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      • KCI등재

        Complete Genome Sequence of Massilia sp. KACC 81254BP Reveals a Potential for Degrading Polyhydroxyalkanoates

        An Sihyun,Cho Gyeongjun,Ahn Jae-Hyung,Weon Hang-Yeon,Kim Dayeon,Ko Young-Joon,Yeon Jehyeong,Chung Joon-hui,Choi Han Suk,Heo Jun 한국미생물·생명공학회 2024 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.52 No.1

        제주도매립지에서분리된 Massilia strain KACC 81254BP 는생분해성플라스틱폴리하이드록시알카노에이트(PHA)를분해할수있다. 이균주의유전체는 5,028,452 bp의원형염색체로구성되어있으며, G+C 함량은 64.6%이다. 이유전체는 PHB depolymerase를포함한 4,513개유전자가확인되었다. 이유전체는신호전달과아미노산수송등대사와관련한다양한유전자를포함하고있다. 이연구는 Massilia sp. KACC 81254BP의폴리에스터 플라스틱 분해 효소와 관련된 유전학적 정보를 제공한다. Massilia sp. KACC 81254BP, isolated from a landfill on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, possesses the capability to degrade polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). The genomic analysis of strain KACC 81254BP consists of a circular chromosome comprising 5,028,452 base pairs with a DNA G+C content of 64.6%. This complete genome consists of a total of 4,513 genes, including those encoding the PHA degradation enzyme (PhaZ). This study offers valuable genomic insights into the enzymes responsible for degrading polyester plastics.

      • Effects of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System on Lymphangiogenesis of Adenomyosis

        Cho, SiHyun,Choi, Young Sik,Yun, Bo Hyon,Chon, Seung Joo,Jung, Yeon Soo,Kim, Hye Yeon,Park, Joo Hyun,Seo, Seok Kyo,Kim, Se Hoon,Lee, Byung Seok American Society for Clinical Pathology 2015 American journal of clinical pathology Vol.143 No.3

        <P><B>Objectives:</B></P><P>Lymphangiogenesis may be involved in the pathogenesis of adenomyosis. We investigated the lymphatic vessels of patients with adenomyosis, including those treated with levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS).</P><P><B>Methods:</B></P><P>Full-thickness uterine samples were obtained from patients who received hysterectomies. Twenty-one patients with adenomyosis and 17 patients with adenomyosis who were treated with LNG-IUS were included. Eighteen patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia served as controls. Immunohistochemical staining was performed with antibodies against podoplanin and lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1. The lymphovascular density (LVD) was analyzed in each sample by the “hot spot” method.</P><P><B>Results:</B></P><P>The LVDs were significantly higher in the endometrial and myometrial tissues of patients with adenomyosis compared with those of patients treated with the LNG-IUS or controls. No significant differences were noted between the LNG-IUS–treated group and controls. Evaluation of the LVDs according to the menstrual cycle showed that the differences in the endometrial tissues of the adenomyosis group and those of the LNG-IUS–treated group or the controls were more prominent during the secretory phase.</P><P><B>Conclusions:</B></P><P>Treatment with the LNG-IUS resulted in reduced lymphangiogenesis and LVD in the endometrial and myometrial tissues of patients with adenomyosis. Reduced lymphangiogenesis may be one mechanism by which the LNG-IUS reduces adenomyosis-related symptoms.</P>

