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      • KCI등재

        민단의 문화진흥의 흐름과 성격 - 2000년대 활동을 중심으로

        정성희 ( Chung Sunghee ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2021 翰林日本學 Vol.- No.39

        본고는 재일코리안의 민족단체인 민단의 문화진흥 활동 과정에 주목하면서 민단이 문화를 어떻게 자리매김하고 조직활동에 도입했는지를 고찰했다. 민단은 민단의 강령 중 하나로 ‘문화진흥’을 내세우고 있다. 그러나 재일코리안 사회에서 민단은 ‘문화사업에 무관심하다’는 평가를 받아 왔다. 민단 역시 그 사실을 인정하듯 창단부터 1979년까지 약 30년간 문화활동을 거의 해오지 않았다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 민단이 1979년 당시 문화활동에 대해 시급한 대책을 강구할 필요가 있는 것이 과제로서 부각되고 있음이 분명하다. 그러나 이후, 민단에서는 1980년대에 각 지부에서 문화교실 운영이 시작하는 것 외에는 조총련처럼 문화예술단체를 만들거나, 문화와 관련된 사업을 지속적으로 하는 등의 문화사업은 없었던 것으로 보인다. 결국 민단은 2000년대에 들어가서 ‘MINDAN _효행상_ 효도 에세이 콘테스트’와 ‘재일한인역사자료관’ 개관을 통해 문화사업을 적극적으로 실시하게 되었다. 이러한 새로운 시도의 배경에는 한국에서의 문화정책활동의 활발화와 일본 사회에서의 한국에 대한 인식의 변화, 또한 재일코리안 사회의 세대교체나 단체이탈에 의한 민단의 의식변화 등이 배경에 있었던 것이 밝혀졌다. 2021년 현재, 재일코리안은 5, 6세대가 출현하기 시작하여, 디아스포라(올드커머), 뉴커머, 더블 등 다양한 구성원으로 이루어지게 되었다. 이러한 변화는 재일코리안 단체 활동에도 영향을 주어, 재일코리안 단체의 본연의 자세도 앞으로 달라질 것이다. 이처럼 다양해지는 재일코리안의 형태와 일본 사회에서 민단이 앞으로 문화를 매개로 어떤 역할을 할 것인지는 민단의 새로운 과제라 할 수 있다. This paper focused on the process of cultural promotion of the Mindan, a Korean ethnic group in Japan, and considered how the Mindan positioned the culture and incorporated it into its organizational activities. Mindan holds ‘cultural promotion' as one of the organized principles. However, the people of their society evaluated the group as 'an indifferent organization to cultural projects.' As if accepting the fact, it was clear that by the year 1979, about 30 years from its founding year, the number of cultural activities enacted was close to ‘zero.’ It was clear that taking urgent measures regarding cultural activities was emerging as a task, in 1979. However, aside from cultural classes managed in each branch of Mindan in the 1980s, there were no notable cultural projects such as creating a cultural art group or continuing culture-related businesses, compared to Chongryon(the General Association of Koreans in Japan). Not until entering the 2000s, Mindan finally started carrying out cultural projects by organizing the "MINDAN" Hyohaengsang "Filial Piety Essay Contest" and the "The History Museum of J-Koreans." Behind these new attempts, there were several complex reasons to its background: the vitalization of cultural policy activities rising in Korea, changing perceptions about Korea settling in Japanese society, and the changing awareness of Mindan due to shifting in generations or group secessions of the Koreans in Japan. To this current moment, in 2021, the 5th and 6th generations of Koreans in Japan are up-rising. There are diverse members included in these generations, such as diaspora (old comers), newcomers, and doubles. These kinds of changes will affect the activities of Koreans in Japan organizations. And eventually, bring diversity to the original attitudes within Koreans in Japan organiz ations. I t c an b e s aid t hat t he v arious f orms o f K oreans i n J apan a nd which role Mindan will choose to take, by utilizing culture as a media, within the Japanese society will be the new task.

