-US alliance. Such major changes have been driven by Japan’s emerging awareness of the challenging security environment surrounding the country, particularly the rapidly changing balance of power vis-a-vis China. China’s rise has brought about a need for Tokyo to formulate a strategy based on the assumption that Japan would be constantly inferior to China. Due to these structural constraints, Japan adopted an “active denial strategy” that aims not to pursue the balance of military capability quantitively vis-a-vis China but to deny the Chinese the prospect of operational success in key strategic fronts by obtaining new capabilities. The success of the denial strategy at the micro-level leads to the macro-level pursuit of a “competitive strategy” that aims at imposing costs in less superior domains, thus maintaining the status quo.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        アネルギー抑制のためのインタンジブルズ・ マネジメントの現状と課題 ‒ MUFGのケーススタディにみる戦略マップの展望 ‒

        李会爽 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.63

        Since the 1980s, intangibles (intangible assets) is the main management target. It can be said that strategically managing tangible assets along with these intangibles has become a major influence on corporate value creation. However, although intangibles contribute to the creation of corporate value, there is also the possibility of negative impact on corporate value due to nonconformity of management. In this research, we define the factor that damages corporate value as anergy. The purpose of this research is to organize the previous research and examine the current status and issues of Intangibles management that simultaneously achieves corporate value creation and curbing of anergy through interview research. In addition, we will consider the prospects of the strategic map.

      • KCI등재

        BSCによるインタンジブルズ研究の現状と その方向性 - 戦略マップを用いた事例研究 -

        李会爽 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.60

        The purpose of this paper was to clarify the present situation and direction of intangibles study with a focus on strategically managing intangibles from the viewpoint of management accounting. We conducted a case study using Strategy Map by BSC as one means to examine its direction. It also revealed that the another means of announcing non‐financial information on Intangibles is an Integrated Report. The author conducted a visit survey on Anonymous Company A and created our Strategy Map from company A's Annual Report. From the Strategy Map I described three characteristics of company A's Annual Report and five issues and proposals. As a result it was revealed that the Strategy Map and the Integrated Report will play a certain role in the present condition and direction of the intangibles study.

      • KCI등재


        太田顕一郎,사쿠라기 아키히로 한국일본근대학회 2023 일본근대학연구 Vol.- No.82

        Irrespective of the form of an organization, achieving a certain level of specific performance within a certain period of time is crucially important for the organization’s survival, maintenance, and development. The essence of an organization as a living organism is to rearrange its internal environment to conform to its external environment. As human resources, the organization members make the rearrangement work. This study was conducted to provide an exploratory analysis and discussion of whether the basic concept of human resource management functions in non-profit organizations that are not primarily for-profit functions as it does in for-profit organizations. In doing so, we examined the validity and development potential of the concept of careers. For the analyses, universities were selected from among non-profit organizations. The administrative staffs of the universities were analyzed. The first section presents the basic premise of this study, the background of the problem, the location of the problem, the purpose of the study, the subject of analysis, and the research methodology. The second section presents a description of the basic perspective and multi-functionality involved in human resources in organizations, which is the main concept examined for this study. The section particularly explains the complex man hypothesis and five functions. The third section clarifies aspects of the external environment of the university organizations examined for the study. This section is developed primarily based on the School Basic Survey of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The fourth section describes the internal environment of the university organizations of this study. This section is developed based on the Standards for Establishment of Universities and the Central Council for Education report. The fifth section presents the characteristics identified and confirmed in the analysis based on the literature search engine CiNii. This section describes 29 earlier studies confirmed to be of three categories: "university faculty and human resources" (n = 9), "university faculty and skill development" (n = 17), and "university faculty and human resource development" (n = 3). The sixth section presents a description of the characteristics identified and confirmed in the secondary analysis of the Second Nationwide Survey of University Administrative Staff. This section includes an analysis of fact-finding surveys on the perception of work as a staff member, workplace atmosphere, etc., and presents three issues related to university organizations. The final section elucidates conclusions related to the strategic role of human resources in nonprofit organizations and presents suggestions for directions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        アネルギー抑制のためのインタンジブルズ・ マネジメントの現状と課題‒MUFGのケーススタディにみる戦略マップの展望‒