      • KCI등재

        2015년 한,일 위안부 합의의 법적 문제: 2015년 한,일 외교장관 합의의 법적 함의

        조시현 ( Sihyun Cho ) 민주주의법학연구회 2016 민주법학 Vol.0 No.60

        한ㆍ일 외교장관은 2015년 12월 28일 서울에서 일본군``위안부`` 피해자 문제에 관하여 회담한 다음 공동기자회견을 열어 주요 합의 내용을 발표하였다. 이 글은 공식적인 합의문이 작성되지 않은 이런 발표가 국제법상 조약인지를 살펴보고 개별적인 합의사항들의 법적 함의를 분석하고자 한다. 한ㆍ일 외교장관 합의는 적어도 서면의 형식을 갖추지 않았기 때문에 비엔나 조약법에 관한 조약이 정의하고 있는 조약의 범주에 들어가지 않는다. 한편 구두 합의로서 일반국제법상 국가 간의 조약이 되려면 ``최소한`` 조약의 당사국들이 법적인 권리와 의무를 창설하거나 법적인 관계를 수립하려고 의도하여야 한다. 그러나 합의사항들을 구체적으로 검토해보면 그렇지 않다고 여겨진다. 따라서 이번 합의는 국제법에 의하여 규율되는 조약이 아닌 정치적 합의에 불과하고 국가와 시민은 물론 정부조차 합의에 의하여 법적으로 구속되지 않는다. ``위안부`` 문제는 역사문제와 법적 문제 등이 착종된 복잡한 문제이다. 또한 이 사안은 ``전시 성노예``문제로 다루어져온 국제법상 전쟁범죄, 인도에 반한 죄, 노예제, 인신매매, 강제노동 등에 해당하는 중대한 인권침해 문제이다. 한ㆍ일 합의는 일본 정부의 책임의 통감, 일본국 내각총리대신 명의의 사죄와 반성의 마음의 표명과 문제의 최종적 및 불가역적으로 해결을 말하면서도 국제법에 대한 언급을 전혀 하고 있지 않음으로써 국제법에 따라 일본이 져야 하는 법적 책임을 명시적으로 인정하지 않았다. 합의는 또한 피해자의 치유를 위한 재단을 한국 정부가 설립하고 이 재단에 일본 정부가 예산을 출연하는 것으로 하고 있지만, 이러한 약속 역시 법적인 권리와 의무를 주고받는 것으로 볼 수 없다. 합의는 책임의 전가 혹은 회피일 따름이다. 한국정부가 일방적으로 소녀상의 이전을 위해 노력한다고 한 것도 문제이다. 이로써 한국정부는 소녀상을 일본 공관의 안녕과 품위를 해치는 것으로 인정한 것으로 받아들여질 소지가 있다. 양국 정부가 향후 국제사회에서 상호 비난하지 않겠다고 한 것은 외교권에 대한 부당한 제한이 아닌지도 묻고 싶다. 한ㆍ일 정부가 이렇게 정식의 국제조약을 체결하지 않고 정치적 합의에 의하여 ``위안부`` 문제를 해결하려고 한 것은 국회의 관여를 배제하려는 반민주적인 시도가 아닌지 묻고 싶다. 외교에 대한 민주적 통제 문제도 쟁점이 될 것이다. 또한 이번 합의는 피해자의 배상을 받을 권리라는 측면에서 헌법과 국제인권법 위반의 소지도 있다. On December 28, 2015, the foreign ministers of the Republic of Korea and Japan announced that the issue of the victims of the Japanese military comfort women has been settled at the joint press conference in Seoul. This article examines whether this agreement is a treaty under international law and analyzes the legal implications of its content. This agreement does not fall into the category of treaties as defined in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, for there is no text of agreement between the parties. For an oral agreement to be an inter-State treaty under general international law, the parties should, at the minimum, intend to create legal rights and duties or establish legal relations. But an examination of the content of the agreement shows that the agreement does neither. Thus, the agreement is nothing more than a political statement with no legal binding force on not only the States and the citizens of both countries, but also the two governments. The comfort women issue is a complicated one knotted with historical, legal and other problems. Under international law, it constitutes wartime sexual slavery and serious violations of human rights involving war crimes, crimes against humanity, slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour. While the Korean-Japanese agreement refers to responsibilities expressing sincere apologies and remorse to all comfort women by Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Abe, it declared emphatically that this issue is resolved finally and irreversibly. Yet the agreement makes no reference to international law and does not expressly acknowledge the State responsibility of Japan under international law. While Japanese government will make a financial contribution through its budget to a fund for the support of victims to be established by the Korean government, this promise cannot be regarded as exchanging legal rights and obligations; thus, it amounts to an evasion of legal responsibility. The clause that the Korean government will strive to solve the issue of the ``Girl Statue`` in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul raises further questions on whether the Korean government shares the position of the Japanese government that the statue is the disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity. Moreover, it may be argued that the undertaking not to accuse or criticize each other in the international community is an undue encroachment of the right of diplomacy. That the governments of South Korea and Japan made a political agreement to settle the comfort women issue bypassing the way of concluding a formal treaty may be considered as an undemocratic attempt giving rise to the question of democratic control over foreign affairs. This could also be understood as the violation of the right of victims to reparation under the Constitutions and international human rights law.

