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        Electrodeposition of 70-30 CueNi nanocomposite coatings for enhanced mechanical and corrosion properties

        Casey R. Thurber,Yahia H. Ahmad,Stephen F. Sanders,Amaal Al-Shenawa,Nandika D'Souza,Adel M.A. Mohamed,Teresa D. Golden 한국물리학회 2016 Current Applied Physics Vol.16 No.3

        A copper-nickel alloy (70:30 ratio) was electrochemically deposited and compared to a composite coating incorporating layered silicate platelets to obtain copper-nickel-montmorillonite (MMT). The composite coatings were electrochemically deposited from a citrate bath to investigate the effects of MMT on the corrosion and mechanical properties of the coatings. Incorporation of MMT into the CueNi alloy films was not affected by the deposition parameters such as applied voltage and pH. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic absorption spectroscopy confirmed the successful incorporation of the MMT into the coatings. Longer term stability in the presence of corroding solutions was noted for the copper-nickel composite films. The Tafel calculations showed an increase in polarization resistance, Rp, from 190.7 kU$cm2 for pure CueNi to 314.3 kU$cm2 for CueNi-0.2% MMT after soaking the coatings in 3.5% NaCl at 25 C for two weeks, which was consistent with the resistance increase measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Microhardness test results showed about a 25% increase in the hardness for the copper-nickel coatings incorporated with the layered silicate platelets versus the pure CueNi coating.

      • KCI등재후보

        Characterizing TW Hydra

        Sokal, Kimberly R.,Deen, Casey P.,Mace, Gregory N.,Lee, Jae-Joon,Oh, Heeyoung,Kim, Hwihyun,Kidder, Benjamin T.,Jaffe, Daniel T. American Astronomical Society 2018 The Astrophysical journal Vol.853 No.2

        <P>At 60 pc, TW Hydra (TW Hya) is the closest example of a star with a gas-rich protoplanetary disk, though TW Hya may be relatively old (3-15 Myr). As such, TW Hya is especially appealing for testing our understanding of the interplay between stellar and disk evolution. We present a high-resolution near-infrared spectrum of TW Hya obtained with the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) to re-evaluate the stellar parameters of TW Hya. We compare these data to synthetic spectra of magnetic stars produced by MoogStokes, and use sensitive spectral line profiles to probe the effective temperature, surface gravity, and magnetic field. A model with T-eff = 3800 K, log g = 4.2, and B = 3.0 kG best fits the near-infrared spectrum of TW Hya. These results correspond to a spectral type of M0.5 and an age of 8 Myr, which is well past the median life of gaseous disks.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Media Habits of Sensation Seekers

