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        플라톤과 데카르트의 영혼개념에 대한 고찰

        이서규 새한철학회 2001 哲學論叢 Vol.24 No.2

        이 글은 플라톤과 데카르트의 영혼개념에 대해서 고찰한다. '영혼' 이라는 용어는 서양 철학의 이해에 있어서 중요한 용어라는 점은 반박의 여지가 없을 것이다. 영혼이라는 용어는 서양 철학이 태동한 고대 그리스에서부터 근대를 거쳐 19세기 말에 이르기까지 서양 철학의 본질적인 내용을 나타내는 것이기는 하지만, 그러나 이 용어 아래에서 제시된 내용이 전적으로 시종일관하게 전개되는 것은 아니다. 이런 점에서 날 때 서양 철학의 흐름은 영혼개념과 그것의 본질내용(Wasgehalt)이 어떻게 이해되는가에 의해서 다양한 방식으로 전개되어진다. 플라톤과 데카르트는 주관성의 철학으로 각인되는 서양 철학의 전개에 있어서 근본적인 입장의 정초를 가능하게 했던 철학자들이다. 소크라테스의 절대적 주관주의의 입장을 이어 받는 플라톤에게서 영혼은 불멸하는 것으로서 경험적인 현상계와 구분되는 이데아의 세계와 관계하는 것으로 파악되며, 나아가 참된 지식을 가능하게 하는 근본적인 능력으로 간주된다. 이러한 플라톤적 인 전통을 잇는 데카르트에게서는 인간의 탁월한 능력은 영혼을 가진 존재로서 그것이 사유를 가능하게 하는데 있다고 이해된다. 이런 점에서 플라톤과 데카르트에게서 전개된 영혼개념을 살펴보는 것은 주관성의 철학으로 각인되어지는 서양 철학의 근본적인 전제와 그 출발점에 대한 이해를 심화시키는 계기를 마련해 줄 수 있을 것이다. 이 글에서는 플라톤과 데카르트에게서 영혼개념이 어떻게 이해되고 전개되는지 그리고 그것의 문제점들에 대해서 살펴보도록 하겠다. Die vorliegende Abhandlung untersucht den Seelebebegriff gei Platon und Descartes. Es ist unbestreitbar, daβ das Wort 'Seele' ein wichtiges Wort zum Verstehen der abendla‥ndischen Philosophie ist. Denn die Entwicklung der abendla‥ndischen Philosophie hat damit zu tun, wie der Seelebegriff und dessen Wasgehalt entwickelt wird. Wa‥hrend dieser Entwicklungsvorga‥nge spielin Platon und Descartes eine Rolle. Fu‥r Platon, der den Subjektivismus Sokrates' u‥bernimmt, ist die Seele die unsterbliche, die sich fu‥r das wahres Wissen schaffende Vermo‥gen ha‥lt. Fu‥r Descartes, der diese platonische Tradition u‥bernimmt, liegt der Grund dieses Vermo‥gens der Seele daran, daβ der Mensch als Seele-habender gedacht wird. Inder vorliegenden Abhandlung werden untersuchen, wie der Seelebegriff bei Platon und Descartes entwickelt wird und welche Probleme dabei gestellt weden ko‥nnen.

      • Autonomous Delivery Robot Operating System for 24-hour Delivery Service

        Seu-jan Kim,Tai-Won Um 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 2023 The Journal of Contents Computing Vol.5 No.2

        The demand for last-mile delivery is increasing due to the rise of ecommerce and urbanization trends, leading to various social problems. To address these problems, the introduction of autonomous delivery robots is being researched. However, most studies on delivery robots for the last mile sector assume customer attendance delivery, so it is essential to develop robots capable of door-to-door delivery. This paper proposes a 24-hour delivery operation system for urban environments. The system uses door-to-door delivery robots and applies a combinatorial optimization strategy based on deep reinforcement learning using algorithms such as STRUCT2VEC, LSTM and ATTENTION. This enables the system to solve routing problems effectively and in a short time to meet customer requirements.

      • L'Infecondite et La Sterilite en France

        Seu,Ok-Jou 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1986 연구논문집 Vol.32 No.1

        Dans de nombreux pays a forte fecondite, et dans certaines cohortes au sein des pays indeustrialises a basse fecondite, la proportion des couples restant infeconds(aucune naissance vivante) en fin de periode reproductive ne depasse pas 5%. On peut donc penser que la proportion de couples restant involontairement infeconds est genearlement inferieure a cette valeur. L'enquete effectuee en France par l'INED en 1978 confirme ce resutat, mais elle montre aussi que pres d'un couple sur cinq rencontre, a un moment ou un autre, des difficultes pour concevoir. Ces difficultes sont dans la grande majorite des cas surmontees, et elles se traduisent seulement par un allongement(en moyenne tres significatif) du delai de conception. Face a de tels problemes, la femme consulte un medecin dans 6 cas sur 10, et l'homme dans 2 a 3 cas sur 10. Au total, la sterilite et l'hypofertilite pourraeiht reduier de 2 a 7% la fecondite toale. In many countries in which fertility is high and in some cohorts in industrialized countries with low fertility, the proportion of couples who have not produced a live child by the end of the reproductive period does not exceed five per cent. It could, therefore, be concluded that the proportion who are involuntarily sterile is lower than this value. A survey carried out in France by INED and INSEE in 1978 confirms this result, but it is also found that nearly one couple in five experiences difficulty in conceiving at some time during their reporductive lives. In most cases, these difficulties can be overcome and result only in increasing(on average very substantially) the period of conceptive delay. Six out of every ten women who are faced with such problems take medical advice, as do between 20 and 30 per cent of men. Sterility and sub-fecundity probably reduce total fertility by between two and seven per cent.


