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      • IT서비스업의 생산성 제고에 관한 연구

        임외석 한국생산성학회 2002 生産性論集 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper represent the method which improves the productivity of the IT(information technology) service industry as follows. At the first step to the improvement of productivity, they have to set the goal at the service provider focused on the needs of consumers and the satisfaction of customers. It is based on the productivity attached more importance to quality than quantity. At the next step, They have to provided the service with the technical power, reliability, and safety of information technology. The technical power of IT is made by the application of the latest technology and the continuous education for technical employees. The reliability for IT is built by the keeping of stabilized system and the quality guaranteed of software and information. The safety of IT is formed by the support of complete security and the protection of privacy. The qualitative productivity of IT service industry will become improved by such two goals and three conditions.

      • 東北亞經濟圈 構想에 따른 南北韓 經濟協力의 推進方向에 관한 小考

        全外述 慶熙大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        After the latter half of the 1980s, the formation of the regional economic bloc internationally is becoming undeniable international economic order. These phenomena have influenced on the economic integration and cooperation in the northeastern asian countries. In addition, the importance of the northeastern economy in the world economy has been increasing by the introduction of market-economy factors in the socialistic conntries, in line with the conclusion of the cold war tensions. The multinational economic cooperations in the northeastern asian countries have an indefinite possibility to be developed in spite of many obstacles when considering the endowment of the production factors and the complement of the industrial structure. On the other hand, our country is the only one to suffer from the pain of a divided counties in the world. The economic cooperation between South and North Korea is thought to be a fundamental prerequisite to overcome difficulties of a divided country and complete reunification of South and North Korea in a mid-long term. After the adoption of the basic agreement between South and North Korea in Dec., 1991, the economic cooperation is at a standstill so far because of the political and military problems, even though the drive for the performance and conformity of the basic ageement. Under these circumstances, the economic bloc of the northeastern asian countries implies that the economic relations turn for the multinational economic relations and South and North Korea will be influenced by joining of both Korea into the new economic bloc. That is to say, the joint participation of South and North Korea in the northeastern asian economic bloc will contribute to the openness of North Korea and the economic cooperation between South and North Korea through the multinational cooperation within the economic bloc. Therefore, South and North Korea economic cooperation should be driven with the emphasis on the feasible plans such as "Doo Man River Development Plan" and "Najin-Sun Bong Free Trade Areas".

      • 일본기업의 협상문화에 관한 고찰

        전외술,김현종 위덕대학교아시아태평양연구소 2002 아태연구 Vol.1 No.-

        21세기 무한경쟁시대를 맞아 국제간 거래가 급증하고 있으며, 국제협상은 기업들의 국제경쟁력 제고 차원에서 중요한 요소로서 대두되고 있다. 그 중에서 문화적 요소는 특히 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있으며, 실제로 문화적 측면에서의 국제협상 연구가 선진국을 중심으로 지속적으로 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 우리 나라의 경우를 보면, 국제협상 관련 연구가 그다지 이루어지고 있지 않으며 문화적 측면에서의 국제협상 연구는 전무하다시피 하다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 현실을 감안하여 가깝고도 먼 나라 일본기업의 협상문화에 대한 특징을 문헌고찰을 통해서 살펴보았다. 그리고 실제로 일본기업과 국제경영활동을 수행하는 우리 나라 기업들의 협상담당자들을 통해 일본기업의 문화적 특징에 대해서 실증고찰하여, 우리 나라 기업들이 대일국제협상에서 협상만족도를 높일 수 있는 가장 효율적인 국제협상방안을 도출함으로써, 국제경영활동시 국제경쟁력제고에 기여하고자 한다.

      • 서울지역 벤처기업집적시설의 생산성에 관한 연구

        전외술,곽병한 한국생산성학회 2002 生産性論集 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to enhance the productivity venture accumulation facilities in Seoul through the performance of venture business. Questionnaires were mailed or faxed to the venture business. 500 out of 133 questionnaires were returned and used for analyses. In order to analyze the factors influencing the performance of venture business, Multiple Regression was executed with SPSS PC+. The results of the multiple regression are as follows : The factors influencing the performance of venture business moved in the venture accumulation of Seoul were shown on office equipment, all sorts of equipment and common affair room in the sector of facilities and funds mediation, information of government policy and legality & patent counsel in the sector of management. To achieve the performance of venture business moved in the venture accumulation of Seoul, venture accumulation facilities must extend office equipment, all sorts of equipment, common affair room, funds mediation, information of government policy and legality & patent counsel.

