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      • KCI등재

        Improvement of energy storage performance in PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3/PbZrO3 multilayer thin films via regulating PbZrO3 thickness

        Yang Fei,Shi Yu Jia,Lin Lin,Chen Jing Yao,Hou Meng Zhe,Yu Ke Xin,Zhang Yi Han,Yuan Zheng,Li Xiao Fang,Hu Yan Chun,Shang Jun,Yin Shao Qian,Wang Xian Wei 한국물리학회 2023 Current Applied Physics Vol.50 No.-

        In this work, to prepare the PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3(PZT)/PbZrO3(PZ) multilayer films, PZ films and PZT films were spin-coated on LaNiO3/SiO2/Si substrates in sequence by the sol-gel method, and the PZ films were prepared using PZ precursor solution with different concentrations. After each spin-coating, PZ layer and PZT layer were annealed with rapid thermal annealing (RTA) technique at 650 ◦C and 550 ◦C, respectively. The crystal structures, microstructures and electrical properties of the films with different PZ film thickness were comprehensively investigated. The PZ films with different thickness showed perovskite phase. The PZT films on crystallized PZ films exhibited the coexistence of pyrochlore phase and perovskite phase at the annealing temperature of 550 ◦C. The PZT/PZ multilayer films with 0.2 M PZ precursor solution exhibit typical anti-ferroelectricity with double hysteresis loops, while other multilayer films exhibit nearly linear loops. In addition, the recoverable energy storage density increases with the increase of the film thickness and reaches the maximum value 32.4 J/ cm3 in the PZT/PZ multilayer films with 0.4 M PZ precursor solution. Therefore, the ferroelectric properties of the PZT/PZ multilayer films could be regulated by different PZ film thickness, which effectively further enhances the energy storage performance.

      • KCI등재

        Room-temperature tensile strength and thermal shock behavior of spark plasma sintered W-K-TiC alloys

        Ke Shi,Bo Huang,Bo He,Ye Xiao,Xiaoliang Yang,Youyun Lian,Xiang Liu,Jun Tang 한국원자력학회 2019 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.51 No.1

        W-K-TiC alloys with different titanium carbide concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2) wt.% werefabricated through Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering. The effects of the addition of nanoscaledTiC particles on the relative density, Vickers micro-hardness, microstructure, crystal information,thermal shock resistance, and tensile strength were investigated. It is revealed that the doped TiC nanoparticleslocated at the grain boundaries. The relative density and Vickers micro-hardness of W-K-TiCalloys was enhanced with TiC addition and the highest Vickers micro-hardness is 731.55. As the TiCaddition increased from 0.05 to 2 wt%, the room-temperature tensile strength raised from 141 to353 MPa. The grain size of the W-K-TiC alloys decreased sharply from 2.56 mm to 330 nm with theenhanced TiC doping. The resistance to thermal shock damage of W-K-TiC alloys was improved slightlywith the increased TiC addition

      • KCI등재

        Nuclide assignment for an isolated band observed in the 10B + 114Cd reaction

        Yang Qing-Yu,Song Li-Na,Ma Ying-Jun,Yang Dong,Ma Ke-Yan,Wu Xiao-Guang,Zheng Yun,Li Cong-Bo 한국물리학회 2021 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.79 No.3

        Three experiments based on the nuclear reactions 14N + 110Pd, 10B + 114Cd and 11B + 114Cd were performed. Coincidences between γ-rays emitted from these reactions were measured with the same detection array which consisted of 14 HPGe detectors. A new band structure was identified using an offline analysis of coincidence data. Because of the isomeric nature of the bandhead, the new band cannot be connected to any known state in any residual nuclei of the used reactions. To assign it to a specific nucleus, we evaluated the experimental population intensities of various known bands in known residual nuclei and investigated the entrance channel effects in the three different experiments. The population intensity patterns of the known bands were observed to exhibit regular systematics. Based on such experimental systematics, we suggest that the most reasonable nuclide assignment for the new band is the 120I nucleus.

