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        法醫學者 崔棟

        박의우,여인석 大韓法醫學會 1994 대한법의학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Forensic medicine in modern sense was introduced in early 20th century in our country. The first Korean forensic pathologist among medical school graduates was Dr. Choy Dong, who graduated from Severance Union Medical College(SUMC) in 1921. He was born in 1896 at Seoul, and entered SUMC in 1918. He went to Department of Forensic Medicine, Tohoku University Medical College, Sendai, Japan, and researched in the field of forensic medicine. He returned to Korea in 1936 and became a lecturer of forensic medicine. He had also lectured clinical pathology and parasitology. He resigned SUMC in 1948 because of some uncertain reasons.


        U.S. Military Administration’s Malaria Control Activities (1945-1948)

        YEO In-sok 대한의사학회 2015 醫史學 Vol.24 No.1

        To prevent and control infectious diseases was one of the major concerns of U.S. military government when they stationed in Korea in 1945. It was because the spread of various infectious diseases can cause social unrest and they can also affect the U.S. military. Malaria was one of the most important infectious diseases to which the U.S. military had been paying special attention. The U.S. military received a severe damage during the Pacific war with Japan due to malaria. It was said that more soldiers were lost by malaria than by battle itself. The bitter experience they had during the war made them accumulate more systematic and practical knowledge against malaria. As a result, by the end of the war, the U.S. military could run more than hundreds of units specialized in controlling malaria. Thanks to such a preparation, they could immediately begin their anti-malaria activities in Korea soon after the World War II. Although the vivax malaria, which is the dominant type in Korea, is not as much a fatal type as that in the Pacific areas, it was damaging enough to the infected. The 207th Malaria Survey Detachment carried out collecting and identifying the kinds of mosquitos in Korea. In addition, they also surveyed the prevalence of malaria among school children in Seoul. In terms of controlling malaria, DDT played a decisive role. Vector control is the most effective and ideal measurements against malaria. Before the development of DDT, it was practically impossible to eradicate mosquitos which arise from extremely broad areas. However, DDT could not be used as it had been expected in the rural area, because spraying DDT in the rice paddies which is the breeding place of mosquitos kills rice. Despite such a limitation in anti-malaria activities of the US military government, it should be noted that a significant turn in controlling malaria was possible thanks to the development of DDT.

