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        A Contrastive Pragmatic Study of Gratitude Responses Expressions

        Yujong Park,Suyun Kim 담화·인지언어학회 2016 담화와 인지 Vol.23 No.4

        The goal of this study is to identify and contrast the pragmatic features of Korean EFL learners in the communicative act of responses to gratitude. For the current study, 12 EFL learners and five English native speakers performed role plays in six different task situations in which they carried out the speech act of gratitude responses. Eight Korean native speakers also participated in order to provide baseline intra-cultural data as a possible source of the learners’ deviant realization behaviors from target norms. The data, collected from a role-play task, were analyzed in terms of contrastive pragmatics. In the analysis, overall, recognizing the object of gratitude through acceptance was most frequently used by all three groups. However, specific uses of strategies of the EFL learners (e.g., avoiding responding to gratitude, minimizing the favor) were consistent with those of the Korean native speakers, indicative of an L1 effect. Responses to compliments were frequently entirely missing or removed when compared to those of the English native speakers. Pedagogical implications and limitations are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        The Intersubjective Construction of English Identity in Korean College Students

        Yujong Park(박유정),Jihye Hwang(황지혜) 담화·인지언어학회 2019 담화와 인지 Vol.26 No.3

        Research utilizing the sociocultural linguistic approach has shown that identities are discursively produced through linguistic interaction (Bucholtz and Hall 2005). The current study uses data from ethnographic interviews and interactions to investigate the identity formation of Korean college students concerning the English language. The analysis reveals three complementary discursive practices used by Korean college students to disclaim their rights to the English language: 1) treating American English as the norm, 2) authenticating the Native Speaker (NS), and 3) labelling specific types of Korean peers as having the “American illness.” Even though these students were considered proficient English language learners they viewed themselves as incompetent by constantly comparing themselves with the NS construct. The findings showed overlapping and sometimes contradictory relations including similarity and difference, authority and illegitimacy and complex views on rights and authentication regarding the English language in contemporary Korea. The study may contribute to our understanding of the complex relationship between language, identity and ownership.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationship between Negative Questions and Sentence Final Particles in Korean

        Yujong Park(박유정) 담화·인지언어학회 2010 담화와 인지 Vol.17 No.2

        Using conversation analysis, the current article analyzes three Korean negative question forms (an-/ci anh-/ken eps-) in relation to two sentence final particles (i.e., the committal -ci/cwo, and the connective -ko/kwu) using data collected from the history taking phase of in Korean primary care consultations where an overwhelming number questions are employed by physicians. First, this paper shows through sequential analysis that a gradual order of epistemic strength is encoded in these three negative question forms; with -ci an form negative questions claiming the strongest epistemic authority. More importantly, analysis of sequences supported by statistical data reveals that -ci an form negative questions are more likely to occur with the sentence final committal -ci, whereas ken eps- form negative questions more strongly co-occur with the sentence final connective -ko. The finding points to the possible existence of formulaic language in Korean where sentence structure and final particles underscore the meaning of each other by co-occurance. (KICE)

      • KCI등재

        A Child’s Display of Sequential Knowledge through Repetition of Boundary Tones: A Case Study

        Yujong Park 서울대학교 언어교육원 2014 語學硏究 Vol.50 No.3

        Although repetition of prosody plays a significant role in children’s language development, few studies have investigated the interactional role of children’s use of boundary tones in talk-in-interaction. This study investigates the interaction between a two year old Korean child and her caretakers to describe the child’s ability to participate in building adjacency pair sequences using boundary tone repetition. Analysis shows that the child acts as a competent interactant by building sequences, with the adult’s evaluative repeats following immediately without delay after the child’s initiation attempts. Adults are seen to ratify the child’s turn with reference to articulation rather than with regard to interactional significance. The findings support constructivist approaches to language development by showing how the child builds up an inventory of constructions derived from interaction between what she hears and what she wants to say, specifically through boundary tones. Repeats of boundary tones are identified as providing opportunities to learn different social actions performed through sentence final intonation.

      • KCI등재

        Achieving Co-alignment in Cross-cultural Interactions

        Yujong Park 한국응용언어학회 2017 응용 언어학 Vol.33 No.3

        While research on the final rising intonation on declarative syntax has attracted considerable attention, relatively little work has focused on its usage in non-native discourse. In this paper, a conversation-analytic investigation is conducted of the use of turn-final rising intonation employed by Korean non-native speakers (NNSs) in English cross-cultural (NS-NNS) interaction. The data set included a corpus of 22 videotaped face-to-face conversations between English NSs and English NNSs who were Korean. The study finds that Korean NNSs’ employment of turn-final rising intonation in the answering position performs interactional work, whereby the recipient is co-aligned to the main point that will be given in the final part of their response. The questioner needs to engage in interactional work to determine the entire proposition of the response. The sequential placement of rising intonation appears specific to this context and is compared with examples from L1 Korean and L2 English interaction. The paper also discusses the forward-looking role of rising intonation in question-answer sequences and its potential for cross-cultural misunderstandings. (less than 200 words)