      • KCI등재

        재일코리안 집중거주 지역의 언어경관

        정성희(Sunghee Chung) 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 2023 글로벌문화콘텐츠 Vol.- No.55

        이쿠노코리아타운은 일제강점기에 건너온 조선인들이 모여 가난 속에서 산 곳이자, 일본 사회 내 빈곤과 차별의 상징이기도 했다. 1950년대부터 1970년대까지 일본 전국에 거주하는 재일코리안들이 식재료를 구하기 위해 이곳을 많이 방문했으나, 1970년대 이후부터 재일코리안 사회의 세대교체 등으로 인해 쇠퇴의 길로 접어들게 되었다. 이후, 점주들은 경관 정비, 축제 개최 등 다양한 방법을 통해 이쿠노코리아타운의 활성화를 위한 모색을 시작했고, 2023년 현재 그들의 노력과 한류 붐 등으로 인해 한국 문화는 적극적으로 수용되었고, 이쿠노코리타운은 발 디딜 틈이 없을 정도로 많은 방문객이 찾고 있다. 본고는 이러한 역사를 가진 이쿠노코리아타운의 언어경관 중 상호를 나타낸 점포 간판에 대해 주목하였다. 1993년 이후 이쿠노코리아타운은 아케이드, 가로등, 도로 정비로 인해 에스닉적인 경관이 강화되었다. 그러나 언어경관 측면에서 살펴봤을 때, 이쿠노코리아타운의 에스닉성을 드러내기 쉬운 점포가 여전히 일본어로 쓴 간판을 많이 사용하는 것을 확인하였다. 점포 간판은 점포에 관한 정보제공이나 고객 입점을 촉구하는 것을 목적으로 설치되는 경우가 대부분이며, 점포 간판에서 사용된 언어는 점주의 선택으로 이루어진다. 즉 점주들이 간판에 언어를 선택할 때 다양한 사회적 측면을 고려한다는 것이고, 점포 간판에는 그 사회의 문화가 반영되어 있다는 것이다. 이러한 점을 고려했을 때 간판에 일본어를 사용한 것은 일본 사회에서 ‘공생’ 하려고 한 재일코리안 점주들의 하나의 방법이었다고 할 수 있을 것이고, 그들이 일본에서 정치적·사회적 갈등을 통해 본국과 거주국의 문화를 교차하며 적용하려 했던 모습을 확인할 수 있었다. Ikuno Korea Town was a place where Koreans who came to Korea during the Japanese colonial era gathered and lived in poverty, and it was also a symbol of poverty and discrimination in Japanese society. From the 1950s to the 1970s, many Koreans in Japan visited this place to find food ingredients. However, since the 1970s, due to the generational change in Korean society in Japan, it has entered the path of decline. Afterwards, the store owners began to seek revitalization of Ikuno Korea Town through various methods such as landscape maintenance and holding festivals. And as of 2023, due to their efforts and the Korean Wave boom, Korean culture has been actively accepted, and Ikuno Cori Town is visited by so many visitors that there is no room to step foot. This paper paid attention to the signboards of the stores showing their names among the language landscapes of Ikuno Korea town with such a history. Since 1993, Ikuno Korea Town has enhanced its ethnic landscape with arcades, street lights, and road maintenance. However, when looking at the language landscape, it was confirmed that the stores that easily reveal the ethnicity of Ikuno Korea Town still use a lot of signboards written in Japanese. In most cases, store signboards are installed for the purpose of providing information about the store or urging customers to enter the store, and the language used in the store signboard is the choice of the store owner. In other words, store owners consider various social aspects when choosing a language for signboards, and store signboards reflect the culture of the society. Considering such points, using Japanese on signboards can be said to be one of the methods of Koreans in Japan store owners who tried to ‘coexist’ in Japanese society. Also, it was confirmed that Koreans in Japan tried to apply the cultures of their home country and the country of residence by crossing over through political and social conflicts in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        예금보험 최소비용의 원칙과 보험계약자 보호

