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        CCM key comparison CCM.D-K4 'Hydrometer'

        Lorefice, S,Becerra, L O,Lenard, E,Lee, Y J,Lee, W G,Madec, T,Meury, P A,Caceres, J,Santos, C,Vamossy, C,Man, J,Fen, K,Toda, K,Wright, J,Bettin, H,Toth, H BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES 2016 METROLOGIA -BERLIN- Vol.53 No.-

        <P></P> <P>This report presents the comparison philosophy, methodology, analysis and the results of the designed CCM.D-K4 key comparison that covered the calibration of high resolution hydrometers for liquid and alcoholometers in the density range 600 kg/m<SUP>3</SUP> to 2000 kg/m<SUP>3</SUP> at the temperature of 20°C. The main purpose of this comparison was not only to evaluate the degree of equivalence in the calibration of high accuracy hydrometers between NMI participants, but also to link, were it is possible, the results of previous comparisons to Key Comparison Reference Values (KCRVs) of CCM.D-K4. Eleven NMI laboratories took part in the CCM.D-K4 divided in two groups (petals).</P> <P>With the CCM.D-K4 purpose, two similar sets consisting of three hydrometers for liquid density determinations and an alcoholometer were circulated to the NMI participants as a travelling standard in the time interval from January 2011 to April 2012.</P> <P>Twelve Key Comparison Reference Values (KCRVs) for each petal have been obtained at the density values related to the tested density marks of the transfer standards by the results of participants. The KCRVs and corresponding uncertainties were calculated by the weighted mean in the case of consistent results, otherwise the median was used.</P> <P>The degree of equivalence (DoE) with respect to the corresponding KCRV was determined for each participant and, in this particular comparison, the Weighted Least Squares (WLS) method was used to link the individual DoE of each participant by a continuous function.</P> <P>Significant drift of the transfer standards was not detected.</P> <P>This report also gives instructions on calculating pair-wise degrees of equivalence, with the addition of any information on correlations that may be necessary to estimate more accurately as well as the procedure for linking international comparisons to the CCM.D-K4. Finally an example of linkage to the CCM.D-K4 is given by dealing with the results of the bilateral comparison between INRiM and NMIA, which was added to this comparison so that all participants were engaged after the breakage of the 9340171 artefact.</P> <P>A particularly good agreement was found among the results provided by most of the participants, even if some systematic differences and either underestimated or overestimated uncertainties of the submitted results can be identified with respect to the KCRVs. In general the deviations of the laboratory results to the KCRVs are within of 1/3rd to 1/4th of a scale division and the uncertainty at 95% is usually within half a division. During the analysis of the submitted results, a systematic difference between the first and last immersed mark was also noted, possibly due to a temperature gradient along the stem and/or wetting of the stem around the tested mark, and therefore a corrected claimed uncertainty from each laboratory is expected. However this comparison may help the laboratories to solve some residual or marginal problems as well as to better understand the uncertainty components.</P> <P>The comparison fully supports the calibration measurement capabilities table in the BIPM key comparison database (KCDB). The results can be used to link regional comparisons to this CCM key comparison</P> <H2>Main text</H2> <P> To reach the main text of this paper, click on <A HREF='http://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/final_reports/M/D-K4/CCM.D-K4_Final_Report.pdf'>Final Report</A>. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database <A HREF='http://kcdb.bipm.org/'>kcdb.bipm.org/</A>.</P> <P>The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).</P>


        Effect of Copper Source (Cupric Citrate vs Cupric Sulfate) and Level on Growth Performance and Copper Metabolism in Pigs

        Armstrong, T.A.,Spears, J.W.,van Heugten, E.,Engle, T.E.,Wright, C.L. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2000 Animal Bioscience Vol.13 No.8

        Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of cupric citrate (Cu-citrate) relative to cupric sulfate $(CuSO_4)$ as a Cu source for weanling and grow-finish pigs. In addition, the use of liver and bile Cu concentrations as indices of the bioavailability of Cu sources was investigated. Experiment one consisted of a nursery phase (35 d; initial BW=6.4 kg, final BW=21.4 kg) followed by a grow-finish phase (103 d; initial BW=21.5 kg, final BW=111.7 kg). Experiment two only consisted of a nursery phase (35 d; initial BW=6.3 kg, final BW=18.6 kg). Dietary treatments were identical for both experiments and consisted of: control (10 ppm $CuSO_4$); control+66 or 225 ppm $CuSO_4$; control+33, 66, or 100 ppm Cu-citrate. An antibiotic was included in diets for Exp. 1 but not Exp. 2. In both experiments, growth performance variables were similar for pigs receiving Cu-citrate and $CuSO_4$; however, growth performance was not improved by high concentrations of $CuSO_4$. Liver and bile Cu were increased (p<0.05) by 225 ppm $CuSO_4$; however, lower dietary concentrations of Cu from either $CuSO_4$ or Cu-citrate did not affect the Cu concentration of liver or bile relative to that observed in the control pigs. Irrespective of Cu source, there was no linear (p>0.10) increase in plasma Cu with increasing Cu concentrations in the diet for both experiments. However, the plasma Cu concentrations were highest (p<0.10) in pigs receiving diets supplemented with 225 ppm $CuSO_4$. Sixteen randomly chosen pigs per treatment in Exp. 1 were continued through the grow-finish phase. Body weight gain and feed intake were improved (p<0.10) by 66 ppm $CuSO_4$, but other dietary Cu treatments did not alter pig performance compared to the control diet. Plasma Cu concentrations were increased (p<0.10) by 225 ppm $CuSO_4$ in the growing phase and by 225 ppm $CuSO_4$ and 100 ppm Cu-citrate in the finishing phase. These data reveal no consistent effect of $CuSO_4$ on performance; therefore, it is difficult to assess the efficacy of these two Cu sources. In addition, these studies demonstrate that liver and bile Cu are not good indicators of Cu bioavailability in pigs fed adequate to pharmacological concentrations of Cu.


