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      • KCI등재

        Finding New Themes: Othernization, Religion and the BodyShin Kwon Kim

        김신권(Shin Kwon Kim) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.7

        Othernization has recently become one of significant issues in religious studies. Not only has it been a cause of social and cultural problems, but also was it the foundation upon which religion was located upon. Therefore, the study of religion inevitably has to wrestle with the matter of othernization, a broad subject encompassing cultural and racial differences, and even the matter of human body. This paper examines how othernization in religion is appropriated by the power for controlling the body. The purpose of this research is to offer a broad range of perspectives on the ways in which othernization has been intertwined with body issues. Furthermore, I explore various themes on othernization to find new and alternative realms for research. In order for that, I will argue that the establishment of the concept of “religion” in the West was made due to othernization in the process of (1) constructing a universal concept to link the particularities of subject and other, (2) explaining the relationship between the subject and the other by imposing superiority on the subject and inferiority on the other, and (3) eventually controlling the other for meta-physical and meta-historical reasons. On the basis of the argument, I will suggest possible themes to consider to deal with the problem of othernization such as use of the body in rituals and bodily pain as part of meaning-making processes. 종교에 대한 연구에 있어서 타자화의 문제는 중요한 이슈가 되어왔다. 이것은 타자화가 종교와 관련한 여러가지 사회적, 문화적 문제들을 일으키는 원인이 될 뿐만 아니라 종교 자체가 자리하고 있는 기반이었기 때문이다. 이런 점에서 종교에 대한 연구는 문화적, 인종적 차이와 심지어 인간의 몸이라는 주제를 포괄하는 타자화의 문제와 씨름하는 과정이라고 해도 과장이 아니다. 이 논문은 종교에서 타자화의 문제가 인간의 몸을 타자화 하고 지배하는 권력과 어떻게 관련되어 있는 지를 살펴보는 시도이다. 다시 말해서, 종교에 있어서 타자화의 문제가 지금까지 어떻게 몸의 문제와 연관되어 왔는지를 넓은 시각에서 살펴보는 것이 이 논문의 목적이다. 이를 위하여, 이 논문은 하나의 문제에 집중하기보다는, 가능한 연구 주제들을 종합적으로 고찰하면서 새롭고 대안적인 연구 영역을 모색하게 된다. 한편으로는, 서구에서의 종교가 다음과 같은 목적으로 타자화를 통해서 작용하게 되었다는 점을 지적하게 될 것인데, 그것은 1) 주체와 타자의 개별성을 포괄하는 보편적인 개념의 구성 2) 주체의 우월성과 타자의 열등성을 부여하는 방식으로의 관계 방식 3) 형이상학적이고 탈역사적인 논리를 바탕으로 한 타자에 대한 지배이다. 다른 한편으로는, 인간의 몸과 관련하여 타자화의 문제를 다루는 새로운 주제로, 의례연구에서의 몸과 의미 부여과정으로써의 고통의 문제를 제시하게 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        의학전문직업성의 변화와 여성의사 : 역사적인 관점의 연구

        김신권(Shin Kwon Kim) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.6

        최근 의학전문직업성이 의학 교육과 임상적인 실천에 있어서 가장 중요한 요소 가운데 하나로 인식되고 있다는 사실은 분명하다. 그러나 지금까지 의학전문직업성에 대한 공적인 합의가 충분하지 않았다는 것이 현실이며 이와 더불어 여성 의사들의 역사적인 정체성과 의학전문직업성에 대한 논의가 부족했다는 것도 사실이다. 이 논문은 의학전문직업성에 대한 역사적인 논의를 통하여 근대 유럽과 미국의 남성 주도의 의학 영역에서 여성의 의사 되기와 여성들의 의학 전문직업성에 대해 살펴보는 동시에 이것이 어떻게 한국이라는 상황 속에서 새롭게 구현되었는지를 밝히는 연구이다. 본 연구의 내용은 의학전문직업성의 개념과 역사적인 이해, 의학에 있어서 여성의 역할과 여성들의 의학전문직업성, 한국적인 상황에서의 의학전문직업성을 포함한다. 여성 의사들의 의학전문직업성과 관련하여 본 연구는 의학에 대한 전인적인 접근, 예방의학의 중요성에 대한 강조, 환자-의사의 평등한 관계를 특징으로 하는 영미권의 여성 의학전문직업성에 더해서 한국 초기의 상황의 여성 의사들은 주체적인 의학 지식과 술기, 그리고 직접적인 소통을 통한 전인적인 치료를 목적으로 하였다는 특징을 발견하였다. It is evident that medical professionalism has become one of the most important elements in education and practice of medicine. However, it is also clear that the public consensus on medical professionalism and the identity of women doctors, which is related to the concept has not been fully made. Therefore, the research examines the historical development of medical professionalism and how women have challenged to the male-dominated realm of medicine to gain their own medical professionalism. In addition, it is also important to clarify how that the medical professionalism in Euro-America influenced the process of making women doctors in Korea. This paper illustrates the concepts of and historical changes in medical professionalism, the role of women in medicine and their medical professionalism, and the characteristics of women’s medical professionalism in the American and Korean contexts. In addition to the holistic approaches to medical practices, emphasis on the preventive medicine, and eqaul relationship between physician and patient, it can be considered as an important aspect of the medical professionalism among early Korean female missionary physicians that they pursued healing of body and soul as a whole on the basis of their medical knowledge, techniques, and direct communication with patients.