        Alisha Blakeney,Casey Findley,Donald R. Self,Rhea Ingram,Tony Garrett 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        对营销和广告经理来说,理解消费者的偏好和使用的媒体类型是非常有必要的,尤其是在如今市场细分的情况下。清晰的理解能帮助经理更有效的选择合适的媒体。而且由于性格特征的不同,个人对媒体类型的选择和使用都不相同。本文测试了一个性格特征,即感知追求。这是在测试“新”媒体偏好和使用的文献中尚未出现的。感知追求是被定义为“一种对变化,新颖和复杂的感觉的需要和经历。以及为承担这些经历愿意承受生理的和社会的风险” (Zuckerman 1979)。根据文献回顾,我们提出了6个假设。我们尤其关注使用与满足理论(Katz 1959),这个理论解释了为什么人们选择媒体类型和他们使用不同媒体类型的动机的原因。目前的理论表明高感知追求者(HSS),由于他们对新颖,激励和非传统的内容和想象的需要,他们会更多的使用新媒体。因此,我们假设高感知追求者比低感知追求者(LSS)(H2a)或中等感知追求者(MSS)(H2b)会更多的使用网络而不是广播(H1a)或印刷媒体(H1b)。另外,高感知追求者有更多的社交活动及朋友,因此他们会比低感知追求者(a) 和中等感知追求者(b)更多的使用社交网络网页例如Facebook/MySpace(H3) 以及聊天室(H4)。感知追求者可以显示出一系列的行为包括抑制解除。我们认为具有高水平去抑制的人们比低水平或中等水平的人们会更多的使用社交网络如 Facebook/MySpace (H5) 和聊天室 (H6)。我们的数据来源于对参加极限运动的参与者的网上调查。为得到这个群组的信息,我们使用雪球样本技术的提高版,即连锁推荐方法来选择应答者。这种方法被认为是对隐藏人群进行有效估算的方法(Heckathorn, 1997)。最终的有效样本包括1108名应答者。主要是年轻人(56.36%在34岁以下),男性(86.1%)和中产阶级(58.7%的家庭收入超过50,000美元)。我们用这个样本来进行感知追求的研究。我们用简要感知追求量表来测试感知追求 (Hoyle et al. 2007)。我们用自我报告使用过的不同媒体类型来测量媒体使用。结果并不支持H1a和b。高感知追求者并没有更多的使用网络这样的媒体。事实上,同其他的媒体类型相比,这个平均水平是较低的。高感知追求者使用最多的媒体类型时印刷媒体,这说明了一种对主流的反抗。结果支持H2a和b。高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用网络。进一步的分析揭示了在高感知和低感知追求者之间在使用印刷媒体方面有显著不同。高感知追求者在他们感兴趣的极限运动方面会追求更专业的印刷出版物。假设3a和b 揭示了高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用Facebook/MySpace。在使用聊天室方面低感知和高感知追求者之间没有显著差距。所以结果也不支持假设H4a,但是H4b的结果是显著的。 不同抑制解除水平的应答者被认为使用Facebook/MySpace 和聊天室的水平也不同。去抑制水平高比低水平或中等水平的使用 Facebook/MySpace的水平高。所以H5a和b 被支持。类似的,H6b也被支持。去抑制水平高的人们使用聊天室的概率显著多于中等水平的但并不多于低水平的人们(H6a)。这些结果为管理者提供了一些有趣的见解。第一,尽管高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用在线媒体,但他ߤ Understanding consumers’ preferences and use of media types is imperative for marketing and advertising managers, especially in today’s fragmented market. A clear understanding assists managers in making more effective selections of appropriate media outlets, yet individuals’ choices of type and use of media are based on a variety of characteristics. This paper examines one personality trait, sensation seeking, which has not appeared in the literature examining “new” media preferences and use. Sensation seeking is a personality trait defined as “the need for varied, novel, and complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences” (Zuckerman 1979). Six hypotheses were developed from a review of the literature. Particular attention was given to the Uses and Gratification theory (Katz 1959), which explains various reasons why people choose media types and their motivations for using the different types of media. Current theory suggests that High Sensation Seekers (HSS), due to their needs for novelty, arousal and unconventional content and imagery, would exhibit higher frequency of use of new media. Specifically, we hypothesize that HSS will use the internet more than broadcast (H1a) or print media (H1b) and more than low (LSS) (H2a) or medium sensation seekers (MSS) (H2b). In addition, HSS have been found to be more social and have higher numbers of friends therefore are expected to use social networking websites such as Facebook/MySpace (H3) and chat rooms (H4) more than LSS (a) and MSS (b). Sensation seekers can manifest into a range of behaviors including disinhibition,. It is expected that alternative social networks such as Facebook/MySpace (H5) and chat rooms (H6) will be used more often for those who have higher levels of disinhibition than low (a) or medium (b) levels. Data were collected using an online survey of participants in extreme sports. In order to reach this group, an improved version of a snowball sampling technique, chain-referral method, was used to select respondents for this study. This method was chosen as it is regarded as being effective to reach otherwise hidden population groups (Heckathorn, 1997). A final usable sample of 1108 respondents, which was mainly young (56.36% under 34), male (86.1%) and middle class (58.7% with household incomes over USD 50,000) was consistent with previous studies on sensation seeking. Sensation seeking was captured using an existing measure, the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (Hoyle et al., 2002). Media usage was captured by measuring the self reported usage of various media types. Results did not support H1a and b. HSS did not show higher levels of usage of alternative media such as the internet showing in fact lower mean levels of usage than all the other types of media. The highest media type used by HSS was print media, suggesting that there is a revolt against the mainstream. Results support H2a and b that HSS are more frequent users of the internet than LSS or MSS. Further analysis revealed that there are significant differences in the use of print media between HSS and LSS, suggesting that HSS may seek out more specialized print publications in their respective extreme sport activity. Hypothesis 3a and b showed that HSS use Facebook/MySpace more frequently than either LSS or MSS. There were no significant differences in the use of chat rooms between LSS and HSS, so as a consequence no support for H4a, although significant for MSS H4b. Respondents with varying levels of disinhibition were expected to have different levels of use of Facebook/MySpace and chat-rooms. There was support for the higher levels of use of Facebook/MySpace for those with high levels of disinhibition than low or medium levels, supporting H5a and b. Similarly there was support for H6b, Those with high levels of disinhibition use chat-rooms significantly more than those with medium levels but not for low levels

