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      • Biology of Aβ Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease

        Grangione, Blas,Ghiso, Jorge,Wisniewski, Thomas 한림대학교 한림과학원 부설 환경ㆍ생명과학연구소 1998 국제학술회의 Vol.1998 No.-

        The genetic associations with the pathological features of AD are diverse: A rapidly growing number of mutations in presenilin 1 and 2 on chromosomes 14 and 1, respectively, are found in many early-onset FAD patients (Lendon et at., 1997). In addition, βPP mutations are found in a small percentage of early-onset FAD kindreds. The apoE4 allele on chromosome 19 is associated with the presence of the most common form of AD, sporadic AD (Winsiewski & Frangione, 1992; Namba et al., 1991). However, it is clear that other proteins are also involved in the pathogenesis of AD, since some early-onset FAD kindreds do not have linkage to PS1, PS2, apoE, or βPP, while at least 50% of late-onset AD is unrelated to apoE. Other proteins which have been implicated in the formation of senile plaques, but so far are not known to have any genetic linkage to AD, include proteoglycans (Snow et al., 1987), apoA1(Wisniewski et al., 1995a), α₁-antichymotrypsin(Abraham et al., 1988), HB-GAM(Wisniewski et al., 1996a), complement components (McGeer & Rogers, 1992), acetylcholinesterase (Friede, 1965), and NAC (Ueda et al., 1993). Which of these proteins will be the most important for the etilogy of the most common form of AD, late-onset sporadic AD, remains an open question. Three of the genes which are now known to be linked to AD, including PS1, βPP, and apoE, have been established immunohistochemically and biochemically to be components of senile plaques (see Fig.1). This raises at least two possibilities; either each of these proteins is part of one pathway with Aβ-related amyloid formation as a final causative pathogenic event or amyloid deposition in AD is a reactive process related to dysfunction of a number of different CNS proteins. Whether or not amyloid formation is directly causative in the pathogenesis of AD, current data suggest that new therapeutic approaches which may inhibit the aggregation and/or the conformational change of sAβ to Aβ fibrils (Soto et al., 1996) have the greatest likelihood to make a significant impact on controlling amyloid accumulation in AD.

      • Conformation as a Therapeutic Target in the Prionoses and other Neurodegenerative Conditions

        Wisniewski, Thomas,Sigurdsson, Einar M.,Aucouturier, Pierre,Frangione, B. 한림대학교 환경·생명과학연구소 2000 국제학술회의 Vol.2000 No.-

        Abnormal protein conformation is increasingly being recognized as part of the pathogenesis of numerous neurodegenerative conditions. The common theme in all these diseases is the conversion of a normal cellular and/or circulating protein into an insoluble, aggregated, β-sheet rich form which is deposited in the brain. The aggregated proteins can accumulate extracellularly, often in the form of amyloid, or intracellularly producing inclusion bodies. These deposits are toxic and produce neuronal dysfunction and death. A unique category of the conformational conditions are prion related diseases(or prionoses), where the etiology is thought to be related to conversion of the normal prion protein, PrP□ ,into an infectious and pathogenic form, PrP□. However, the most common of these disorders is Alzheimer's disease(AD) where the central events is thought to be the conversion of normal soluble amyloid(sAβ) into fibrillar Aβin the form of neuritic plaques and congophilic angiopathy. Our growing understanding of the mechanisms involved in this category of disease, raises the possibility of therapeutic approaches based directly on the prevention and reversal of pathologic protein conformations. Possible approaches include synthetic β-sheet breaker peptides, which our preliminary data suggest may be useful for both AD and the prionoses, as well as immunological approaches where an antibody and/or cell mediated response is triggered against the aggregating abnormal protein.

