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        임금개념과 평균임금ㆍ통상임금의 산정범위

        김영문(Young-Mun Kim) 한국기업법학회 2004 企業法硏究 Vol.18 No.2

        § 18 of Korean Labour Standard Law prescribes the concept of wage "wage is total money and other valuables that employees earn from their employer in exchange for work". This concept of wage applies to the calculation of average wage and ordinary wage. The average wage is the calculation' basis of retirement pay etc, and the ordinary wage is that of overtime, holiday work and night work etc. Therefore, to employee and employer is very important whether money and other valuables that employer pay for his employee fall under the legal definition of wage or not, so that there are a number of disputes in practice, especially with regard to the year-end bonus(allowance), support costs for the worker's personal pension, charges for food, which employer pay spontaneously and voluntarily on his own initiative. But in the judgement in the supreme court 1st the deciding criteria not the compensation for work, but the regularity and uniformity of payment. It does not correspond to the principle of a law-governed country This case law must be reformed promptly.

      • KCI등재

        특수형태근로종사자의 집단적 이익대변 구조

        김영문 ( Young Mun Kim ) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2011 法學硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        Nach der standigen Rechtsprechung des Koreanischen Obersten Gerichtshofs sind arbeitnehmerahnliche Personen, insbesondere self-employed Fahrer(cargo truck owner-drivers and dump truck owner-drivers) keine Arbeitnehmer. Daher durfen sie nach dem Gesetz zur Gewerkschaft und Beilegung(GGB) keine Koalition bilden. Aber in der Tat haben sie Gewerkschaften gebildet. Diese Gewerkschaften sind Mitglieder der Spitzenorganisation der Gewerkschaften. Das Arbeitsministerium hat dieser Organisation nach § 9 Ⅱ des GGB gefordert, dass die als Arbeitnehmer nicht qualifizierten Fahrer aus den Gewerkschaften ausgetreten werden sollten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es damit um die Struktur einer kollektiven Interessenvertretung fur arbeitnehmerahnliche Personen, die wegen ihrer wirtschaftlichen Abhangigkeit soziales Schutzes bedurftig sind. Dump truck owner-drivers und cargo truck owner-drivers haben ein System der kollektiven Interessenvertretung entwickelt. Einerseits haben das betroffene Ministerium, die Vereinigung der Fahrer und die Vereinigung der Arbeitskrafte der Fahrer Nutzenden aufgrund des ``corporatism`` eine Komitee zur Zusammenarbeit zu gemeinsamen Interessen, etwa der Harmonisierung zwischen dem Angebot und der Nachfrage der Fahrzeugen. Andererseits haben die Vereinigung der Fahrer und die Vereinigung der Nutzenden ein Formular zum einheitlichen Vertrag zum Kern der Arbeitsbedingungen, insbesondere zum Tarif fur den Beforderungspreis, der als eine Mindestarbeitsbedingung eine Rolle spielt. Auf der Betriebsebene konnen die Vereinigung und jeder Nutzer uber dieses Tarifniveau hinaus besseren Beforderungspreis verhandeln und abschliessen. Diese Struktur bedeutet nicht, dass man alle Arbeitskrafte ``arbeitnehmerisieren`` sollte und totale arbeitsrechtliche Schutzregelungen auf diese ``arbeitnehmerisierten`` Personen anwenden sollte, sondern dass man das Arbeitsrecht externalisieren sollte, so dass man nur einen Teil des Arbeitsrechts auf den Kern der Arbeitsbedingungen der arbeitnehmerahnlichen Personen, etwa den Beforderungspreis, anwenden will. Dieses Modell kann man auch auf andere organisierte arbeitnehmerahnliche Personen ubertragen.

