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        Genome-wide DNA methylation pattern in a mouse model reveals two novel genes associated with Staphylococcus aureus mastitis

        Wang, Di,Wei, Yiyuan,Shi, Liangyu,Khan, Muhammad Zahoor,Fan, Lijun,Wang, Yachun,Yu, Ying Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2020 Animal Bioscience Vol.33 No.2

        Objective: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is one of the major microorganisms responsible for subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle. The present study was designed with the aim to explore the DNA methylation patterns using the Fluorescence-labeled methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (F-MSAP) techniques in a S. aureus-infected mouse model. Methods: A total of 12 out-bred Institute of Cancer Research female mice ranging from 12 to 13 weeks-old were selected to construct a mastitis model. F-MSAP analysis was carried out to detect fluctuations of DNA methylation between control group and S. aureus mastitis group. Results: Visible changes were observed in white cell counts in milk, percentage of granulocytes, percentage of lymphocytes, CD<sup>4+</sup>/CD<sup>8+</sup> ratio (CD<sup>4+</sup>/CD<sup>8+</sup>), and histopathology of mice pre- and post-challenge with S. aureus. These findings showed the suitability of the S. aureus-infected mouse model. A total of 369 fragments was amplified from udder tissue samples from the two groups (S. aureus-infected mastitis group and control group) using eight pairs of selective primers. Results indicated that the methylation level of mastitis mouse group was higher than that in the control group. In addition, NCK-associated protein 5 (Nckap5) and transposon MTD were identified to be differentially methylated through secondary polymerase chain reaction and sequencing in the mastitis group. These observations might play an important role in the development of S. aureus mastitis. Conclusion: Collectively, our study suggests that the methylation modification in Nckap5 and transposon MTD might be considered as epigenetic markers in resistance to S. aureus-infected mastitis and provided a new insight into S. aureus mastitis research in dairy industry and public health.

      • Research on Local Employment Intention of College Graduates Facing Urban Economic Development: Based on R City in China

        Yiyuan Wang,Yanlu Yang 동아시아무역학회 2023 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose - Based on the highly coupled relationship between local college graduates’ localized employment and urban economic development, this paper mainly studies the willingness and influencing factors of local college graduates’ localized employment. Design/Methodology/Approach - Based on theoretical research, this paper takes R city in China as the specific research object. It uses a combination of academic research and empirical analysis methods to conduct a questionnaire survey on 306 students from four local universities in R city. A total of 231 valid questionnaires were collected, and the collected data was statistically analyzed using Spss.22. Findings - This paper found that there are significant differences in the willingness of local employment among students from different universities in R city. Factors such as understanding of employment policies, attractiveness of employment policies, natural environment, convenience of life, housing prices, levels, wage levels, urban development prospects, and employment opportunities affect the willingness of local university students in R city to work locally. Among them, the positive impact of urban development prospects is the most prominent, followed by the understanding of employment policies. The attractiveness of employment policies and convenience of life, while housing prices have had a negative impact. Research Implications - The research results of this article provide valuable references for local cities such as R city to formulate talent policies, attract talent aggregation, enhance the willingness of local university graduates to localize employment and build a virtuous cycle mechanism between education investment and economic output. R city should tell the future development story of the city well, formulate talent policies that are more conducive to talent aggregation without realizing the story, and better promote talent policies.

      • Theoretical Research on the Influencing Factors of Collaborative Innovation in the Coal Industry: Based on the Collaborative Innovation in China’s Coal Industry

        Yiyuan Wang,Baolun Yuan,Yanlu Yang 동북아경상학회 2023 동북아경상연구 Vol.4 No.1

        Purpose - Based on the importance of collaborative innovation in solving existing problems in the Chinese coal industry, this study mainly studies the categories of influencing factors of collaborative innovation in the Chinese coal industry. Design/Methodology/Approach - Due to the deep vertical intersection and extensive horizontal correlation of existing problems in the Chinese coal industry, collaborative innovation in the Chinese coal industry requires the use of a ““full factor”” collaborative innovation method. This study mainly comprehensively sorts out and analyzes the categories of influencing factors that affect collaborative innovation in the Chinese coal industry from a theoretical perspective. Based on this, a “pyramid spiral” operational process model for all-factor collaborative innovation in ’China’s coal industry has been constructed. Findings - Through theoretical analysis and model construction, this paper finds that the influencing factors of collaborative innovation in ’China’s coal industry are mainly divided into objective resource factors, subjective willingness factors, mode selection factors, and operational mechanism factors. Objective resource factors include research personnel, research funds, research facilities, research policies, and achievement transformation channels; Subjective willingness factors include research environment, resource complementarity, interest-driven, value orientation, etc; The factors for mode selection include the characteristics of scientific research projects, the level of research participants, etc; And the operational mechanism factors include team formation mechanism, mode selection mechanism, knowledge sharing mechanism, and achievement evaluation mechanism. Research Implications - This study lays a the oretical foundation for empirical research on the mechanism of the influencing factors of collaborative innovation in the Chinese coal industry. Also, it provides reference for constructing the operational mechanism of collaborative innovation in the Chinese coal industry.