        정성희 ( Sunghee Chung ) 한국리스크관리학회 2021 리스크 管理硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        우리나라의 부실 보험회사 정리는 공적자금이 가장 적게 필요한 방법인 최소비용의 원칙으로 처리된다. 즉, 계약을 이전하는 것보다 부실 보험회사를 청ㆍ파산하는 것이 비용이 적게 드는 경우에는 청ㆍ파산을 배제하지 않고 있다. 그러나 부실 보험회사의 청ㆍ파산으로 인한 보험계약의 소멸은 보험계약자에게 단순히 금전적인 손실만을 의미하는 것이 아니라, 보험을 가입한 본래 목적인 위험으로부터의 보장을 받을 수 없게 된다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 해외의 예금보험을 취급하는 대다수의 보험 회사들은 정리 시 청ㆍ파산보다는 계약이전을 선호하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 먼저 보험부채가 보험료적립금보다 큰 경우 최소비용의 원칙을 적용하면 인수합병이나 계약이전보다 청ㆍ파산을 선택할 가능성이 높아진다는 것을 보였다. 그리고 우리나라 보험계약의 특성을 분석하여 현재 보유계약의 상당부분이 보험료적립금보다 보험부채가 커질 수 있다는 것을 설명하였다. 또한 해외사례를 통해 보험계약자 보호를 위해서는 부실 보험회사 정리 시 최소비용의 원칙을 적용하지 말아야 함을 주장하고 그에 따른 부작용을 줄이는 방안을 살펴보았다. In Korea, the deposit insurer treats failed financial institutions including insurance companies based on the least cost resolution strategies. In other words, if liquidation or bankruptcy of an insolvent insurance company is less costly than transferring insurance contracts to other companies, liquidation or bankruptcy could be chosen to resolve insolvent insurers. However, the termination of the insurance contracts due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the insolvent insurance company does not stop meaning monetary loss to policyholders. It also means that policyholders are unable to receive protection from insurance risks. Therefore, most of foreign deposit insurers prefer the transferring of insurance contracts to the liquidation or bankruptcy of an insurance company in the insurance resolution. This study, first shows that when the insurance liability is greater than the premium reserve, applying the principle of the least cost resolution increases the likelihood of choosing liquidation or bankruptcy rather than M&A or contract transfer. In addition, analyzing the characteristics of insurance contracts in Korea reveals that a significant portion of the current contracts may have greater insurance liabilities than the premium reserve. Also, through overseas cases, it is argued that the principle of the least resolution cost should not be applied when resolving insolvent insurance companies in order to protect policyholders, and measures to reduce adverse effects thereof are investigated.

      • KCI등재

        과업유형이 정보제품의 선호에 미치는 영향

        정성희 ( Sunghee Chung ),박경도 ( Kyungdo Park ) 한국소비자학회 2015 소비자학연구 Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구에서는 세부적인 개인정보제공 여부를 기준으로 지각된 보안품질차원에서 우월한 정보제품과 고객맞춤기능 차원에서 우월한 정보제품 사이에서 소비자 선호를 결정하는 조건을 밝히고자 한다. 특히, 실생활에서 정보상품에 대한 상반된 선호가 존재함에도 불구하고 정보상품에 대한 선호에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구들은 미비한 실정이다. 이에 보안품질 차원 또는 고객맞춤기능 차원 각각에서 다르게 우월한 대안들에 대한 선호를 결정하는 요인을 탐구하고자 한다. 실험 결과에 의하면, 선택을 위해 정보제품을 평가할 때, 지각된 보안품질 차원이 상대적으로 더 중요하게 처리되어 보안 차원에서 우월한 대안이 더 선호되는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 전반적인 제품평가 시, 지각된 보안품질 차원에 대한 상대적인 중요도가 낮아져 고객맞춤기능 차원에서 우월한 대안이 더 선호되는 것으로 나타났다. 이런 결과가 나타나는 것은 특히, 보안 차원에 대한 상대적인 중요도가 더 큰 역할을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또한 소비자들이 보안위험메시지에 노출될 때, 평가유형이 소비자 선호에 미치는 차별적인 영향이 사라지는 것으로 나타났고 지각된 보안품질 차원에서 우월한 대안이 더 선호되는 것으로 나타났다. This study examines how the types of task influence consumers’ preference of information goods. Specifically, we focus on consumers’ preference between a superior option in the dimension of perceived security and a superior option in the dimension of tailored functionality. The results show that when consumers rate options for the choice, the importance of the perceived security dimension is increasing, thus they are more likely to prefer a superior option in the dimension of perceived security. While, when consumers rate options for overall evaluation, the importance of the perceived security dimension is decreasing, thus they are more likely to prefer a superior option in the dimension of functionality. In particular, the security dimension plays more important role in determining consumers’ preference of information goods. Furthermore, we test the effects of a warning message of privacy on consumers`` preference of information goods. When consumers are exposed to a warning message, the differential effects of task types on consumers’ preference are attenuated. They are more likely to prefer a superior option in the dimension of perceived security.