        Seu, J . H .,Sakai, A .,Sawai, Y . 경북대학교 유전공학연구소 1995 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.10 No.1

        The proteinase and collagenase activities of the venom of Rhabdophis t. tigrinus were completely inhibited by the same amount of an inhibitory substance against venom proteinase (ISV) produced by a species of Penicillium. The blood clotting activity and lethal toxicity of the venom were also inhibited by the ISV. The inhibitory action of ISV on the blood clotting activity of the venom disappeared by the presence of enough amount of calcium ions. On the other hand, hemorrhagic activity of the venom was partially inhibited by the ISV. The results suggested that the venom contains at least two kinds of hemorrhagic active factors; one was inhibited by ISV and the other was not inhibited even with excess amount of ISV.


        Seu, Jung Hwn,Lee, Sun Young,Lee, Sang Hwa 경북대학교 유전공학연구소 1995 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.10 No.1

        An antihemorrhagic substance (ISH) was obtained from a cultured broth of Aspergillus sp.. The ISH partially purified with ion exchange resins had very strong antihemorrhagic activity against snake venoms. In this studies, five kinds of hemotrhagic fractions obtained from the venom of Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography and the hemorrhage due to Rhobdophis tigrinus tigrinus venom were strongly inactivated by ISH. Also, the lethal and hemorrhagic activities of HR-I fraction of Trimeresurus fiavoviridis venom were remarkably inhibited by ISH.

      • Sublanguage Analysis for Understanding Ⅲ-formed input

        Seu, Jai-Hyum 인제대학교 1994 仁濟論叢 Vol.10 No.1

        Input의 자연 언어화를 위해서는 언어에 대한 방대한 양의 정보가 필요로 한다. 모든 단어나 문법에 관한 언어 지식을 모두 수집 활용 하기는 역부족이라 판단 된다. 여기서 전체 자연 언어를 대체하여 시스템이 다루고저 하는 영역의 부분적인 언어를 Expert나 test를 통하여 연구분석 함으로서 Language processing problem들을 해결하기 위한 연구

      • L'Etude sur La Nuptialite et La Divortialite en Europe : Depuis La fin des Annees 1960

        Seu, Ok-Jou 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1987 연구논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        On assiste depuis le debut de la decennie 1970 a une profonde modification du comportement des populations europeennes a l'egard du mariage: plus lents a se conclure, et moins frequents, les mariages actuels sont egalement moins stables. Le developpment d'unions de fait chez les jeunes est tel que le niveau actuel de la nuptialite s'etablit a environ 70% de son niveau de 1965 et, dans de nombreux pays. I'indicateur conjoncturel de primo-nuptialite ne depasse pas 0.65. Ce mouvement, parti de l'Europe scandinave, atteint aujourd'hui l'ensemble des pays europeens, y compris ceux d'Eruope de l'Est. Les generations nees a la charniere des annees 1950 apparaissent comme les initiatrices de ce nouveau comportment. Dans la plupart des pays, la proportion de celibataires a 50 ans dans la generation 1960 sera largement superieure a 20% en l'absence de tout renversement de tendance. Cette desaffection a l'egard du mariage s'accompagne d'un developpment considerable du divorce qui se traduira, en une vingtaine d'annees, par une augmentation de 50% de la proportion finale de couples divorces dans les promotions de mariage. Since the beginning of the 1970s there has been a significant change in European nuptiality: marriages tend to occur later in people's lives, fewer people marry, and the marriages themselves are less stable. The increase in the number of consensual unions among younger couples is so great that the marriage rate has fallen by about 30 per cent since 1965. In many countries the current index of first marriages stands below 0.65. This trend began in Scandinavia, but has now reached all the countries of Europe, including those in Eastern Europe. It began with the cohorts born during the 1950s. In many countries, it si likely that among the cohorts born during the 1960s, the proportion of never married adults will exceed 20 per cent by the time that they have reached their 50th birthday, if presents trends were to continue. The disillusion with marriage as an institution has been accompanied by a considerable increase in the divorce rate. In 20 years' time the proportion of marriages which will be terminated by divorce is likely to increase by 50 percent.


        Seu, Jung-Hwn,Robert R. Smeby,F. M. Bumpus 慶北大學校 1962 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Resent studies on analogues and homologues of angiotensin I, the pressor octapeptide L-aspart1-L-arginyl-L-valyl-L-tyrosyl-L-histidyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanine, have shown the two amino acids with aomatic rings are important to biological activity. Removal of the aromatic ring of phenylalanine greatly reduced pressor activity. The peptide without the phenolic hydroxy group of tyrosine, phenylalanine angiotensin, has only 2 to 10% of the activity of the parent octapeptide. The two aromatic side gropes are positioned, very close to each other in a conformation recently suggested for angiotensin I.

      • The study of Processing method to Ill-formedness

        Seu, Jai Hyun 인제대학교 1998 仁濟論叢 Vol.14 No.2

        비록 구문적으로 부적합한 대화일지라도 인간사이의 대화에서는 의사소통이 가능 하다는 것은 자명한 사실이나 기계와의 의사전달 또는 명령전달체계에서는 문제가 발생한다 그럼에도 불구하고 자연어 입력 시스템에서는 여러 가지 구문에 맞지 않는 입력일지라도 인간과 동일한 수준의 이해가 요구된다. 여기에서 인간사이에 쓰이는 흑은 사용자가 범하기 쉬운 여러 가지 오류를 알아서 구문적으로 적합한 입력으로 바꾸어 이해함으로써 좀더 나은 자연어 입력시스템을 구현하고자하는 과정에서 가장 기본이 되는 입력시의 오류를 수정 보완하는 연구이다.

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