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      • 대뇌동맥 중심지와 그 문합상태에 대한 해부학적 연구

        이인수 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Using 150 Korean cadavers(child and adolescence 115, adult 35) the author made 150 brain specimens of which arteries had been dyed in red organic pigment prior to removal and fixation. The brain specimens after fixation and removal from the skulls have been divided into-3 groups: 1) Coronal serial section; 2) Sagittal serial section; and 3) Horizontal serial section, and sectioned in 5mm thickness to investigate the cerebral arterial system. Observing the brain spices the author has made a study on the distribution of the arterial perforating branches directed to the basal cell masses from the circle of Willis and from the pial arteries of cerebral cortex, their ramification and the anastomoses between them, with review of literatures.

      • 乾癬患者 16例에서 DNCB檢査 및 T-淋巴球의 變動에 關한 硏究

        洪南樹 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Immunological studios have been undertaken recently in psoriasis to clarify the concept of the autoimmunological pathogenesis of the disorder. We have investigated quantitative changes of lymptocyte populations and immune responses of T-cell functions wish DNCB sensitivity by the administration of prednisolone and methotrexate in sixteen patients with psoriasis compared with eight normal controls. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Seven psoriasis patients among the sixteen cases were sensitized to DNCB.(43.8% ) 2. The mean percentage of T-lymphocytes in prednisolone group were 55.0± 3.4% 3. The mean percentage of T-lymphocrtes in methotrexate group were 62.0± 2.4% 4. Prednisolone remarkab1y decreases T-lymphocytes, while methotrexate markedly decreased total leuocytes.

      • 白金을 利用한 角膜點墨術

        李文基 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Uphill now, we have been using chinese ink for corneal tatooing. The reason is that it was difficult to get Platinum Chrolide & Hydrazin Hydrate. As we got the result by using Platinum Chloride & Hydragin Hydrate, we are reporting as follows: 1. Platinum ch1oride tatooing has stained in black at corneal opacity equally. 2. It stains at corneal stroma without any injury and good especially when corneal tissue is thin. 3. It fully stains by separting corneal epithelium and there are no complication and side reaction. 4. The method is simple and aseptic operation is possible. 5. The pain disappears after 2 days from the stein and conj injection disappears after 4-5 days from the stain. 6. The condition of stain is perfect although it has passed 4 months from the stain.

      • 手部 火傷 治療의 問題點

        金榮吉,洪聖鎬,崔碩鉉,朴鍾燮 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        The burnt hand, althrough representing a relatively small body surface area of less than 2 per cent, but extremely important functional aspect of burn patient. If a patient survives a severe burn, major permanent disability is usually lack of function of the hands. The treatment of burnt hands is not simple. The poor resultsachieved in among of these burnt hands are intimately related to depth of the burn, to infection, edema, to immobilization and finally to the subsequent scarring, stiffness and contractures.To prevent these complications, several authors have proposed correct evaluation of the depth of burn, prevention of stiffness, contractures and tangential excision of burned tissue at an early period with immediate skin grafting. Such responsibility demands ,the maintenance of adequate range of motion during the preparatory wound care, after the important initial grafting, and during the rehabiltation period, so demands ,the maintenance of adequate range of motion during the preparatory wounddemands ,the maintenance of adequate range of motion during the preparatory wound demands ,the maintenance of adequate range of motion during the preparatory wound areas in the treaunent of burnt hand is worthwhile.

      • 韓國人 Rh陰性者의 表現型과 遺傳型에 關한 硏究(第1報)

        姜得龍 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Rh subtypings of 128 probable Rh negative Koreans were done and their pheno-type frequencies and the most likely genotypes were shown in table 1. Among 11 out of 128 probable Rh negative, 9 were Rh (D) positive and 2 were Du positive. Family studios of 19 Rh negative propositus were made as shown in each figures.

      • Mastoid Tympanoplasty

        소진명 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Since the era of 1950, various methods of mastoid-tympanoplasty have been carried out and its results were not so excellent as patients expected such as ceasation of ear draining, restoration of hearing, and preservation of anatomic figuration of ear canal. Moreover, the postoperative evaluation is hardly systemized due to various methods of surgical technique. Auther tried out the technique described by Sheerly, Jansen etc. since 1968 and could not get expected result due to its complication, and then modified its method according to the Hough described, grafting fascia medial to malleus handle and annular lignment, since 1971. I now reach to the certain method of ear operation with which I hate carried on patients with relatively good results as expected. Of course, I don't think this method is perfect and further study to get complete and permanent surgical technique to fulfill patient need ought to be originated.

      • 小兒 腸重疊症의 臨床的 考察

        朴在玉,현우,李水玉,李尙柱 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        A retrospective clinical study on 63 cases of intussusception in infants and children, who were admitted to the department of pediatrics and surgery from May,1974 to Feb, 1978 twas done. The prognosis of this disease is dependent upon early diagnosis and treatment but the causation of this disease is not clear let. It is a relatively common disease and we think it is worthwhile to analyse our own cases. The results were; 1. Among 63 cases, 37 were admitted to the department of pediatrics and 26 were admitted to the department of GS. 2. In age distribution, 85% of the patients were under 1 year of age and the peak incidence was 3-9 months of age. 3. Male was prominent than female. Male to female ratio was 2.8 : 1. 4. The 58.5% of the patients were above 50 percentile of body weight comparing with Korean standard data. 5. In the aspect of the etiology, 96.9% of the cases were idiopathic and only 3.1 % of the crises had organic causes. 6. The 4 cardina1 symptoms were abdomina1 pain (93.7%), vomiting(90.5%), bloody-mucous stool (80.1%) and abdominal mass (74.6%). 7. Among the cases, colocolic type was 33.3% , ileocolic type was 22.2% and ileocecal type was 20.6% . 8. The 71.4% of the cases were reduced successfully by barium enema. 9. Recurrence rate was 4.8%.

      • 角膜에 발생한 巨大類皮腫 2例

        閔丙憲,宋白蘭,李文基 순천향 의과대학 1978 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Dermoid is a kind of choristoma and rare congenital benign tumor. It is ugly in appearance and especially dermoid appears at corneal limbus. The above 2 cases which we report invade cornea and it is especially giant compared with the report which has reported uptill now.

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