      • Characteristics of New Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System

        Young Mun Kim(김영문),Sang Pil Mun(문상필) 대한전기학회 2009 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.11

        In general, a single-phase current-fed inverter (CSI) using IGBTs has some unique advantages for small scale distributed utility-interactive power supply system as compared with voltage-fed inverter (VSI). In particular, this is more suitable and acceptable for a non-isolated type utility-interactive power conditioner, which is going to be widely used for residential solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation system. However, this CSI has a significant disadvantage. The output current of this inverter includes large harmonic contents when the inductance of smoothing reactor in its DC side is not large enough to eliminate its current ripple components of this inverter. In order to overcome this problem, a new conceptual pulse area modulation scheme for this inverter is introduced in difference with conventional PWM strategy. This paper presents a new effective control implementation of this PV power conditioner which is able to reduce the harmonic component in the output current produced by the single-phase CSI even when the ripple current in the smoothing DC reactor is relatively large. The operating principle of the proposed control strategy introduced for this inverter system is described, and its simulation results are evaluated and discussed herein.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이명박 정부와 시대정신: 소프트 파워 시각에서 본 초강대국 건설

        김영문 ( Young Mun Kim ) 대한정치학회 2009 大韓政治學會報 Vol.16 No.3

        본 논문은 역사적 접근방법을 원용하여 현재 이명박 정부에게 주어진 ``소프트 파워 시각에서 초강대국 건설``이라는 시대정신과 이를 달성하기 위한 방법을 고찰하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 맥락에서 한국이 지난 60년이란 짧은 시간에 건국에서 산업화, 민주화로 성공 할 수 있었던 저력을 재조명하고, 하드 파워만을 앞세운 선진국, 강대국, 초강대국을 건설하려는 유혹을 뿌리칠 수 있다면, 21세기 말에는 소프트 파워의 초강대국 진입도 가능할 것이다. 이를 위해서 먼저 시대정신을 반영한 국가목표를 설정하되, 이 목표를 달성하는데 필요한 원동력은 역사를 통해 다른 나라보다 한발 앞선 첨단과학기술·지식정보와 건강한 정신문명에 있음을 알 수 있다. 한편 이 소프트 파워를 갖추는데 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 경제발전과 교육과 종교의 역할이 필요하다. 나아가서 이 목표, 소프트 파워와 수단을 둘러싼 환경 가운데 예방차원의 안보확립과 이와 같은 시대적 소명을 감당할 수 있는 지도자의 역할이 중요하다. This paper examines the long term national goal of South Korea to be established as a superpower in terms of soft power based on science-technology and a spiritual civilization. South Korea has made great achievements in nation-building, industrialization and democratization since 1948. This has led to the emergence of a developed country in a short span of 60 years. South Korea may be one of the superpowers based on soft power at the end of the 21st century if she escapes from the temptation to be a developed country and a superpower built on the hard power of economy and military means. In order to achieve this goal, the MB government must set short and long term goals. The administration needs to understand the importance of cutting-edge science and technology with a spiritual civilization of trust, openness and tolerance in association with democratic values. These are the same driving forces seen in the history of big powers. Next, the government should work on economic development and show interest in education and the role of religion, which directly affect the development of science, technology and a spiritual civilization. Meanwhile, the precautionary security measures under the divided environment of the Korean Peninsula and strong leadership are essential to meet these national goals.

      • 새로운 500[W]급 고효율 승압형 PWM 쵸퍼 회로의 해석

        김영문(Young Mun Kim),문상필(Sang Pil Mun),김칠용(Chil Ryong Kim) 대한전기학회 2009 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.11

        In recent years, the high-frequency boost PWM chopper DC-DC converter operating under a condition of zero voltage soft switching(ZVS) have attracted special interest for PWM inverter. This paper presents a new topology of boost PWM chopper DC-DC converter. Its operating principle is described on the basis of simulation and experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        고용형태 다양화와 노동법의 문제

        김영문(Kim,Young-Mun),김혜린(Kim, Hye-Rin) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2019 法學硏究 Vol.61 No.-