      • KCI등재

        Media Habits of Sensation Seekers

        Blakeney, Alisha,Findley, Casey,Self, Donald R.,Ingram, Rhea,Garrett, Tony Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Understanding consumers' preferences and use of media types is imperative for marketing and advertising managers, especially in today's fragmented market. A clear understanding assists managers in making more effective selections of appropriate media outlets, yet individuals' choices of type and use of media are based on a variety of characteristics. This paper examines one personality trait, sensation seeking, which has not appeared in the literature examining "new" media preferences and use. Sensation seeking is a personality trait defined as "the need for varied, novel, and complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences" (Zuckerman 1979). Six hypotheses were developed from a review of the literature. Particular attention was given to the Uses and Gratification theory (Katz 1959), which explains various reasons why people choose media types and their motivations for using the different types of media. Current theory suggests that High Sensation Seekers (HSS), due to their needs for novelty, arousal and unconventional content and imagery, would exhibit higher frequency of use of new media. Specifically, we hypothesize that HSS will use the internet more than broadcast (H1a) or print media (H1b) and more than low (LSS) (H2a) or medium sensation seekers (MSS) (H2b). In addition, HSS have been found to be more social and have higher numbers of friends therefore are expected to use social networking websites such as Facebook/MySpace (H3) and chat rooms (H4) more than LSS (a) and MSS (b). Sensation seekers can manifest into a range of behaviors including disinhibition,. It is expected that alternative social networks such as Facebook/MySpace (H5) and chat rooms (H6) will be used more often for those who have higher levels of disinhibition than low (a) or medium (b) levels. Data were collected using an online survey of participants in extreme sports. In order to reach this group, an improved version of a snowball sampling technique, chain-referral method, was used to select respondents for this study. This method was chosen as it is regarded as being effective to reach otherwise hidden population groups (Heckathorn, 1997). A final usable sample of 1108 respondents, which was mainly young (56.36% under 34), male (86.1%) and middle class (58.7% with household incomes over USD 50,000) was consistent with previous studies on sensation seeking. Sensation seeking was captured using an existing measure, the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (Hoyle et al., 2002). Media usage was captured by measuring the self reported usage of various media types. Results did not support H1a and b. HSS did not show higher levels of usage of alternative media such as the internet showing in fact lower mean levels of usage than all the other types of media. The highest media type used by HSS was print media, suggesting that there is a revolt against the mainstream. Results support H2a and b that HSS are more frequent users of the internet than LSS or MSS. Further analysis revealed that there are significant differences in the use of print media between HSS and LSS, suggesting that HSS may seek out more specialized print publications in their respective extreme sport activity. Hypothesis 3a and b showed that HSS use Facebook/MySpace more frequently than either LSS or MSS. There were no significant differences in the use of chat rooms between LSS and HSS, so as a consequence no support for H4a, although significant for MSS H4b. Respondents with varying levels of disinhibition were expected to have different levels of use of Facebook/MySpace and chat-rooms. There was support for the higher levels of use of Facebook/MySpace for those with high levels of disinhibition than low or medium levels, supporting H5a and b. Similarly there was support for H6b, Those with high levels of disinhibition use chat-rooms significantly more than those with medium levels but not for low levels (H6a). The findi ???和?告?理??, 理解消?者的偏好和使用的媒??型是非常有必要的, 尤其是在如今市??分的情?下. ??的理解能?助?理更有效的??合适的媒?. 而且由于性格特征的不同, ?人?媒??型的??和使用都不相同. 本文??了一?性格特征, ?感知追求. ?是在?? "新" 媒?偏好和使用的文?中?未出?的. 感知追求是被定?? "一???化, 新?和??的感?的需要和??. 以及?承??些??愿意承受生理的和社?的??" (Zuckerman 1979). 根据文?回?, 我?提出了6?假?. 我?尤其?注使用??足理?(Katz 1959), ??理?解?了?什?人???媒??型和他?使用不同媒??型的?机的原因. 目前的理?表明高感知追求者(HSS), 由于他??新?, 激?和非??的?容和想象的需要, 他??更多的使用新媒?. 因此, 我?假?高感知追求者比低感知追求者(LSS)(H2a)或中等感知追求者(MSS)(H2b)?更多的使用??而不是?播(H1a)或印刷媒?(H1b). ?外, 高感知追求者有更多的社交活?及朋友, 因此他??比低感知追求者(a) 和中等感知追求者(b)更多的使用社交????例如Facebook/MySpace(H3) 以及聊天室(H4). 感知追求者可以?示出一系列的行?包括抑制解除. 我???具有高水平去抑制的人?比低水平或中等水平的人??更多的使用社交??如Facebook/MySpace (H5) 和聊天室(H6). 我?的?据?源于??加?限??的??者的?上??. ?得到??群?的信息, 我?使用雪球?本技?的提高版, ???推?方法????答者. ??方法被??是??藏人群?行有效?算的方法(Heckathorn, 1997). 最?的有效?本包括1108名?答者. 主要是年?人(56.36%在34?以下), 男性(86.1%)和中???(58.7%的家庭收入超?50,000美元). 我?用???本??行感知追求的?究. 我?用?要感知追求量表???感知追求(Hoyle et al. 2007). 我?用自我?告使用?的不同媒??型??量媒?使用. ?果?不支持H1a和b. 高感知追求者??有更多的使用????的媒?. 事?上, 同其他的媒??型相比, ??平均水平是?低的. 高感知追求者使用最多的媒??型?印刷媒?, ??明了一??主流的反抗. ?果支持H2a和b. 高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用??. ?一步的分析揭示了在高感知和低感知追求者之?在使用印刷媒?方面有?著不同. 高感知追求者在他?感?趣的?限??方面?追求更??的印刷出版物. 假?3a和b 揭示了高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用Facebook/MySpace. 在使用聊天室方面低感知和高感知追求者之??有?著差距. 所以?果也不支持假?H4a, 但是H4b的?果是?著的. 不同抑制解除水平的?答者被??使用Facebook/MySpace 和聊天室的水平也不同. 去抑制水平高比低水平或中等水平的使用Facebook/MySpace的水平高. 所以H5a和b 被支持. ?似的, H6b也被支持. 去抑制水平高的人?使用聊天室的?率?著多于中等水平的但?不多于低水平的人?(H6a). ?些?果?管理者提供了一些有趣的?解. 第一, ?管高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用在?媒?, 但他?使用在?媒?仍然少于印刷或?播媒?. ?告?行者?不?????重要的客?群?分的强?在?媒?. 第二, 社交媒?, 例如Facebook/MySpace和聊天室?是接近??群?的有?力的方法. 最后, ?去抑制水平高的群?, 有公共?系方面的?示. ?些??更?向于一些社???的行?. ?些直接的?示包括因特?捕食者和未?的雇主. 本?究的一?不足是受?


