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Materials Safety for High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Toshio Ogata,Kiyoshi Yokogawa 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11
Current situation of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and their infrastructure is described. High-pressure hydrogen storage at 70 MPa is developed for FCVs, thus the drafts of the standard for the compressed hydrogen storage system on board has been proposed by SAE and discussed worldwide. The high-pressure equipments for hydrogen stations and the pipelines of the infrastructure of FCVs are controlled by the governmental rule, and then ASME has been discussing and/or has proposed the codes for the hydrogen stations and the pipelines. The materials testing equipments in high-pressure hydrogen to evaluate hydrogen embrittlement (HE) in gaseous hydrogen (hydrogen gas embrittlement (HGE)) in the world are introduced. HGE behaviors of the metals are classified into four categories with HGE characteristics in the AIST HGE data. HE behavior in nano-scale is described by nano-indentation and analyzed by the theoretical calculation. The materials safety, in particular for HGE, is essentially important for the standards or codes for public safety.
최혁재,Shingo Kaneko,Masashi Yokogawa,송관필,김대신,강신호,Yoshihisa Suyama,Yuji Isagi 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.4
The conservation status of Euchresta japonica Hook. f. ex Regel in Korea was investigated, with an emphasis on its genetic diversity. From field surveys, we obtained the only locality record for a wild population in Korea, which contained eight individuals. Genotyping was performed using nine microsatellite markers for all 20 remaining individuals, including those in ex situ collections. Among nine microsatellite loci that amplified within this group, five showed polymorphism with low hererozygosities, and a total of 12 multilocus genotypes were detected. Wild-specific alleles were detected in two individuals, and ex situ-specific alleles were detected in six individuals. Five individuals proved to have individual-specific alleles. The Korean population was also distinguished from the previously reported Japanese population by different alleles and higher diversity. To conserve this species more effectively in Korea, we recommend the following: (1) fencing the remaining wild population; (2) no relocation of wild individuals, as nine ex situ plants are already available; (3) complete ex situ conservation of all genetic diversity via clonal propagation of wild individuals; and (4) continuous protection and monitoring of the wild population.
Formal Verification of Web Navigation by Symbolic Model Checking
Hisashi MIYAZAKI,Tomoyuki YOKOGAWA,Kouichi SEKO,Yoichiro SATO,Michiyoshi HAYASE 대한전자공학회 2008 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2008 No.7
Previously, it is general that users navigate from a web page to the other by clicking on a hyperlink. Recently web pages become dynamic with a variety of scripts and embedded client side programs. Such pages with dynamic navigation have a more complicated structure, so it is difficult to model and analyze. In this paper, we present a method to verify systems which have dynamic web navigation. For this purpose, we model the navigation using a UML statechart diagram and translate the model to a boolean expression. Thus it becomes possible to verify the systems formally using symbolic model checking. To demonstrate the proposed method, we apply the method to a system with dynamic web navigation and model-check the system using symbolic model checking tool called NuSMV [9]. As a result, we verified reachability to all pages of the system.
A tool support for verifying consistency between UML diagrams by SMV
Shinji HARADA,Tomoyuki YOKOGAWA,Hisashi MIYAZAKI,Yoichiro SATO,Michiyoshi HAYASE 대한전자공학회 2009 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2009 No.7
We develop a tool to support verification of consistency between designs described by UML diagrams. This tool translates an XML data exported from a UML drawer into an input of SMV (called SMV program). This tool provides afront-end which parses an XML data and generates an intermediate data. This tool also provides a back-end which generates an SMV programfrom the intermediate data. We show the availability of our tool by applying it to an example.
Murata, Keizo,Fukumoto, Yuhei,Yokogawa, Keiichi,Kang, Woun,Takaoka, Ryo,Tada, Ryota,Hirayama, H.,Brooks, James S.,Graf, David,Yoshino, Harukazu,Sasaki, Takahiko,Kato, Reizo Elsevier 2015 PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER - Vol.460 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We have studied the angular dependence of magnetoresistance and Hall effect of the CDW organic conductor, HMTSF–TCNQ in order to see whether a magnetic-field-induced phase exists in the charge density wave (CDW) system, similarly to the magnetic-field-induced SDW phases in (TMTSF)<SUB>2</SUB>X. The anomaly in magnetoresistance was observed only around the pressure where the CDW is almost suppressed, i.e. around 0.8–1.1GPa, but neither at low pressures (0 and 0.5GPa) nor at high pressure above 2GPa. This behavior is quite similar to that of (TMTSF)<SUB>2</SUB>X. At 1.1GPa anomalies were found at fields of 0.2T and 10T. We speculate that at 1.1GPa the field-induced phase is located between 0.2T and 10T, where 1D Fermi surface sheet and 2D Fermi-surface pocket are present. The <I>R</I> <SUB> <I>xy</I> </SUB> shows plateau structure and <I>R</I> <SUB> <I>xx</I> </SUB> was very small in the same region, suggestive of quantum Hall effect.</P>