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        Gender Differences in HIV-Related Sexual Risk Behaviors among Korean College Students

        Sohn, Aeree,Chun, Sung-Soo Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion 2005 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Objectives: The study was designed to assess the trends of the incidence of HIV among young people and their sexual risk-taking behaviors by gender in Korean college students. Methods: The cross-sectional study was used from college students from selected 60 among 208 4-year colleges and universities in 9 provinces and Seoul. A self-reported anonymous questionnaire administered and completed to a national representative sample of 4-year college students from May 15th to June 14th in 2003. We analyzed 2,385 cases. The overall response rate was 82.0%. Results: After controlling age effects, male students were more likely to be sexually experienced than female students(40.0% vs. 8.1%), OR=5.5, p<.000. The proportions of 19 years and before reported for initiation of sexual intercourse were 18.6% for males and 3.2% for females. Males reported significantly younger ages than females at initiation of sexual intercourse(p<.01). Only 14.8% of current sexually active subjects reported consistent use of contraceptive methods. After controlling age effects, male students reported a higher proportion of sexually experienced respondents with one or more casual partners(excluding a formal partner) during the last 12 months than women(38.8% vs. 22.2%), OR=2.2, p<. 05. Conclusion : This study can conclude that although males students initiate sex earlier and have higher percentage of sexual experience, the percentage of sexually experience female students has risen rapidly compared to the past. This data revealed a number of young people were at risk for HIV infection. Both genders are equally likely to have engaged in inconsistent condom use even though when they have a sex with an unknown partner. These findings suggest that practical sex education focused on using condom use should have been included in the school curricular. Educational and community interventions need to prevent sex-related problems.

      • KCI등재

        Prevalence Rates and Risk Factors of Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus in Minorities in the United States

        Sohn, Aeree 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2000 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Minority populations in the United States have a higher prevalence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM) and more persons die of the disease than white persons. This study was to review and compare risk factors and prevalence rates of NIDDM in African Americans, Hispanic s, Korean Americans and Native Americans in the United States. The risk factors of NIDDM, including family histroy of diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, diet and age, were reviewed in the minority populations. Risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity and family history of diabetes occurred to a greater extent in some minority populations than in the white population. Diabetes should be treated as a public health problem for minority populations. Due to the increase of older populations and the increased prevalence of obesity and sedentariness, NIDDM in minorities is nearing epidemic proportions. Good diet and regular exercise can reduce the incidence of NIDDM but an understanding of the cultural aspects of diabetes is imperative in order ot provide adequate community health education programs because those programs involve diet and behavior changes, characteristics that are often culturally determined. In summary, it is important to plan a community health education program targeted on NIDDM in a culturally adapted manner that will be received with both comprehension and acceptability. In particualr, the program for high-risk populations should be stressed so to prevent diabetes. Preventive approaches to diabetes should be considered because they can be both therapeutic and cost effective.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Gender Differences in HIV-Related Sexual Risk Behaviors among Korean College Students

        Aeree Sohn,Sung-Soo Chun 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2005 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Objectives: The study was designed to assess the trends of the incidence of HIV among young people and their sexual risk-taking behaviors by gender in Korean college students. Methods: The cross-sectional study was used from college students from selected 60 among 208 4-year colleges and universities in 9 provinces and Seoul. A self-reported anonymous questionnaire administered and completed to a national representative sample of 4-year college students from May 15th to June 14th in 2003. We analyzed 2,385 cases. The overall response rate was 82.0%. Results: After controlling age effects, male students were more likely to be sexually experienced than female students(40.0% vs. 8.1%), OR=5.5, p<.000. The proportions of 19 years and before reported for initiation of sexual intercourse were 18.6% for males and 3.2% for females. Males reported significantly younger ages than females at initiation of sexual intercourse(p<.01). Only 14.8% of current sexually active subjects reported consistent use of contraceptive methods. After controlling age effects, male students reported a higher proportion of sexually experienced respondents with one or more casual partners(excluding a formal partner) during the last 12 months than women(38.8% vs. 22.2%), OR=2.2, p<. 05. Conclusion: This study can conclude that although males students initiate sex earlier and have higher percentage of sexual experience, the percentage of sexually experience female students has risen rapidly compared to the past. This data revealed a number of young people were at risk for HIV infection. Both genders are equally likely to have engaged in inconsistent condom use even though when they have a sex with an unknown partner. These findings suggest that practical sex education focused on using condom use should have been included in the school curricular. Educational and community interventions need to prevent sex-related problems.