      • 캐주얼 다이닝 레스토랑의 선택 속성 연구

        전외술,이승헌 위덕대학교아시아태평양연구소 2005 아태연구 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 국내 캐주얼다이닝 레스토랑 시장에서 비교적 규모가 큰 외국브랜드 캐주얼다이닝 레스토랑을 중심으로 레스토랑 선택 속성을 파악하고, 인구통계적 특성 및 구매행태에 따른 세분시장의 요구를 파악하고자 한다. 또한 레스토랑 선댁 속성이 레스토랑의 전반적 만족 및 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향을 파악하여, 레스토랑 경영자의 경영 전략 수립 및 의사결정을 위한 유용한 정보제공과 국내 외식업체가 나가야할 바람직한 방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 캐주얼다이닝 레스토랑 선택속성 요인들이 전체 만족도와 재방문의사에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 실시한 다중회귀분석의 결과로는 편의성, 접근성 및 가격의 요인들이 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 접근하기 편리한 시내 인근지역의 위치라든가 충분한 주차시설의 완비, 적절한 음식의 가격 등의 고객편의성에서 중점을 두어 철저한 고객지향적인 마케팅 활동을 펼쳐나가는 것이 치열한 경쟁체재 속에서 살아남을 수 있을 방법이며 국내 외식산업의 바람직한 발전 방향일 것이다.

      • 한국 컨벤션 산업의 경쟁력 제고에 관한 연구

        전외술 위덕대학교아시아태평양연구소 2003 아태연구 Vol.2 No.-

        흔히들 컨벤션 산업을 관광산업의 꽃이라 일컫는다. 이는 컨벤션 산업이 관광, 레저, 숙박, 식음료, 교통통신, 인쇄출판, 영상, 광고, 문화오락, 여행업 등에 막대한 파급효과를 미치는 지식기반산업(Knowledge-based Industry)이기 때문이다. 이처럼 컨벤션 산업은 고용창출효과가 높은 서비스산업으로서, 국제회의나 전시회 등과 같은 성공적인 컨벤션의 유치 및 개최는 개최지역 및 국가와 관련기업 등에게 경제적·문화적·사회적으로 긍정적인 효과를 미치기 때문에 많은 국가에서는 독자적인 하나의 산업으로 육성하고 있다. 이러한 산업적 중요성에도 불구하고 그동안 컨벤션 산업을 학문적으로 접근하려는 시도는 그리 많지 않은 것 같다. 이는 아마도 국내적으로나 세계적으로 컨벤션 산업을 하나의 산업 혹은 학문적으로 인식하기 시작하는 초기의 단계이기 때문에 이에 대한 체계적인 연구의 정립이 부족한 것에 기인한다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 컨벤션 산업이 지니고 있는 부가가치의 인식과 컨벤션 산업을 둘러싼 제반 경영환경을 분석하여, 향후 전세계 각종 컨벤션 수요증가에 적극적으로 대응하기 위한 우리나라 컨벤션 산업의 경쟁력 제고방안을 구체적으로 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        芎歸蔥蘇理中湯과 그 構成藥物群이 alloxan 으로 誘發된 高血糖 白鼠에 미치는 影響

        朴宣東,崔外哲 대한본초학회 2001 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to research the effect of Gunggwichongsoyjungtant(芎歸蔥蔬理中湯) and its component groups on diabetes in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Sprague-Dawley male rats weighing 200±10 gm were randomly assigned to two normal, two control and eight experimental groups. The experimental groups were classified into Gunggwichongsoyijungtant(GT group), Bogihyulyak(G-1 group), Onleeyak(G-2 group) and Balsanyigiyak(G-3 group). Diabetes was experimentally induced by abdomental injection of 100 ㎎/㎏ of body weight of alloxan. Animals were sacrificed at the 6th and 11th day of diabetic states. The results were obtained as follows: In carbohydrate metabolism, the level of glucose in control group was three-fold higher after alloxan injection than that of normal group. In GT group the level of glucose was decreased by 48% compared with that of control group, and in component groups it was decreased by 72%, 81%, and 82% respectively. In fat metabolism, the level of triglyceride in serum were lower in GT group by 74% with high significant difference and had similar tendency in components groups compared with that of control group. The levels of total cholesterol in serum were lower in GT group by 81% with significancy and had similar tendency in components groups. And the levels of HDL on serum were increased in GT group by 144% with significant difference. And in component group it had similar tendency compared with that of control group. In protein metabolism, the level of total protein and albumin were higher in GT group by 121% and 134% respectively with high significant difference, and G-1, G-2 group in component group also increased with significant difference compared with control group. In kidney function, the level of creatinine and BUN were decreased in GT group by 77% and 62% respectively with high significant difference, and other groups were lower but with no significancy compared with control group. In liver function, the level of GOT, GPT, γ-GTP, ALP and bilirubin were lower in GT group with significant difference. And in component group, it had similar tendency compared with control group. These results suggest that Gunggwichongsoyijungtant(芎歸蔥蔬理中湯) has strong effect on diabetes, so it is useful to prevent diabetes, and G-1 group had more effect on diabetes than any other groups in component groups.