      • KCI등재

        사료 내 타우린 첨가에 의한 넙치 치어의 망막조직 변화

        김신권(Shin-Kwon KIM),신민규(Min-Gyu SHIN),이배익(Bae-Ik LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2020 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary taurine levels on change of retina development of juvenile olive flounder. Three different taurine level diets were prepared by supplementation of taurine (T-0, 0.5 and 1.5%) to the basal diet. Fish meal washed with 70% ethanol to remove taurine was used as the sole protein source. Feeding experiments were carried out at 20℃ for 4 weeks by using size of fish (average body weight: 0.3 g). The feeding behavior of fish was observed throughout the experimental period. At the end of experiments, fish were killed for using the histological observation of the developing retina on juvenile olive flounder. In contrast to retina of T-1.5% group, the most prominent morphological feature of T-0% group was progressive retinal degeneration. The outer and inner photoreceptor segments of T-0% group were much smaller than those of T-1.5% group. These flounder might show a loss of vision due to severe retinal degeneration. This study identifies an important role of the taurine for the development and maintenance of retinal function and morphology. These finding suggests that the taurine is essential for the normal retinal development related with the feeding behavior avoided predation in juvenile olive flounder.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 성서의 치유 전통과 생의학 - 의료인류학적 관점에서 -

        김신권(Shin Kwon Kim) 한국종교학회 2021 宗敎硏究 Vol.81 No.1

        It has been widely accepted that religion and medicine have been inter-related for a long time even since ancient times. In addition, the recognition that Christianity and medicine have maintained a close relationship with each other in the Korean context is dominant among general public in Korea. However, the nature of ‘Christian medical tradition’ and the relationship between Christianity and medicine are not thoroughly clarified. Furthermore, it should be scrupulously examined what the Biblical perspectives on medicine and healing are. This paper will investigate the concepts of disease, health, and healing in the Bible by comparing with biomedical concepts from the perspective of medical anthropology in order to suggest a way in which one can understand particularity and value of Christian healing tradition. In addition, the paper will deal with biblical texts as a basic foundation of Christian tradition to delve into characteristics and structure of biblical healing tradition in order to respond the questions whether the biblical tradition can be construed as medical and how the biblical healing tradition was correlated with other medical traditions.

      • KCI등재

        마누에서의 위계질서, 오염, 그리고 불안의 문제

        김신권(Shin-Kwon KIM) 한국상담심리교육복지학회 2021 상담심리교육복지 Vol.8 No.1

        위계질서는 교육현장에서 교사들의 권위를 구성하는 중요한 요소 가운데 하나이며, 동시에 사회적 위계질서는 특정한 사회에서 어떻게 사회 제도가 유지되는지를 이해하는 데 중요한 요소가 된다. 특별히, 교육의 불평등으로 새롭게 사회적 위계질서가 만들어 지고 있는 한국적 상황에서 이러한 사회적 위계질서의 의미와 구조를 이해하는 일은 매우 중요하다. 이 연구는 힌두 전통에서의 종교적인 오염과 사회적 위계질서의 관계를 밝혀낸 루이 듀몬트의 기념비적인 연구를 조명하면서 동시에 듀몬트가 가진 이분법적인 구조를 푸코의 관점에서 비판하고 양자의 상호 관계 속에서 나타나는 심리적인 요소를 밝혀내는 작업이다. 논문을 통하여, 심리적 불안이 지식-권력과 실제적인 사회 통제 사이의 간극을 메우는 데 중요한 역할을 하고, 사람들이 오염을 정화하는 의례에 더 익숙해 질 수록 위계질서를 만들어 내는 권력에 더 순종적이 되는 방식으로 권력이 일상에서 작용하고 있다는 점을 주장하게 될 것이다. Hierarchy is one of constituent characteristics of teacher’s authority in the educational context. Furthermore, social hierarchy is the key to understand the ways in which a social system is sustained in a particular society. In particular, given the fact that educational inequalities have made emerging social hierarchy in Korea, it is important to reconsider the meaning and the structure of social hierarchy. In this paper, I will deal with Dumont’s remarkable research to appreciate his contribution to excavating the collaboration of religious pollution and social hierarchy in the Hindu tradition, and simultaneously to take issues with his strict binary distinctions from the perspective of Foucault, emphasizing the psychological aspect in the interactions. I will illustrate that anxiety plays an important role in filling the chasm between knowledge/power and social control in reality and the more one is accustomed to practice rituals for purification, the more one could be obedient to the power for hierarchy, which is the way that the power is operating in daily lives of people.