      • PKHD1 Gene Silencing May Cause Cell Abnormal Proliferation through Modulation of Intracellular Calcium in Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

        Yang, Ji-Yun,Zhang, Sizhong,Zhou, Qin,Guo, Hong,Zhang, Ke,Zheng, Rong,Xiao, Cuiying Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 2007 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.40 No.4

        Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is one of the important genetic disorders in pediatric practice. Mutation of the polycystic kidney and hepatic disease gene 1 (PKHD1) was identified as the cause of ARPKD. The gene encodes a 67-exon transcript for a large protein of 4074 amino acids termed fibrocystin, but its function remains unknown. The neoplastic-like in cystic epithelial proliferation and the epidermal growth factor/epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF/EGFR) axis overactivity are known as the most important characteristics of ARPKD. Since the misregulation of $Ca^{2+}$ signaling may lead to aberrant structure and function of the collecting ducts in kidney of rat with ARPKD, present study aimed to investigate the further mechanisms of abnormal proliferation of cystic cells by inhibition of PKHD1 expression. For this, a stable PKHD1-silenced HEK-293T cell line was established. Then cell proliferation rates, intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ concentration and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) activity were assessed after treatment with EGF, a calcium channel blocker and agonist, verapamil and Bay K8644. It was found that PKHD1-silenced HEK-293T cell lines were hyperproliferative to EGF stimulation. Also PKHD1-silencing lowered the intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ and caused EGF-induced ERK1/2 overactivation in the cells. An increase of intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ in PKHD1-silenced cells repressed the EGF-dependent ERK1/2 activation and the hyperproliferative response to EGF stimulation. Thus, inhibition of PKHD1 can cause EGF-induced excessive proliferation through decreasing intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ resulting in EGF-induced ERK1/2 activation. Our results suggest that the loss of fibrocystin may lead to abnormal proliferation in kidney epithelial cells and cyst formation in ARPKD by modulation of intracellular $Ca^{2+}$.

      • KCI등재

        IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis for 3-Phase 4-Wire 3-Level Active Power Filters based on Voltage Error Correlation

        Ke Wang,Yi Tang,Xiao Zhang,Yang Wang,Chuan-Jin Zhang,Hui Zhang 전력전자학회 2016 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.16 No.5

        A novel open-circuit fault diagnosis method for 3-phase 4-wire 3-level active power filters based on voltage error correlation is proposed in this paper. This method is based on observing the output pole voltage error of the active power filter through two kinds of algorithms. One algorithm is a voltage error analytical algorithm, which derives four output voltage error analytic expressions through the pulse state, current value and dc bus voltage, respectively, assuming that all of the IGBTs of a certain phase come to an OC fault. The other algorithm is a current circuit equation algorithm, which calculates the real-time output voltage error through basic circuit theory. A correlation is introduced to measure the similarity of the output voltage errors between the two algorithms, and OC faults are located by the maximum of the correlations. A FPGA has been chosen to implement the proposed method due to its fast prototyping. Simulation and experimental results are presented to show the performance of the proposed OC fault diagnosis method.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of the Oxygen Flux Ratio on the Structural and the Optical Properties of Silver-oxide Films Deposited by Using the Direct-current Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Method

        Xiao-Yong Gao,Hong-Liang Feng,Zeng-Yuan Zhang,Jiao-Min Ma,Meng-Ke Zhao,Chao Chen,Jin-Hua Gu,Shi-E Yang,Yong-Sheng Chen,Jing-Xiao Lu 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.58 No.2

        Using values of the oxygen flux ratio (OFR = [O2]/[Ar]) ranging from 0 to 0.5, authors deposited a series of silver-oxide (Ag_xO) films on glass substrates by direct-current reactive magnetron sputtering (DC sputtering) at a substrate temperature of 150 ℃. The effect of the OFR on the film’s structural and optical properties was systematically investigated by using X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and spectrophotometry. The Ag_xO films deposited clearly show an evolution of the film’s phase structure from the biphased (Ag + Ag_2O) structure to the biphased (AgO + Ag_2O) structure and then to the single-phased (Ag_2O) structure as value of the OFR increases. Accordingly, the film’s surface morphology, related to the film’s crystalline structure, clearly changes from a loose and porous surface structure to a compact surface structure and then to a pyramid-like surface structure with increasing value of the OFR. The novel porous structure may be attributed to the interruption of the silver’s growth course by the AgO on the film’s surface. Notably, a single-phased Ag_2O film is deposited by DC-sputtering at OFR = 0.5 due to the dual effects of thermal decomposition of the AgO phase and a combination reaction of AgO and Ag to Ag_2O. The oscillations both in the film’s reflectivity and transmissivity spectra are strengthened with increasing OFR, indicating an evolution from the metallic behavior of the biphased (Ag + Ag_2O) film to the dielectric behavior of the biphased (Ag_2O + AgO) film and the single-phased Ag2O film. The fitted optical absorption edges of the Ag_2O and the Ag_xO films deposited at values of the OFR of 0.5 and 0.33 are approximately 2.43 eV and 2.34 eV, respectively. The absorption edges are closely related to the direct interband transitions.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Miscibility and Performances of PVA Fiber and Asphalt Mixtures