      • KCI등재

        대한의원과 식민지 근대성의 문제

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2008 연세의사학 Vol.11 No.2

        Recently, there was a hot debate in Korea over the centennial celebration of Daehan Hospital(大韓醫院). The hospital was built in 1907 when Korea was a protectorate of Japan. It was Ito Hirobumi, the Resident-General of Korea, who proposed the idea of building a huge modern hospital. The idea was soon put into act. The Committee for Building Daehan Hospital was organized in 1906, and Sato Susumu, the medical general of the Japanese Army, was appointed as the chief commissioner. The committee was consisted of 7 members who were all Japanese. The expenses for constructing the building reached 300,000 yen and annual working expenses were more than ten times of the hospital built in 1899 by the Korean government. The motive behind building this huge hospital was evident: to advertise the profit that the Korean people could get by being colonized thus to justify annexation of Korea. The centennial celebration events of Daehan Hospital were planned and carried out by Seoul National University Hospital(SNUH). The criticism was leveled at how a National Hospital of Korea could celebrate the opening of a colonial institute, spending great expenses. Although physical continuity could be admitted-the building of Daehan Hospital has now become a part of Seoul National University Hospital-, it is totally absurd that the hospital that was built by Korean government attempts to celebrate the opening of the hospital that was built with a view to justify the annexation and to serve colonization of Korea. The centennial celebration of Daehan Hospital is no different from celebration of establishing colonial government as the beginning of the modern government in Korea, which is unlikely to be accepted for ordinary Korean people today. Such were the main points of criticism. Faced with this criticism, the SNUH insisted that their centennial events were not planned to ‘celebrate’, but to ‘remember’ the opening of Daehan Hospital, adding that the events deserved to be held because it is the symbol of modern medicine in Korea. They also argued that the Daehan Hospital was a complex of modernity and colonialism, both of which are inseparable from each other. As a consequence, they argued, the denial of Daehan Hospital would result in denial of all the efforts of modernization in medicine that had begun since late 19th century. In order to decolorize colonial tint of Daehan Hospital, they adopted the strategy of presenting Daehan Hospital as a result of Joseon government’s efforts to modernize medicine rather than to regard it as a central base toward establishing colonial system in medicine, an opinion generally accepted on the nature of Daehan Hospital among historians. SNUH`s argument to justify the centennial events, whether it was designed for the purpose of celebration or memorial, reveal very well the problem of colonial modernity in medicine. The problem of colonial modernity is a hot issue in almost every field of Korea which underwent modernization, and medicine is no exception for it. The problem begins to arise when one attempts to separate modernity and colonialism, and to present modernity as a politically neutral value as if it is a virtue which is in itself its own excuse for being. They ignore that in reality modernity is a concept deeply impregnated with the value that was intended by the propagator of that modernity. Therefore, if we do not take into account of the context in which the modernity had been imposed or pursued, and attempt to abstract it from the context in which it had been deeply embedded, we are committing a serious error. Modernity is always directed for something; it hides a certain intension behind it. If we do not raise the question of “modernity for what?,” we cannot prevent the modernity from being misused or abused. As is often the case with in colonialism, modernity serves as a good excuse for colonization. Colonial system of administration may have been more efficient than before; streets may have been cleaner than before; even life expectancy may have been longer than before. All these can be conceived as important achievements of modernity. But we must ask the following question: What were all these achievements for? Can colonization be justified by providing such achievements of modernity as efficiency of administration, prolongation of life expectancy, and other improvement of economic indicators? Are these worth obtaining at the cost of conceding one`s own sovereignty? Despite the visible achievements that the colonial government may have brought, it is clear that the intention of introducing modernity should not be overlooked and colonization cannot be justified by the name of modernity.


        세브란스 정신과의 설립과정과 인도주의적 치료전통의 형성 : 맥라렌과 이중철의 활동을 중심으로

        여인석(YEO In-sok) 大韓醫史學會 2008 醫史學 Vol.17 No.1

        Psychiatry is a branch of medicine which deals with the problem of mental health. Although psychiatric concept and treatment is not absent in traditional medicine in Korea, it was not regarded as an independent discipline of medicine. Modern psychiatry was introduced into Korea as modern Western medicine was introduced in 19th century. The American medical missionary Dr. Allen and Dr. Heron gave the first classification of mental diseases of Korean patients in their first year report of Jejoongwon hospital. The statistics are characterized by relatively high rate of hysteria patients among the patients with mental disorders. It was Dr. Mclaren who took the charge of the Psychiatric Department of Severance hospital, the successor of Jejoongwon hospital. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Mclaren had a deep interest in human nature and mind. His thinking on the subjects was based on his Christian faith and philosophy. He claimed that Christian faith plays an important role in curing mental diseases. And several medical students decided to become a psychiatrist under his influence. Among them is Dr. Lee Chung Chul who took the charge of the Department of Psychiatry after Mclaren. After graduation in 1927, Dr. Lee studied in Peking Union Medical College, Australia, and Japan. His main research interests were focused on the biological aspects of mental disorders, and he published several important papers on the subject. But his unexpected early resignation and subsequent expulsion of Dr. Mclaren from Korea by Japanese colonial government hindered further development of psychiatry in Severance Union Medical College until the Liberation from Japanese occupation in 1945. But some of their students specialized in psychiatry during the hard period of early 1940s and they played an important role in the development of modern psychiatry in Korea after the Liberation.