      • Research on Intelligent Urban Traffic Construction for Driverless

        Yanlu Yang(Yanlu Yang),Yiyuan Wang(Yiyuan Wang),Minghao Gao(Minghao Gao) 동북아경상학회 2022 동북아경상연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the existing problems of the barrage video website in view of the current situation that the barrage video website greatly impacts people’s video viewing mod. Design/Methodology/Approach - Based on the subversive revolutionary impact of driverless technology on the future of urban intelligent transportation, this paper mainly adopts the method of theoretical analysis. Combined with the current urban intellectual transportation construction status, it conducts theoretical research on future urban thoughtful transportation construction planning. Findings - This study puts forward constructive suggestions on the smart construction of future cities from six aspects: top-level design, technical support, intelligent infrastructure construction, intelligent transportation decisionmaking system, industry and talent construction, and social cooperation. Research Implications - In the management of this paper, This paper is of great significance to the planning and construction of smart transportation in future cities and the coordinated development of driverless and smart transportation.

      • Research on the Impact of Information Sharing on the Stone Trade Supply Chain between China and South Korea

        Yanlu Yang(Yanlu Yang),Yiyuan Wang(Yiyuan Wang),Minghao Gao(Minghao Gao) 동아시아무역학회 2022 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.4 No.2

        Purpose - Based on the important influence of information, this paper studies the impact of information sharing on the Stone trade supply chain achievements between China and Korea and the influencing factors of information sharing in the stone trade supply chain. Design/Methodology/Approach - Based on the important role of information sharing, this study explored the connotation of information sharing, the categories of influencing, factors and the types of supply chain achievements through theoretical traceability, and empirically analyzed the correlation between various variables through questionnaires and spss.12. Findings - This study believes that the influencing factors of information sharing include information sharing intention, transaction dependence, enterprise reputation, product characteristics, and information reading ability. The stone trade supply chain performances between China and South Korea include price, supply time, quality, flexibility, and stone resource conservation. In addition to product characteristics, other influence factors positively impact information sharing, which positively impacts supply chain performances. Research Implications - This study is of great significance to improve the information sharing level of China’s South Korea stone trade supply chain. It provides constructive suggestions for improving the information-sharing level.

      • Research on Effect of Tnsformational Ladership on Inovation Bhavior: Verify the Mderating Efect of Eror Mnagement Clture

        Yanlu Yang(Yanlu Yang),Kidong Lee(Kidong Lee),Yiyuan Wang(Yiyuan Wang) 동북아경상학회 2022 동북아경상연구 Vol.3 No.1

        Purpose – The purpose of this paper is exploring the existing problems of the barrage video website in view of the current situation that the barrage video website has a great impact on people’s video viewing mod. Design/Methodology/Approach – Ased on marketing, the paper studies the main problems of barrage video website. Based on the case analysis and the marketing theory of 4C, taking BILIBILI as an example, which is the most popular barrage found four main problems of barrage video website: lacking of humanization in UI design, unreasonable video content, copyright disputes and single income model. Therefore, we make four suggestions. Findings – This paper studies precision marketing and smart recommendation, creative advertising improves revenue structure, optimizing user experience, resolving copyright disputes. Research Implications – In the management of this paper, this study has significance in improving the content of barrage video website, spreading positive energy, improving user experience and reducing user cost, which will also provide reference for other scholars’ follow-up research.

      • Research On the Current Situation of Autonomous Vehicle Industry in China

        Yanlu Yang(Yanlu Yang),Kidong Lee(Kidong Lee),Yiyuan Wang(Yiyuan Wang) 동아시아무역학회 2022 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.4 No.1

        Purpose – The purpose of this paper is exploring the challenges it faces in the development status of domestic autonomous vehicle, looks forward to its future, and hopes to promote the research and development in this field and provide reference for promoting the development of autonomous vehicle. Design/Methodology/Approach – Through the theoretical research on the development status of autonomous driving industry and national policies. Findings – This paper studies precision marketing and smart recommendation, creative advertising improves revenue structure, optimizing user experience, resolving copyright disputes. Research Implications – Affected by the COVID-19, the automobile industry as a whole is in a depressed state, and the future market competition will become increasingly fierce. Since the outbreak of the new crown disease, unmanned distribution vehicles have played an active role in epidemic prevention in many cities. The automobile industry is bound to complete the transformation from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.

