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      • KCI등재

        Occidental Ignorance : How the International Development Industry Ignores Asian Development and Aid Donors

        Richard W. Shannon 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.32

        전 세계의 주도적인 국제개발기구는 서구의 강대국들이 지배한다. 서구의 방식으로 훈련 받은 개발 전문가들은 선호되는 경제 모델에만 주목을 하고, 다른 것들에는 관심을 갖지 않는다. 개발경험이 주목 받지 못하는 주요 지역은 동아시아와 일본이다. 일본은 비서구국가로서 아시아 첫번째로 국제개발에 참여한 국가이다. 1900년대 후반에 일본은 세계에서 가장 빠른 성장률을 보였고, 이는 종종 “일본의 기적”으로 불리곤 하였다. 현재의 경기침체에도 불구하고, 일본은 여전히 세계에서 가장 부유한 국가 중의 하나이다. 그러나 일본과 다른 동북아시아 그리고 동남아시아의 여러 국가들의 개발에 대해서 서구 국가들의 상당한 수준의 무지가 존재한다. 동아시아의 많은 국가들 또한 대외 원조 공동체에서 잠재적으로 강력한 새로운 기부자로 부상하고 있다. 대부분 그것들은 전통적인 경제협력개발기구 그리고 그 산하 개발원조위원회의 기부프레임 워크(OECD/DAC donor framework)의 범주 밖의 것이다. 무엇이 이러한 심각한 상태의 무지를 야기하였는가? 그 이유 중의 많은 부분이 문화적인 것들이다. 이 논문은 국제개발의 분야가 아시아의 개발과 원조는 다르다는 점을 인식하여야 한다는 점을 주장한다. 논문에서는 일본의 개발 원조 역사, 최근의 국제 원조 분야에서의 큰 흐름, 그리고 그 큰 흐름의 일본 국제개발원조에 대한 영향, 아시아 개발과 원조 모형에 대한 서구국가들의 무지의 이유, 그리고 전 세계적 국제 개발 분야와 일본은 서로 어떤 것을 배울 수 있는지에 대해서 연구한다. Powerful Western nations dominate the world’s leading international development organizations. Western‐trained development specialists pay close attention to preferred economic models and ignore others. The main regions whose development experiences are ignored are East Asia and Japan. Japan was the first non-Western and Asian nation to develop. In the late 1900s, Japan had the world’s fastest rate of growth, and was often called the “Japanese miracle.” Despite its current recession, Japan remains one of the world’s wealthiest nations. Yet there is a high level of Western ignorance about development in Japan and in other Northeast and Southeast Asian nations. Many countries in East Asia are also rising as potentially powerful new donors in the foreign aid community, mostly outside the traditional OECD/DAC donor framework. What has caused this profound state of ignorance? Many of the reasons are cultural. This paper argues that the development industry must recognize that Asian development and aid are different. It surveys the history of Japanese aid, recent international aid trends and their impacts on Japanese aid, reasons for Western ignorance about Asian development and aid models, and what the global development industry and Japan can learn from each other.

      • KCI등재

        Global Ignorance about Northeast Asian Aid Systems: The Role of Ideas

        Richard W. Shannon(리처드 W. 섀넌) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.41

