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      • Moses in the Typology of European Art in the Middle Ages

        William Johnstone 한국신학정보연구원 2009 Canon&Culture Vol.3 No.1

        The large stained glass windows, which the Gothic style of architecture made possible, opened up new ways for expressing and teaching Christian doctrine. The theory behind the iconographical programs of these windows is that of typology. In that representations of Moses at the burning bush in medieval stained glass at, e. g., Fairford in England, Sens in France, and Köln in Germany, what does the burning bush of Exodus 3:2 symbolize? One influential interpretation understands it as symbolizing Israel(as in Exod 3:7-8). But a Jewish interpretation(by, e.g., Rashi of Troyes, east of Paris, 1040-1105, the most influential Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages) has understood the burning bush as symbolizing Moses: the man in whom the flame of God’s inspiration burns is not consumed by that flame but still keeps his human character. For the medieval Christian mind (putting the two Testaments together typologically, the Old as type of the New), the burning bush thus becomes a symbol of the virgin birth: Mary conceives by the Holy Spirit without losing her virginity. The discussion must now be broadened out to set this Mosaic typology within a wider framework of the theory and practice of typological interpretation of the Bible in Christian medieval art. Whatever one may think of the “pre-critical” interpretation of Scripture in these four senses in the medieval period, it presents a challenge to the modern interpreter to bring out the full Biblical message in equally coherent terms; and to bring that message to bear on ethical practice today and on hope for the future. The large stained glass windows, which the Gothic style of architecture made possible, opened up new ways for expressing and teaching Christian doctrine. The theory behind the iconographical programs of these windows is that of typology. In that representations of Moses at the burning bush in medieval stained glass at, e. g., Fairford in England, Sens in France, and Köln in Germany, what does the burning bush of Exodus 3:2 symbolize? One influential interpretation understands it as symbolizing Israel(as in Exod 3:7-8). But a Jewish interpretation(by, e.g., Rashi of Troyes, east of Paris, 1040-1105, the most influential Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages) has understood the burning bush as symbolizing Moses: the man in whom the flame of God’s inspiration burns is not consumed by that flame but still keeps his human character. For the medieval Christian mind (putting the two Testaments together typologically, the Old as type of the New), the burning bush thus becomes a symbol of the virgin birth: Mary conceives by the Holy Spirit without losing her virginity. The discussion must now be broadened out to set this Mosaic typology within a wider framework of the theory and practice of typological interpretation of the Bible in Christian medieval art. Whatever one may think of the “pre-critical” interpretation of Scripture in these four senses in the medieval period, it presents a challenge to the modern interpreter to bring out the full Biblical message in equally coherent terms; and to bring that message to bear on ethical practice today and on hope for the future.

      • KCI등재

        Moses in the Typology of European Art in the Middle Ages

        William Johnstone(윌리엄 존스톤) 한국신학정보연구원 2009 Canon&Culture Vol.7 No.1

        고딕 양식의 건축 덕분에 나타난 큰 스테인드글라스 창들은 기독교 교리를 알리고 가르치는 데 새로운 길을 열어주었다. 이 창들의 도상학적 프로그램들 뒤에 있는 이론은 유형론(typology, “모형론”)이다. 잉글랜드의 페어포드, 프랑스의 상스, 독일의 쾰른에 있는 중세 시대 스테인드글라스에 나타난 모세의 형상들에 나타난 출애굽기 3:2의 불타는 떨기나무는 무엇을 상징하는가? 영향력 있는 해석 중 하나는 이스라엘을 상징하는 것으로 이해한다. 그러나 중세 유대 학자 라쉬가 제시한 유대 전통에 따르면 불타는 떨기나무를 이스라엘 백성의 지도자이자 하나님의 대변자로 임명받은 모세를 상징한다. 즉, 하나님의 영감의 불이 타고 있는 사람인 모세는 내적으로 뜨겁게 타오르는 사람이지만 자신은 소멸되지 않고 그의 인간성을 계속 유지한다는 것이다. 마찬가지로 (구약을 신약의 원형으로 삼아, 유형론적으로 두 성경을 연결하여 이해하는) 중세 기독교적 관념에 따라, 불타는 떨기나무는 수태고지의 상징이다. 즉, 마리아는 동정성을 잃지 않고 성령으로 잉태한다는 것이다. 이제 우리는 이 모세의 유형론을 중세 기독교 예술의 성경에 관한 유형론적 해석의 좀 더 확대된 이론과 실천의 틀과 연결해 보고자 한다. 우리가 중세시대의 이 4가지 의미 안에 있는 “비평 이전”의 성서해석에 대해 어떻게 생각하든, 그것은 현대 해석자들이 일관성을 가지고 온전한 성경적 메시지를 끌어내도록 도전하고, 오늘날 그 메시지를 윤리적 실천으로 옮기게 하며 미래에 대한 소망을 갖도록 도전한다. The large stained glass windows, which the Gothic style of architecture made possible, opened up new ways for expressing and teaching Christian doctrine. The theory behind the iconographical programs of these windows is that of typology. In that representations of Moses at the burning bush in medieval stained glass at, e. g., Fairford in England, Sens in France, and Koln in Germany, what does the burning bush of Exodus 3:2 symbolize? One influential interpretation understands it as symbolizing Israel(as in Exod 3:7-8). But a Jewish interpretation(by, e.g., Rashi of Troyes, east of Paris, 1040-1105, the most influential Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages) has understood the burning bush as symbolizing Moses: the man in whom the flame of God’s inspiration burns is not consumed by that flame but still keeps his human character. For the medieval Christian mind (putting the two Testaments together typologically, the Old as type of the New), the burning bush thus becomes a symbol of the virgin birth: Mary conceives by the Holy Spirit without losing her virginity. The discussion must now be broadened out to set this Mosaic typology within a wider framework of the theory and practice of typological interpretation of the Bible in Christian medieval art. Whatever one may think of the “pre-critical” interpretation of Scripture in these four senses in the medieval period, it presents a challenge to the modern interpreter to bring out the full Biblical message in equally coherent terms; and to bring that message to bear on ethical practice today and on hope for the future.


