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        Serra, A.B.,Serra, S.D.,Serra, F.B.,Domingo, I.J.,Cruz, L.C.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1995 Animal Bioscience Vol.8 No.2

        This study was conducted 1) to compare the nutrient content and mineral composition of the Philoppine indigenous sheep and goats diets when grazed in common pasture during rainy season, 2) to determine the influence of sampling methods on nutrient content and mineral composition of upland (UP) and lowland (LP) native pastures, and 3) to compare these two pasture types in terms of nutrient and mineral composition. Experiment 1 used sis esophageally fistulated animals, three each for sheep and goats. Weekly extrusa collection was done for a period of three months. Experiment 2 was conducted in UP and LP; these were sampled thrice by three methods, plucking, clipping and use of three esophageally fistulated sheep. Results of Experiment 1 indicated that the diets of sheep were greater in crude protein(CP; p < 0.01) and ether extract(EE; p < 0.05) but lower in crude fiber (CF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL; p < 0.05) than that of goat diets. All other nutrient fractions including mineral composition were not significantly different from each other. Significant findings of Experiment 2 were: CP content of UP was in the order fistulated > plucked > clipped (p < 0.05); CP content of LP was greater (p <0 .05) in fistulated and plucked samples; and ash content was greater (p < 0.05) in fistulated samples of both pastures. The CP of UP was different (p < 0.05) from each sampling method but the CP of LP and ADL of both pastures were greater (p < 0.05) in clipped samples. Most minerals either macro or microminerals were greater in fistulated samples of both pastures. Pooled data of the two pastures showed that LP had better nutrient characteristics and greater mineral composition. Based from this study, there were few differences between the diets of indigenous sheep and goats when grazed in common pasture. Also, sampling methods influenced the nutrient composition of indigenous sheep diets.



        Serra, A.B.,Serra, S.D.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.5

        Selenium (Se) apparent absorption and retention in sheep as influenced by diets differing in protein content through soybean meal supplementation was studied. A $3{\times}3$ Latin square design was used with three Japanese Corriedale wethers (45 kg average body weight), three periods, and three dietary treatments. In each period, 7 d dietary adjustment was followed by 5 d total collection of urine and feces. The three dietary treatments were : Diet 1, without soybean meal supplementation (14% crude protein, CP); Diet 2, with 10% soybean meal supplementation (16.5% CP); and Diet 3, with 20% soybean meal supplementation (19% CP). All the diets had a Se supplementation in the form of sodium selenite at 0.2 mg Se/kg dietary DM. The dietary DM intake of the animals was 2% of their body weight. No significant differences were obtained among the three dietary treatments of the Se balance of the animals. However, as percent of Se intake, only urinary Se concentration of Diet 3 was markedly lower (p < 0.05) than the other diets. Fecal Se as percent of Se intake followed the trend of Diet 3> Diet 2 > Diet 1 resulting a Se absorbed as percent of Se intake of 58.9%, 62.3% and 68.2% for Diets 3, 2 and 1, respectively but their differences among each other were insignificant. No significant differences that were observed either on Se retained as percent of intake (Diet 1, 48.2%; Diet 2, 45.2%; Diet 3, 46.0%) or Se retained as percent of Se absorbed (Diet 1, 70.7%; Diet 2, 72.4%; Diet 3, 77.9%). Significant correlation coefficients among the various measures of Se utilization were also observed. Regression analysis showed the following equation: Y = 93.8 - 1.86X (p <0.05, $r^{2}=0.48$), where Y is the Se absorbed as percent of Se intake (%) and X is the dietary protein content (%). This study concludes that Se requirement in sheep is greater when dietary protein content is high.



        Serra, A.B.,Serra, S.D.,Fujihara, M.,Orden, E.A.,Cruz, L.C.,Ichinohe, T.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.2

