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        설탕과 전분이 간장내 지방합성 효소활성에 미치는 영향

        황석귀,김윤수 ( Suk Kuy Whang,Yoon Soo Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1978 BMB Reports Vol.11 No.1

        Investigations in our laboratory have been undertaken to study the response of ATP-citrate lyase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the liver of rats which were fed one of the following diets; 47 % carbohydrate, 18 % protein as casein and 35% fat. In various experiments, the carbohydrate used was either 1) 47% starch 2) 47% sucrose 3) 36%ethanol with 11% sucrose. All diets contained adequate amounts of all vitamins and all mineral. The animals were sacrificed by decapitation, and the liver was removed and prepared immediately for assay of enzyme activities. ATP-citrate lyase was assayed by the method of Cottam & Srere (1969), glucose6-phosphate dehydrogenase assayed by method of Bergmeyer (1965), and soluble protein was determined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951). The liver ATP-citrate lyase activity of the rats groups which had been feed the 3 different diets for 4 weeks had a ATP-citrate lyase level in group 2 that was over 5 times higher than that of group 1. The effect of refeeding of group 1 and group 2 diets to the rats which had received the group 3 diet for 4 weeks, changed the level of ATP-citrate lyase level in group 2 diet and increased it 4 times over that of the group 1 level. No activity difference was observed between starch group i and ethanol group 3. Another of our experiments indicated that ATP-citrate lyase and glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase were induced by sucrose and starch in the: presence of adequate protein, particularly, ATP-citrate lyase induction on sucrose was over 2 times that of starch. The refeeding of these two diets for 3 days following starvation of 3 days results in a remarkable induction were observed in the levels of these two enzymes, the induction of ATP-citrate lyase was greater than that of glucose-6-piaosphate dehydrogenase on the sucrose diet compared to the starch diet when compared with that of actinomycin D treated rat, apparently due to a marked increase in the synthesis of these enzyme protein. It was also demonstrated that adequate amounts of protein in diets are required for induction to occur of these enzymes as for the digestive enzymes such as trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and amylase as shown by one of our previous studies.