        Liu, Hauyu Baobab,Ho, Paul T. P.,Wright, Melvyn C. H.,Su, Yu-Nung,Hsieh, Pei-Ying,Sun, Ai-Lei,Kim, Sungsoo S.,Minh, Young Chol IOP Publishing 2013 The Astrophysical journal Vol.770 No.1

        <P>We present the Submillimeter Array 157 pointing mosaic in 0.86 mm dust continuum emission with 5 ''.1 x 4 ''.2 angular resolution, and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank 100 m Telescope (GBT) observations of the CS/(CS)-S-34/(CS)-C-13 1-0 and SiO 1-0 emission with <= 20 '' x 18 '' angular resolution. The dust continuum image marginally resolves at least several tens of 10-10(2) M-circle dot dense clumps in the 5' field including the circumnuclear disk (CND) and the exterior gas streamers. There is very good agreement between the high resolution dust continuum map of the CND and all previous molecular line observations. As the dust emission is the most reliable optically thin tracer of the mass, free from most chemical and excitation effects, we demonstrate the reality of the abundant localized structures within the CND, and their connection to external gas structures. From the spectral line data, the velocity dispersions of the dense clumps and their parent molecular clouds are similar to 10-20 times higher than their virial velocity dispersions. This supports the idea that the CND and its immediate environment may not be stationary or stable structures. Some of the dense gas clumps are associated with 22 GHz water masers and 36.2 GHz and 44.1 GHz CH3OH masers. However, we do not find clumps that are bound by the gravity of the enclosed molecular gas. Hence, the CH3OH or H2O maser emission may be due to strong (proto) stellar feedback, which may be dispersing some of the gas clumps.</P>



        Kim, D.-W.,Protopapas, P.,Alcock, C.,Byun, Y.-I.,Kyeong, J.,Lee, B.-C.,Wright, N. J.,Axelrod, T.,Bianco, F. B.,Chen, W.-P.,Coehlo, N. K.,Cook, K. H.,Dave, R.,King, S.-K.,Lee, T.,Lehner, M. J.,Lin, H.- American Institute of Physics 2010 The Astronomical journal Vol.139 No.2

        <P>We analyzed data accumulated during 2005 and 2006 by the Taiwan-American Occultation Survey (TAOS) in order to detect short-period variable stars (periods of <img entity='lsim' SRC='http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lsim.gif' ALT='lsim' ALIGN='BASELINE' />1 hr) such as δ Scuti. TAOS is designed for the detection of stellar occultation by small-size Kuiper Belt Objects and is operating four 50 cm telescopes at an effective cadence of 5 Hz. The four telescopes simultaneously monitor the same patch of the sky in order to reduce false positives. To detect short-period variables, we used the fast Fourier transform algorithm (FFT) in as much as the data points in TAOS light curves are evenly spaced. Using FFT, we found 41 short-period variables with amplitudes smaller than a few hundredths of a magnitude and periods of about an hour, which suggest that they are low-amplitude δ Scuti stars. The light curves of TAOS δ Scuti stars are accessible online at the Time Series Center Web site (http://timemachine.iic.harvard.edu).</P>


        Electromechanical Properties of Graphene Drumheads

        Klimov, N. N.,Jung, S.,Zhu, S.,Li, T.,Wright, C. A.,Solares, S. D.,Newell, D. B.,Zhitenev, N. B.,Stroscio, J. A. American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2012 Science Vol.336 No.6088

        <P>We determined the electromechanical properties of a suspended graphene layer by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements, as well as computational simulations of the graphene-membrane mechanics and morphology. A graphene membrane was continuously deformed by controlling the competing interactions with a STM probe tip and the electric field from a back-gate electrode. The probe tip-induced deformation created a localized strain field in the graphene lattice. STS measurements on the deformed suspended graphene display an electronic spectrum completely different from that of graphene supported by a substrate. The spectrum indicates the formation of a spatially confined quantum dot, in agreement with recent predictions of confinement by strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields.</P>

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