        본 연구는 왜 서구 주도의 국제개발분야(GDI)가 동북아 및 非서구권의 주요 원조 공여국들을 무시하고 있는지에 대해 탐문하면서 특별히 개념(ideas)들의 문제에 초점을 맞추어 분석하고자 한다. 비록 아시아의 정치, 경제 전문가들이 아시아 개발에 대한 많은 연구를 수행했지만, 기존의 국제개발분야는 특히 동북아 삼국(한국, 중국, 일본)의 대안적 아시아 원조 시스템을 제대로 다루지 않고 있다. 이 논문은 왜 그런지에 대한 질문에 답하고자 하며, 우선, 동북아 원조 시스템에 관해 서구권 언어들로 작성된 최근의 문헌들을 조사할 것이다. 둘째로, 이 연구에서는 역사가 오래된 동북아시아 원조 공여국인 중국과 일본, 그리고 최근에 “부상하는” 非서구권 공여국인 한국의 원조를 중심으로 원조와 관련된 중요 개념들의 사례를 간략하게 검토할 것이다. 끝으로, 결론에서는 서구권 및 국제개발분야의 편견, 즉 아시아 원조 시스템에 대한 편견은 여전히 지속될 것이며, 이런 현상은 BRICs 신개발(NDB)은행이나 중국 주도의 아시아인프라투자은행(AIIB)과 같은 대안적 비서구권 다자간 개발은행이 부상하고 있음에도 불구하고 여전히 그럴 것으로 주장한다. This project explores the question of why the Western dominated global development industry (GDI) generally ignores significant foreign aid donors in Northeast Asia and outside the West, especially focusing on the issue of ideas. Even though Asia specialists who are political scientists and economists have completed numerous studies on Asian development, the GDI especially ignores alternative Asian systems of aid. Here we examine the question of why the GDI ignores the aid systems of three Northeast Asian nations—in particular, those of China, Japan and South Korea. The paper surveys recent literature in Western languages on Northeast Asian aid systems. Second, I briefly examine case studies of important aid-related ideas of older Northeast Asian donors (China and Japan) and one “emerging” non-Western donor (South Korea), which is more recent. In the conclusion, I argue that Western and GDI bias towards Asian aid systems is likely to continue, despite the current emergence of alternative, non-Western multilateral development banks, such as the BRICS New Development Bank and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, the latter led by China.

      • KCI등재

        Community Relations and Cooperation in Korea’s International Studies Schools outside Seoul

        리차드 W. 섀넌(Richard W. Shannon) 한국NGO학회 2021 NGO연구 Vol.16 No.2

        수백만 명의 사람들에게 영향을 미치는 국제적 위기가 매일 발생하고 있다. 이러한 국제위기 연구를 위해, 전 세계적으로 네트워크 관계망을 구축한 국제전문학교들이 있다. 본 논문은 한국의 외곽 국제전문학교의 국내 지역사회와 지역 관계에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 부분적으로 인류학적 연구 접근방식을 사용하여 가능한 중요한 통찰을 포함하여 북미의 유사한 학교들의 교훈을 바탕으로 얻은 통찰력에 기초하고 있다. 한국의 명문 국제전문학교는 대부분 서울 근교에 있지만, 지방 혹은 외곽 지역도 세계적인 문제의 영향력 아래에 있고 국제전문학교를 통한 교육을 필요로 한다. 외곽 지역 IR 학교를 지역 사회와 연결하는 것은 여러 가지 이유로 중요하다. 이 논문의 주요 연구 질문은 한국 외곽 국제전문학교들의 공동체 관계의 전반적인 상태는 어떠한가 하는 것이다. 서론에서는 논문의 연구 주제에 대한 근거와 중요성에 대해 설명하고, 글로벌 및 로컬 현상의 연구를 연결하는 방법에 대한 아이디어를 제시한다. 이어지는 부분에서는 연구 접근법, 현재의 한국 외곽 IR학교의 지역사회 관계 현황, 연구 결론 등을 제공한다. 연구 결과 중 한국외곽 IR학교의 지역사회 관계는 긍정적이고 부정적인 측면이 있지만, 사회과학 이론을 포함한 이러한 이슈에 대한 추가적인 민족학 연구와 국내지역 비 정부단체(NGO)의 잠재적으로 중요한 역할에서 발생할 수 있는 잠재적 결과도 풍부하다. International crises occur every day, affecting millions of people. To research them, there is a global network of international studies schools. This paper focuses on the domestic community and regional relations of South Korea’s outlier schools of international affairs, partly based on insights generated from studying similar schools in North America, including significant insights that are possible using anthropological research approaches. Most of Korea’s prestigious international relations (IR) schools are near Seoul, but outlying regions also experience global issues. Connecting regional IR schools with their communities is important, for various reasons. The paper’s primary research question is, what is the general state of the community relations of Korea’s outlying international studies schools? The Introduction presents the rationale and importance of paper’s research subject and ideas about how to connect the study of the global and local phenomena here. The subsequent sections provide the research approach, the current state of the community relations of Korea’s outlier IR schools, and the study’s conclusions. Among the findings: the community relations of Korea’s outlying IR schools have positive and negative aspects, and yet there are also rich potential outcomes possible from further ethnographic study of these issues, including for social science theory, and the potentially important role of regional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) here.