      • 설탕과 전분이 간장내 지방합성 효소활성에 미치는 영향

        황석귀,김윤수,Whang, Suk-Kuy,Kim, Yoon-Soo 생화학분자생물학회 1978 한국생화학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        저자들은 백서에 함수탄소를 달리한 식이및 알콜투여가 백서간장내 지방산 합성에 관여하는 효소활성에 어떻게 영향을 미치며 이들 식이 조성차와 효소활성과의 상호 관계를 구명하기 위하여 각종식이를 가지고 실험한바 다음과 같은 실험 결과를 얻었다. 1. 웅성백서를 두군으로 나누어 Decarli 및 Lieber (1967)의 식이조성 방법에 다라 식이내 지방이 19.5%가 포함되게하고, 함수탄소 공급원으로 설탕을 대치하고, 함수탄소에서 오는 일부열량을 알콜로 대치하여 4주간 사육하였다. 설탕식이를 투여한 백서간장내 ATP-citrate lyase 활성은 알콜투여군에 비하여 5배가 높았다. 2. 알콜을 4주간 투여하여 효소활성이 설탕식이군에 비하여 낮은 상태의 백서에 설탕 및 전분식이로 대치하여 2주간 투여한 백서의 간장내 ATP-citrate lyase 활성은 설탕식이를 투여한 백서에서 전분식이 투여군에 비하여 4배가 높았으며 전분식이군의 효소활성은 알콜투여군과 하등의 변화가 없었다. 3. 설탕식이와 전분식이를 정상백서에 각각 1주일간 투여후 간장내 ATP-citrate lyase 활성이 설탕식이 투여군은 전분식이 투여군보다 3.7배 높았고, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 호라성은 설탕투여군에서 전분식이 투여군에 비하여 5배의 증가가 있었다. 4. 백서를 1주일간 전분식이로 사육후 백서를 네군으로 나누어 1군은 전분식이를 계속 투여하고 2, 3, 4 군은 3일 굶긴다음 2군에는 설탕식이 재투여군, 3군은 전분식이 재투여군, 4군은 설탕식이 재투여 하면서 actinomycin D를 처리군으로 각각 식이를 3일간 재투여 한 다음 효소 활성을 관찰 하였다. ATP-citrate lyase 활성은 설탕식이 재투여군에서, 전분식이를 계속투여군(정상군)에 비하여 12.5배가 증가하고 저눈식이 재투여군은 6.35배가 증가하였다. 또한 설탕식이 재투여군 효소 활성은 전분식이 재투여군에 비하여 2배의 증가가 있었다. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 활성은 정상군에 비하여 설탕식이 재투여군에서 6.4배가 증가하였으며, 전분식이 재투여군에서 4.57배의 증가를 보였으나 설탕식이 재투여군의 효소 활성은 전분식이 재투여군에 비하여 1.5배의 증가를 보였다. 설탕식이를 재투여와 동시에 actinomycin D를 처리하면 ATP-citrate lyase 및 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 활성이 전혀 증가하지 아니 하였다. 이상과 같은 실험 결과로 미루어 보아 알콜에의한 지방간 형성은 간장내 지방산 합성율과 밀접한 관계가 없는듯 하며 설탕식이는 전분식이에 비하여 간장세포질내 지방합성에 밀접하게 관여하는 ATP-citrate lyase 및 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 활성은 식이내 지방함량에 관계없이 현저하게 증가시키고, 설탕식이에 의한 이들 효소활성증가는 gene level에서 효소합성이 증가하는 것으로 사료된다. Investigations in our laboratory have been undertaken to study the response of ATP-citrate lyase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the liver of rats which were fed one of the following diets; 47% carbohydrate, 18% protein as casein and 35% fat. In various experiments, the carbohydrate used was either 1)47% starch 2) 47% sucrose 3) 36%ethanol with 11% sucrose. All diets contained adequate amounts of all vitamins and all minerals. The animals were sacrificed by decapitation, and the liver was removed and prepared immediately for assay of enzyme activities. ATP-citrate lyase was assayed by the method of Cottam & Srere (969), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase assayed by method of Bergrneyer (1965), and soluble protein was determined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951). The liver ATP-citrate lyase activity of the rats groups which had been feed the 3 different diets for 4 weeks had a ATP-citrate lyase level in group 2 that was over 5 times higher than that of group 1. The effect of refeeding of group 1 and group 2 diets to the rats which had received the group 3 diet for 4 weeks, changed the level of ATP-citrate lyase level in group 2 diet and increased it 4 times over that of the group 1 level. No activity difference was observed between starch group 1 and ethanol group 3. Another of our experiments indicated that ATP-citrate lyase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were induced by sucrose and starch in the presence of adequate protein, particularly, ATP-citrate lyase induction on sucrose was over 2 times that of starch. The refeeding of these two diets for 3 days following starvation of 3 days results in a remarkable induction were observed in the levels of these two enzymes, the induction of ATP-citrate lyase was greater than that of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase on the sucrose diet compared to the starch diet when compared with that of actinomycin D treated rat, apparently due to a marked increase in the synthesis of these enzyme protein. It was also demonstrated that adequate amounts of protein in diets are required for induction to occur of these enzymes as for the digestive enzymes such as trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and amylase as shown by one of our previous studies.


        Experimental Study on the Disaccharidase in the Rat

        Kim, Yoon Soo,Whang, Suk Kuy,Song, Chung Suk 생화학분자생물학회 1981 BMB Reports Vol.8 No.1

        In most mammals, levels of lactase are high during infancy but following weaning to the point of adulthood these levels of lactase are deficient. So far, the exact mechanism involved in the appearance and disappearance of lactase is not known. The present experimental study describes the digestive enzymatic adaptation of disaccharidase to the substrate in diet composition, to investigate whether the mere presence of corresponding substrate in the diet suffices to stimulate disaccharidase or not, probably by $quot;turning on$quot; which encodes for the synthesis of these enzymes.


        Effect of Phenobarbital Treatment on Ethanol Metabolism

        김윤수,황석귀 생화학분자생물학회 1978 BMB Reports Vol.6 No.3

        The administration of phenobarbital (100㎎/㎏) to rats by stomach tube daily for one week resulted in significant increases in liver weight, microsomal protein concentration and the activity of NADPH-dependent hepatic microsomal ethanol oxidation system. However, no significant increase in cytoplasmic alcohol dehydrogenase activity was noted. Similar results were observed when phenobarbital and ethanol were administered simultaneously. Phenobarbital treatment had a remarkable effect on the rate of liver microsomal ethanol metabolism in vivo as measured in liver weight/100gm of body weight. It is concluded that changes in microsomal ethanol oxidizing system by phenobarbital treal:ment bear significant relationship with the metabolism of ethanol in vivo.