        The Copper, Cobalt, Iron, Selenium and Zinc Status of Cattle in the Sanyati and Chinamhora Smallholder Grazing Areas of Zimbabwe

        Mpofu, I.D.T.,Ndlovu, L.R.,Casey, N.H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1999 Animal Bioscience Vol.12 No.4

        The trace mineral status of cattle in the smallholder grazing areas of Sanyati and Chinamhora in Zimbabwe was evaluated during the rainy and dry seasons of 1994 and 1995. The evaluation was done in terms of mineral concentration in blood plasma. Plasma copper in calves, steers and cows in the dry season was; Sanyati: 0.55, 0.59, and 0.61; Chinamhora: 0.59, 0.58, and $0.60{\mu}g/ml$, respectively versus a normal of $0.65{\mu}g/ml$. In the rainy season, copper was deficient at both sites (averaging $0.56{\mu}g/ml$ and $0.59{\mu}g/ml$ at Sanyati and Chinamhora, respectively). Plasma selenium in the dry season was 0.017, 0.025, and $0.017{\mu}g/ml$ for calves, steers and cows, respectively at Sanyati versus a normal of $0.03{\mu}g/ml$ and therefore considered to be deficient. Iron, zinc and cobalt were found to be generally high and therefore unlikely to be deficient. Copper and selenium are recommended in salt licks in these environments.


        Standardisation of defined approaches for skin sensitisation testing to support regulatory use and international adoption: position of the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods

        Casati, S.,Aschberger, K.,Barroso, J.,Casey, W.,Delgado, I.,Kim, T. S.,Kleinstreuer, N.,Kojima, H.,Lee, J. K.,Lowit, A.,Park, H. K.,Ré,gimbald-Krnel, M. J.,Strickland, J.,Whelan, M.,Yang, Y.,Zua Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2018 Archives of toxicology Vol.92 No.2

        <P>Skin sensitisation is the regulatory endpoint that has been at the centre of concerted efforts to replace animal testing in recent years, as demonstrated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) adoption of five non-animal methods addressing mechanisms under the first three key events of the skin sensitisation adverse outcome pathway. Nevertheless, the currently adopted methods, when used in isolation, are not sufficient to fulfil regulatory requirements on the skin sensitisation potential and potency of chemicals comparable to that provided by the regulatory animal tests. For this reason, a number of defined approaches integrating data from these methods with other relevant information have been proposed and documented by the OECD. With the aim to further enhance regulatory consideration and adoption of defined approaches, the European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal testing in collaboration with the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods hosted, on 4–5 October 2016, a workshop on the international regulatory applicability and acceptance of alternative non-animal approaches, i.e., defined approaches, to skin sensitisation assessment of chemicals used in a variety of sectors. The workshop convened representatives from more than 20 regulatory authorities from the European Union, United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Brazil and China. There was a general consensus among the workshop participants that to maximise global regulatory acceptance of data generated with defined approaches, international harmonisation and standardisation are needed. Potential assessment criteria were defined for a systematic evaluation of existing defined approaches that would facilitate their translation into international standards, e.g., into a performance-based Test Guideline. Informed by the discussions at the workshop, the ICATM members propose practical ways to further promote the regulatory use and facilitate adoption of defined approaches for skin sensitisation assessments.</P>

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