      • KCI등재

        Refracting the World, Exporting Japan: Early Modern Japan’s Importation of Western Technological Culture and the Export of Contemporary Japanese Aid

        Richard W. Shannon 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.31

        세계 굴절과 일본 팔기: 근대일본의 서구문명 도입과 현대일본의 대외원조 리차드 섀넌 본 연구는 현대 일본의 대외원조프로그램의 기원이 일본의 근대문명(기술과 문화) 수용과정에 있다고 보고 1850년~1895년간 일본의 대외관계를 문명의 관점에서 검토한다. 기술, 개발, 대외관계 및 지도자 인식 등의 측면에서 근대화 경험이 현대 일본의 대외원조정책에 어떻게 기여했는가를 탐구한다. 이를 위해 먼저 일본 개국의 문명론적 맥락을 살피고 세 지도자―후쿠자와 유키치, 카토 히로유키, 모리 아리노리ㅡ의 세계관을 기술, 개발, 세계화의 개념을 통해 분석한다. 특히 대외원조가 가지는 일반적인 함의와 함께 종교와 정신성이 원조정책에 미친 영향에 주안점을 둔다. 서구문명의 도입에 있어 일본이 직면했던 난제는 물질 측면과 정신․윤리적 측면의 균형을 잡는 일이었다. 이 균형의 문제가 현대 일본의 원조정책에 갖는 함의를 일본의 문화적 대외관계의 주요 어젠다의 전개과정을 통해 고찰한다. Refracting the World, Exporting Japan: Early Modern Japan’s Importation of Western Technological Culture and the Export of Contemporary Japanese Aid Richard W. Shannon This study examines Japan’s external cultural relations (1850 to 1895) to explore possible antecedents of the nation’s contemporary foreign aid program. How have Japan’s experiences with technology, development, and foreign relations in that era, and important leaders’ views, contributed to the nation’s current aid policies? I look at key contexts of Japan’s external cultural relations and relevant worldviews of three leaders (Fukuzawa Yukichi, Kato Hiroyuki, and Mori Arinori) which I then analyze using selected concepts of technology, development, and globalization. In particular, the main question explored here is how spirituality and religion (from 1850 to 1895) may have influenced Japan’s aid policies. I conclude that it was hard for Japan’s governmenttobalance the material and ethical/spiritual aspects of Western knowledge importation. Why did this occur? What are the possible implications for later Japanese aid? In this paper, I explore how this issue and several others related to Japan’s external cultural relations unfolded.

      • KCI등재

        Globalization in Busan and beyond

        Richard W. Shannon 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2010 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE Vol.8 No.2

        Busan(Pusan), Korea’s second largest city (population 3.6 million) and fifth busiest port in the world, is experiencing rapidly increasing trade, global connections, events, and resulting infrastructural projects. What should Busan do to better handle the social, political, and economic complexities brought by these changes? To answer this question, this paper explores the relationship of globalization and culture, as treated by cultural anthropology. It also considers how the tools of applied social science and anthropology can be mobilized to help Busan and the southeast region of Korea deal with these challenges. After introducing anthropological treatments of culture, globalization and global problems, I discuss how applied social science/anthropology is used in international business/trade, tourism, and transport/logistics, especially the third area. To show how applied social science can help transportation and logistics projects in Busan and Korea, I present lessons from case studies and examples in Denver, Colorado Springs, Chuuk(Truk, South Pacific), and Korea. Applied social science and applied anthropology present a wealth of helpful methods and insights to help Busan and Korea improve planning, public participation, political, social and environmental issues in transport and logistics projects, and help prevent ethical and budgetary lapses. Finally, I offer suggestions for initial training programs and future studies to help expedite these goals.