        A 13-month study was conducted to determine the monthly variation of crude protein(CP), cell contents(CC), fiber fractions and mineral concentrations of paragrass [Brachiaria mutica (Forsk.) Stapf.] and stargrass (Cynodon plectostachyum Pilger) and to estimate the correlations among the nutrient fractions and climatic factors. The forage samples collected by hand plucking were found to contain CP and mineral concentrations. i.e. calcium(Ca), magnesium(Mg), potassium(K) and zinc(Zn) above the critical levels based on ruminant veeds. Monthly differences(p<0.05) were observed in all CP, CC, neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF), hemicellulose(HE), cellulose(CE) and acid detergent lignin(ADL) between the two grass species. Monthly differences(p<0.05) were also observed in all concentrations of forage Ca, K, phosphorus(P), copper(Cu) and Zn except in Mg of both grasses and K of stargrass. Species differences(p<0.05) were observed in all nutrient fractions except Mg and K concentrations. Rainfall had positive correlations to CP, P(p<0.01) and CC(p<0.05); it had negative correlations to NDF(p<0.05). ADF, CE, Ca, Cu and Zn(p<0.01). Temperature, humidity and daylength had also some correlations to various nutrient fractions.


        Variability in Ash, Crude Protein, Detergent Fiber and Mineral Content of Some Minor Plant Species Collected From Pastures Grazed by Goats

        Serra, A.B.,Serra, S.D.,Orden, E.A.,Cruz, L.C.,Nakamura, K.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1997 Animal Bioscience Vol.10 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine the protein content, cell wall fractions, and mineral concentrations of some minor plant species collected for one year in pastures grazed by goats in the Philippines. An assessment of nutrient variability and a comparison of forage protein and mineral concentrations to the critical value of protein and minerals based on animal needs were also studied. The plant species were the following: grasses(Axonopus compressus, Eleusine indica, Rottboellia exaltata); legumes (Aeschynomene indica, Calopogonium muconoides, Desmodium tortousum); and herbs (Corchorus olitorius, Ipomea aquatica, Sida acuta, Synedrella nodiflora). The two seasons (dry and wet) were subdivided into Dry-1 (December to February, 132 mm total rainfall), Dry-2 (March to May, 25 mm total rainfall), Wet-1 (June to August, 1,138 mm total rainfall), and Wet-2 (September to November, 1,118 mm total rainfall). Results showed that significant differences were obtained on various nutrient fractions including those mineral concentrations across species. Across season, acid detergent lignin (ADL) had higher (p < 0.05) value at Dry-1. Legumes and herbs were higher in crude protein (CP) especially Sida acuta. Grasses showed the highest neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) with the addition of Sida nodiflora (herb) for it contained high NDF. Aeschynomene indica contained the highest amount of ADL and the herbs (Ipomea aquatica and Sida acuta) had exceptionally high concentration of minerals. Coefficient variation of the various nutrient values ranged from 27.3 to 136.7%. Some forage minerals appeared to be deficient (sodium, phosphorus and copper) or excess (molybdenum) for the whole or part of the year. This study shows that some minor plant species could extend the range of concentration of some nutrients (i.e., CP and minerals) beyond that normally found in conventional pasture species.



        Serra, S.D.,Serra, A.B.,Ichinohe, T.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.1

        The dry matter (DM) disappearance and ruminal solubility of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) in eight Philippine forages were studied. The forages were: paragrass (Brachiaria mutica (Forsk.) Stapf), stargrass (Cynodon plectostachyum Pilger), napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), clopo (Calopogonium mucconoides Desv.), centrocema (Centrocema pubescens Benth.), gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.) and sesbania (Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir. Nylon bags with samples were incubated for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h in rumen cannulated sheep. The 0-h bags were washed with deionized water. For the 0-h samples, 20.4, 17.2, 50.7, 52.2 and 80.1% of the DM, Ca, P, Mg and K was solubilized, respectively. At 3-h incubation period, DM disappearance was 10 percentage units higher than that of 0-h incubation whereas mineral disappearance increased by 43, 21, 30 and 13% for Ca, P, Mg and K, respectively. At 72-h incubation period, greater proportion of DM, Ca, especially in P, Mg and K was solubilized with a value of 73.8, 71.5, 85.6, 91.4 and 98.2%, respectively. The average particulate passage rate obtained in the present study was 1.9%/h where as the range of disappearance rates of various mineral elements were : 0.4 to 1.2%/h for Ca, 0.1 to 1.6%/h for P, 0.7 to 2%/h for Mg and 0.1 to 2%/h for K. The effective ruminal solubilization (ERS) of the macrominerals was calculated where particulate passage rate and disappearance rate of the various elements were included in the equation. The ERS of Ca, P, Mg and K was 50.0, 72.6, 83.9 and 94.5%, respectively. Species differences (p<0.05) on the various mineral solubilities were also observed. This study shows that ruminal solubility of macrominerals in selected Philippine forages is K > Mg > P > Ca.