      • Conformation as a Therapeutic Target in the Prionoses and other Neurodegenerative Conditions

        Wisniewski, Thomas,Sigurdsson, Einar M.,Aucouturier, Pierre,Frangione, B. 한림대학교 환경·생명과학연구소 2000 [일송 국제심포지엄] 노화와 만성퇴행성 신경질환 Vol.- No.3

        Abnormal protein conformation is increasingly being recognized as part of the pathogenesis of numerous neurodegenerative conditions. The common theme in all these diseases is the conversion of a normal cellular and/or circulation protein into an insoluble, aggregated, β-sheet rich form which is deposited in the brain. The aggregated proteins can accumulate extracellularly, often in the form of amyloid, or intracellularly producing inclusion bodies. These deposits are toxic and produce neuronal dysfunction and death. A unique category of the conformational conditions are prion related diseases (or prionoses), where the etiology is thought to be related to conversion of the normal prion protein, PrP^c, into an infectious and pathogenic form, PrP^Sc. However, the most common of these disorders is Alzheimer's disease (AD) where the central event is thought to be the conversion of normal soluble amyloid (sAβ) into fibrillar Aβ in the form of neuritic plaques and congophilic angiopathy. Our growing understanding of the mechanisms involved in this category of disease, raises the pathologic protein conformations. Possible approaches include synthetic β-sheet breaker peptides, which our preliminary data suggest may be useful for both AD and the prionoses, as well as immunological approaches where an antibody and/or cell mediated response is triggered against the aggregation abnormal protein.

      • Interactive Navigational Structures

        Krzysztof Czaplewski,Zbigniew Wisniewski 한국항해항만학회 2006 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Satellite systems for objects positioning appeared indispensable for performing basic tasks of maritime navigation. Navigation, understood as safe and effective conducting a vehicle from one point to another, within a specific physical-geographical environment. [Kopacz, Urbanski, 1998]. However, the systems have not solved the problem of accessibility to reliable and highly accurate information about a position of an object, especially if surveyed toward on-shore navigational signs or in sea depth. And it's of considerable significance for many navigational tasks, carried out within the frameworks of special works performance and submarine navigation. In addition, positioning precisely the objects other than vessels, while executing hydrographical works, is not always possible with a use of any satellite system. Difficulties with GPS application show up also while positioning such off-lying dangers as wrecks, underwater and aquatic rocks also other natural and artificial obstacles. It is caused by impossibility of surveyors approaching directly any such object while its positioning. Moreover, determination of vessels positions mutually (mutual geometrical relations) by teams carrying out one common tasks at sea, demands applying the navigational techniques other than the satellite ones. Vessels' staying precisely on specified positions is of special importance in, among the others, the cases as follows: - surveying vessels while carrying out bathymetric works, wire dragging; - special tasks watercraft in course of carrying out scientific research, sea bottom exploration etc. The problems are essential for maritime economy and the Country defence readiness. Resolving them requires applying not only the satellite navigation methods, but also the terrestrial ones. The condition for implementation of the geo-navigation methods is at present the methods development both: in aspects of their techniques and technologies as well as survey data evaluation. Now, the classical geo-navigation comprises procedures, which meet out-of-date accuracy standards. To enable meeting the present-day requirements, the methods should refer to well-recognised and still developed methods of contemporary geodesy. Moreover, in a time of computerization and automation of calculating, it is feasible to create also such software, which could be applied in the integrated navigational systems, allowing carrying out navigation, provided with combinatory systems as well as with the new positioning methods. Whereas, as regards data evaluation, there should be applied the most advanced achievements in that subject; first of all the newest, although theoretically well-recognised estimation methods, including M -estimation [Hampel et al. 1986; Wisniewski 2005; Yang 1997; Yang et al. 1999]. Such approach to the problem consisting in positioning a vehicle in motion and solid objects under observation enables an opportunity of creating dynamic and interactive navigational structures . The main subject of the theoretical suggested in this paper is the Interactive Navigational Structure. In this paper, the Structure will stand for the existing navigational signs systems, any observed solid objects and also vehicles, carrying out navigation (submarines inclusive), which, owing to mutual dependencies, (geometrical and physical) allow to determine coordinates of this new Structure's elements and to correct the already known coordinates of other elements.