      • KCI등재

        감염병과 대유행 : 인문 의학적 관점

        김신권(Shin Kwon Kim) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.2

        감염병은 인류가 존재하는 한 인류와 함께 있었고 결코 최근 어느 시점에 시작된 질병이 아니며 미래의 어느 시점에서 완전히 사라질 수 있는 질병이 아니다. 인류 역사상 감염병의 대유행은한 번도 단순히 의학적인 사건이었던 적은 없다. 오히려 감염병은 복잡한 사회 현상이었으며 정치적, 문화적, 종교적인 관점을 포함한 인문학적 함의를 동반해 왔다. 인류의 역사와 함께 한 감염병의 오랜 역사를 고려할 때, 대유행 상황에서 벌어지는 장기간에 걸친 엄혹한 질병 상황과 감염병전후에 나타나는 역사의 급박한 전환은 반드시 다양한 관점에서 깊이 있는 사고를 통해서만 파악될 수 있는 영역이다. 이 글은 보다 거시적인 차원에서 감염병의 개념을 인문학적 관점에서 설명하고 그 역사를 개관하며 대유행의 구조와 패턴을 소개하여 이것이 우리에게 주는 교훈, 그리고감염병의 임상윤리적 측면을 조망하게 될 것이다. 또한, 이를 통하여 감염병의 유행을 극복하는과정에 있어서 우리가 반드시 생각해야 할 문제점들을 제시하게 될 것이다. Infectious diseases have been with human being from the beginning, and there is no hope that they will completely disappear at a certain point in the future. Furthermore, epidemics have never simply been medical issues. Rather, they have been complicated social events implying political, cultural, and religious meanings. Thus, epidemics and pandemics have always related to the issues that can’t be properly understood without perspectives in humanities. Given the fact that infectious diseases have such a long history, it is significant that one has to consider various layers and dimensions of epidemics in order to apprehend the epidemic itself and the historical changes caused by it. This paper will explore the diverse aspects of pandemics, including the concepts, historical meanings, and general patterns of epidemics and pandemics from the perspective of medical humanities. In addition, this paper will emphasise important lessons that one can learn from the history of medicine in order to get insights for coping with the severe reality of the pandemic.

      • KCI등재

        뱀장어 자어용 액상사료 개발

        김신권(Shin-Kwon KIM),이배익(Bae-Ik LEE),김대중(Dae-Jung KIM),이남실(Nam-Sil LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2014 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.26 No.6

        This feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of slurry type diet on growth performance and survival rate of growing leptocephalus, eel larva. We need to find new materials of diets for rearing eel larvae. Test diets were formulated with the eggs of the shark, fish soluble concentrate, soybean peptide and fish protein hydrolysate. Fish (average length 6 mm) were fed 3 slurry type diet(A, B and C) based on shark egg for 5 times per day. During feeding experiment, survival rates were significantly different among 3 slurry type diets. Total protein, lipid, moisture, ash and free amino acids contents were analyzed for slurry type diets. Leptocephalus fed the C slurry type diet was grown up to 38.0±9 mm at 150 days. But all leptocephalus fed B slurry type diet were died at 100 days, reaching 16.4±8 mm. This results suggest that basic information for diet development of eel leptocephalus.

      • KCI등재

        A Method to Identify the Sex of Cultured Eel (Anguilla japonica) using the Pectoral Fin Length: Total Body Length Ratio

        Shin-Kwon KIM(김신권),Ji-Yeon HYEON(현지연),Jin-Ho NA(나진호),Bong-Soo LIM(임봉수),Sung-Pyo HUR(허성표) 한국수산해양교육학회 2021 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.33 No.1

        Previous methods for identifying the sex of eels were difficult to apply to yellow eels due to their undeveloped gonads. In this study, we investigated easy method to identify the sex of cultured eel, Anguilla japonica, using the ratio between the vertical and horizontal length of the pectoral fin and total body length. Females had longer total body length (TL):horizontal fin length (Fh) and TL:vertical fin length (Fv) ratios than males. Based on our results, we found that both the TL:Fh and the TL:Fv ratio were suitable for determining the sex of cultured yellow eel. We therefore suggest using the TL:Fh ratio to determine the sex of yellow eels under natural conditions (i.e. without anesthetizing or sacrificing the eels). Specially, eels with TL:Fh ratios below and above 31.6 should be identified as males and females. To our knowledge, this is the method to determine the sex of yellow eel.