        Ruminal Solubility of Trace Elements from Selected Philippine Forages

        Serra, S.D.,Serra, A.B.,Ichinohe, T.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1997 Animal Bioscience Vol.10 No.4

        The ruminal solubility of copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn) in eight Philippine forages was studied. These forages were: 1) grasses: paragrass (Brachiaria mutica (Forsk.) Stapf), stargrass (Cynodon plectostachyum Pilger), and napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.); 2) creeping legumes: calopogonium or calopo (Calopogonium muconoides Desv.) and centrocema (Centrocema pubescens Benth.); 3) tree lequmes: gliricidia or kakawate (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.), leucaena or ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.), and sesbania or katuray (Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir). Nylon bags with samples were incubated for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72h in three rumen cannulated sheep fed with timothy hay (Phleum pratense L.) at 2% body weight/d. The 0-h bags were washed with deionized water. There were species differences (p < 0.05) on the different solubilities of trace elements. At O-h incubation, the trend of solubility was Mo (54%) > Zn (43%) > Cu (38.7%) > Mn (29.5%). At 3-h incubation, all the elements except Mn had an average solubility above 50%. Combining particulate passage rate (1.9%/h) and various trace elements disappearance rates, the effective ruminal solubilization (ERS) of trace elements were computed. The ERS across species ranged from 44.6 to 89.9% for Cu, 29.9 to 84% for Mn, 66 to 95.1% for Mo, and 30.1 to 82.3% for Zn resulting to a trend of Mo > Zn > Cu > Mn.



        Serra, A.B.,Serra, S.D.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.5

        The effects of diets differing in protein content through soybean meal supplementation on ruminal fractionation of selenium (Se) were studied. A $3{\times}3$ Latin square design was used with three Japanese Corriedale wethers (45 kg average body weight), three periods, and three dietary treatment. The three dietary treatments were : Diet 1, without soybean meal supplementation (14% crude protein, CP); Diet 2, with 10% soybean meal supplementation (16.5% CP); and Diet 3, with 20% soybean meal supplementation (19% CP). All the diets had a Se supplementation in the form of sodium selenite at 0.2 mg Se/kg dietary DM. The Se supplement and the concentrate mixture were fed only in the morning before the hay was given. Daily feeding schedule for gay was set at 09:00 and 17:00 h. On the final day of collection period, ruminal fluid samples were obtained at 0.5, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h post-feeding starting at 09:00 h. Total ruminal fluid Se was markedly higher (p<0.05) in Diet 3 than those in Diets 1 and 2 at almost all sampling time except at 24 h. The proportion of Se in soluble protein to the total ruminal Se was higher (p< 0.05) in Diet 3 (40%) followed by Diet 2 (28%) and Diet 1 (21%). The proportion of free inorganic Se to the total ruminal Se was the reverse, especially after two hours where Diet 1 (p<0.05) was higher than the other diets. Bacterial Se was lower (p < 0.05) in Diet 1 than those in Diets 2 and 3 at any sampling time. The highest was observed at 2 h postprandially in all diets with a value of 421, 556, $655{\mu}g/kg$ bacterial DM for Diet 1, 2 and 3, respectively. No differences (p>0.05) were observed on ruminal pH, ammonia and total nolatile fatty acids although increasing protein supplementation tended to decline the ruminal pH and increase ruminal ammonia. This study concludes that increasing dietary protein content by soybean meal supplementation can affect the ruminal Se metabolism.



        Serra, S.D.,Serra, A.B.,Ichinohe, T.,Harumoto, T.,Fujihara, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.2