      • KCI등재

        세브란스를 중심으로 본 CMB의 한국의학 재건사업

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2015 연세의사학 Vol.18 No.1

        After the Korean war, every effort was made to reconstruct Korean society, which had been totally destroyed during the conflict. Severance Hospital, which was located in front of Seoul Railway Station, suffered almost complete destruction. The U.S. Army, United Board, and other missionary boards and individuals participated in the rebuilding of Severance Hospital. Perhaps the most imp011ant supporting group was the China Medical B03rd (CMS). The CMB was organized in 1914 to help with the modernization of medicine in China. In order to achieve their goal, the CMS had chosen Peking Union Medical College to be its Johns Hopkins in China. However, because the Communist Patty took over the Chinese mainland, the CMB could not continue their work in China. As a result, other Asian countries, including Korea, received the organization``s support. In Korea, Severance Hospital and Yonsei Medical College were its main beneficiaries. Thanks to the CMB``s generous financial support, the new medical college was built in Sinchon. In addition, the CME annually provided research funds for about 20 years TO the faculties of Yonsei Medical College. The CME purchased research and educational apparatuses. It also provided invisible support in various ways: Scholarships for students and fellowships for faculties contributed to the development of human resources. Further financial support provided consulting for medical education and hospital administration In summation, the CMB played a crucial role in the reconstruction of Korean medicine through its contributions to Severance Hospital and Yonsei Medical College after the Korean War.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 의학유적 답사기 1

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2002 연세의사학 Vol.6 No.1

        Hotel Dieu in Paris, located at the heart of Paris near the cathedral Notre Dame, was founded in the 7th century and is the oldest hospital in France. Throughout the history, it served as a center of caring for the poor and the sick. In fact, hospital was not considered as a place in which medical practice is offered for the patients. Primarily, it was a institute of Christian benevolence in favor of the poor and the sick, which explains why the institute was named as "the house of the God(Hotel Dieu)." Hotel Dieu in Paris suffered from repeated fire and it was severely damaged by the fire that took place in 1788. After the fire, many propositions were made to reconstruct the hospital. In particular, Jacques Tenon submitted a report on the hospitals in Paris, which is regarded as one of the most complete and comprehensive report on hospitals in the 18th century. In the 18th and 19th century, Hotel Dieu in Paris gained its reputation thanks to the great surgeons of the time such as Pierre Joseph Desault(1744-1796) and Baron Guillaume de Dupuytren(1777-1835). Hotel Dieu in Paris is not just a hospital of historical significance, but it still serves as an acting hospital today.

      • KCI등재

        아스클레피오스 신앙과 초기 기독교의 관계에서 본 병원의 기원

        여인석(YEO In-sok) 대한의사학회 2017 醫史學 Vol.26 No.1

        History of hospital is one of main fields of researches in medical history. Besides writing a history of an individual hospital, considerable efforts have been made to trace the origin of hospital. Those who quest for the origin of hospital are faced with an inevitable problem of defining hospital. As the different definition can lead to a different outcome, it is important to make a clear definition. In this article, the hospital was defined as an institution in which patients are housed and given medical treatments. According to the definition, the Great Basilius is regarded to have created the first hospital in 369 CE. The creation of hospital is considered to be closely related with Christian philantrophy. However, the question is raised against this explanation. As the religious philantrophy does not exclusively belong to the Christianity alone, more comprehensive and persuasive theory should be proposed to explain why the first hospital was created in the Christian World, not in the Buddhistic or other religious world. Furthermore, in spite of sharing the same Christian background, why the first hospital appeared in Byzantine Empire, not in Western Roman Empire, also should be explained. My argument is that Asclepius cult and the favorable attitude toward medicine in Greek world are responsible to the appearance of the first hospital in Byzantine Empire. The evangelic work of Jesus was heavily depended on healing activities. The healing activities of Jesus and his disciples were rivalled by Asclepius cult which had been widely spread and practiced in the Hellenistic world. The temples of Asclepius served as a model for hospital, for the temples were the institution exclusively reserved for the patients. The exclusive housing of patients alone in the temples of Asclepius is clearly contrasted with the other early forms of hospitals in which not only patients but also the poor, foreigners and pilgrims were housed altogether. Toward the healing god Asclepius, the Latin Church fathers and Greek Church fathers showed significant difference of attitudes. The Latin fathers were generally very critical on Asclepius while the Greek fathers were more favorable to the same healing god. This difference is also considered to be an important factor that can explain why the first hospital appeared in the Byzantine Empire.

