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        Potato virus Y HCPro localization at distinct, dynamically related and environment-influenced structures in the cell cytoplasm.

        del Toro, Francisco,Fern?ndez, F?tima Tena,Tilsner, Jens,Wright, Kathryn M,Tenllado, Francisco,Chung, Bong Nam,Praveen, Shelly,Canto, Tomas APS Press 2014 Molecular plant-microbe interactions Vol.27 No.12

        <P>Potyvirus HCPro is a multifunctional protein that, among other functions, interferes with antiviral defenses in plants and mediates viral transmission by aphid vectors. We have visualized in vivo the subcellular distribution and dynamics of HCPro from Potato virus Y and its homodimers, using green, yellow, and red fluorescent protein tags or their split parts, while assessing their biological activities. Confocal microscopy revealed a pattern of even distribution of fluorescence throughout the cytoplasm, common to all these modified HCPros, when transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana epidermal cells in virus-free systems. However, in some cells, distinct additional patterns, specific to some constructs and influenced by environmental conditions, were observed: i) a small number of large, amorphous cytoplasm inclusions that contained α-tubulin; ii) a pattern of numerous small, similarly sized, dot-like inclusions distributing regularly throughout the cytoplasm and associated or anchored to the cortical endoplasmic reticulum and the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton; and iii) a pattern that smoothly coated the MT. Furthermore, mixed and intermediate forms from the last two patterns were observed, suggesting dynamic transports between them. HCPro did not colocalize with actin filaments or the Golgi apparatus. Despite its association with MT, this network integrity was required neither for HCPro suppression of silencing in agropatch assays nor for its mediation of virus transmission by aphids.</P>


        Digitalization as an aggregate performance in the energy transition for nuclear industry

        Florencia de los Angeles Renteria del Toro,Chen Hao,Akira Tokuhiro,Mario Gomez-Fernandez,Armando Gomez-Torres Korean Nuclear Society 2024 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.56 No.4

        The emerging technologies at the industrial level have deployed rapidly within the energy transition process innovations. The nuclear industry incorporates several technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Digital Twins, High-Performance-Computing (HPC) and Quantum Computing (QC), among others. Factors identifications are explained to set up a regulatory framework in the digitalization era, providing new capabilities paths for nuclear technologies in the forthcoming years. The Analytical Network Process (ANP) integrates the quantitative-qualitative decision-making analysis to assess the implementation of different aspects in the digital transformation for the New-Energy Transition Era (NETE) with a Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development (NPID).

      • KCI등재

        A Model to Explain Temperature Dependent Systemic Infection of Potato Plants by Potato virus Y

        최경산,Francisco del Toro,Francisco Tenllado,Tomas Canto,청봉남 한국식물병리학회 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.2

        The effect of temperature on the rate of systemic infectionof potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Chu-Baek) by Potato virus Y (PVY) was studied in growthchambers. Systemic infection of PVY was observedonly within the temperature range of 16oC to 32oC. Within this temperature range, the time required for aplant to become infected systemically decreased from14 days at 20oC to 5.7 days at 28oC. The estimatedlower thermal threshold was 15.6oC and the thermalconstant was 65.6 degree days. A systemic infectionmodel was constructed based on experimental data,using the infection rate (Lactin-2 model) and the infectiondistribution (three-parameter Weibull function)models, which accurately described the completionrate curves to systemic infection and the cumulativedistributions obtained in the PVY-potato system, respectively. Therefore, this model was useful to predictthe progress of systemic infections by PVY in potatoplants, and to construct the epidemic models.



        Utz, D.,del Toro Iniesta, J. C.,Bellot Rubio, L. R.,Jurč,á,k, J.,Martí,nez Pillet, V.,Solanki, S. K.,Schmidt, W. IOP Publishing 2014 The Astrophysical journal Vol.796 No.2

