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        중국 총리 리커챵(李克强) 중국-ASEAN(아세안) 박람회 연설 텍스트의 수사학적 분석

        OLIVIER BAILBLE,손지윤 한국중국언어문화연구회 2015 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.37

        The opening speech in the 10th anniversary of China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Conference has characters of both ritualistic ceremony's speech and public political speech considering the meeting of leaders of ASEAN allied powers. This kind of speech is a form of public mass communication which unilaterally delivers the position of a country or the opinion of it in front of lots of viewers in the oral form using given text, and should appeal to the emotion of audience inducing their compliment and favor, suggest the blueprint of future to them and lead positive reaction from them by way of expressing the intended political intentions. The opening speech in this manuscript is equipped with the ritualistic and political components, amiable contents such as remembrance of past, compliment and celebration. And proper ideas and arrangement are suited to the purpose of the occasion in accordance with reporting an important policy presenting future situation and specific issues and persuading audience about them. In addition, Li Keqiang, who has strong ethos and inclination to 'progress', has an important role in amplifying the influence of speech. All the linguistic and non-linguistic expressions used in the speech are also balanced in view of ritualistic ceremony's speech and public political speech.

      • KCI등재

        중국 강연 텍스트에 대한 수사학적 분석 - 『开讲啦』 第一课:陈坤:“人生路 莫慌张”를 중심으로

        OLIVIER BAILBLE,정원대 중국학연구회 2015 중국학연구 Vol.- No.71

        本稿以『开讲啦』的演说文本来进行修辞学上的分析。众所周知,电视节目作为大众媒体所反映的既有时代特征也有令听众高度关心的主题。可以看出,『开讲啦』是以社会中心的中青年层为演说对象,因此,引起了更大的关注。 『开讲啦』的演说者的演说是由绪论—本论—结论所构成。在绪论中是以主持者主导的核心主题‘人生路 莫慌张’来开始,并通过引用法来缓和气氛,引起听众的高度关心。接下来在本论中演说者和听众一起交谈经历进行思想沟通,以公感共鸣为基准来进行本论的第一部分。本论的第二部分是在第一部分的基础上以听众提出疑问来进行的演说者和听众的互相讨论方式。不管怎么说,演说者是靠‘行走的力量’,选用行动上的核心单词来展开以因果关系和比喻法的演说方法。我们都知道,只要是年轻人,不管是谁都避免不了有许多苦恼和多种想法,也由此而引起身心疲劳。因为无法解决疲劳,所以只好通过心绪的安定和行动上的力量来管制自身。

      • Diachronic Analysis of the Accusative Marker in Korean Language

        Olivier Bailblé 중동유럽한국학회 2016 중동유럽한국학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        한반도는 역사적으로 여러 침략을 경험했다. 그 중 첫 번째는 중국에 의한 것으로, 한족이 BC 108 에서 AD 313 년까지 400년 넘게 지속된 4개의 군사 본부를 만들었을 때이다. 이 시기가 바로 한국인들이 한자를 쓰는 것에 익숙해진 때이다. 공식적으로는 한국 역사에서 유리왕의 시를 한국문학의 시작으로 표시한다. 하지만, 우리 연구는 진정 한국문학의 초석이라고 할 수 있는 광개토대왕의 비석으로 시작한다. 엄격하게는 이 비석에는 어떠한 대격 형태도 나타나지 않기 때문에 우리는 향찰, 이두, 궁극적으로는 신라말의 구결과 같은 쓰기체계가 나타나는 6세기까지 지켜봐야 한다. 2000년 세상을 놀라게 했던 고바야시요시노리의 운문제로 된 고려시대 불교 경전의 발견은 문법표지의 새로운 재현형태들을 명확하게 밝혔다. 거의 1500년동안 한자의 형태로 대신했던 대격은 특히 15세기의 한글 창제를 포함해서 여러 주요 변화들을 겪었다. 이 연구의 목적은 통시적 관점에서 대격을 표현하기 위해 사용된, 다양하고 복잡한 과정을 거치는, 한자의 도입부터 현대 한국어에서 한자의 소실까지 한글에서의 모든 대격 표지의 변화를 보여주는 것이다. The Korean peninsula has experienced several invasions through its history. The first of these came from China, as the HAn established four military command posts that lasted for more than 400 years, from B.C.108 to A.D. 313. It was during this period that the Koreans became familiar to the use of Chinese writing. Officially, Korean history records that the poems written by King Yuri mark the beginning of Korean literature1. However, it is with the stele of Kwanggaet’o (built in 414) that we begin our study, since it really does constitute the foundation stone of Korean literature. This slab does not have, strictly speaking, any accusative forms. For that, we have to wait until the Sixth century and the advent of several writing systems like the Hyangch’al, the Idu and eventually the Kugy"&"#335;l at the end of Silla. The sensational discovery in 2000 by Kobayashi Yoshinori of Kory"&"#335;-era Buddhist sutras with stylus-induced interpretive rhymed formulas has clearly revealed new forms of representations of the grammatical markers. Represented in the form of Chinese characters for nearly fifteen hundred years, the accusative forms underwent several significant changes, particularly with the creation of the Korean alphabet in the Fifteenth century. The purpose of this paper is to show, from a diachronic perspective, the evolution of all the accusative markers in Korean, from the introduction of Chinese writing to its disappearance in contemporary Korean, passing through multiple and very complex processes that have been put in place to express them.

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