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      • Towards a Unified View of Value : Traditional and Evolutionary Perspectives

        Turfus, Colin 선문대학교 통일사상연구원 1998 통일사상 연구논총 Vol.4 No.-

        The effect of aging on the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Zr(-Ag) alloys such as Weldalite 049 and AA 8090 was studied by the constant elongation test method to investigate their SCC mechanism. The SCC resistance was not very sensitive under the strain rate of 2×10^(-5)/sec, whereas it was significantly decreased under the strain rate of 5×10^(-6)/sec. The SCC preferentially occurred in the intergranular crack mode. The relatively poor SCC resistance of Weldalite 049 in the under-aged condition was improved by aging. Considering the microstructural development during aging, it is related to the dissolution of the precipitation free zone as an anodic area and the strengthening by the coarsening of precipitation.

      • Low-Pe Heat Transfer from Aerofoils

        Turfus, Colin 선문대학교·중소기업기술지원연구소 1998 선문공대 연구/기술 논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        얇은 날개에서 한결같은 무계 퍼텐셜 흐름으로 전달된 낮은-Pe 열유동을 부합된 점근적 전개 방법으로 계산한다 유동 Nusselt 수는 날개 모양과 독립성임을 밝힌다. The low-Pe heat transfer from a slender aerofoil into a steady, unbounded potential stream is calculated by the method of matched asymptotic expansions The flux Nusselt number is found to be independent of the geometry of the aerofoil

      • Prandtl-Batchelor Flow Past a Flat Plate at Normal Incidence in a Channel : Viscous Effects

        Turfus, Colin 성화대학교 1993 成和論叢 Vol.- No.3

        本稿では『今昔物語集』本朝佛法部に見られる夢を「懷胎の夢」「前世の夢」「往生の夢」「靈驗の夢」の四つた分け, 各各の夢の特徵や役割について考察をした. 「懷胎の夢」は5話あり, 子寶に惠まれたい人が神佛に析願して, 如意寶を授かる夢を見てから懷妊するというパタ-ン, 所謂「申し子譚」の話型に종っている.「前世の夢」は15話あって, 前世と現世にわたる因果應報の道理を증している. 法華經が暗通できない理由を前世の因緣に依って說く話と. 畜生であった前世の名殘りが今生でも身體に殘るという話に分けられる. 「往生の夢」は卷13から卷15にかけて多く見られ, 生前に來世の往生を予知する夢, 臨終時に往生を示現する夢, 死後の往生を他人に告知する夢に三分できる. 「靈驗の夢」は卷16と卷17に多く見られ, 觀音や地藏などの菩薩が夢を通じて靈驗を示現している. 夢の內容は多樣で, 富を與えたり疫病や飢餓から救ったりするなどの現世利益的な夢もあれば, 往生に關わる來世救濟的な夢もある. The steady large-Re flow past a small flat plate at normal incidence in a channel is examined in the limit of small blockage ratio. Solutions are found of the Prandtl-Batchelor type, consisting of two symmetric inviscid regions with constant vorticity of equal magnitude and opposite sign, surrounded by thin shear layers which enable smooth matching of the constant vorticity regions with the external Row. It is proposed that, for large enough values of Re, a branch of solutions exists for which the wake length is independent of Be and proportional to the channel width. These solutions are of particular note in that they constitute non-unique solutions of the system under consideration. In estimating the drag on the plate, it is found there are two contributions, either of which can dominate, the first associated with dissipation in the shear layers and the second with dissipation in the main body of the wake.

      • Postmodernism? No Thanks!-A Response to the Modern Philosophical Crisis from the Standpoint of Complex Systems Theory and Unification Thought

        Turfus, Colin 선문대학교 첨단과학기술연구소 1996 첨단과학기술연구소 논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        현대 철학이 위기의 정점에 도달해서 postmodernism이 선도적인 철학 체계로 부각된 것 같다. 균형을 맞추기 위하여 holistic approach를 구체화하는 새로운 대안이 필요하다고 주장한다. 두 가지 가능한 후보로서 統一思想과 complex systems이론을 제시한다. 자연계와 인간 사회를 이해하기 위한 매개체로서 전자의 주장은 대담하거나 과장되었다고 본다. 그러나 자연현상 및 사회과학 체계에서 관찰되는 여러 현상과 그들 현상의 상호관계를 밝히는 후자의 관점에서 고찰한다면, 統一思想은 postmodernism으로 인하여 disenchanted minorities의 하녀로의 역할로 전락해 버린 철학에 창조적인 새로운 방향을 제공할 수 있을 것이라고 주장한다. Modern philosophy has reached a crisis point, in the wake of which postmodernism seems to have emerged as the leading philosophical school. It is suggested that there is need for a counterbalancing new alternative, embodying a more holistic approach. Two prospective candidates are proposed: Unification Thought and complex systems theory. The claim of the former to provide a vehicle for understanding both the natural world and the world of human affairs is seen to be bold but overstated. However it is suggested that, in conjunction with the latter, which offers valuable new insights about, and suggests connections among, the types of phenomenology observed not only in natural processes, but also in the systems studied in the social sciences, it might yet offer a creative alternative direction to postmodernism's relegation of philosophy to an undistinguished role as the handmaiden of disenchanted minorities.

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