        <P>The evolution of the physical parameters of magnetic bright points (MBPs) located in the quiet Sun (mainly in the interwork) during their lifetime is studied. First, we concentrate on the detailed description of the magnetic field evolution of three MBPs. This reveals that individual features follow different, generally complex, and rather dynamic scenarios of evolution. Next, we apply statistical methods on roughly 200 observed MBP evolutionary tracks. MBPs are found to be formed by the strengthening of an equipartition field patch, which initially exhibits a moderate downflow. During the evolution, strong downdrafts with an average velocity of 2.4 km s(-1) set in. These flows, taken together with the concurrent strengthening of the field, suggest that we are witnessing the occurrence of convective collapses in these features, although only 30% of them reach kG field strengths. This fraction might turn out to be larger when the new 4mclass solar telescopes are operational as observations of MBPs with current state of the art instrumentation could still be suffering from resolution limitations. Finally, when the bright point disappears (although the magnetic field often continues to exist) the magnetic field strength has dropped to the equipartition level and is generally somewhat weaker than at the beginning of the MBP's evolution. Also, only relatively weak downflows are found on average at this stage of the evolution. Only 16% of the features display upflows at the time that the field weakens, or the MBP disappears. This speaks either for a very fast evolving dynamic process at the end of the lifetime, which could not be temporally resolved, or against strong upflows as the cause of the weakening of the field of these magnetic elements, as has been proposed based on simulation results. It is noteworthy that in about 10% of the cases, we observe in the vicinity of the downflows small-scale strong (exceeding 2 km s-1) intergranular upflows related spatially and temporally to these downflows. The paper is complemented by a detailed discussion of aspects regarding the applied methods, the complementary literature, and in depth analysis of parameters like magnetic field strength and velocity distributions. An important difference to magnetic elements and associated bright structures in active region plage is that most of the quiet Sun bright points display significant downflows over a large fraction of their lifetime (i.e., in more than 46% of time instances/measurements they show downflows exceeding 1 km s(-1)).</P>


        Convectively Driven Sinks and Magnetic Fields in the Quiet-Sun

        Requerey, Iker S.,Del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos,Rubio, Luis R. Bellot,Pillet, Valentí,n Martí,nez,Solanki, Sami K.,Schmidt, Wolfgang American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical journal Supplement series Vol.229 No.1

        <P>We study the relation between mesogranular flows, convectively driven sinks and magnetic fields using high spatial resolution spectropolarimetric data acquired with the Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment on board SUNRISE. We obtain the horizontal velocity flow fields of two quiet-Sun regions (31.2 x 31.2 Mm(2)) via local correlation tracking. Mesogranular lanes and the central position of sinks are identified using Lagrange tracers. We find 6.7 x 10(-2) sinks per Mm(2) in the two observed regions. The sinks are located at the mesogranular vertices and turn out to be associated with (1) horizontal velocity flows converging to a central point and (2) long-lived downdrafts. The spatial distribution of magnetic fields in the quiet-Sun is also examined. The strongest magnetic fields are preferentially located at sinks. We find that 40% of the pixels with longitudinal components of the magnetic field stronger than 500 G are located in the close neighborhood of sinks. In contrast, the small-scale magnetic loops detected by Martinez Gonzalez et al. in the same two observed areas do not show any preferential distribution at mesogranular scales. The study of individual examples reveals that sinks can play an important role in the evolution of quiet-Sun magnetic features.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Biological Activity of Liposomal Vanillin

        Leniher Castan,Grisel del Toro,Adolfo A. Ferna´ndez,Manuel Gonza´lez,Emilia Ortı´z,Daliana Lobo 한국식품영양과학회 2013 Journal of medicinal food Vol.16 No.6

        This article presents a study of vanillin encapsulation inside multilamellar liposomes, with emphasis on the evaluation of antioxidant activity, the hemolytic effect, and the antisickling properties of these products. Egg phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol and egg phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol-1-O-decylglycerol liposomes were prepared by mechanical dispersion, all with vanillin included. Vesicles were characterized by determination of encapsulation efficiency and vanillin retention capacity. Antioxidant activity was determined by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The hemolytic effect of liposomes was also evaluated by spectrophotometry, as well as the antisickling activity by the Huck test using optical microscopy. Results showed that the lipid composition of liposomes did not significantly affect the encapsulation efficiency. Stable vesicles were obtained with a high retention percentage of vanillin. Liposomes exhibited a high capture of the DPPH radical compared to free vanillin and 1-O-decylglycerol (C10) in solution. Vesicles caused no significant hemolisys in normal erythrocytes, nor in those coming from patients with sickle cell anemia. Vanillin encapsulated in liposomes retained its antisickling activity, with a greater effect for C10-containing vesicles. Our results show that vanillin encapsulation in liposomes is a way to enhance the pharmacologic properties of this molecule using a suitable vehicle.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        A Model to Explain Temperature Dependent Systemic Infection of Potato Plants by Potato virus Y

        Choi, Kyung San,Toro, Francisco del,Tenllado, Francisco,Canto, Tomas,Chung, Bong Nam The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.2

        The effect of temperature on the rate of systemic infection of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Chu-Baek) by Potato virus Y (PVY) was studied in growth chambers. Systemic infection of PVY was observed only within the temperature range of $16^{\circ}C$ to $32^{\circ}C$. Within this temperature range, the time required for a plant to become infected systemically decreased from 14 days at $20^{\circ}C$ to 5.7 days at $28^{\circ}C$. The estimated lower thermal threshold was $15.6^{\circ}C$ and the thermal constant was 65.6 degree days. A systemic infection model was constructed based on experimental data, using the infection rate (Lactin-2 model) and the infection distribution (three-parameter Weibull function) models, which accurately described the completion rate curves to systemic infection and the cumulative distributions obtained in the PVY-potato system, respectively. Therefore, this model was useful to predict the progress of systemic infections by PVY in potato plants, and to construct the epidemic models.