        Use of hazardous event frequency to evaluate safety integrity level of subsea blowout preventer

        Chung, Soyeon,Kim, Sunghee,Yang, Youngsoon The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2016 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.8 No.3

        Generally, the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of a subsea Blowout Preventer (BOP) is evaluated by determining the Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD), a low demand mode evaluation indicator. However, some SIL results are above the PFD's effective area despite the subsea BOP's demand rate being within the PFD's effective range. Determining a Hazardous Event Frequency (HEF) that can cover all demand rates could be useful when establishing the effective BOP SIL. This study focused on subsea BOP functions that follow guideline 070 of the Norwegian Oil and Gas. Events that control subsea well kicks are defined. The HEF of each BOP function is analyzed and compared with the PFD by investigating the frequency for each event and the demand rate for the components. In addition, risk control options related to PFD and HEF improvements are compared, and the effectiveness of HEF as a SIL verification for subsea BOP is assessed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Adaptive Rate Control Scheme for Streaming-based Content Sharing Service

        ( Sunghee Lee ),( Kwangsue Chung ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2013 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.7 No.4

        This paper presents an adaptive rate control scheme for streaming-based content sharing service. This scheme delivers multimedia contents from a user device to another device or seamlessly redirects streaming service across heterogeneous user devices. In the proposed scheme, a streaming server adjusts video quality level according to the network and client status. Our scheme is different from other rate control schemes, because the video quality at the server is decided not only based on the available bandwidth, but also based on the device characteristics and bandwidth requirement at the access network. We also propose a bandwidth estimation method to achieve more equitable bandwidth allocations among streaming flows competing for the same narrow link with different Round Trip Times (RTTs). Through the simulation, we prove that our scheme improves the network stability and the quality of streaming service by appropriately adjusting the quality of the video stream. The simulation results also demonstrate the ability of the proposed scheme in ensuring RTT-fairness while remaining throughput efficient.



        ( Sunghee Lee ),( Kwangsue Chung ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2017 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.11 No.1

        As network adaptive streaming technology becomes increasingly common, transport protocol also becomes important in guaranteeing the quality of multimedia streaming. At the same time, because of the appearance of high-quality video such as Ultra High Definition (UHD), preventing buffering as well as preserving high quality while deploying a streaming service becomes important. The Internet Engineering Task Force recently published Multipath TCP (MPTCP). MPTCP improves the maximum transmission rate by simultaneously transmitting data over different paths with multiple TCP subflows. However, MPTCP cannot preserve high quality, because the MPTCP subflows slowly increase the transmission rate, and upon detecting a packet loss, drastically halve the transmission rate. In this paper, we propose a new multipath congestion control scheme for high-quality multimedia streaming. The proposed scheme preserves high quality of video by adaptively adjusting the increasing parameter of subflows according to the network status. The proposed scheme also increases network efficiency by providing load balancing and stability, and by supporting fairness with single-flow congestion control schemes.


        Ghrelin inhibits apoptosis in hypothalamic neuronal cells during oxygen-glucose deprivation.

        Chung, Hyunju,Kim, Eunhee,Lee, Dae Hee,Seo, Sanghee,Ju, Sunghee,Lee, Dahm,Kim, Hocheol,Park, Seungjoon Association for the Study of Internal Secretions 2007 Endocrinology Vol.148 No.1

        <P>Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand for the GH secretagogue receptor, produced and secreted mainly from the stomach. Ghrelin stimulates GH release and induces positive energy balances. Previous studies have reported that ghrelin inhibits apoptosis in several cell types, but its antiapoptotic effect in neuronal cells is unknown. Therefore, we investigated the role of ghrelin in ischemic neuronal injury using primary hypothalamic neurons exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Here we report that treatment of hypothalamic neurons with ghrelin inhibited OGD-induced cell death and apoptosis. Exposure of neurons to ghrelin caused rapid activation of ERK1/2. Ghrelin-induced activation of ERK1/2 and the antiapoptotic effect of ghrelin were blocked by chemical inhibition of MAPK, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, protein kinase C, and protein kinase A. Ghrelin attenuated OGD-induced activation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase and p-38 but not ERK1/2. We also investigated ghrelin regulation of apoptosis at the mitochondrial level. Ghrelin protected cells from OGD insult by inhibiting reactive oxygen species generation and stabilizing mitochondrial transmembrane potential. In addition, ghrelin-treated cells showed an increased Bcl-2/Bax ratio, prevention of cytochrome c release, and inhibition of caspase-3 activation. Finally, in vivo administration of ghrelin significantly reduced infarct volume in an animal model of ischemia. Our data indicate that ghrelin may act as a survival factor that preserves mitochondrial integrity and inhibits apoptotic pathways.</P>

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