        Studies on the NADP - linked iscitrate dehydrogenase in the cytosol of rat liver cell : 1 . Biological propertires and Purification

        Ahn, Yong Ho,Whang, Suk Kuy,Kim, Yoon Soo 생화학분자생물학회 1986 BMB Reports Vol.13 No.4

        Several enzymes such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), ATP-citrate lyase, malic enzyme and fatty acid synthetase have been shown as lipogenic and inducible enzymes by several investigators, however, NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) in the cytosol is not well characterized in its biological properties, but also not purified from the cytosol or rat liver cell yet. Our experiments were designed to study whether ICDH is dependent or indepen dent on diets containing different composition of nutrients as does G6PDH, malic enzyme, and ATP-citrate lyase. Finally our experiments were subjected for ICDH to purify from. the cytosol of rat liver cell. The experimental results are summarized as follows. Adult male rats (about 200 gm of body weight) were diviced into three groups; normal diet group (starch 62%, fat 20%), starch diet group (starch 77%, fat 5%) and sucrose diet group (sucrose 77%, fat 5%,). In each diet, protein, vitamins and minerals were supplemented. The specific activities of ICDH in the cytosol of liver cell of rats fed with normal, starch and sucrose diet for one week were 0.237 and 0.237 μmoles/min/㎎ of protein, respectively. However, specific activities of G6PDH were increased 4-fold in sucrose diet group (0.10 μmoles) as compared to normal group (0.025 μmoles) and also starch diet group (0.038μmoles). The specific activities of malic enzyme in the sucrose diet group (0.064 μmoles) increased 2.5-fold as compared to normal diet group (0.025 μmoles) and starch group (0.02 μmoles), respectively. The specific activities of ICDH in the cytosol of liver cell of rats after 3 days fasting followed by 3 days refeeding with respective diet were 0.270 μmoles in normal group, 0.214 μmoles in starch group and 0.213 μmoles in sucrose diet group. These enzyme activities were similar to those of corresponding diet group of rats fed for one week continuously. However, specific activities of G6PDH were increased 3-fold in the starch diet group (0.218 μmoles) and 4-fold in the sucrose diet group (0.273 μmoles) as compared to control diet group (0.073 μmoles). The specific activities of malic enzyme in the strach and the sucrose diet group (0.064, 0.072 μmoles, respectively) increased 1.4-fold as compared to the control diet group (0.046 μmoles). Our experimental results revealed that ICDH is not induced at all by starch and sucrose diet G6PDH and malic enzyme, indicating ICDH is to be a constitutional enzyme, Furthermore, NADH cas been 300-fold purified from the cytosol of liver cell of rats by steps of ammonium sulfate treatment, thermodenaturation, hydroxyapatite treatment, Sephadex G-150 gel filtration and DEAE Sephadex (A-50) chromatography. The details of purification procedure in each step will be presented.


        Flavin Analogue 가 백서 간장내 포도당 및 지방 대사에 미치는 영향

        김원용,황석귀,김윤수 ( Won Yong Kim,Suk Kuy Whang,Yoon Soo Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1978 BMB Reports Vol.11 No.1

        Lambooy (1961) has shown that, while several analogues of riboflavin are able to replace the vitamins in the metabolism of some microorganism, 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin is able to serve as the sole flavin in the metabolism of the rat. This flavin is able to serve as a completely adequate replacement for riboflavin in the metabolism of Wistar (Lambooy, 1961) and Sprague-Dawley rats (Yoon S. Kim et al, 1966) in terms of growth, survival, optimal physical appearance, and efficient utilization of food. Administration of 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin to weanling rats as their only source of flavin permits a normal growth with a concomitant rapid and extensive loss of succinic dehydrogenase activity (SDH) from the liver, heart and kidney to within 24, 48, and 67% of the normal level, respectively, on day 42 following initiation of a 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin diet. This result was essentially identical with that previously reported (Y.S. Kim and Lambooy, 1967). The purpose of the experiments described here is to study whether the decreased SDH activity in the tissue of rats is related to the metabolism of glucose and de novo biosynthesis of lipid from glucose in the liver of rats when D-glucose-^(14)C(U) is administered intraperitoneally to the rat maintaining SDH activity from liver, heart and kidney at 24, 48 and 67% of the normal level. This is also to study whether the total triglyceride and the total lipid content in the liver of rats is influenced by the loss of SDH activity in the liver of rats which have received 7-ethyl8-methyl flavin. The present study shows that there wa.s no significant difference in the total amount of ^(14)CO₂ expired from D-glucose-^(14)C(U) through the respiration of rats which had received 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin compared to control rats which received riboflavin, indicating that the metabolic rate of glucose in the tissues of rat receiving 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin is similar to that of the control rats. However, compared to the control level only 50% of ^(14)C total lipids were incorporated by de novo biosynthesis from D-glucose-^(14)C(U) in the liver of rats receiving 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin but the total content of triglyceride and total lipids in the liver of rats receiving 7-ethyl-8-methyl flavin were increased by 29 and 30% over the normal level. This may be due to the increased of lipid transport from the peripheral adipose tissue due to the decreased SDH activity in the liver of rats.

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