      • KCI등재

        Osmotic pump를 이용한 암컷 뱀장어(Anguilla japonica)의 성성숙 유도

        김정현(Jung-Hyun Kim),김대근(Dae-Geun Kim),김효원(Hyo-Won Kim),이배익(Bae-Ik Lee),김신권(Shin-Kwon Kim),전제천(Je-cheon Jun),명정인(Jeong-In Myeong),김대중(Dae-Jung Kim) 한국생명과학회 2017 생명과학회지 Vol.27 No.10

        뱀장어(Anguilla japonica)의 인공종묘생산은 연어뇌하수체추출물(SPE, salmon pituitary extract)을 암컷 뱀장어에게 지속적인 투여를 하고 인위적으로 성성숙을 유도로 얻은 난과 정자를 인공수정을 하고 부화 시켜 생산한다. 하지만 SPE를 반복적으로 복강에 주사하는 방법은 암컷 뱀장어에게 많은 스트레스를 주며, 결국 스트레스로 인하여 완전한 성성숙을 하지 못하고 폐사에 이르게 되거나 배란한 난의 질이 좋지 않아 부화율과 자어의 생존율이 떨어지는 문제점을 갖고 있다. 본 연구에서는 뱀장어의 성성숙 유도에 유효하다고 알려진 호르몬이 주입된 osmotic pump를 복강에 삽입 후 암컷 뱀장어의 성성숙 유도를 하였다. 본 연구결과 SPE를 투여한 실험어의 GSI가 hCG, GnRHa, MT를 각각 또는 함께 투여한 실험구 보다 유의하게 증가하였으며 조직학적 분석결과에서도 난소의 난모세포가 핵이동기 단계로 발달되었음을 관찰할 수 있었다. 본 결과를 통해 osmotic pump를 이용한 암컷 뱀장어 인위적 성성숙 유도 방법으로 이용 가능할 것으로 생각된다. For the artificial induction of the sexual maturation of Anguilla japonica, salmon pituitary extract (SPE) is continuously injected into females, and the eggs obtained from artificial sexual maturation are artificially fertilized with sperms and hatched. However, repeated injection of SPE in the abdominal cavity causes tremendous stress in females, which may prevent their complete sexual maturation and reduce the immune system function, ultimately resulting in death. In addition, the poor quality of the ovulated eggs can reduce the hatching and survival rate of larvae. In the present study, sexual maturation of females was induced by inserting an osmotic (OS) pump containing hormone analogs known to effectively induce sexual maturation into the abdominal cavity of female eels, and the effect of the OS pump on the induced sexual maturation was investigated. Our study results showed that the gonadosomatic index (GSI) was significantly higher in the fish subjected to SPE injection than those subjected to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa), and methyl testosterone (MT) injections, either separately or in combination. In addition, a histological analysis showed that the oocytes in the SPE OS pump groups were more mature (entered the nuclear shift stage) than those in the other groups. These results suggest that an osmotic pump containing hormone analogs can be used to induce sexual maturation in female A. japonica artificially.

      • KCI등재

        배합사료가 양식장 넙치의 성장 및 건강도 향상에 미치는 영향

        김강웅(Kang-Woong KIM),권문경(Mun-Gyeong KWON),김경덕(Kyoung-Duck KIM),김신권(Shin-Kwon KIM),박명애(Myoung-Ae PARK),손맹현(Maeng-Hyun SON) 한국수산해양교육학회 2010 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.4

        This study was conducted to effect of extruded pellets (EPs) and moist pellet (MP) diet on growth and fish health parameters in farm cultured olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Two replicate groups of 2,600 fish per each tank (initial weight of 30.1±0.2 g) were fed one of the three EPs (EP1, EP2 and CEP) and one MP for 13 months. In field feeding experiment conducted in commercial flounder farm, survival, growth (30-600 g) and condition factor of fish fed experimental EP1 and EP2 were comparable to those of fish fed MP, but considerably higher feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were observed in fish fed experimental EPs. Viable cell counts from diet and water from MP diet were considerably higher than those from EP diet, and lysozyme activity from EP diet was higher than that from MP diet. GOT and GPT of fish fed the EP diet were considerably lower than those from MP group, but total protein and glucose concentration of fish fed the EP groups were not significantly different from that of fish fed the MP. Therefore, these results strongly suggest that EP diets could be developed to replace MP diet without adverse effects on growth performance and to enhance the immunity and protective ability of olive flounder against fish disease such as Vibro, Edwardsiella and Strptococcus.

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