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      • KCI등재

        Hot zone design optimization for YAG single crystal growth

        Pete Sihyun Lee,박철우,박재화,강석현,최봉근,심광보 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.3

        The YAG crystal growth industry will follow the same path as the semiconductor industry with cost becoming the main driver. Thus, it become imperative that models be developed that can be used for scaling purposes for the design of large YAG crystalgrowth systems. Analysis of thermal phenomena in the crystal growing by induction heating hot zone and resistance heatingcarbon hot zone has been addressed. To grow a good quality, productivity improvement, and large size of YAG crystal growingis shortfalls of current induction heating Czochralski method. The simulation includes the temperature gradient in melt andmelt-crystal interface, growing zone. Resistance heating has stable temperature gradient in melt and higher gradient in meltcrystalinterface which can be controlled by hot zone design change. Power consumption also improved by using lower thermalconductivity carbon insulation materials.

      • KCI등재

        Crack-healing behavior of CVD grown silicon carbide

        Pete Sihyun Lee,Hee-Jun Lee,김현미,김성훈,박재화,심광보 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.7

        CVD grown silicon carbide is ideal performance material for silicon wafer processing. It outperforms conventional forms ofsilicon carbide, as well as other ceramics, quartz, and metals. The combination of excellent thermal, electrical, and chemicalproperties makes this material well-suited to applications for RTP, epi, etch, implant, and across various industries where ahigh performance material requires. CVD SiC ceramics are brittle and sensitive to flaws. As a result, the structural integrityof ceramic component may be seriously affected. Crack- healing ability of CVD SiC ceramics is a very useful technology forhigher structural integrity and for reducing the machining and non-destructive inspection costs. This study focuses on CVDSiC ceramic performance and its crack-healing behaviors were investigated as a function of crack-healing temperature, time,size, and temperature dependence of the resultant bending strength. Three-point bending specimens were made and a semiellipticalcrack was introduced on the specimen by a Vickers indenter. Pre-cracked specimens were healed at varioustemperature conditions. The main conclusions were: (1) CVD grown SiC has cubic β‚ structure, it offers isotropiccharacteristics. (2) Optimized crack-healing condition is; temperature: 1500 oC, 1 hr in air. (3) The bending strength isincreased as testing temperature increased, means the material can be safely used up to a temperature of 1500 oC with a goodretention of thermal and mechanical properties.

      • KCI등재

        Crack self-healing behavior in silicon carbide composite ceramics to secure structural integrity and improve economics

        Pete Sihyun Lee 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2015 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.16 No.S1

        Structural ceramics are brittle and sensitive to flaws. As a result, the structural integrity of ceramic component may be seriously affected. However some engineering ceramics have the ability to healing the crack that is considerable advantages can be expected. In this review, the structural ceramics and its structure, parts processing and physical properties in terms of commercial products that are using today. Crack-healing behavior and mechanism was investigated in different silicon carbide based materials; alumina, mullite, silicon nitride, aluminum nitride, and zirconium debride. To find self-healing conditions in economical way for commercial structural ceramics, self-healing parameters are reviewed based on silicon carbide composite ceramics; healing temperature, testing temperature, healing atmosphere, crack size, SiC volume fraction, applied healing and testing stress, threshold stress for crack-healing, and fatigue stress. It can be conclude that crack-healing is effective way to increase reliability and lifetime of ceramics, and cost can be dramatically reduced by reducing quality inspection cost and time. Enhancing the self-crack-healing ability is valuable way to expand the usage of SiC ceramics such as engineering parts in extremely hard conditions and advanced semiconductor parts for higher density of circuit.

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