      • KCI등재

        Advanced Education in North Korean Studies outside the Asia Pacific: Findings from the Americas, Europe and Beyond

        Richard W. Shannon(리챠드 W. 새넌) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.68

        North Korea represents a broad variety of challenges for many nations in major issues, including nuclear weapons, human rights, and international crime. To make sense of these issues, North Korean studies has evolved over several decades. This research surveys the present state of the field, within the context of Korean studies, in several regions beyond the Asia Pacific: North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The main research questions are, first, what is the broad state of the field of North Korean studies in regions beyond the Asia Pacific? Second, from the survey and case studies, what can be uncovered about international and area studies? Third, in these regions, how can the application of relevant anthropological approaches and insights help to improve teaching and learning in North Korean studies? After the survey of Korean and North Korean studies in major world regions, the third section examines several brief case studies from the Americas/the United States (the University of Washington at Seattle), Europe/the United Kingdom (the University of Central Lancashire) and Eurasia/Russia (St. Petersburg State University). The conclusion presents major findings from the survey and case studies on the study’s research questions. Utilizing world systems theory, the paper concludes that even though the influence of South Korean funding is pervasive in Korean studies throughout these regions, there is no South Korea-dominated “world system” of Korean studies beyond the Asia Pacific. The research also finds no evidence of intentional limitations placed on the development of North Korean studies in these various world regions. The conclusion also notes significant perspectives from anthropology, on human rights, cultural globalization, language-informed area studies and other issues, that offer exciting opportunities to reinvigorate North Korean studies and other area studies fields.

      • KCI등재

        Advanced Education in North Korean Studies in the Asia-Pacific Region : Implications for Internationals and International Studies

        Richard W. Shannon(리챠드 W. 새넌) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.66

        What is the current state of North Korean studies across the Asia-Pacific region? This study surveys the broad landscape and relevant contexts across the region, including the role of North Korean studies within Korean studies. Korean and North Korean studies programs in South Korea, North Korea, and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region (including China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Australasia and India) are briefly examined. Second, based on the example of North Korean studies in the Asia Pacific, including local experiences, the project investigates what lessons can be learned about the relationship of the fields of international and area studies. Third, within international studies, the paper considers whether (applied) anthropological perspectives on North Korean studies (an interesting integration of the “global” and the “local”) may help to generate more productive approaches to teaching and learning the field, and to making a real difference in the intense problems that North Korea represents. The study also presents selected responses to North Korean studies across the Asia Pacific, including a case study of a graduate class offered to mostly foreigners in South Korea, to examine whether involving internationals in the field can make much of a difference. Another response studied is typical reactions of Koreans and non-Koreans to North Korean studies. A third type of reaction is responses to questions on educating internationals about North Korea. The study concludes that applied anthropological approaches in North Korean studies can provide more fruitful avenues for integrative reflection about global and local issues in international and area studies and for positive activism for students concerning North Korean studies and problems in the Asia-Pacific region.

      • KCI등재

        Advanced Curricular Issues in Korean International Studies Graduate Schools: Lessons from North America

        Richard W. Shannon(리챠드 W 섀넌) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.64

        Based on programs in North America, this study examines lessons for selected advanced curricular issues in graduate level international studies education in South Korea’s regions beyond Seoul. The primary research question concerns how Korea’s outlying graduate schools of international studies can be improved by developing more professionally focused programs, offering more useful joint/dual degrees, incorporating management training and improving global executive education. The paper also considers general and curricular problems faced by these schools, reasons for focusing on outlying schools and lessons from North America, and for exercising care in developing applications from other regions. The research also looks at how outlying regions experience significant global problems, including over-centralization, population decline, multiculturalism, trade, nuclear energy and weapons issues, and socio-economic impacts. I argue that outlying international studies schools can help provide the widest range of tools to help their regions cope with these challenges. Finally, I conclude that there are potentially useful lessons from North America for Korea which, if carefully applied, can assist international studies scholars and practitioners to help their regions better handle the local/regional impacts of global issues, including issues of conflict, peace and reunification between the Koreas. I also argue that the knowledge and research approaches of applied anthropology are highly effective tools for helping Korea to respond more effectively to its local-global challenges. Applied anthropology can help Korea to connect international issues with their local and regional impacts, to better understand how global forces affect human communities, groups and individuals, and to provide effective, practical solutions.

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