        고용형태 다양화와 관련한 노동법의 문제는 누구를 어디까지 어떻게 보호할 수 있을 것인가라는 물음에 대한 답을 찾는 과정이라고 할 수 있다. 전통적인 노동법은 종속노동을 패러다임으로 하여 노무제공자를 근로자와 자영인으로 이분화하고, 사용종속관계라는 판단기준을 통해 노동법의 적용대상을 판단해 왔다. 그러나 오늘날의 노무제공자는 전통적인 판단기준을 통해 근로자와 자영인으로 이분화하여 판단하기가 쉽지 않다. 즉, 사용종속성이 노동법상 근로자성 판단기준으로 여전히 유효하며, 구체적 타당성을 갖는지 의문이 제기되고 있다. 이러한 상태에서 최근 대법원은 근기법상 근로자와 노조법상 근로자성 판단기준을 달리 적용함으로써 노동법적 보호대상의 스펙트럼을 자영인에게까지 확대하였다. 여기에서는 오늘날 변화하고 있는 노동과 판례 및 노동입법의 변화를 살펴보고, 변화된 고용형태에 대한 노동법의 적용과 관련한 문제로 근로자성 판단기준으로써 사용종속관계의 의미를 재검토 한 후, 전통적인 보호의 대상인 근기법상 근로자 이외의 비근로자를 세분화한 후 이들에 대한 보호를 현행 법 체계 전반의 관점에서 조망하고, 보호의 방향성을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그 결과 현행법 체계 내에서 근기법상 근로자가 아닌 비근로자의 노동법적 보호는 근기법상 근로자성을 인정하는 방향으로 나아가는 것이 아니라, 계약의 상대방과 대등한 지위에서 자신의 노무제공조건을 협상할 수 있는 환경을 조성해 주는 것이라고 보았다. 그리고 장래에는 노무제공자 누구에게나 공통적으로 필요한 보호를 새로운 입법 내지 법 개정을 통해 개별법 목적에 따라 적용대상을 확대해 나아가는 방식으로 해결해 나아가게 될 것이다. 입법자는 민법과 노동법 경제법과의 관계에서 노동시장과 재화시장에서 동시에 활동하는 자들을 위한 법적 테두리의 형성을 통해 노동 관련 기본권을 확보할 수 있도록 하되, 그 가운데 법으로부터의 자유로운 영역이 있음을 확인하고 집단자치나 사회적 대화에 의한 노사관계 해결 등을 통해서도 문제가 해결될 수 있는 발판을 마련해 주는 역할을 할 필요가 있다. The problem of labor law related to employment type diversification is the process of finding answer for the question of whom and how to protect. The traditional labor law has the paradigm of dependent labor. It divided the laborer as a person providing labor and self-employed person. It determined the target to apply the labor law through the standard of use and dependence relation. But these days it is difficult to divide the people providing labor into laborer and self-employed person easily. Recently Supreme Court applied different decision standard for laborer characteristics between laborers under labor basic law and laborers under labor union law expanding the spectrum of the target to protect under labor law into self-employed people. It studies the changing labor and precedents and the change of labor legislation, reviews use and dependence relation as the decision standard of laborer characteristics as a problem related to the application of labor law for the changed employment type, divides the laborers under labor basic law for the traditional targets for protection and non-laborers, understands the protection of them under current law system and suggests the direction of the protection. The protection of non-laborers who are not laborers under labor basic law in current law system doesn’t recognizes their labor characteristics under labor basic law. It was understood that the protection forms the environment to negotiate the labor provision condition under same status with the counterpart of a contract. In the future it should expand the targets of application depending on the purpose of individual law through new legislation or revision of existing law for the protection of all labor providers. The law makers should secure the labor related basic rights through the formation of territory for people working both at labor market and commodity market in relation to civil law, labor law and economic law. It should also confirm that there is a free territory that is free from the laws and plays a role to provide a foundation to solve problems of labor-management relation through social communication.

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