        Luminescence of LiBaF<sub>3</sub> and KMgF<sub>3</sub> doped with Eu<sup>2+</sup>

        Mahlik, S.,Wisniewski, K.,Grinberg, M.,Seo, H.J. North-Holland 2010 Journal of non-crystalline solids Vol.356 No.37

        In this contribution the results of the high pressure spectroscopy of LiBaF<SUB>3</SUB> and KMgF<SUB>3</SUB> doped with Eu<SUP>2+</SUP>, where high pressure was applied in a diamond anvil cell are summarized. Photoluminescence, time resolved luminescence and luminescence kinetics, at a pressure from ambient to 300kbar, at 77K and ambient temperature are shown and discussed. The LiBaF<SUB>3</SUB>:Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> luminescence spectra consisted of sharp lines peaked at 27,500-28,000cm<SUP>-1</SUP> attributed to the <SUP>6</SUP>P<SUB>7/2</SUB>-><SUP>8</SUP>S<SUB>7/2</SUB> transitions in the 4f<SUP>7</SUP> electronic configuration of Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> and a broad band extended between and 21,000 and 26,600cm<SUP>-1</SUP>, attributed to Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> trapped exciton recombination. When the pressure increased the Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> trapped exciton emission disappeared and was replaced by a sharper band peaked at 28,200cm<SUP>-1</SUP> attributed to 4f<SUP>6</SUP>5d<SUP>1</SUP>(e<SUB>g</SUB>)->4f<SUP>7</SUP>(<SUP>8</SUP>S<SUB>7/2</SUB>) transition in Eu<SUP>2+</SUP>. The KMgF<SUB>3</SUB>:Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> luminescence contained only the sharp lines related to the <SUP>6</SUP>P<SUB>7/2</SUB>-><SUP>8</SUP>S<SUB>7/2</SUB> transition of Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> and was found to be pressure independent, up to 300kbar. The differences in the emission spectra between LiBaF<SUB>3</SUB>:Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> and KMgF<SUB>3</SUB>:Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> are discussed in the context of the structure of Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> sites in perovskite and inversed perovskite lattices.


        New Eu<sup>2 + </sup> sites in KMgF<sub>3</sub>:Eu<sup>2 + </sup> crystal

        Grinberg, M,Mahlik, S,Wisniewski, K,Seo, Hyo Jin IOP Pub 2011 Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter Vol.23 No.3

        <P>The luminescence properties of KMgF<SUB>3</SUB>:Eu<SUP>2 + </SUP> are investigated at different pressures in the temperature range 25–292 K. Five new Eu<SUP>2 + </SUP> luminescence (NEL) lines due to the <img SRC='http://ej.iop.org/images/0953-8984/23/3/035404/cm371366ieqn1.gif' ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='^{6}\mathrm {P}_{7 / 2} \to {}^{8}\mathrm {S}_{7 / 2} '/> transition are identified at 362.49 nm (L<SUB>1</SUB>), 362.53 nm (L<SUB>2</SUB>), 360.72 nm (L<SUB>3</SUB>), 360.15 nm (L<SUB>4</SUB>) and 359.59 nm (L<SUB>5</SUB>) together with the line at 359.32 nm (L<SUB>0</SUB>) which is well known in KMgF<SUB>3</SUB>:Eu<SUP>2 + </SUP>. The emission lines under excitation at 325 nm show a strong dependence on temperature. At 25 K the emission spectrum consists of only two sharp lines, L<SUB>1</SUB> and L<SUB>2</SUB>. Three additional lines (L<SUB>3</SUB>, L<SUB>4</SUB> and L<SUB>5</SUB>) begin to appear with increasing temperature. With a further increase in temperature from 150 to 292 K all the lines disappear except for the single sharp line at 359.32 nm (L<SUB>0</SUB>). The zero-phonon transition of line L<SUB>0</SUB> is accompanied by vibronic sidebands. A pressure shift of five NELs is estimated to be about − 0.6 cm<SUP> − 1</SUP> kbar<SUP> − 1</SUP> similarly to the shift of line L<SUB>0</SUB>, while the lifetimes of the NELs are about 0.7 ms which is shorter than that (5.2 ms) of L<SUB>0</SUB> at 80 K. The new luminescence lines are attributed to the Eu<SUP>2 + </SUP> ions occupying the K<SUP> + </SUP> sites with fluorine vacancy (F<SUP> − </SUP> center) complexes. </P>

      • KCI등재

        Cytotoxicity of Listeriolysin O Produced by Membrane-Encapsulated Bacillus subtilis on Leukemia Cells