        The influence of negative work on optimal flapping flight

        Johnston, Christopher O.,Mason, William H.,Han, Cheol-Heui 대한기계학회 2010 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.24 No.12

        This paper examines the influence of negative work on energy required for the flapping wing flight of birds, or other flapping wing animals or vehicles. Because negative energy is typically required by muscles or actuators to produce negative work, it must be accounted for when determining the most efficient flapping configuration. The present work provides a simple theoretical analysis for determining the influence of negative work by introducing a simple actuator/muscle model, which specifies the amount of input energy required to produce negative or positive work. The influence of aerodynamic, structural, and inertial forces are treated in the study. The aerodynamic forces are modeled using unsteady thin airfoil theory, which is appropriate for the relatively high aspect ratio wings of most birds. The influence of springs on a flapping system are discussed, and theoretical approach to determine the spring stiffness required to minimize negative work is presented. The developed analysis is applied to a Pigeon and a Pied Flycatcher. It is found that the flight speed requiring minimum muscle energy is dependent upon the energy cost of negative work.


        Unsteady thin airfoil theory revisited for a general deforming airfoil

        Johnston, Christopher O.,Mason, William H.,Han, Cheol-Heui 대한기계학회 2010 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.24 No.12

        The unsteady thin airfoil theory of von Karman and Sears is extended to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of a deforming airfoil. The von Karman and Sears approach is employed along with Neumark's method for the unsteady load distribution. The wake-effect terms are calculated using either the Wagner or Theodorsen function, depending on the desired camberline deformation. The concept of separating the steady and damping terms in the camberline boundary condition is introduced. The influence of transient and sinusoidal airfoil deformations on the airfoil load distribution is examined. The general equations developed for the unsteady lift and load distribution are evaluated analytically for a morphing airfoil, which is defined here by two quadratic curves with arbitrary coefficients. This general camberline is capable of modeling a wide range of practical camberline shapes, including leading and trailing edge flaps. Results of the present model are shown for a variable camber, or morphing, airfoil configuration. The influence of transient and sinusoidal motion on the force coefficients and load distribution is addressed.

      • KCI등재

        Cholera and the Environment in Nineteenth-Century Japan

        William Johnston 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2019 Cross-Currents Vol.0 No.30

        Among acute infectious diseases, cholera gained more attention in Japanese popular culture and among policymakers than any other. Although many facts about cholera’s historical existence seem settled, when one looks closely at the medical, biological, and environmental science, several of these facts—especially about the definitions of pandemics, epidemics, and endemicity—become fuzzy. In an attempt to reach a modicum of clarity, this article asks: What biological and environmental conditions allowed cholera to become endemic in nineteenth-century Japan? In answering this question, it makes the case that understanding this disease in history and, more specifically, why it took the course that it did in nineteenth-century Japan requires knowledge of the scientific literature. This claim is part of a broader argument about how understanding the physical world in its concrete manifestations through biological and environmental science is important to understanding human history. It is applicable not only to the history of disease, epidemics, and pandemics but to other fields, including environmental history, the history of technology, and the history of war, as well. This article also questions a number of boundaries: between disciplines, across time and space, and between evidence and assumption in what we consider facts.

      • KCI등재

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