        Yang Zhao,Xiao-dong Jia,Xiang-ke Zhang,Lu Li,Nai-xing Liang 한국고분자학회 2023 폴리머 Vol.47 No.1

        In this research, the miscibility of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber and asphalt under high temperature was explored for improving the performances of PVA/asphalt mixture. Our research shows that the PVA fiber can maintain its properties after heating at 130 oC, which lays a foundation for the mixing of PVA fiber with asphalt. According to this, PVA fibers have been uniformly dispersed in asphalt by an extrusion mixing method at 130 oC. With the addition of PVA fiber, the viscosity, shear strength, complex modulus and rutting factor of the asphalt at high temperature. Besides, the cumulative strain and non-recoverable creep compliance of the PVA/asphalt mixture decreased with the increase of PVA content, which means the PVA/asphalt mixture had a good recovery ability at high temperature. This research provides a basis for the research on miscibility and performance of PVA/asphalt mixture.


        IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis for 3-Phase 4-Wire 3-Level Active Power Filters based on Voltage Error Correlation

        Wang, Ke,Tang, Yi,Zhang, Xiao,Wang, Yang,Zhang, Chuan-Jin,Zhang, Hui The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2016 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.16 No.5

        A novel open-circuit fault diagnosis method for 3-phase 4-wire 3-level active power filters based on voltage error correlation is proposed in this paper. This method is based on observing the output pole voltage error of the active power filter through two kinds of algorithms. One algorithm is a voltage error analytical algorithm, which derives four output voltage error analytic expressions through the pulse state, current value and dc bus voltage, respectively, assuming that all of the IGBTs of a certain phase come to an OC fault. The other algorithm is a current circuit equation algorithm, which calculates the real-time output voltage error through basic circuit theory. A correlation is introduced to measure the similarity of the output voltage errors between the two algorithms, and OC faults are located by the maximum of the correlations. A FPGA has been chosen to implement the proposed method due to its fast prototyping. Simulation and experimental results are presented to show the performance of the proposed OC fault diagnosis method.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide and hyriopsis cumingii polysaccharide on the quality of wheat flour and extruded flour products

        Yuan Ke,Beibei Ding,Yang Fu,Miaomiao Zhang,Shensheng Xiao,Wenping Ding,Heng Yang,Qingyun Lv,Zhuo Zheng,Xuedong Wang 한국식품과학회 2021 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.30 No.7

        Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) andhyriopsis cumingii polysaccharide (HCP) on the quality ofwheat flour and corresponding extruded flour productswere investigated in this work. The results showed thatboth COS and HCP are conducive to the improvement ofdough quality. Moreover, compared to control groupsamples, the moisture content, expansion ratio and oilabsorption rate of the samples were increased and thehardness were decreased with the addition of COS. Thesephenomena indicate the quality of extruded flour productsbecame better in the presence of COS as well. However,HCP has little or no effect on the quality of extruded flourproducts may be due to its degradation under high temperatureand pressure extrusion. COS with higher stabilityexhibited better improvement effects on the quality ofextruded flour products and showed a promising prospectfor application in extruded food industry.

      • KCI등재

        High-j Proton h11/2 and g7/2 Intruder Bands in 113In

        Ma Ke Yan,Lu Jing Bin,Ma Ying Jun,Li Jian,Yang Dong,Sun Wu Ji,Wang Hao,Pan Hao Nan,Wang Jia Qi,Yang Qing Yu,Zhang Da Ming,Zhu Li Hua,Wu Xiao Guang,Zheng Yun,Li Cong Bo 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.76 No.12

        Excited states of 113In have been populated through the heavy-ion fusion evaporation reaction 110Pd(7Li, 4n)113In. A new band with the configuration of a proton d5/2 orbital is identified. Two ΔI = 2 intruder bands, built on the πh11/2 and the πg7/2 orbitals, have been extended to spins (63/2-)ħ and (55/2+)ħ, respectively. The negative-parity πh11/2 intruder band shows a smooth increase in aligned spin, which is attributed to a strong proton-neutron interaction. The properties of the positive-parity πg7/2 band are discussed based on tilted axis cranking model calculations, and the features of the antimagnetic rotation for this band are shown after backbend. Furthermore, the contributions of the two-shears-like mechanism, the neutron (gd)ν shell and the core rotation are investigated for the positive-parity πg7/2 band.

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