      • KCI등재

        The Use of Information from Source Texts in Korean EFL Graduate Students’ Academic Writing

        Yujong Park 한국응용언어학회 2007 응용 언어학 Vol.23 No.1

        By employing a mixed research methodology, this study investigates how fifteen students in a Korean graduate school setting use information from source texts when writing an academic paper in English. Quantitative analysis of the data displayed a distinctive pattern of source texts use in the introduction, body and conclusion part of these students’ L2 academic writings. Overall, the students used original comments more than near or exact copies while the body part showed significant difference from the other parts in text use patterns. Qualitative analysis of the interview shows that these students come from an educational setting that do not emphasize either L1 or L2 writing. The result suggests that students could benefit from explicit instruction on different organizational patterns and incorporation of source texts as well as more ample opportunities to write academic papers in their L2. This study has implication for teachers of college level EFL students and can provide suggestions for EFL/ESL students who have difficulty incorporating source texts when writing in English.

      • KCI등재

        Pragmatic Misrepresentations in Secondary School English Textbook Dialogues: A Comparative Study of Third-turn Receipts

        Yujong Park,Nan Pan 한국응용언어학회 2022 응용 언어학 Vol.38 No.1

        This study was aimed at investigating the authenticity and pragmatic representations of the English language in textbooks by analyzing third turn receipts represented in secondary school English textbooks used in Korea and China. The findings showed that compared to massive occurrences of "oh" receipts in real time interactions reported in prior studies (Heritage, 1984, 2005), the target textbooks show a lack of this particle and the overuse of assessment terms (e.g., "great") and the "okay" acknowledgment token in the third turn position. Prior conversation analysis research has evinced the different actions that third turn tokens serve in ordinary conversation, which appears to be pragmatically misrepresented in the textbooks with respect to epistemic positioning and social relationships. This study argues that different claims to knowledge may be suggested by the use of different third turn tokens and makes suggestions for educating L2 students about the specific meanings for different types of receipts following question informed answers. The study proposes several pedagogical suggestions for writing textbook dialogues in EFL contexts.

      • KCI등재

        Openings in Korean Primary Care Discourse : Where Does It Hurt?

        Yujong Park 담화·인지언어학회 2014 담화와 인지 Vol.21 No.1

        The opening phase in interaction is an important avenue for study because it allows each party to coordinate entry into the activity (Schegloff 1968, Robinson 1998). This paper uses conversation analysis to investigate the opening phase of videotaped Korean acute primary care consultations that ends with the doctor’s solicitation of the patient’s concerns. First, the structure of openings in Korean primary care interaction consists of a reduction of activities geared towards an as-early-as-possible occasioning of the solicitation question. Second, by analyzing the sequential structure of the solicitation strategy that is most frequently employed -eti-ka apha-se wasse-yo? “where does it hurt?”, it argues that the grammatical structure of this solicitation strategy as well as its pragmatic force (through its sequential placement) limit the possible scope of patients‘ responses to a single turn. The findings suggest that the patient and the doctor both orient to this type of opening as preferring a single turn response consisting of a location of the chief problem. Resources that patients employ to reject the agenda of the question are also provided.

      • KCI등재

        A Preliminary Analysis of History-Taking Questions in Korean Primary Care Contexts

        ( Yujong Park ) 대한의료커뮤니케이션학회 2014 의료커뮤니케이션 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 한국 초기 진료 상황에서 의사들이 문진 단계에서 흔하게 사용하는 의문문을 대화분석적 방법론을 이용하여 분석하였다. 데이터는 여섯 명의 의사와 그 환자들의 진료를 비디오 녹화하여 전사한 자료로 구성되었으며 한국어 의문문과 의문문에 대한 기존 대화분석적 연구들을 바탕으로 하였다. 연구는 의사들이 의문문을 사용하는 특정한 상황, 즉 문진 단계에서 의문문을 사용하여 질문을 한 후에 환자의 응답이 질문의 선호 구조에 반하는 경우 의사들의 다음 발화가 어떻게 나타나는지, 그리고 이러한 질문과 응답 연속체(sequence)가 추후 진단 단계와 어떠한 연관성을 가지는지를 살펴보았다. 결과는 의사들의 의문문 사용이 환자들의 증세에 대한 공동의 합의를 이끌어 내기 위한 도구로 쓰이는 경우가 많으며, 특히 특정 증상을 제외하는데(symptom rule-out) 이용되었음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 의사 환자 커뮤니케이션 상황에서 일어나는 상호작용에 대한 분석을 통해서 의사들의 진단 가설이 상호작용을 통해서 이루어짐 보여주었던 기존 의료커뮤니케이션 연구들에 기여할 수 있으리라 생각된다.

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