      • KCI등재

        일본군 ‘위안부’ 문제를 통해서 본 1910년 ‘백인노예매매’의 진압을 위한 국제협약

        조시현(Cho, Sihyun) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.42 No.-

        이 글은 일본군‘위안부’ 문제에 대한 일본의 국제법상의 국가책임을 확립하기 위한 전제로서 부녀매매금지 또는 여성 인신매매 금지에 관한 국제법의 일제의 행위에 대한 적용 문제를 고찰하려는 기획의 하나로, 1904년 ‘백인노예매매의 진압을 위한 국제협정’에 관한 선행 연구를 토대로 1910년에 체결된 ‘백인노예매매의 진압을 위한 국제협약’의 주요 내용을 살펴보고 ‘위안부’ 문제에 대한 함의를 논의한다. 1910년 협약은 이전의 1904년 협정이 마련한 인신매매의 진압을 위한 국가 간의 협력체제를 보완할 목적으로 체결된 독자적인 조약이다. 1904년 협정이 마련한 인신매매에 관한 정보수집과 교환, 출입국과 해외취업에 대한 감시와 피해자에 대한 인도적 차원의 보호를 위한 국제협력의 바탕 위에 1910년 협약은 인신매매의 보다 실효적인 진압을 위하여 이에 해당하는 행위들을 구체화하고 이를 처벌하기 위한 국내법령을 제정하고 처벌할 것을 요구하기에 이르렀다. 또한 1910년 협약이 규정하는 범죄가 국제적인 성격을 띰에 따라 범죄인의 인도를 위한 제도를 보완하고 형사사법에 있어서의 공조제도도 정비하고 있다. 협약에 의하여 보호되는 사람에 대하여 1910년 협약은 1904년 협정과 마찬가지로 미성년과 성년의 여성으로 나누면서 그 최종의정서에서는 성년연령을 구체적으로 만 20세로 정하고 있다. 협약은 또한 보호되는 사람이 누구냐에 따라 처벌되는 행위에 있어서도 차이를 두고 있다. 미성년 여성의 경우 “다른 사람들의 욕정을 만족시키기 위하여 미성년의 여성 또는 소녀를 부도덕한 목적을 위하여 모집, 권유 또는 유괴”하는 행위가 있으면 이들의 동의 여부를 묻지 않고 처벌하여야 하는 것으로 한다. 성년 여성에 있어서는 같은 유형의 행위가 “사기에 의하여 또는 폭력, 협박, 권력남용의 수단에 의하거나 다른 모든 강제방법”에 의하여 이루어질 것이 요구된다. 협약은 이러한 규정들을 통하여 인신매매 자체에 대한 개념 정의를 꾀한 것은 아니지만 이로써 인신매매에 해당하는 핵심적인 행위의 유형들이 정착되기 시작한 것이라고 할 수 있다. ‘위안부’ 문제와 관련하여 1910년 협약은 1904년 협정과 1921년 협약과 함께 일제가 위안소 제도를 만든 것에 대한 법적인 평가기준을 제공하고 있다. 이러한 인신매매에 관한 국제법에 비추어볼 때 일제의 이러한 행위들은 국가 자체에 의한 인신매매라고 할 수 있다. 또한 연합국들은 이러한 행위의 일부를 강제매춘에 해당하는 것으로 판단하고 전쟁범죄로 처벌하기도 하였다. 1910년 협약이 규정하는 의무들은 조약에서 비롯한 것이지만 당시 이미 확립된 국제관습법 또는 ‘문명국의 기준’의 내용을 확인하는 토대를 제공한다고 할 것이다. As part of the project to examine the application of the international law on human trafficking to the acts of the Imperial Japan as a premise to establish the State responsibility of Japan relating to the Japanese military ‘comfort women’ issue, this Article looks into the main contents of the 1910 ‘White Slave Traffic’ Convention on the basis of the previous study on the 1904 ‘White Slave Traffic’ Agreement, and discusses the implications for the ‘comfort women’ issue. The 1910 Convention is a separate treaty concluded with the object of supplementing the cooperation network between States for the suppression of trafficking of women as constructed by the 1904 Agreement. While the 1904 Agreement set up an international cooperation framework for information gathering and exchange, border control and surveillance over recruitment agencies, and for a humanitarian protection of victims of trafficking, the 1910 Convention categorized various acts amounting to trafficking for their more effective suppression, and obliged contracting States to legislate and punish their perpetrators. In recognition of the international character of the crimes under the 1910 Convention, the latter further facilitated the extradition of the offenders and steamlined the judicial assistance programs. As for the protected persons under the Convention, it divided women according to age following the 1904 Agreement, yet its final protocol set the age as “twenty completed years of age”. On the basis of this distinction, the Convention further differentiated the punishable acts. As to the first group, to procure, entice, or lead away “in order to gratify the passions of another person” “even with her consent, a woman or girl under age, for immoral purposes” is to be punished. As to the second group, the same type of acts require to be conducted “by fraud, or by means of violence, threats, abuse of authority, or any other method of compulsion”. Although these provisions of the Convention do not intend to provide a definition of human trafficking itself, they certainly started the process of fixating the types of core acts amounting to it. As for the ‘comfort women’ issue, the 1910 Convention, together with the 1904 Agreement and the later consummating 1921 Convention, provides the legal standard for evaluating the system of comfort stations set up by the Japanese imperial army. In the light of the international law on human trafficking, those acts of the Japanese had been no other than human trafficking by the State itself. Moreover, the Allied nations punished some of these acts as war crimes of enforced prostitution. Stemming from a contractual treaty, the obligations under the 1910 Convention also provide the basis for the ascertainment of the then existing customary international law or the ‘standard of civilized nations’.