      • KCI등재

        중국 도시 비노년층 1인 가구의 주거궤적 및 거주환경 평가 분석

        이현정(Lee, Hyunjeong),왕예원(Wang, Yiyuan) 한국도시행정학회 2022 도시 행정 학보 Vol.35 No.1

        본 연구는 중국 도시에 거주하는 비노년층 1인 가구의 사회경제적 특성과 연령층별 주거궤적을 파악하고, 거주환경 평가의 영향 요인을 살펴보는데 그 목적이 있다. 설문조사로 수집한 448부를 통계 분석한 결과, 대다수는 대졸 이상의 고학력 남성 근로자였으며, 청년층(20-34세)은 주로 고학력의 미혼 임금근로자였고, 중년층(35-49세)은 고학력・고소득의 임금근로자로 이혼한 여성 1인 가구 비율이 상대적으로 높았으며, 장년층(50-64세)은 저학력자・저임금의 비혼 자영자가 많았다. 연령층은 교육수준과 반비례 관계, 가구주연수와 비례 관계, 근로여부와 소득과 역U자 모양을 보였으며, 교육수준, 직업, 근로여부, 소득 간의 상호관련성이 있었다. 이전 주택, 현재 주택, 희망 주택으로 이어지는 생애과정 모델(Life-Course Model)에 기반한 주거궤적을 주택점유형태, 주택유형, 주택규모, 침실 수, 주택연수, 소득대비주거비 등으로 나뉘어 분석한 결과, 침실 3실이 있는 중형 규모의 저밀도의 신축 주택에 자가로 거주하며 소득대비주거비를 15% 안팎으로 지출하길 기대하였으나 현 주거수준과 상당한 격차를 보였고, 특히 주거비 부담은 거주환경 평가에 부정적인 요인이었다. 또한 전체적인 거주환경에 대한 주관적인 평가는 모든 연령층에서 공통적으로 주택만족도가 가장 큰 영향 요인이었으며, 그 외 주요 설명변인은 연령층별로 주거환경 요소, 주택요소, 주택특성, 사회경제적 특성에서 다르게 나타났다. The purpose of this research is to examine socioeconomic status of working-age single-person households in urban China, to explore their housing trajectories, and to compare their residential assessment among three distinct phases of the adult life span – young (20-34 years), early middle-aged (35-49 years) and late middle-aged singles (50-64 years). Based on the life-course model and housing trajectory, this cross-sectional research collected the data by using a self-administered questionnaire survey, and performed statistical analysis with 448 responses. The results reveal that educational attainment, employment status and position and income of the repsondents were interrelated; young and early middle-aged singles were college-educated, high-paid salaried workers and late middle-aged singles were low-educated, low-paid and self-employed. Also, the housing trajectories indicate that all the respondents were better housed in current stage than in earlier stage, faced with normative housing deficits, and had no plan for residential mobility. It’s obvious that income was associated with housing affordability and late middle-aged singles who were low-paid suffered from high housing cost burden, increasing housing dissatisfaction. On the contrary, early middle-aged single-person households who were high-paid maintained relatively low housing costs which was considered to be adequate. With regard to housing choice, various factors were influenced the decision of each group on housing choice - distance between home and work for young singles, housing affordabiilty for early middle-aged ones and livability for late middle-aged group. In addition, the residential assessment of the single-person households were largely affected by housing satisfaction, Thus, the findings imply that the housing trajectories of each age group are simply outcomes embedded into the Chinese housing system which is state-controlled, market-driven and highly commodified. It’s no doubt that the housing market has fueled economic inequality, deepening intergenerational discontents and eroding social cohesion.

      • KCI등재

        Structure and Properties of Konjac Glucomannan/Galactoglucomannan Nanofiber Membrane

        Yi Yuan,Xin Hong,Ruojun Mu,Jingni Gong,Lin Wang,Rongxun Huang,Jiayu Wu,Yongsheng Ni,Xianhui Wu,Jie Pang 한국고분자학회 2017 Macromolecular Research Vol.25 No.10

        Konjac glucomannan (KGM)/galactoglucomannan (GGM) nanofiber membranes were obtained through electrospinning technology. Rheological properties of KGM/GGM solutions were observed by using a rotary rheometer. The apparent morphological, characteristic group and thermal stability of nanofiber membranes were studied through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectoscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) respectively. The physical and mechanical properties were also evaluated. Results revealed that the addition of GGM did not significantly affect the rheological properties of electrospinning solution. Increase in the amount of GGM in the nanofiber membrane resulted in gradual smoothening, uniformity and decrease in the number of nodes. KGM interacts with GGM through hydrogen-bond. Addition of GGM markedly enhanced the thermal stability, physical and mechanical properties of the nanofiber membrane. The study showed that the KGM/GGM nanofiber membrane have good potential for use in developing membrane based materials.

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