      • P189 : Comparison of high-dose corticosteroid pulse therapy and combination therapy using oral cyclosporine with low-dose corticosteroid in severe alopecia areata

        ( In Kwon Yeo ),( In Pyeong Son ),( Kap Sok Li ),( Chang Kwun Hong ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Severe alopecia areata (AA) is resistant to conventional treatment. Although systemic oral corticosteroids are an effective treatment for patients with severe AA, they have many adverse effects. Corticosteroid pulse therapy has been introduced to increase therapeutic effects and reduce adverse effects. However, there is still controversy about treatment modality in severe alopecia areata. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of corticosteroid pulse therapy in patients with severe AA compared to a group treated with oral cyclosporine with corticosteroid. Methods: A total of 82 patients with severe AA were treated with corticosteroid pulse therapy, and 60 patients were treated with oral cyclosporine with corticosteroid. Both groups were retrospectively evaluated for therapeutic efficacy according to AA type and disease duration. Results: In 82 patients treated with corticosteroid pulse therapy, 53 patients (64.6%) were good responders (regrowth greater than 50%). AA patients with plurifocal (PF) type and those with short disease duration (≤ 3 months) showed better responses. In 60 patients treated with oral cyclosporine with corticosteroid, 30 patients (50.0%) showed a good response. AA type or disease duration, however, did not significantly affect the response to treatment. Conclusion: Corticosteroid pulse therapy may be a more successful treatment option than combination therapy in severe AA patients with PF type.

      • 특집논문 1 : 의과대학 의학사교육의 현황과 과제

        여인석 ( In Sok Yeo ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2010 연세의사학 Vol.13 No.2

        Medical history was first taught in Severance Medical College in 1946 by Kim Doo-jong, the founding father of medical history in Korea. Today, over half of the forty-three medical colleges in Korea include medical history courses. However, a lack of sufficient numbers of qualified medical historians means that many of the colleges experience difficulties in running the courses. As the number of medical historians is unlikely to increase sufficiently in the near future to meet the demand, a re-education program needs to be initiated for the current lecturers in charge of the medical history courses. Another challenge facing the history of medical education in Korea is the integration of medical history with medical humanities, which has recently emerged as an important issue in medical education. As medical humanities aims to develop sensibilities such as compassion in medical students, the field focuses more on literature and arts than on history and philosophy. Therefore, a new methodology is required to incorporate the teaching of medical history into the teaching of medical humanities.

      • KCI등재

        인간, 건강 그리고 환경

        여인석(In-Sok Yeo) 한국의철학회 2008 의철학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        히포크라테스 전집에 들어 있는 <공기, 물, 장소에 관하여>는 인간과 건강, 그리고 환경의 관계를 논한 글로써 고대로부터 높은 평가를 받아왔다. 이 글에서 논의되고 있는 건강과 환경의 관계, 자연과 문화의 관계에 대한 문제는 시대에 관계없이 인간에 관한 근본적 질문 중의 하나이다. 이 글은 19세기 초 서양에서 다시 각광받기 시작하는데 이는 18세기에 유행했던 기후의학, 그리고 산업화가 시작된 당대에 진행된 위생개혁운동과 깊은 관련이 있다. 이러한 흐름에서 <공기, 물, 장소에 관하여>는 언제나 영감을 주는 출발점이 되었다. 그러나 이 글은 19세기적 맥락에서 보다 적극적으로 해석되어 인간과 자연의 관계를 새롭게 위치지우는 근거가 되기도 했다. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, has been represented in many ways throughout the history of Western medicine. His influence on later medicine took various forms from one epoch to another, and the doctrine of Hippocratic medicine was interpreted in different ways according to different social, historical, and intellectual contexts. In this way, the old subjects of air and water received new light in the 19th century and the Hippocratic treatise Airs Waters Places still remained the inspiring treatise as in the previous century, but giving different inspirations. Airs Waters Places shows very well how the same Hippocratic treatise can be interpreted in the different ways according to different historical settings and give different inspirations that the ages were in need of.

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