      • KCI등재후보

        The timing of adenomyosis diagnosis and its impact on pregnancy outcomes: a national population-based study

        Young Mi Jung,Wonyoung Wi,Hwa Seon Koo,Seung-Hyuk Shim,Soo-Young Oh,Seung Mi Lee,Jin Hoon Chung,SiHyun Cho,Hyunjin Cho,Min-Jeong Oh,Geum Joon Cho,Hye-Sung Won 대한산부인과학회 2024 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.67 No.3

        Objective Adenomyosis impacts pregnancy outcomes, although there is a lack of consensus regarding the actual effects. It is likely, however, that the severity of adenomyosis or ultrasound findings or timing of diagnosis can have different effects on adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). Methods In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact of the timing of adenomyosis diagnosis on pregnancy outcomes. Singleton pregnant women who delivered between 2017 and 2022 were analyzed based on the timing of adenomyosis diagnosis, using a national database. The final cohort was classified into three groups: 1) group 1, without adenomyosis; 2) group 2, those diagnosed with adenomyosis before pregnancy; and 3) group 3, those diagnosed with adenomyosis during pregnancy. Results A total of 1,226,475 cases were ultimately included in this study. Women with a diagnosis of adenomyosis had a significantly higher risk of APOs including hypertensive disorder during pregnancy (HDP), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), postpartum hemorrhage, placental abruption, preterm birth, and delivery of a small-for-gestational-age infant even after adjusting for covariates. In particular, concerning HDP, the risk was highest in group 3 (group 2: adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.15 vs. group 3: aOR, 1.36). However, the highest GDM risk was in group 2 (GDM; group 2: aOR, 1.24 vs. group 3: aOR, 1.04). Conclusion The increased risk of APO differed depending on the timing of adenomyosis diagnosis. Therefore, efforts for more careful monitoring and prevention of APOs may be necessary when such women become pregnant.


        Mathematical analysis on linear viscoelastic identification

        Cho, Kwang Soo,Kwon, Mi Kyung,Lee, Junghaeng,Kim, Sihyun Springer-Verlag 2017 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.29 No.4

        <P>This paper is focused on mathematical analysis related with problems of linear viscoelastic identification such as intrinsic errors of conventional test methods, conversion between data of various viscoelastic functions, resolution and informativeness of viscoelastic functions and new test methods which are faster than dynamic test and more accurate than static tests. This paper provides various mathematical and numerical tools: Some of them are newly introduced here and the others are described for the reviewing previous works in this field.</P>

      • KCI우수등재

        화학사고물질 노출에 따른 피해지역 주민 건강위해성평가 : 폼알데하이드 사례를 중심으로

        박시현(Sihyun Park),조용성(Yong-Sung Cho),임희빈(Huibeen Lim),박지훈(Jihoon Park),이철민(Cheolmin Lee),황승율(Seung-Ryul Hwang),이청수(Chungsoo Lee) 한국환경보건학회 2021 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.47 No.2