        李会爽 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.64

        Since the 1980s, intangibles (intangible assets) is the main management target. It can be said that strategically managing tangible assets along with these intangibles has become a major influence on corporate value creation. However, although intangibles contribute to the creation of corporate value, there is also the possibility of negative impact on corporate value due to nonconformity of management. In this research, we define the factor that damages corporate value as anergy. The purpose of this research is to organize the previous research and examine the current status and issues of Intangibles management that simultaneously achieves corporate value creation and curbing of anergy through interview research. In addition, we will consider the prospects of the strategic map. 1980年代以降、インタンジブルズ(無形の資産)が主なマネジメント対象となっている。これらのインタンジブルズと一緒に有形資産を戦略的にマネジメントすることが、企業価値創造に大きな影響を与えるようになったといえる。しかし、インタンジブルズは企業価値の創造に寄与するものであるが、マネジメントの不適合によって企業価値に負の影響を与える可能性もある。企業価値を毀損する要因のことを、本研究ではアネルギー(anergy)と定義する。本研究の目的は、先行研究のまとめとインタビュー調査を通じて企業価値創造とアネルギーを抑制することの同時達成を行うインタンジブルズ・マネジメントの現状と課題および戦略マップの展望について検討することにある。

      • KCI등재

        原価企画におけるVEの再検討 ‒価値概念、戦略の視点から‒

        田坂公,梅田充 한국일본근대학회 2023 일본근대학연구 Vol.- No.80


      • KCI등재

        日本における「コモディティ・トラップ」の探究 ‒日本大手エレクトロニクス企業の戦略経営‒

        長江 庸泰 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        Commoditization is defined as the process by which goods that have economic value and are distinguishable in terms of attributes (e.g., product performance, quality or brand) end up becoming simple commodities in the eyes of the market or consumers. Corporations that differentiate their products by building them to be more innovative, more designable, more smart (i.e., System-oriented) and cheaper begin to find that others quickly imitate every new feature that they introduce. The length of time that any given product is attractive in the market begins to decline, as even newer products quickly take over. A “commodity trap” will end up becoming a “commodity hell”. This paper focuses specifically on strategic management in major Japanese electronics corporations and the two main points that will be examined are as follows. 1. A case study of strategic management (i.e., strategic decisions) in Sharp Corporation, Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation. 2. Factor analyzes involved in a “commodity trap” and solutions:- Product-led innovation that falls into a “ competency trap” will result in commoditization. - Solutions: Monitoring points of strategic decisions. - Solutions : Co-creation activities of both TMI (Technology Management for Innovation) and MOT (Management of Technology).

      • KCI등재

        マレーシア進出日本企業における 原価企画の現地化の課題 ‒現地化コンテクストの比較分析‒

        田坂公,小酒井正和 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.59

        The purpose of this article is to indicate the context of localization based on literature study and field study to enterprises in Malaysia and to clarify hypothetical models on localization of target costing. Therefore, based on the results of field survey in Malaysia over two times, we will consider the localization of target costing. The findings obtained from that consideration are the following three. First, among suppliers, there is a difference in localization between affiliate suppliers and OEM suppliers. Second, three types of localization could be confirmed: production transfer type, Design transfer type, target costing transfer type. Thirdly, it was confirmed by Japanese firms’ strategies that there were Japanese home countries and local standards in Japanese companies entering Malaysia. 本研究の目的は,文献調査およびマレーシア進出企業への現地調査をもとに,現地化のコンテクストについて考察し,原価企画の現地化に関する仮説モデルを明らかにすることにある。そこで,2回に渡るマレーシアの現地調査の結果を元に,原価企画の現地化に関する考察を行う。その考察から得られた知見は次の3つである。第1に,サプライヤーのうち,系列サプライヤーとOEMサプライヤーにおいて現地化の差異がある。第2に,現地化のタイプとしては,生産移転タイプ,設計移転タイプ,原価企画移転タイプの3つを確認できた。第3に,企業の戦略の違いで,マレーシア進出日本企業において,本国基準と現地適用基準の2つが確認できた。

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