        Eight Philoppine forages were studied to obtain the following: 1) nutrient concentrations and digestibility, 2) distribution of the various minerals in fiber fractions through mineral analyses of neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and acid detergent fiber(ADF) residues, and 3) correlation coefficients among the factors affecting forage quality and mineral concentrations. These Philippine forages were paragrass [Brachiaria mutica (Forsk.) Stapf], stargrass (Cynodon plectostachyum Pilger), napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) calopo (Calopogonium muconoides Desv.), centrocema (Centrocema pubescens Benth.), gliricidia [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.] leucaena [Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.] and sesbania [Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir]. Species differences(p<0.01) were observed on various nutrient fractions including mineral composition and digestibility. The cell wall(NDF) fraction, prepared by boiling in neutral detergent solution, contained the following proportions of the total mineral originally present (%): calcium (Ca), 0.7; phosphorus(P), 14.3; magnesium(Mg), 1.9; potassium(K), 3.7; copper(Cu), 16.4; zinc(Zn), 2.9; molybdenum(Mo), 9.3; cobalt(Co), 16.2; manganese(Mn), 5.6, and iron(Fe), 81.3. The ligno-cellulose(ADF) fraction, prepared by boiling in acid detergent solution, contained the following proportions of the total mineral originally present(%): Ca, 0.2; P, 4.4; Mg, 0.7; K, 2.8; Cu, 32.3; Zn, 1.1; Mo, 8.9; Co, 4.7; Mn, 5.4; and Fe, 36.8. Correlation coefficients among the factors affection forage quality and mineral concentrations were also observed. Evidently, 75 and 45% of the minerals in grasses and legumes was positively correlated to CP and IVDMD, respectively. Moreover, 55, 80 and 75% of the forage minerals was negatively correlated to NDF, ADF and ADL fraction, respetively, implying that most of the minerals reside in the non-structural cell components.

      • Interhomolog polymorphism shapes meiotic crossover within the Arabidopsis <i>RAC1</i> and <i>RPP13</i> disease resistance genes

        Serra, Heï,di,Choi, Kyuha,Zhao, Xiaohui,Blackwell, Alexander R.,Kim, Juhyun,Henderson, Ian R. Public Library of Science 2018 PLoS genetics Vol.14 No.12

        <▼1><P>During meiosis, chromosomes undergo DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which can be repaired using a homologous chromosome to produce crossovers. Meiotic recombination frequency is variable along chromosomes and tends to concentrate in narrow hotspots. We mapped crossover hotspots located in the <I>Arabidopsis thaliana RAC1</I> and <I>RPP13</I> disease resistance genes, using varying haplotypic combinations. We observed a negative non-linear relationship between interhomolog divergence and crossover frequency within the hotspots, consistent with polymorphism locally suppressing crossover repair of DSBs. The <I>fancm</I>, <I>recq4a recq4b</I>, <I>figl1</I> and <I>msh2</I> mutants, or lines with increased <I>HEI10</I> dosage, are known to show increased crossovers throughout the genome. Surprisingly, <I>RAC1</I> crossovers were either unchanged or decreased in these genetic backgrounds, showing that chromosome location and local chromatin environment are important for regulation of crossover activity. We employed deep sequencing of crossovers to examine recombination topology within <I>RAC1</I>, in wild type, <I>fancm</I>, <I>recq4a recq4b</I> and <I>fancm recq4a recq4b</I> backgrounds. The <I>RAC1</I> recombination landscape was broadly conserved in the anti-crossover mutants and showed a negative relationship with interhomolog divergence. However, crossovers at the <I>RAC1</I> 5′-end were relatively suppressed in <I>recq4a recq4b</I> backgrounds, further indicating that local context may influence recombination outcomes. Our results demonstrate the importance of interhomolog divergence in shaping recombination within plant disease resistance genes and crossover hotspots.</P></▼1><▼2><P><B>Author summary</B></P><P>Sexually reproducing plants and animals produce gametes with half the number of chromosomes, which can participate in fertilization. A specialized cell division called meiosis generates gametes, where the chromosomes are copied once and segregated twice. A further key feature of meiosis is that chromosomes physically pair and undergo reciprocal exchanges, called crossovers. Due to independent chromosome segregation and crossovers, meiosis creates gametes that are genetically diverse, which has a major effect on patterns of sequence variation in populations. Interestingly, the frequency of crossover is also highly variable along the lengths of chromosomes and tends to be concentrated in narrow hotspots. Here we studied two crossover hotspots in detail that are located within disease resistance genes, using the model plant Arabidopsis. We show that within these hotspots, greater levels of genetic difference between the recombining chromosomes locally inhibits crossover formation. We also show that hotspots within one of these resistance genes are surprisingly resistant to genetic backgrounds that increase crossovers elsewhere in the genome. This indicates that patterns of polymorphism and hotspot location along the chromosome are both important for control of recombination activity.</P></▼2>

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