        Objectives: Acute exposure to high concentrations of chemicals can occur when a chemical accident takes place. As such exposure can cause ongoing environmental pollution, such as in the soil and groundwater, there is a need for a tool that can assess health effects in the long term. The purpose of this study was assessing the health risks of residents living near a chemical accident site due to long-term exposure while considering the temporal concentration changes of the toxic chemicals leaked during the accident until their extinction in the environment using a multimedia environmental dynamics model. Methods: A health risk assessment was conducted on three cases of formaldehyde chemical accidents. In this study, health risk assessment was performed using a multimedia environmental dynamics model that considers the behavior of the atmosphere, soil, and water. In addition, the extinction period of formaldehyde in the environment was regarded as extinction in the environment when the concentration in the air and soil fell below the background concentration prior to the accident. The subjects of health risk assessment were classified into four groups according to age: 0-9 years old, 10-18 years old, 19-64 years old, and over 65 years old. Carcinogenic risk assessment by respiratory exposure and non-carcinogenic risk assessment by soil intake were conducted as well. Results: In the assessment of carcinogenic risk due to respiratory exposure, the excess carcinogenic risk did not exceed 1.0×10−6 in all three chemical accidents, so there was no health effect due to the formaldehyde chemical accident. As a result of the evaluation of non-carcinogenic risk due to soil intake, none of the three chemical accidents had a risk index of 1, so there was no health effect. For all three chemical accidents, the excess cancer risk and hazard index were the highest in the age group 0-9. Next, 10-18 years old, 65 years old or older, and 19-64 years old showed the highest risk. Conclusion: This study considers environmental changes after a chemical accident occurs and until the substance disappears from the environment. It also conducts a health risk assessment by reflecting the characteristics of the long-term persistence and concentration change over time. It is thought that it is of significance as a health risk assessment study reflecting the exposure characteristics of the accident substance for an actual chemical accident.


        DNA end recognition by the Mre11 nuclease dimer: insights into resection and repair of damaged DNA

        Sung, Sihyun,Li, Fuyang,Park, Young Bong,Kim, Jin Seok,Kim, Ae‐,Kyoung,Song, Ok‐,kyu,Kim, Jiae,Che, Jun,Lee, Sang Eun,Cho, Yunje EMBO 2014 The EMBO journal Vol.33 No.20

        <P>The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex plays important roles in sensing DNA damage, as well as in resecting and tethering DNA ends, and thus participates in double-strand break repair. An earlier structure of Mre11 bound to a short duplex DNA molecule suggested that each Mre11 in a dimer recognizes one DNA duplex to bridge two DNA ends at a short distance. Here, we provide an alternative DNA recognition model based on the structures of Methanococcus jannaschii Mre11 (MjMre11) bound to longer DNA molecules, which may more accurately reflect a broken chromosome. An extended stretch of B-form DNA asymmetrically runs across the whole dimer, with each end of this DNA molecule being recognized by an individual Mre11 monomer. DNA binding induces rigid-body rotation of the Mre11 dimer, which could facilitate melting of the DNA end and its juxtaposition to an active site of Mre11. The identified Mre11 interface binding DNA duplex ends is structurally conserved and shown to functionally contribute to efficient resection, non-homologous end joining, and tolerance to DNA-damaging agents when other resection enzymes are absent. Together, the structural, biochemical, and genetic findings presented here offer new insights into how Mre11 recognizes damaged DNA and facilitates DNA repair.</P>

      • Neonatal Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Defect and Vaginal Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma: Possibility of Oncogenesis?

        이영목,Cho, Min Su,Hur, Jin Ho,Park, Dae Young,Cho, SiHyun,Kim, Se Hoon,Lee, Young-Mock 대한유전성대사질환학회 2015 대한유전성대사질환학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Mitochondrial disorders are rare metabolic diseases. They often present during neonatal period but with nonspecific clinical features such as feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, and seizures. Mitochondrial defects have also known to be associated with neurological disorders, as well as cancers. We report the first case of neonatal mitochondrial respiratory chain defect with sarcoma botryoides confirmed by pathologic diagnosis, suggesting another possible link between mitochondrial dysfunction and cancer.

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