      • KCI등재

        The United States CHES Program : The Role and Development of the Modern Health Educator

        Aeree Sohn,Jamie Burzo 한국보건교육·건강증진학회 2010 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        목적: 보건교육 분야는 상대적으로 새로운 영역이나 전 세계적으로 건강증진의 중요성에 대한 요구가 강조되면서 빠르게 발전되고 있다. 많은 나라에서 보건교육사 프로그램을 제도화하는 노력을 하고 있다. 본 연구는 미국의 보건교육사 제도를 고찰함으로써 국제적 보건교육사 제도의 개발 및 발전에 기여하는 데 있다. 방법: 본 연구는 문헌고찰을 통하여 미국의 자격증 제도, 보건교육사의 역사 및 다양한 현장에서 보건교육사의 역할과 특성을 파악하였다. 결과: 보건교육사의 역할과 기술은 현장에 따라 다르게 요구되나 크게 일곱 가지의 대영역으로 분류되며, 35개의 기술 분야에서 163개의 하위기술이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 미국은 의료비의 증가로 인하여 만성질환의 조기발견과 예방사업을 위하여 미국의 보건교육사는 2006년에 2006명에서 2016년에는 78,000명으로 증가될 것으로 전망된다. 보건교육사는 다양한 분야에서 고용되고 있으며, 주로 지역사회 건강단체, 연구소, 보건센터(병원, 의원, 보건소), 학교, 정부공무원 및 사업체 등에서 활동하고 있다. 결론: 미국의 보건교육사 제도의 발전은 보건교육사 프로그램을 개발하고 발전시키고자 하는 여러 나라에 좋은 모델이 될 수 있다. 또한 미국 보건교육사의 다양성과 전문성은 한국의 보건교육사 제도의 발전에 도움이 될 것으로 여겨진다. Objectives: The field of health education is still relatively new and is therefore evolving and developing rapidly throughout the world. Many countries’ certification programs are still being created. This paper will discuss on the US CHES system of regulation, accreditation, and implementation for the future development of international health education programs. Methods: This article focuses on the United States CHES credentialing program, specifically on its historical development and the roles, employment settings and socioeconomic demographics of current CHES professionals through literature review. Results: The roles and skills required vary by employment setting, with seven universally recognized responsibilities of health educators. There are also 35 key competencies which are crucial to the role of the health educator, with 163 sub-competencies performed by all health educators. The employment of health educators will increase from 62,000 in 2006 to 78,000 in 2016. As the costs of healthcare increase, employers are projected to hire more health educators to decrease healthcare costs through prevention and early detection of chronic illnesses. Community health non-profit agencies, academia, healthcare (hospital/clinic), schools, government/government contracting, and businesses are some of the most widespread employment settings for health educators in the United States. Conclusion: Better understanding of this longstanding and successful program will benefit countries developing their own certification system. The variety and specificity of the information on the US CHES program may be of value as South Korea continues to develop its Korean CHES program.

      • KCI등재

        보건의료분야에서의 전문 직업성

        손애리(Aeree Sohn) 한국보건사회학회 2019 보건과 사회과학 Vol.0 No.51

        This article is to outline and introduce several sociological researches on health professions, the theme of this special edition. The health professions are a group of occupations developed in the 20th century, being operated on the basis of high skill and knowledge, gaining prestigious social status and consequently drawing high sociological attention. Evaluations on characteristics and developmental process of medical professions are varied from different theoretical perspectives. However, many recent analyses pointed out the declining social status of medical professions. The recent trend of theoretical analysis explains this phenomena as operation of countervailing powers or sovereignty dispute and adjustment. Using these concepts, this article introduces three studies on the development possibility of occupational professionality of physicians, pharmacists and physical therapists. Finally, additional issues to be studied in the future are also discussed. 이 글은 이번 특집호의 주제인 의료전문직의 사회학의 관련 분야 연구를 개괄하고 수록된 논문들을 소개하기 하기 위한 목적에서 작성되었다. 의료전문직은 20세기에 발전한 직업군으로 지식을 근 간으로 활동하면서 높은 사회적 지위를 성취함으로써 사회학적 관심의 대상이 되었다. 그 특성과 발전과정에 대한 평가는 이론적 시각마다 상이하다. 그런데 최근에는 의료전문직의 사회적 지위가 하락하고 있다는 분석들이 많다. 이것을 일종의 상쇄권력의 작동으로 해석하거나 관할권 분쟁과 조정으로 해석하는 것이 최근의 이론적 경향이다. 이러한 개념들을 활용하여 우리나라 의사, 약사, 물리치료사의 전문직업성의 발전 가능성을 분석한 세 편의 논문을 소개하였다. 끝으로 향후 추가 분석이 필요한 이슈들에 대하여 논의하였다.

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