      • KCI등재

        A new design for obtaining of white zein micro- and nanoparticles powder: antisolvent-dialysis method

        Francisco Rodrı´guez-Fe´lix,Carmen Lizette Del-Toro-Sa´nchez,Jose´ Agustı´n Tapia-Herna´ndez 한국식품과학회 2020 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.29 No.5

        The objective of this work was propose antisolvent-dialysis as a new, easy, one-step and reproduciblemethod for obtaining white zein micro- and nanoparticlespowder. Firstly, the study by SEM of white zein powderpredicted micro- and nanoparticles with spherical morphologyand average diameters of 243.2 ± 94.5 nm fornanoparticles and 0.74 ± 0.2 lm for microparticles. UV–Vis predicted lower absorbance of 250–500 nm for whitezein powder compared to commercial yellow zein powder. FT-IR showed shifting of the main bands to the right, dueto changes in particle-shaped microstructure that acquireswhite zein powder compared to yellow zein powder. InTGA white zein powder showed a decomposition rangefrom 214 to 400 C, while yellow zein powder from 240 to400 C. Therefore, antisolvent-dialysis is new method toobtain white zein micro- and nanoparticles with potentialapplications such as polymer matrix and white naturalcoloring.

      • KCI등재

        Correlation of the Holes Quality with the Force Signals in a Microdrilling Process of a Sintered Tungsten-Copper Alloy

        Gerardo Beruvides,Ramón Quiza,Raúl del Toro,Fernando Castaño,Rodolfo E. Haber 한국정밀공학회 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        Holes quality errors are an undesired but unavoidable consequence in drilling operations. Due to the small dimensions involved inthe microdrilling processes, quality measurement and control must be carried out offline, by using microscopy or other high precisionmeasurement devices. This paper presents a study about the correlation between the holes quality and the force signals in themicrodilling process of 0.1 mm and 0.5 mm-diameter holes in a sintered tungsten-copper alloy. The surface of the obtained holes wasscanned by means of an interferometry microscope and the error of the holes was computed from the scanned data. The threecomponents of the forces were measured during all the drilling process. The behavior of these signals, in three different intervals (toolentrance, forward motion and backward motion) was described by wavelet package analysis. The features having higher correlationwith the holes quality error were the average power of the axial component of the forces in the frequency bands of 0~391 Hz and3906~4297 Hz, during the backward motion. With these features, a statistical regression model was fitted. The main outcomes of thisstudy are the basement for obtaining reliable models for monitoring systems in microdrilling operations.


        A Tale of Two Emergences: Sunrise II Observations of Emergence Sites in a Solar Active Region

        Centeno, R.,Rodrí,guez, J. Blanco,Del Toro Iniesta, J. C.,Solanki, S. K.,Barthol, P.,Gandorfer, A.,Gizon, L.,Hirzberger, J.,Riethmü,ller, T. L.,Noort, M. van,Suá,rez, D. Orozco,Berkefe American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical journal Supplement series Vol.229 No.1

        <P>In 2013 June, the two scientific instruments on. board the second SUNRISE mission witnessed, in detail, a small-scale magnetic flux emergence event as part of the birth of an active region. The Imaging Magnetograph Experiment (IMaX) recorded two small (similar to 5 '') emerging flux patches in the polarized filtergrams of a photospheric Fe I spectral line. Meanwhile, the SUNRISE Filter Imager (SuFI) captured the highly dynamic chromospheric response to the magnetic fields pushing their way through the lower solar atmosphere. The serendipitous capture of this event offers a closer look at the inner workings of active region emergence sites. In particular, it reveals in meticulous detail how the rising magnetic fields interact with the granulation as they push through the Sun's surface, dragging photospheric plasma in their upward travel. The plasma that is burdening the rising field slides along the field lines, creating fast downflowing channels at the footpoints. The weight of this material anchors this field to the surface at semi-regular spatial intervals, shaping it in an undulatory fashion. Finally, magnetic reconnection enables the field to release itself from its photospheric anchors, allowing it to continue its voyage up to higher layers. This process releases energy that lights up the arch-filament systems and heats the surrounding chromosphere.</P>

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