        ( Stachowiak,R. ),( L. H. Granicka ),( J. Wisniewski ),( M. Lyzniak ),( J. Kawiak ),( J. Bielecki ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2011 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.21 No.11

        Encapsulation of biological material in the permiselective membrane allows to construct a system separating cells from their products, which may find biotechnological as well as biomedical applications in biological processes regulation. Application of a permiselective membrane allows avoiding an attack of the implanted microorganisms on the host. Our aim was to evaluate the performance of Bacillus subtilis encapsulated in an elaborate membrane system producing listeriolysin O, a cytolysin from Listeria monocytogenes, with chosen eukaryotic cells for future application in anticancer treatment. The system of encapsulating in membrane live Bacillus subtilis BR1-S secreting listeriolysin O was proven to exert the effective cytotoxic activity on eukaryotic cells. Interestingly, listeriolysin O showed selective cytotoxic activity on eukaryotic cells: more human leukemia Jurkat T cells were killed than human chronic lymphocytic B cells leukemia at similar conditions in vitro. This system of encapsulated B. subtilis, continuously releasing bacterial products, may affect selectively different types of cells and may have future application in local anticancer treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Metabolic profile according to the parity and stage of lactation of high-performance Holstein-Friesian cows

        Kuczyńska Beata,Puppel Kamila,Gołębiewski Marcin,Wisniewski Konrad,Przysucha Tomasz 아세아·태평양축산학회 2021 Animal Bioscience Vol.34 No.4

        Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of parity and the stage of lactation on the metabolic profile of cows based on the basic chemical milk components and the blood parameters. Methods: The study material consisted of high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows. In total, 473 cows were examined. According to the parity, cows were divided into four groups: primiparous (P), and multiparous in the second (M2), in the third (M3), and in subsequent lactations (M4). The feeding of cows was based on total mixed ration (TMR) ad libitum. Milk and blood samples were collected individually from each cow three times per standard lactation period. Results: Greater exacerbation of changes in the dynamics of the blood plasma parameters examined was proved for multiparous cows. The highest value of β-hydroxybutyrate acid (0.946 mmol/L) was found for multiparous cows from group M3 at the beginning of lactation. However, it was still in the normal range. The results showed aspartate aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities in dairy cows during lactation had significant variations taking in to account stage of lactation. The highest activity of GGT was found in the group of the oldest cows and measured from 26.36 U/L at the beginning of lactation to 48.75 U/L at the end of the lactation period. Conclusion: The time-related changes in the concentrations of the biochemical parameters described differ markedly among lactating cows, though the housing conditions on the research dairy farm are highly standardised. This indicates that the ability to cope with metabolic stress is mainly affected by the individual predispositions of cows and feed nutrient supply in different stage of lactation. Especially, the feed nutrient supply (in net energy for lactation), which was the best in TMR 1 in comparison TMR 3. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of parity and the stage of lactation on the metabolic profile of cows based on the basic chemical milk components and the blood parameters.Methods: The study material consisted of high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows. In total, 473 cows were examined. According to the parity, cows were divided into four groups: primiparous (P), and multiparous in the second (M2), in the third (M3), and in subsequent lactations (M4). The feeding of cows was based on total mixed ration (TMR) <i>ad libitum</i>. Milk and blood samples were collected individually from each cow three times per standard lactation period.Results: Greater exacerbation of changes in the dynamics of the blood plasma parameters examined was proved for multiparous cows. The highest value of β-hydroxybutyrate acid (0.946 mmol/L) was found for multiparous cows from group M3 at the beginning of lactation. However, it was still in the normal range. The results showed aspartate aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities in dairy cows during lactation had significant variations taking in to account stage of lactation. The highest activity of GGT was found in the group of the oldest cows and measured from 26.36 U/L at the beginning of lactation to 48.75 U/L at the end of the lactation period.Conclusion: The time-related changes in the concentrations of the biochemical parameters described differ markedly among lactating cows, though the housing conditions on the research dairy farm are highly standardised. This indicates that the ability to cope with metabolic stress is mainly affected by the individual predispositions of cows and feed nutrient supply in different stage of lactation. Especially, the feed nutrient supply (in net energy for lactation), which was the best in TMR 1 in comparison TMR 3.

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