      • 베트남의 外國人投資 關聯法規와 韓國 中小企業의 對베트남 進出戰略에 관한 硏究

        전철호,전외술 한밭대학교 산업과학기술연구소 1997 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Since the removal of America's embago to vietnam has been fixed from Feb. the 3rd, 1994, the developed countries with Japan and international ageney in the lead has assisted earnest. But this full removal has greatly affected Korea as well as Vietnam economic. Recently under this international trade environment the invest into Vietnam of Korean enterprises and Japanese enterprises having competition with Korean in abroad market become earnest and the investment of Asian NIEs has been increasing too. Therefore, it is necessary to develope progressively investment strategy and research about Vietnam for strengthening and research about Vietnam for strengthening oversea competitive ability of Korean small and medieum enterprise in abroad. Above all, the enterprises' legal style is divided hugely 3 styles in studying legal standard in order to decide the most proper investment style to Vietnam One of them, it is proper launching strategy for enterprise that don't consider long term investment in Vietnam and think much of organ's flexible in business activities of enterprises to establish the business cooperative contract of not creating a juridical person. But it is proper launching for enterprises planning long term investment like promotion of subsidiary company to establish a joint corporation or 100 percent foreign capital corporation The other hands, above launching strategy has defect like that, first, the incidence of investment enterprises is high as compared with a joint corporation. Second has difficulty in procedure C permission, approval etc. because Vietnam don't participate in cooperation. Due to above problems, it is inevitable for small and medium enterprises' advance into Vietnam to minimize dangers through cooperative launching with a large enterprise and heighten efficiency investment. Next, it is very important to investigate Vietnam fully beforehand, intensify human-relation with Vietnamese, communicate informations with the enterprises that will launch into Vietnam and make a cooperative system in them and advance legal knowledge about Vietnam.

      • 일본제조기업의 대중 직접투자 소유지분 결정요인에 관한 연구

        윤성환,전외술 위덕대학교아시아태평양연구소 2004 아태연구 Vol.3 No.-

        최근 급속하게 확대되어 왔으며, 앞으로도 지속적으로 증가될 것으로 예상되는 일본제조기업의 대중국 직접투자의 행태를 설명하기 위해 과학적이며 체계적인 연구의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 일본제조기업의 중국 진출 시 가장 우선적으로 제기되는 소유지분율 결정문제에 초점을 두고 실증분석을 시도하였다. 먼저 문헌조사를 통하여 기존 선행연구를 정리하였으며 이를 토대로 본 연구의 실증분석 모형을 설계하였다. 그리고 중국에 투자 진출하여 실제로 영업활동을 해온 일본제조기업을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 수집된 실증자료를 이용하여 통계분석을 시도하였다. 본 연구에서는 그동안 일본제조기업이 중국에 직접투자의 형태로 진출함에 있어서 소유지분율을 결정하는 요인이 무엇이었는가를 규명하였다. 본 연구에서는 특히 일본 제조기업이 중국투자 결정시 소유지분율의 결정에 영향을 주었던 요인들을 협상력 접근 모형에 근거하여 협상력 강화요인과 협상력 약화요인으로 밝혀내었다. 이는 소유지분율 결정요인을 사후적으로 파악한 것으로서 그동안의 대중국 투자에 대한 일본기업의 행태를 설명해 준다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • 對베트남 投資時 國際投資紛爭과 仲裁制度에 관한 硏究

        金陣鶴,全外述 慶熙大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Today, There has been rapid change in international trade environment due to regional economic block, the protectionism of developed countries and the intensification of global competition etc. Therefore, the international business activity of enterprises is most emphasized and the regional study is regarded very important in drafting economic policy of our government and formulating business strategy of enterprises. Especially, many socialistic countries has been adopting market economy system for their economic development, which is a very good chance to expand new foreign markets by korean enterprises. On the other hand, now, Vietnam has been continually making an amendment of its law in order to attract foreign investment for economic development. Under this situation, a poor grasp of continually amended law may cause a lot of risk. So, this study deals with some cautions to settle disputes by arbitration in investment into Vietnam.

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